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Greek Government Press Briefing, 04-10-15

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 15 Oktwbrioy 2004





H kybernhsh ekfrazei ta syllyphthria ths gia thn apwleia twn tessarwn iptamenwn ajiwmatikwn ths Polemikhs Aeroporias, stoys oikeioys kai stoys filoys toys.

Ayrio, stis 10 to prwi, o Prwqypoyrgos qa synanthqei sto Megaro Majimoy me ton prwhn ypoyrgo kai boyleyth ths N.D. k. Giannh Kefalogiannh.

Th Deytera, stis 10 to prwi, qa synanthqei, sto Megaro Majimoy, me to Qano Mikroytsiko, prwhn ypoyrgo kai gnwsto synqeth.

Parakalw, tis erwthseis sas.

SIDERHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, einai ena deytereyon qema, wstoso exei th symbolikh toy shmasia. Oloi sympaqoysame to Blassh Mponatso, alla poso exei prosferei sthn texnh kai poso thn exei sfragisei gia na dikaioytai dhmosia dapanh khdeia;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den qa apanthsw sto erwthma. Einai poly eyaisqhto to qema, opws antilambaneste. Pantws, qewroyme oti h Politeia se proswpa ta opoia exoyn prosferei ston politismo, dikaioytai na apodwsei ayth thn ystath timh.

SIDERHS: To eipa, pantws, me thn idia eyaisqhsia@

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den ypotimw thn eyaisqhsia kanenos.

TSIODRAS: Einai poly syxno fainomeno to teleytaio diasthma na exoyme atyxhmata, eite sthn Aeroporia, eite sto Strato. To fainomeno einai poly syxno gia na einai tyxaio. Mporeite na mas peite ean exoyn lhfqei kapoia metra, ean, meta kai to xqesino, yphrje epikoinwnia toy Prwqypoyrgoy me ton ypoyrgo Amynas; An, telos pantwn, h kybernhsh skopeyei na kanei kati.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Se o,ti afora, gia paradeigma, to SINOYK, yparxei se ejelijh h ereyna gia na diapistwqoyn ta aitia ths ptwshs toy elikopteroy. Se kaqe periptwsh ginontai ereynes, oi opoies diapistwnoyn ta aitia ths ptwshs. Yparxoyn ptwseis poy ofeilontai se texnikes blabes kai alles poy ofeilontai se anqrwpina laqh. Den qa sas milhsw metafysika, gia zhthmata tyxhs h atyxias. Kai gi@ ayto to dystyxhma qa dienerghqei ereyna, gia na apodeixqei ti htan ekeino poy eftaije.

IWANNOY: Diabazoyme, shmera, oti to epidoma qermanshs, enw htan na doqei stoys xamhlosyntajioyxoys, den prokeitai na doqei. Isxyei ayto;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kata th gnwmh moy, laqos eipate oti enw eprokeito na doqei, den didetai. Den yphrje kapoia apofash ths kybernhshs poy anaireqhke. H kybernhsh den exei parei akomh qesh.

RABANOS: O k. Soyflias, xqes, se syzhthsh me dhmosiografoys eipe oti to qema toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias qa prepei na exei lhjei mexri to Dekembrio. Skopeyei h kybernhsh na analabei kapoies prwtoboylies, oytws wste na kleisei to qema mexri to Dekembrio; Pws sxoliazete th dhlwsh toy k. Soyflia;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Rwthqhka kai xqes gia to idio qema kai exw apanthsei.

RABANOS: Mhpws yparxei kapoia ejelijh sto qema;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den yparxei tipota neotero na prosqesw sta osa, hdh, sas exw pei. Moy eteqh polles fores to erwthma ayto.

