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Greek Government Press Briefing, 03-02-14Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>YPOYRGEIO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHSAqhna, 14 Febroyarioy 2003H ENHMERWSH TWN POLITIKWN SYNTAKTWN KAI TWN ANTAPOKRITWNJENOY TYPOY APO TON YPOYRGO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS KAI KYBERNHTIKO EKPROSWPO XRHSTO PRWTOPAPA Geia sas. Qa sas dianeimw thn epistolh poy apesteile o Prwqypoyrgos pros toys omologoys toy twn 15 xwrwn-melwn ths E.E., gia th syzhthsh Koryfhs, poy qa ginei th Deytera, stis Bryjelles. Ws gnwston sth synanthsh qa parastei kai o Genikos Grammateas toy OHE, Kofi Anan. Epishs, qelw na shmeiwsw oti, xqes, o Prwqypoyrgos eixe thlefwnikh synomilia me to Bretano Prwqypoyrgo Toni Mpler kai me ton armodio gia qemata koinhs ejwterikhs kai politikhs asfaleias ths E.E. Xabie Solana. Parakalw, tis erwthseis sas. KOYIN: Qa hqela na sas rwthsw, gia na jekaqaristei ayto to qema -giati yparxoyn pali yponoies apo kapoia melh ths E.E.- gia poio logo h Ellada, ws proedreyoysa xwra, den kalese tis 13 xwres, tis deka ypo entajh kai tis alles treis; PRWTOPAPAS: Tis kalese gia thn Trith to prwi. KOYIN: Rwtw epeidh yparxoyn kapoies yponoies oti ayto egine epeidh zhthqhke apo kapoies alles xwres... PRWTOPAPAS: Diabasame kai alla ceydh dhmosieymata, oti dhqen efyge prosklhsh kai anaklhqhke kai alla paromoia !. Oydepote egine kati tetoio. Apo thn arxh eixe prosdioristei oti h synanthsh afora toys ``15'' kai oti gia toys hgetes twn ypo entajh kratwn qa yparjei h synanthsh thn Trith. Sas to exw anakoinwsei edw kai treis hmeres, ean den kanw laqos. KOYIN: Swsta. Aplws hqela na jekaqaristei to qema. PRWTOPAPAS: Eidame orismena ceydh dhmosieymata sto dieqnh Typo. Den xreiazetai na ta xarakthrisw alliws. H lejh ayth ta leei ola apo monh ths. MIXAHL: Xqes, o Toni Mpler, me thn epistolh poy esteile ston Prwqypoyrgo, metajy allwn, zhta na mhn apokleistei to endexomeno stratiwtikhs epembashs sto Irak apo toys ``15''. Qelw na rwthsw, pws topoqeteitai h ellhnikh Proedria sto qema ayto; Kai deyteron, thn epistolh den th dwsate eseis sth dhmosiothta, profanws, alla o k. Mpler, oxi mono thn edwse, mporw na pw oti thn ekane ``fyllo kai ftero'', dikh moy ekfrash ayth kai oxi dikh sas. Giati meta apo ayto den th dinete ki eseis sth dhmosiothta, afoy o idios espase to -as to poyme etsi- ``prwtokollo abrothtas''; PRWTOPAPAS: H Ellada askwntas thn Proedria ths E.E. sebetai th deontologia gia tis epistoles twn hgetwn poy apeyqynontai ston Prwqypoyrgo. Den apeyqynontai pros ton ellhniko lao, alla pros ton Prwqypoyrgo. Epomenws, den exoyme dikaiwma apo kaqe apoch deontologias -kai to katanoeite ayto- na dwsoyme emeis thn epistolh sth dhmosiothta. Ean o k. Mpler epiqymei na dwsei o idios thn epistolh toy sth dhmosiothta -opws kai to epraje- einai dikaiwma toy. Den mporei kaneis na to amfisbhthsei. Emeis, omws, den mporoyme na to kanoyme. MIXAHL: Epi ths oysias; PRWTOPAPAS: Epi ths oysias, perimenete apo thn Proedria na topoqethqei prin apo th Deytera; Qa htan laqos. Sas to tonisa kai xqes. MIXAHL: Den zhtaw na topoqethqeite epi ths oysias, alla