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Greek Government Press Briefing, 08-10-10

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>

Dieyqynsh Plhroforhshs

Tmhma Dhmosiografikwn Kalycewn

Paraskeyh, 10 Oktwbrioy 2008

Ariqmos Deltioy: 163484190

Ekdosh 1



Aqhna, 10 Oktwbrioy 2008



Parakalw tis erwthseis sas.

PALAIOLOGOS: Xqes, egine h apokalych apo to PASOK gia th metabibash 260 akinhtwn toy ellhnikoy Dhmosioy, se antallagma me th limnoqalassa, th limnh telos pantwn ths Bistwnidas, apo thn Iera Monh toy Batopaidioy, mesa se dyo xronia. Yparxei qema gia thn kybernhsh;

ANTWNAROS: Exoyme topoqethqei para polles fores se ayto to qema. Sas exw pei -sas eipame kai xqes gia mia akomh fora- h ypoqesh ereynatai apo dyo Eisaggeleis. Anamenoyme. Den exw na prosqesw kati.

PALAIOLOGOS: Den yparxei qema zhmias gia thn kybernhsh, poy symfwna me tis kataggelies apo thn pleyra toy PASOK, anerxetai sto poso toy enos dis eyrw;

ANTWNAROS: Me th dhmioyrgia entypwsewn den petyxainei kaneis tipote. Den exw na prosqesw kati se osa exoyme pei.

MIXAHL: Kyrie Ekproswpe, apo thn kataggelia twn boyleytwn toy PASOK diafainetai oti polla apo ayta ta akinhta, den qa eprepe na exoyn mpei se diadikasia antallaghs, den milaw an htan h diadikasia nomimh h mh, dedomenoy oti den anhkan kai den eixan tis proypoqeseis poy apo to nomo kaqorizontai gia na mporoyn na antallaxqoyn me ton opoiondhpote.

ANTWNAROS: Oles tis ptyxes ths ypoqeshs, tis ereyna h Dikaiosynh, sthn opoia emeis exoyme empistosynh.

MIXAHL: Akomh kai to gegonos oti ola ta symbolaia synetaxqhsan apo mia symbolaiografo, syzygo mexri protinos Ypoyrgoy;

ANTWNAROS: Den exw na prosqesw kati se osa sas exw pei.

PALAIOLOGOS: Sygnwmh, den tiqetai ena qema, den jerw an einai hqikhs h politikhs tajews h akomh kai allhs eyqynhs, gia ton Proedro kai ton epikefalhs ths Kthmatikhs Etaireias toy Dhmosioy, poy nomizw oti ebale thn ypografh toy gi` aytes tis antallages;

ANTWNAROS: Exw topoqethqei. Den qa prepei kaneis na jexnaei se poia periodo elhfqhsan oi apofaseis gia to idiokthsiako kaqestws ths limnhs Bistwnidas, epi twn kybernhsewn toy PASOK dhladh, mexri to 2003, to opoio aposiwpa entexnws to PASOK. Aytes tis apofaseis, oles, opws gnwrizete, h kybernhsh exei proxwrhsei kai tis exei akyrwsei, tis exei katasthsei anenerges. Den isxyoyn. Ola ta alla, ereynwntai apo th Dikaiosynh.

MIXAHL: Xqes, akoysame ton k. Roysopoylo na leei oti opoios exei otidhpote gia ton opoiondhpote, na paei ston eisaggelea na to pei. Emfanisthke, loipon, martyras, phge ston eisaggelea kateqese kai opws isxyrizetai o idios eipe ston eisaggelea ayta poy eipe kai dhmosiws tis prohgoymenes hmeres, oti phre ton Efraim, ton efere sto grafeio toy k. Roysopoyloy sto Majimoy kai se alla ypoyrgika grafeia. To sxolio ths kybernhshs.

ANTWNAROS: O k. Roysopoylos eipe xqes - -kai to epanalambanw kai egw shmera, gia mia akomh fora, einai kati poy sas exoyme pei allwste epaneilhmmenws- - oti opoios exei kati epilhcimo na kataggeilei, den exei para na paei ston eisaggelea. H ypoqesh ereynatai apo dyo eisaggeleis. Qa thn ereynhsoyn, loipon, thn ypoqesh oi eisaggeleis, alla epimenw sth lejh ``epilhcimo''.