LEONTITSH: H prohgoymenh kybernhsh kathrghse ta ``froytakia'' meta apo to salo poy proklhqhke kai shmera h xwra mas syretai sto Eyrwpaiko Dikasthrio apo thn Komision, giati parabiazei oysiastika thn koinotikh nomoqesia, tis koinotikes diatajeis. Mhpws h kybernhsh problhmatizetai kai gia to basiko metoxo oti isws proskroysei stis koinotikes diatajeis peri eleyqerhs epixeirhmatikothtas kai erqei sth synexeia h E.E. kai akyrwsei ayth thn prospaqeia ths ellhnikhs kybernhshs;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Yparxei, hdh, allhlografia me thn Eyrwpaikh Epitroph, h opoia eixe jekinhsei apo thn prohgoymenh kybernhsh kai synexizetai kai me th shmerinh gia zhthmata nomikhs yfhs. Eimai bebaios oti tetoioy eidoys zhthmata qa lyqoyn me thn kataqesh toy nomosxedioy.

LEONTITSH: Kai gia to basiko metoxo yparxei tetoioy eidoys allhlografia;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Gi@ ayto milw.

SOYGLERHS: Kyrie ypoyrge, qa hqela na sas rwthsw gia th dhmoskophsh poy dhmosieyei shmera h efhmerida ``Apofash''. Exei mia diaforetikothta, toso gia ton Kwsta Karamanlh, oso kai gia thn Kybernhsh toy kai ton ellhniko lao. Deixnei oti to 2% twn erwthqentwn zhtoyn apo ton Prwqypoyrgo na sygkroystei me th diaplokh. Qa hqela to sxolio sas.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Opws gnwrizete, den sxoliazw pote dhmoskophseis. Sxetika me to qema poy anaferate -xwris na to syndew me opoiadhpote metrhsh ths koinhs gnwmhs- o Prwqypoyrgos molis xqes epanelabe thn proqesh, alla kai thn apofash toy.

GARGALAKOS: Yparxei ena dhmosieyma apogeymatinhs efhmeridas, shmera, to opoio yposthrizei oti anamesa sta onomata poy ejetazei o Prwqypoyrgos gia to qwko toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias, einai kai ayto toy k. Nikhforoy Diamantoyroy. Ejetazei tetoio endexomeno o Prwqypoyrgos;

ROYSOPOYLOS: An mpw sth syzhthsh peri onomatwn, qa exw anairesei th basikh arxh, h opoia diatypwqhke apo ton Prwqypoyrgo xqes: Dhladh, oti ston katallhlo xrono qa labei tis apofaseis toy kai qa tis anakoinwsei.

GARGALAKOS: Den diaceydete@

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oyte epibebaiwnw, oyte diaceydw. Epanalambanw oti einai prowrh h syzhthsh gia to qema ths ekloghs toy Proedroy ths Dhmokratias.

TSIODRAS: H ypoyrgos Paideias ka Giannakoy eipe proxqes sth Boylh oti yparxoyn stoixeia sto ypoyrgeio se sxesh me tis meteggrafes, poy an ta anakoinwsei, qa ginei seismos sto politiko systhma. Xqes, o k. Meimarakhs, milwntas sto MEGA, eipe oti ayta ta stoixeia prepei na katateqoyn. Th qesh ths Kybernhshs qelw.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Apanthsa xqes epi toy qematos kai den exw na prosqesw tipota allo gia tis meteggrafes.

TSIODRAS: H qesh toy Grammatea toy kommatos oti prepei na katateqoyn kai ta stoixeia poy anefere h ka Giannakoy;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Apanthsa xqes to meshmeri, akribws gia to qema ayto. Den qa prosqesw tipota perissotero.

TSIODRAS: Thn protash ayth thn ekane xqes to brady o k. Meimarakhs.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den qa prosqesw tipota perissotero.

PALAIOLOGOS: Meta thn aposyrsh ths epimaxhs tropologias gia ta panwtokia, ayth poy eixe ypografei apo dyo ypoyrgoys, ton k. Alogoskoyfh kai ton k. Sioyfa@

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas diakoptw gia na sas diorqwsw. Sthn koinoboyleytikh praktikh, aposyrsh ginetai otan exei katateqei mia tropologia. Otan den exei katateqei, den mporeite na milate gia aposyrsh.