otan enas Prwqypoyrgos, mias xwras-meloys ths E.E. zhta apo thn Proedria na mhn apokleistei apo th syzhthsh kai to endexomeno ths stratiwtikhs bias, qa hqela, toylaxiston, na jeroyme ean h kybernhsh einai diateqeimenh na to afhsei pros syzhthsh, den zhthsa na mas pei thn apoch ths. PRWTOPAPAS: Oi apoceis ths kybernhshs einai poly gnwstes. Tis exw epanalabei edw, toylaxiston pente fores, tis gnwrizete poly kala kai den amfisbhtoyntai apo kanenan. Epitrecte mas, omws, gia na askhsoyme swsta to rolo mas ws Proedria -kai gia kanenan allo logo- na mhn mpoyme se mia diadikasia epimeroys apanthsewn se protaseis. Dioti ean, gia paradeigma, apanthsoyme ston k. Mpler, qa prepei na apanthsoyme kai ston k. Srenter h ton k. Sirak h kai se alles prwtoboylies poy mporei na yparjoyn. Katalabainete oti ayto qa mhdenize th dynatothta toy synqetikoy roloy poy apaitei h askhsh ths Proedrias. Epomenws, ean qeloyme h E.E. , mesa apo th syzhthsh twn hgetwn, na anazhthsei koinoys stoxoys kai dynatothtes koinhs katalhjhs, prepei na afhsoyme thn Proedria na diadramatisei swsta to rolo ths. Apo ekei krinomaste. KOYIN: Telika ayth einai h epidiwjh ths Elladas th Deytera; Anejarthta apo to qema toy Irak, toylaxiston, mia ekfrash ths E.E. oti akoma pisteyei se mia eniaia ejwterikh kai amyntikh politikh; PRWTOPAPAS: Epimenoyme idiaitera se ayto. Aytos einai o stoxos ths sygkekrimenhs prwtoboylias toy Kwsta Shmith: Na anadeixqei, mesa apo th syzhthsh, akomh perissotero h anagkh ths eniaias stashs ths E.E. , ths parembashs ths stis ejelijeis. Den sas krybw kai den sas krycame pote, oti eimaste anafandon tagmenoi yper ths eirhnhs kai yper ths epilyshs ths krishs sto qema toy Irak me eirhnika mesa. Ayth einai h kateyqynsh mas. Ayto, omws, shmainei oti prepei na ginei mia kaqarh syzhthsh metajy twn eyrwpaikwn kybernhsewn twn xwrwn-melwn ths E.E. Me thn prwtoboylia ths Proedrias, me thn prwtoboylia toy Prwqypoyrgoy, petyxainoyme na arxisei ayth h syzhthsh. Einai ena prwto bhma. Fysika den ftanei. Alla, as ejelixqei ayth h syzhthsh kai kata thn ejelijh ths qa analaboyme prwtoboylia, poy diapistwnontas toys koinoys stoxoys h enswmatwnontas tis agwnies poy qa ekfrazontai, tis protaseis poy qa diatypwnontai, tis prwtoboylies poy qa analambanontai, qa prospaqhsoyme na ejasfalisoyme ayto poy einai epiqymhto. Den sas krycame oti exei dyskolies to egxeirhma. Oloi gnwrizete oti yparxoyn diaforetikes apoceis. Omws kai qesmika kai apo sebasmo stis epiqymies twn lawn ths Eyrwphs, eprepe na analaboyme kai analabame ayth thn prwtoboylia. KWNSTANTINIDHS: Opws gnwrizete thn Kyriakh exoyme krisimes proedrikes ekloges sthn Kypro. Den qelw na kanete dhlwsh-parembash. Qelw mono na sas rwthsw to ejhs: Poso nomizete oti ta apotelesmata aytwn twn eklogwn mporei na ephreasoyn qetika h arnhtika tis ejelijeis, oson afora to Kypriako; PRWTOPAPAS: Qa moy epitrecete na mhn kanw kamia dhlwsh dyo hmeres prin apo tis ekloges sthn Kypro. KWNSTANTINIDHS: Yparxei mia synanthsh toy k. Klhridh me ton k. Shmith stis Bryjelles. PRWTOPAPAS: Logiko einai. Ginetai sto plaisio twn epafwn ths Proedrias. Apo kei kai pera, qelw na jekaqarisw to ejhs: Grafhke kapoy ston Typo oti