MIXAHL: Nai, alla rwtaw egw, omws, kati poly pio aplo: Phge kapoios. Phge. Einai gegonos. Den einai dhladh oti qa paei h den paei. Phge.

ANTWNAROS: Kai sas lew oti opoios exei na kataggeilei kati epilhcimo, den exei para na paei tis kataggelies toy ston eisaggelea. Kai asfalws - -ayto sas lew kai egw- - oi dyo eisaggeleis oi opoioi ereynoyn thn ypoqesh qa krinoyn. Emeis, opws sas exoyme pei kai sto parelqon, exoyme empistosynh sth leitoyrgia ths Dikaiosynhs, poy einai mia anejarthth ejoysia, symfwna me to Syntagma ths xwras mas, symfwna me ola ta dytika Syntagmata.

MIXAHL: Mporw na synagw, loipon, apo thn apanthsh sas oti, ean o eisaggeleas kai sthn periptwsh kata thn opoia krinei o idios na kalesei ton k. Roysopoylo gia dieykriniseis epi twn kataggeliwn, o k. Roysopoylos qa antapokriqei.

ANTWNAROS: Egw den exw na apanthsw tipota se ypoqetikes erwthseis, san kai ayth poy kanate. Kai den nomizw, se kamia periptwsh, oti apo osa sas eipa mporeite na katalhjete sta symperasmata sta opoia eseis katalhgete. Alla, ta sxolia einai dika sas. Egw den mporw na sas ypagoreysw ti sxolia qa kanete.

PALAIOLOGOS: Xqes, paroysiase mia dhmoskophsh h thleorash toy SKAI ths Public Issue, h opoia den deixnei ena probadisma ths tajews toy 1%, ths mias posostiaias monadas toy PASOK, alla deixnei mia anatroph se sxesh me to prohgoymeno 7mhno. Dhladh, oti prin apo epta mhnes h Nea Dhmokratia ypereixe kata 1,5 monada, twra xanei edafos kata mia monada, ara exoyme mia, as to poyme, xasoyra 2,5 monadwn. Ayto deixnei kati kata thn ektimhsh sas;

ANTWNAROS: Den deixnei kati, oson afora emena, dioti kata thn pagia taktikh mas den qa sxoliasw ta eyrhmata dhmoskophsewn.

PALAIOLOGOS: Nai. An qelete epanerxomai, me thn ennoia oti edw den synista ayto to pragma mia pragmatikh anatroph, omws, toy politikoy skhnikoy; Gia prwth fora h Nea Dhmokratia erxetai deyterh stis dhmoskophseis, alla mallon pagiwnetai ayth h deyterh qesh;

ANTWNAROS: Filotimes oi prospaqeies sas. Parola tayta, den qa sxoliasw eyrhmata dhmoskophsewn.

PALAIOLOGOS: Ara, eiste ikanopoihmenoi apo th dhmoskophsh ayth ws kybernhsh (den akoygetai)

ANTWNAROS: Thn trith fora h prospaqeia payei na einai filotimh.

MIXAHL: Pote h kybernhsh qa diatypwsei th qesh ths epi toy eggrafoy twn protasewn Nimits;

ANTWNAROS: Isxyoyn ola osa exei pei h Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn. Sas parapempw, epishs, sthn anakoinwsh thn opoia exei kanei to Ypoyrgeio Ejwterikwn, dia stomatos toy ekproswpoy toy k. Koymoytsakoy. Otan erqei h wra kai otan oloklhrwqei h meleth, qa to plhroforhqeite. Qa maqete th stash ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs.

MIXAHL: Lambanete ypoch eseis th qesh ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs, h opoia eipe oti prepei na aporrifqei;

ANTWNAROS: Otan erqei h wra, qa plhroforhqeite th stash ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs.

PALAIOLOGOS: Efoson den mas lete, poia einai h stash ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs, tote mporeite na mas peite, ean qelete bebaiws, einai sth dikaiodosia sas, sth diakritikh sas eyxereia, poia einai h apoch sas gia th stash ths antipoliteyshs poy aporriptei diarrhdhn th nea desmh protasewn toy k. Nimits;

ANTWNAROS: Egw ekproswpw, jerete, thn ellhnikh kybernhsh...

PALAIOLOGOS: Ws kybernhsh, lew, na sxoliasete to PASOK...

ANTWNAROS: Den exw na kanw kanena sxolio gia th stash toy PASOK.

Sas eyxaristw.

Kalo Sabbatokyriako.

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