PALAIOLOGOS: Ayto to dexomai, ws pros to typiko skelos. Ws pros to oysiastiko skelos, yphrxe toylaxiston eggrafo me thn ypografh twn dyo ypoyrgwn.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Prepei na to dexqeite kai ws pros to oysiastiko skelos. Bebaiws, einai dikaiwma sas na mhn to dexqeite, alla se mia koinoboyleytikh dhmokratia, me Kanonismo Boylhs gnwsto se oloys, aposyrsh shmainei oti exei katateqei mia tropologia kai en synexeia aposyretai.

POYLIDOY: Ara, pws to xarakthrizete eseis ayto poy den ypegrafh kai den kateteqh.;

ROYSOPOYLOS: To xarakthrizw ws skeceis, idees, apoceis, protaseis.

PALAIOLOGOS: As pame, loipon, sth xqesinh tropologia, h opoia xarakthristhke epishs ``fwtografikh'' kai thn opoia, symfwna me orismenes ektimhseis politikwn kyklwn, xarizontai disekatommyria se megalo-ofeiletes toy Dhmosioy, katargwntas akomh kai dikastikes apofaseis. Ti exete na peite;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Exei kanei hdh dhlwseis o yfypoyrgos Oikonomias k. Regkoyzas, me tis opoies epishmainei oti h tropologia ayth apokaqista mia adikia se sxesh me thn peraiwsh. Den exw na prosqesw tipota perissotero. Ayth h kybernhsh den nomoqetei fwtografika. Anazhteiste tetoioy eidoys praktikes sto parelqon.

SPYRAKH: H Eyrwpaikh Epitroph exei katafygei sto Eyrwpaiko Dikasthrio se baros ths Elladas gia merikh efarmogh toy nomoy gia ton antagwnismo se sxesh me ta hlektronika paixnidia. Protiqetai h Kybernhsh na ferei sth Boylh neo nomo poy na diepei th xrhsh twn hlektronikwn paixnidiwn stoys idiwtikoys kai toys dhmosioys xwroys;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Ws antipoliteysh, eixame kataqesei kapoies protaseis otan eixe prokycei ayto to qema. Qa melethsoyme thn apofash, h opoia elhfqh, kai en synexeia qa kinhqoyme se ayton ton idiaitera eyaisqhto tomea. Eixe prokalesei megalh syzhthsh, oxi mono giati yphrjan oikonomika symferonta, opws yparxoyn se kaqe epixeirhsh, alla dioti miloyme gia enan tomea, o opoios ephreazei se kapoio baqmo th neolaia mas. Ara, loipon, qa skycoyme me prosoxh sto qema kai ston katallhlo xrono, qa sas anakoinwsoyme ti akribws prepei na ginei.

GKOYTZANHS: Proxqes, akomh kai o Dikhgorikos Syllogos ths Aqhnas, poy o proedros toy proskeitai, malista, sth Nea Dhmokratia, zhthse na afaireqei to eidiko kloybi asfaleias apo tis fylakes toy Korydalloy gia toys kratoymenoys ths 17N kai na diasfalistoyn oi synqhkes krathshs, symfwna me to swfronistiko kwdika kai toys isxyontes nomoys. Dhladh, qewrei oti olh ayth h diadikasia einai kai paratyph. Protiqetai h Kybernhsh, estw kai twra, na efarmosei th nomimothta akomh kai gi@ aytoys toys kratoymenoys ths 17N, opws eixe kanei, gia paradeigma, akomh kai me toys xoyntikoys;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Prwton, h Kybernhsh efarmozei th nomimothta. Deyteron, opws gnwrizete hdh kai apo to ypoyrgeio Dikaiosynhs, sth bash ths arxhs ths epieikeias -opws ayth problepetai apo to Syntagma kai toys nomoys- afaireqhke hdh o klwbos apo to xwro krathshs.