dhqen tiqetai ypo amfisbhthsh h entajh ths Kyproy sthn E.E., dioti qa symbei kati me tis hmeromhnies h qa ginei kati allo. Ayta einai anohsies. Ta xarakthrizw ``anohsies''. Den exei egerqei kai den qa mporoyse na egerqei kanena tetoio qema. KWNSTANTINIDHS: Amfisbhteite to gegonos oti mporei na yparjei kaqysterhsh, prokeimenoy na yparjei proodos sto Kypriako...; PRWTOPAPAS: Apo thn arxh exoyme aposyndesei ta dyo zhthmata. Den yparxei tetoio zhthma. H apofash ths E.E. einai eilhmmenh. KOLIOPOYLOY: Sto qema ths epistolhs: Hqela na rwthsw pote estalh ayth h epistolh; PRWTOPAPAS: Apo thn plhroforhsh moy, shmera. KOLIOPOYLOY: H epistolh htan sto site ths E.E. apo xqes to brady. PRWTOPAPAS: Me rwthsate pote estalh. Apo thn plhroforhsh poy exw, estalh shmera to prwi. Oytws h allws exei paei hdh, ayth th stigmh poy milame. Ean ayto einai to gegonos poy prepei na syzhthsoyme sas lew oti ayth th stigmh brisketai sta xeria twn ``15''. GIANNISHS: Me aformh ta apotelesmata ths xqesinhs chfoforias sth Boylh, h N.D. ekane logo gia "Baterlw" ths kybernhshs kai oti en pash periptwsei o tropos me ton opoio antedrase o Prwqypoyrgos sto Ypoyrgiko Symboylio, proejoflei thn htta toy PASOK stis epomenes ekloges. Shmera to prwi, o Grammateas toy PASOK K. Laliwths, se synenteyjeis poy edwse se radiofwnikoys staqmoys, petaje to ganti sth N.D., legontas oti an qelei as kanei... PRWTOPAPAS: Pragmati, xqes, eginan sxetikes dhlwseis toy ekproswpoy Typoy ths N.D. k. Roysopoyloy, alla kai allwn stelexwn ths. Fantazomai oti analoges kai pio sklhres, kata ths kybernhshs, dhlwseis qa kanei shmera kai o arxhgos ths N.D. K. Karamanlhs, kata thn periodeia toy sthn Kalamata. Ejalloy, h topoqethsh toy k. Roysopoyloy -qa elega- proanaggellei to periexomeno aytwn twn dhlwsewn. Qa hqela na jekaqarisw orismena pragmata se sxesh me th xqesinh chfoforia. Prwton, h xqesinh chfoforia aforoyse thn ekplhrwsh mias ypoxrewshs, aporreoysas apo to Syntagma, thn opoia eixame. To sxetiko arqro toy Syntagmatos to chfisan peri 115 boyleytes toy PASOK (enas megalos ariqmos boyleytwn toy PASOK) kai 48 boyleytes ths N.D. Oloi aytoi zhthsan na yparxei ena apolyto epaggelmatiko asymbibasto. Yphrjan kai alloi boyleytes toy PASOK, oi opoioi eixan allh apoch kai thn ejefrasan kai kata th diarkeia ths syzhthshs toy Syntagmatos sth Boylh. H kybernhsh ekrine oti den mporei na teqei qema, oyte empistosynhs, oyte kommatikhs peiqarxias se ena zhthma gia to opoio yphrxan ekfrasmenes diaforetikes apoceis sto eswteriko ths kata th syzhthsh toy Syntagmatos kai sebetai tis anhsyxies poy yphrxan stoys boyleytes gyrw ena qema, poy toys afora proswpika, anejarthta ean exei allh gnwmh. Den eqese, loipon, qema kommatikhs peiqarxias, sebomenh oti einai ena qema syntagmatiko kai den afora, oyte kybernhtikh proteraiothta, oyte politikh epilogh ths kybernhshs. Kapoioi boyleytes, oi opoioi den to chfisan, espeysan na tonisoyn, toylaxiston oi perissoteroi ap` aytoys, oti den exei kamia sxesh h epilogh toys ayth me th genikoterh sthrijh poy parexoyn sthn kybernhsh. Yparxoyn oi dhlwseis toys aytes. Ekeino, omws, poy eprepe na shmeiwsoyme apo thn prwth wra, einai den eprajan to idio oi 48 boyleytes