GKOYTZANHS: Mono apo to xwro, oxi synolika;

SPYRAKH: Monon o oyranos.


GKOYTZANHS: Epishs, synafes, an qelete, einai oti o Dhmhtrhs Koyfontinas synexizei thn apergia peinas, epideinwnetai h ygeia toy kai kindyneyei h zwh toy. Skeptetai kati panw s@ ayto h Kybernhsh h qa ton afhsei na hrw- poihqei sta matia orismenwn;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Lypoymai eilikrinws giati enas anqrwpos, exei epilejei to esxato meson to opoio afora th zwh toy, opoios kai an einai aytos. Oi synqhkes krathshs, einai aytes oi opoies epiballontai apo dieqneis kanonismoys. Se o,ti afora toys sygkekrimenoys kratoymenoys epiballontai kai gia logoys proswpikhs asfaleias toys.

PALAIOLOGOS: Mexri prin apo ligo kairo o k. Karamanlhs diakhrytte oti to komma den parembainei sta ths kybernhsews kai twn Ypoyrgwn. Xqes, o idios anakoinwse oti qa yparxoyn syntonistes, oi opoioi qa exoyn to rolo symboyloy twn Ypoyrgwn. Apo poy kai ws poy h kybernhsh qa kanei ayth th strofh kai to komma qa empleketai, telika, sta ths kybernhshs kai twn ypoyrgwn;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Otan h N.D. ws antipoliteysh efere gia prwth fora to prwtoporiako qesmo twn syntonistwn qymamai th sklhrh kritikh poy eixe askhqei. Akribws to idio montelo akoloyqhse merika xronia argotera, otan egine ajiwmatikh antipoliteysh, to PASOK. Ara, htan arketa epityxhmeno -opws apodeixqhke- sthn periptwsh ths N.D. Shmera h N.D. proxwra se mia akomh prwtoporiakh kinhsh: Sthn organwsh kai th leitoyrgia enos kybernwntos kommatos. Eimai bebaios oti kai ayto to montelo qa epityxei, etsi wste, oi Ellhnes polites na exoyn thn kalyterh dynath kybernhsh giati toys ajizei.

SIDERHS: Qa einai ypo thn epopteia politikwn epitropwn oi Ypoyrgoi;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oi tomearxes kai oi anaplhrwtes, opws anaferetai sto xqesino apospasma ths omilias toy Prwqypoyrgoy, qa anadeixqoyn me ekloges poy qa ginoyn sthn K.O. ths N.D. Qa synergazontai stena me to antistoixo ypoyrgeio, ws Symboyloi twn Ypoyrgwn kai twn Yfypoyrgwn. Qa metaferoyn ta aithmata ths koinwnias. Qa analambanoyn thn eyqynh twn eishghsewn gia ta nomosxedia kaqe ypoyrgeioy, alla kai ths epikoinwnias toy paragomenoy kybernhtikoy ergoy. Aytos einai o rolos poy qa exoyn oi boyleytes toy kybernwntos kommatos poy qa metexoyn ws tomearxes h anaplhrwtes tomearxes stoys diaforoys tomeis.

PALAIOLOGOS: Ayto den shmainei emplokh toy kommatos sta ths kybernhshs; Dhladh, mexri prin apo ligo kairo, toylaxiston diakhrytte o k. Karamanlhs, oti den prokeitai na yparjei emplokh. Twra blepw oti telika anaireitai h prohgoymenh epaggelia. Giati moy kanei entypwsh oti qa exoyn rolo symboyloy. Den arkoyn oi yparxontes;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Me th dikh sas logikh shmainei oti enas boyleyths poy den egine ypoyrgos sthn prwth kybernhsh ths N.D. den mporei pote na ginei ypoyrgos. Den milame gia kommatika stelexh ta opoia einai ektos Boylhs. Milame gia ton tropo leitoyrgias ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omadas.