ths N.D., oi opoioi eixan chfisei to apolyto asymbibasto kata th diarkeia ths syzhthshs toy Syntagmatos. Kryfthkan pisw apo diadikastikologies. Anairesan thn chfo toys. Dhmioyrgoyn mia epikindynh diglwssia gia qesmika zhthmata, me epikefalhs ton eishghth, o opoios apoysiaze apo thn chfoforia kai o opoios eixe pei tote oti h sxetikh eishghsh toy htan kai qesh ths N.D. Ean h N.D. allazei qeseis san ta poykamisa kai den exei th stoixeiwdh staqerothta apenanti ston ellhniko lao, katalabainete oti ena tetoio komma einai epikindyno gia thn askhsh politikhs sthn Ellada. H N.D. den exei kamia ekfrash apochs se meizona zhthmata, exei astaqeia kai oportoynismo. Laikismo pantoy. To deytero shmeio poy qelw na epishmanw einai oti, ean h N.D. ektima oti yparxei genikotero problhma diakybernhshs ths xwras, opws leei, tote den exoyme para na ths apeyqynoyme mia proklhsh. Na tis poyme oti, an to pisteyei, as dokimasei kata poso steketai h oxi ayto, kanontas protash momfhs kata ths kybernhshs. Idoy h Rodos, loipon. H kybernhsh qewrei oti den yparxei tetoio problhma, oti synexizei kanonika to ergo ths, oti exei thn plhrh sthrijh ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omadas ths. Prowqei to ergo ths, me aisqhma eyqynhs apenanti ston Ellhna polith kai otan erqei h wra twn eklogwn, to 2004, qa kanei to synoliko apologismo ths kai me epikefalhs ton Kwsta Shmith qa diekdikhsei kai pali thn chfo toy ellhnikoy laoy. An h N.D. qewrei oti xreiazetai na exoyme kybernhtikh allagh prowra, den exei para na tolmhsei na qesei protash momfhs sth Boylh kai na parei thn apanthsh. PITTARAS: Qelete na sxoliasete politika thn prwtoboylia twn ergazomenwn ths INTRAKOM, na aposteiloyn epistolh pros ton k. Karamanlh; PRWTOPAPAS: Den mas afora to qema. MIXAHL: H kybernhsh den kindyneyei na pesei, epeidh oktw boyleytes ths se ena qema toy Syntagmatos den chfisan ayto poy proteine. Omws, qa hqela na moy peite: Eiste eyxaristhmenos apo ayto to gegonos oti eseis phrate mia prwtoboylia, ferate ena nomosxedio kai oktw boyleytes eipan oti den mas aresei kai to katachfizoyme; PRWTOPAPAS: Oi idioi boyleytes to eixan pei kai kata th diarkeia ths syzhthshs gia to Syntagma. To erwthma den einai ean eimai eyxaristhmenos h oxi. To erwthma einai pws ejhgw politika to qema. Qa hqela na tonisw kati: Qa yphrxe qema, ean to komma moy eixe kanei mia kentrikh epilogh h opoia den pernoyse sth Boylh kai eidikotera an eixe qesei qema empistosynhs. Edw, twra, oi boyleytes aytoi eixan ekfrasei thn idia apoch eyqarsws kata th diarkeia ths syzhthshs toy Syntagmatos sth Boylh. Malista, den eixame qema peiqarxias. Eixame pei oti mporeite na peite o,ti qelete kai etsi ekfrasthkan. Mporei kaneis na toys cejei kai na toys zhthsei to logo, dioti katachfisan ena qema gia to opoio eixan ekfrastei kai gia to opoio eixame pei oti den yparxei qema peiqarxias; MIXAHL: O cogos den einai... PRWTOPAPAS: O cogos qa eprepe na einai gia toys 48 boyleytes ths N.D., oi opoioi den eixan th stoixeiwdh eyqijia, synepeia kai ajioprepeia -kai toys egkalw anoikta kai dhmosia- logwn kai ergwn. Alla elegan th mia wra, alla thn allh kai alla eprattan se sxesh me ayta poy elegan. Den