RABANOS: Den fobaste mhpws ayto prokalesei antipalothtes sthn K.O. Ean, dhladh ,enas syntonisths oikonomikwn, pws qa paei sto ypoyrgeio Oikonomikwn kai qa epibalei thn apoch toy ston k. Alogoskoyfh;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Se ena dhmokratiko komma, opws einai h N.D., kaneis den epibalei thn apoch toy se kapoion allo. Eimai apolytws bebaios oti qa leitoyrghsei poly kala ayto to prwtoporiako montelo, opws leitoyrghse prin apo merika xronia to prwtoporiako montelo twn syntonistwn. H kritikh poy dexqhkame tote apo ta MME, alla kai apo alla kommata htan entonh. Twra, antigrafetai ayto to montelo kai apo alla kommata. Eimai bebaios oti qa petyxei.

SOYGLERHS: Exei na kanei ayth h nea domh leitoyrgias kommatos-kratoys@

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den milame gia nea domh leitoyrgias kommatos kai kratoys. Milame gia ton tropo poy leitoyrgei h K.O. ths N.D. Einai dyo diaforetika pragmata, ayto poy lete eseis kai ayto poy eipe xqes o Prwqypoyrgos.

SOYGLERHS: Ayto htan stis proqeseis ths organwtikhs domhs toy kommatos; Exei na kanei me thn mexri shmera diamartyria twn boyleytwn, ta parapona oti den eixan prosbash stoys Ypoyrgoys h an qelete me tis protaseis poy eixe kanei o k. Meimarakhs san Grammateas toy kommatos;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Proqesh mas einai na leitoyrgei h kybernhsh oso kalytera ginetai. Oloi oi boyleytes toy kybernwntos kommatos exoyn kai rolo kai logo. Exoyn idees, apoceis kai kefi na prosferoyn.

GKOYTZANHS: Exoyn diapistwqei kapoia kena sth leitoyrgia ths kybernhshs; Kai poia anagkh erxetai na kalycei ayto to sxhma;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den exw diapistwsei kati tetoio.

GKOYTZANHS: Tote poia anagkh erxetai na kalycei ayto to sxhma;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Gnwrizete thn paroimia poy leei oti ``to kalytero einai exqros toy kaloy''.

KALOGEROPOYLOY: Me toys syntonistes den periplekontai perissotero ta pragmata;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den eida problhmata. Ekfrasthkan apoceis poy odhghsan se dialogo.

KALOGEROPOYLOY: Sto ypoyrgeio Paideias yparxoyn poly sobara problhmata, epishs kai sto ypoyrgeio Ygeias. Ean topoqethqoyn kai syntonistes, ti qa ginei;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Qa ginei poly kalyterh doyleia. Den diapistwqhkan problhmata.

PEPONHS: Mesa apo ayto to sxhma qa anadeiknyontai oi neoi Ypoyrgoi;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Sas anefera poios einai akribws o rolos, etsi opws ton periegrace xqes o Prwqypoyrgos. O sxhmatismos ths kybernhshs anhkei sthn apokleistikh eyqynh toy Prwqypoyrgoy.

GKOYTZANHS: Qa yparxei tomearxhs-anaplhrwths kai gia ton diko sas tomea;

ROYSOPOYLOS Fantazomai, nai. Oydeis anantikatastatos.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Den anhsyxeite oti, kata kapoio tropo, qa einai san epilaxontes ypoyrgoi, ypoyrgoi se anamonh h en dynamei;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den anhsyxw kaqoloy. Eixa akoysei ta peri ``skiwdwn ypoyrgwn'' kai ``skiwdoys kybernhshs'' prin apo merika xronia me toys syntonistes.

XONDROS: Sxetika me to epidoma qermanshs eipate oti h kybernhsh den eyqynetai, alla den phre kati. Exei skopo na dwsei epidoma qermanshs;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Otan lhfqei apofash gia to qema ayto, qa sas anakoinwqei.

XONDROS: O Prwqypoyrgos blepei th Deytera ton k. Mikroytsiko kai shmera ton k. Markopoylo. Toys apolymenoys toy ypoyrgeioy Politismoy poy zhtoyn na synanthqei mazi toys qa toys dei;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Exoyn, hdh, synanthqei me ton yfypoyrgo Politismoy k. Tatoylh. Ta aithmata toys einai gnwsta ston Prwqypoyrgo.

XONDROS: Mas eixate pei oti qa mas dinate mia apanthsh gia to an qa ginei synanthsh me ton Prwqypoyrgo.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Epanalambanw oti synanthqhkan me ton k. Tatoylh. Piqanon na yparjei kai allh synanthsh. Ta aithmata toys einai gnwsta ston Prwqypoyrgo.

PALAIOLOGOS: Se sxesh me tis shmerines synanthseis, o Prwqypoyrgos eixe synanthsh me ton k. Glezo. Mporeite na mas peite poio htan to antikeimeno ths syzhthshs kai an aforoyse to qema endexomenhs ypochfiothtas gia thn Proedria ths Dhmokratias;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Oson afora to deytero skelos ths erwthshs, exw hdh apanthsei polles fores. Gia tis shmerines synanthseis toy Prwqypoyrgoy qa enhmerwqw kai qa sas apanthsw.

GKOYTZANHS: O Prwqypoyrgos qa krathsei gia poly kairo akoma to ypoyrgeio Politismoy, me dedomeno oti h Olympiada teleiwse kai oti exei arketo forto ergasias logw twn prwqypoyrgikwn kaqhkontwn.

ROYSOPOYLOS: H dhmioyrgia ths kybernhshs, opws anaferetai sto Syntagma, einai armodiothta toy Prwqypoyrgoy.

GKOYTZANHS: Edw milame gia mia metakinhsh, oxi gia anasxhmatismo.

ROYSOPOYLOS: An htan toso apla den qa me rwtagate.

PEPONHS: Dhladh, o anasxhmatismos topoqeteitai meta thn ekpaideysh twn newn ypoyrgwn.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Den milhsa gia anasxhmatismo. Eipa gia th dhmioyrgia kybernhshs.

MPOTSARAKOS: Yparxei kapoia protash na stamathsoyn na symmetexoyn stis parelaseis aeroskafh, armata kai genikws mhxanokinhta mesa; Kai an yparxei tetoia protash, ejetazetai;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Apo o,ti plhroforhqhka apo to armodio ypoyrgeio Eqnikhs Amynas, yparxei protash na mhn xrhsimopoioyntai, makran twn topwn opoy briskontai stratopeda, mhxanokinhta mesa. Den yparxei skech na katarghqoyn oi parelaseis h na mhn parelaynoyn kapoia oxhmata. Miloyme gia parelaseis polewn poy einai konta se stratopeda.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Dhladh, qa meiwqei to kostos twn parelasewn;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Kata kapoio tropo nai.

IWANNOY: H apostash metraei;

ROYSOPOYLOS: Gia perissoteres leptomereies mporeite na apeyqynqeite sto ypoyrgeio Eqnikhs Amynas.

XIDIROGLOY: Yparxei kindynos gia mia nea krish stis sxeseis ths Arxiepiskophs Aqhnwn me to Fanari. Protiqetai h kybernhsh na parei kapoia prwtoboylia, wste na stamathsei kapoia endexomenh krish, apo th gennhsh ths;.

ROYSOPOYLOS: Einai dyo ta endexomena poy qesate me thn erwthsh sas kai kamia h apanthsh.

Sas eyxaristw.

Kalo Sabbatokyriako.

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