exoyn stoixeiwdh synepeia. Oi anqrwpoi einai epikindynoi. Me tetoia politikh kai ws ajiwmatikh antipoliteysh akomh, den einai xrhsimoi ston topo. MIXAHL: Den einai poly xontro, me sygxwreite gia to xarakthrismo, na apeyqynete sto komma ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs to xarakthrismo oti einai epikindyno komma, epeidh ekrine twra... PRWTOPAPAS: Politika ennow, panta. MIXAHL: Politika, profanws! Einai epikindyno politika to komma ths ajiwmatikhs antipoliteyshs epeidh den emeine ikanopoihmeno apo ena nomosxedio poy eseis ferate; PRWTOPAPAS: Exw maqei oti, an den menw ikanopoihmenos apo kati, na lew o,ti qelw... MIXAHL: Qeloyme kati kalytero... PRWTOPAPAS: Opws ta eipate twra, mas bohqhsate na anadeijoyme kalytera poia einai h politikh ths N.D. Den moy aresei ayto, qelw kati kalytero. Poio; Den moy aresei ayth h Ellada, qelw kalyterh. Poia; Oloi qeloyme kati kalytero sth zwh mas, alla na jeroyme ti qeloyme. An den jeroyme ti qeloyme, poy pame, poy poreyomaste, den eimaste xrhsimoi, eimaste axrhstoi gia ton topo. Praktika, epomenws, h N.D. ti leei; Leei oti den m` aresei ayto. Ti ths aresei, ti proteinei; O k. Paylopoylos mporoyse na mila epi polles wres, xwris na katalabainei kaneis ti leei. Alla, einai ntroph kai qlibero qeama, 48 ekproswpoi toy ellhnikoy laoy poy eixan ekfrastei safws kai me omilies kai me chfo, yper toy plhroys asymbibastoy kata th diarkeia ths syzhthshs toy Syntagmatos sth Boylh, na qeloyn thn chfo toys pisw. Ayta den einai sobara pragmata. MIXAHL: Oi oktw boyleytes toy PASOK poy den chfisan, kata thn apoch sas, to xqesino apotelesma ths chfoforias synista amfisbhthshs ths dedhlwmenhs; PRWTOPAPAS: Safws, oxi. An, omws, h N.D kai o k. Karamanlhs qewroyn oti den mporei na kybernhqei o topos kai oti yparxei problhma me th dedhlwmenh, idoy h Rodos, idoy kai to phdhma. Na kanei protash momfhs kata ths kybernhshs kai na th ferei sth Boylh. Na doyme an exei to qarros. Ektimw, bebaiws, oti den qa to exei. MPOTWNHS: H N.D. leei ayta poy leei. H kybernhsh ekane oloys aytoys toys swstoys xeirismoys; Giati yparxoyn boyleytes kai shmera poy akoysa, poy lene gia lanqasmenoys xeirismoys kai an ginontan alloi xeirismoi, isws den qa yphrxe kanena problhma. PRWTOPAPAS: Den mporw na gnwrizw thn proswpikh apoch kaqe synadelfoy. MPOTWNHS: Arketoi einai aytoi. PRWTOPAPAS: Fantazomai oti kaqenas ennoei kati, to opoio den sas to leei kai kapoia stigmh ayto qa exei syzhthqei me toys armodioys. Epishs, fantazomai oti oi armodioi -poy eixan oloi thn kalh diaqesh- eprepe na thrhsoyn kai to pneyma kai to gramma toy Syntagmatos. TSEMPERHS: H kybernhsh eipate oti den prokeitai na janaferei neo nomoqethma. Einai safes! Wstoso, oti h Boylh mporei na nomoqethsei kai hdh exei ekfrastei ayto apo xqes. Sygkekrimena, synadelfoi sas toy PASOK, eipan oti einai anoikto to endexomeno na feroyn sxetiko nomosxedio. Poia qa einai h stash ths kybernhshs; PRWTOPAPAS: H kybernhsh to exei jekaqarisei. To qema exei kleisei. Efarmozetai plhrws to asymbibasto poy problepei to Syntagma. Den qewrei oti yparxei logos nomosxedioy. Sas eyxaristw. Kalo Sabbatokyriako. Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |