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Greek Government Press Briefing, 00-10-17

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 17 Oktwbrioy 2000




Geia sas.

Sas enhmerwnw oti sto plaisio ths prwtoboylias gia th N.A. Eyrwph @th gnwsth diabalkanikh synergasia- thn Tetarth 25 toy mhna, organwnetai sta Skopia synanthsh twn hgetwn olwn twn balkanikwn xwrwn. Qymizw oti h FYROM einai h xwra poy exei thn oionei proedria gi ayth thn periodo. To anaferw me ayto ton tropo, dioti den yparxei o qesmos ths proedrias me thn ennoia poy yparxei sthn E.E., mh dhmioyrghqei parejhghsh. Einai h xwra poy exei analabei na organwsei thn epomenh synanthsh Koryfhs sta Balkania. Me ayth thn ennoia mporei na pei kaneis oti proedreyei ayths ths synergasias. Qa organwsoyme, ayqhmeron, dhmosiografikh apostolh. Parakalw oi endiaferomenoi na dhlwsete symmetoxh.

Gnwrizete oti, ayth thn wra, brisketai se ejelijh h synedriash ths diypoyrgikhs epitrophs gia ta qemata ths organwshs twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn toy 2004.

Epishs, oson afora thn askhsh Destined Glory prepei na sas pw oti einai se ejelijh oi diaboyleyseis poy ginontai metajy twn NATOikwn paragontwn. H Ellada aperrice sxetikes protaseis poy ekanan NATOikoi ajiwmatoyxoi. Ayth thn wra syzhta o anwtatos NATOikos Dioikhths twn dynamewn ths Eyrwphs me ton Arxhgo toy GEEQA ths xwras mas. Diatypwnoyme thn protash mas me toys oroys poy pisteyoyme oti prepei na ginoyn dektoi, prokeimenoy na oloklhrwqei h askhsh kai me th dikh mas symmetoxh. Anamenoyme thn apanthsh toy NATO sto qema ayto. Apo thn apanthsh ayth qa ejarthqei kai h telikh stash mas.

Oson afora tis prosfates ekloges poy eginan sth Xeimara, sthn Albania prepei na pw oti: Einai gnwsth, afoy doqhke sth dhmosiothta, h qesh twn parathrhtwn toy OASE kai toy Symboylioy ths Eyrwphs. Pistopoieitai apo tis parathrhseis poy kanoyn oi dieqneis paragontes sthn ekqesh toys oti eixame parabiaseis ths eklogikhs diadikasias sth geitonikh xwra, se o,ti afora tis ekloges sth Xeimara. Ginetai anafora, stis ekqeseis twn parathrhtwn, sthn ellhnofwnh meionothta poy zei sth Xeimara. Briskoyme thn eykairia, gia mia akomh fora, na poyme oti ta qemata ayta qa teqoyn, sto plaisio toy Symboylioy twn Ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn ths E.E., afoy sygkentrwqoyn ola ta stoixeia poy synhgoroyn yper ayths ths ekdoxhs, thn opoia apo thn prwth stigmh probalame, oti exoyme parabiaseis ths eklogikhs diadikasias. Tonizw, oti oi prosdokies ths Albanias apo thn E.E. den einai dynato na ikanopoihqoyn katw apo tetoies synqhkes. H E.E. exei qesei ena plaisio proapaitoymenwn, basei twn opoiwn qa prepei h kaqe xwra na poreyetai, na politeyetai, prokeimenoy na proseggisei kai na entaxqei sthn E.E. Ayto isxyei kai gia thn Albania.

Telos, oson afora to qema ths etairikhs sxeshs E.E. @ Toyrkias -qema poy afora thn E.E.- qa moy epitrecete na pw oti emeis, pragmati, paramenoyme sth qesh oti qa prepei sto keimeno ayths ths etairikhs sxeshs na perilambanontai oi qeseis poy apofasisthkan sth Synodo Koryfhs, sto Elsinki. Oi qeseis aytes, metajy twn allwn @opws gnwrizete- anaferontai sta legomena krithria ths Kopegxaghs, kaqws kai stis ellhnotoyrkikes sxeseis, ston tropo me ton opoio prepei na symperiferontai ta geitonika krath me bash sygkekrimenoys kanones kai arxes toy Dieqnoys Dikaioy, prokeimenoy na antimetwpizoyn kai na epilyoyn qemata poy toys apasxoloyn. Kai, bebaiws, h antimetwpish kai epilysh toy politikoy problhmatos ths Kyproy einai ena stoixeio poy prepei na perilambanetai sto keimeno ths etairikhs sxeshs E.E. @ Toyrkias.

Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Mexri pote qa perimenoyme to NATO na mas apanthsei; Poso kairo qa meinoyn ta strateymata mas ekei; Den eprepe na exoyme fygei;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala oti ayto to opoio proexei einai na diasfalisoyme to eqniko symferon, oxi na epidiwjoyme th dhmioyrgia entypwsewn. H apoxwrhsh apo mia askhsh ayths ths morfhs polles fores mporei na dhmioyrghsei prohgoymena h tetelesmena, ta opoia qa synanthsoyme mprosta mas ws problhmata, ayrio. Ayto poy kanoyme einai na ejantlhsoyme, sto plaisio twn diaboyleysewn mesa sth Symmaxia, oles tis dynatothtes poy exoyme, prokeimenoy na ginoyn dektes oi qeseis kai protaseis mas, oi opoies @se teleytaia analysh - einai symfwnes me ton arxiko sxediasmo poy kai to NATO eixe yioqethsei. Paramenoyme se ayth th qesh. Ayto poy exei shmasia, epanalambanw, einai na kinhqoyme, oxi epidiwkontas th dhmioyrgia entypwsewn, alla diasfalizontas to eqniko symferon gi ayto poy ginetai shmera kai gi ayto poy mporei na antimetwpisoyme sto mellon.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, emeis qeloyme to arxiko sxedio kai to exoyme pei. H apenanti pleyra den to dexetai. Pisteyete oti yparxei lysh; Ti diaboyleyseis kanoyme, dhladh; Ypoxwrhsewn;

REPPAS: Sas edwsa apanthsh gi ayto to qema. Eimaste melos mias symmaxias. Sth symmaxia ayth symmetexoyme me th dikh mas qelhsh. Paramenoyme melos toy NATO. Pisteyoyme oti ayth h NATOikh askhsh, prepei na oloklhrwqei kai me th dikh mas symmetoxh, pragma to opoio einai efikto, efoson ginoyn dektoi oi oroi, ta sxedia, ta opoia ej arxhs eixan symfwnhqei apo oles tis pleyres.

PAPADOPOYLOS: Qa hqela na mas peite se poia katastash brisketai h periptwsh toy ``empolemoy'' kai typikws kai oysiastikws, an isxyei diplwmatikws to Prwtokollo ths Kerkyras h an ayto exei katarghqei apo kapoia allh dieqnh symbash h symfwnia kai giati xrhsimopoioyn oles oi kybernhseis ton oro ``h meionoths sthn Albania''; Sas ejyphretei apo pleyras diplwmatikhs antimetwpishs toy oloy qematos;

REPPAS: Prwta ap ola, kai se prosfates epishmes dhlwseis mas, milhsame gia thn eqnikh h ellhnikh meionothta sthn Albania. Ara, loipon, den milame gia ``meionothta'', milame gia ``eqnikh'', gia ``ellhnikh meionothta'' sthn Albania.

Oson afora to qema toy empolemoy, gnwrizete oti exei lhfqei, peri ta telh ths dekaetias toy @80, sxetikh apofash sto Ypoyrgiko Symboylio. To qema ayto, loipon, oysiastika kai sthn prajh exei antimetwpistei.

MIXAHL: Pws sxoliazei h kybernhsh, an sxoliazei, tis kataggelies toy k. Kamenoy gia ton k. Manash toy OTE oti feretai na exei labei xrhmata apo ton epixeirhmatia k. Kokkalh;

REPPAS: Prwta ap ola, h anaparagwgh dhmosieymatwn poy einai polyxrhsimopoihmena h exoyn anaparaxqei polles fores, den einai o kalyteros tropos gia na antimetwpisoyme problhmata poy isws yparxoyn. Thn eyqynh thn exoyn oi prwtagwnistes, oi anaferomenoi. Kai nomizw oti o k. Manashs me eyqybolo tropo apanthse, parembainontas, oti to logo exei pleon h Dikaiosynh. Htan toso kathgorhmatikos kai safhs, poy kaqe allo sxolio peritteyei.

MIXAHL: Gia thn kybernhsh oi kataggelies aytes synistoyn logo ejetashs ths basimothtas toys kai kat epektash toy diorismoy toy k. Manash;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete oti sto parelqon ta organa ths ellhnikhs Dikaiosynhs exoyn asxolhqei me ayta ta qemata kai exoyn odhghqei se symperasmata. H anaparagwgh h epanafora tetoiwn qematwn, an kapoios exei kati sygkekrimeno, asfalws einai xrhsimh, prokeimenoy na epilhfqoyn kai pali ta organa ths Dikaiosynhs. Kata ta alla, omws, ean den yparxei kapoio newtero stoixeio mporei na pei kaneis oti ejyphretei mia politikh skopimothta poy einai apolytws profanhs.

KYRIAKIDOY: Mhpws mporeite na mas enhmerwsete gia to periexomeno ths synanthshs toy k. Shmith me thn k. Aggelopoyloy kai an alhqeyei oti dyo melh ths Organwtikhs Epitrophs qa antikatastaqoyn;

REPPAS: Den yparxei opoiadhpote allagh sto montelo poy exoyme epilejei gia thn proetoimasia ths xwras mas enocei twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn toy 2004. H synergasia htan poly xrhsimh. H idia h k. Aggelopoyloy, me tis dhlwseis ths, meta to telos ayths ths synergasias, tonise oti synexizetai me entonoys ryqmoys h prospaqeia ths xwras mas gia mia artia Olympiada. Den yparxei tipota allo ws pros ayto.

FILHS: Panw se ayto qelw na rwthsw: Ta proswpa@

REPPAS: To montelo kai to sxhma. Gia ta proswpa, den yparxei kati allo. Den exei prokycei kati allo.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Grafetai kata koron gia ton k. Kosmidh. Yparxei kati, yparxei ayto to qema;

REPPAS: Den antapokrinetai sthn alhqeia otidhpote sxetiko kai aporw giati grafetai kati tetoio.

MOYRTHS: Shmera dhmosieyetai mia ekqesh, symfwna me thn opoia dyo ekatommyria Ellhnes diabioyn katw apo to orio ths ftwxeias. Yparxei kati poy prepei na allajei, wste na antimetwpistei to qema ayto;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete, oti plhqos allwn stoixeiwn odhgei sto symperasma pws exoyme kanei mia poly shmantikh proodo ston tomea ths oikonomias, sth beltiwsh twn eisodhmatwn, sth beltiwsh toy epipedoy zwhs twn Ellhnwn politwn. Asfalws, qa prepei na synexisoyme thn prospaqeia mas, na antimetwpisoyme problhmata metajy twn opoiwn kyriotero einai ayto ths anergias. H kybernhsh exei diatypwsei tis protaseis ths, exei kalesei toys foreis se dialogo, prokeimenoy na katalhjoyme stis lyseis poy qa einai oi pleon apodotikes. Anamenoyme na oloklhrwqei ayth h diadikasia me ton pio synainetiko kai eyrytera apodekto tropo. Se ayth th fash eimaste twra. Asfalws, yparxoyn polites sth xwra mas poy antimetwpizoyn problhmata, opws kai se alles xwres. To pososto einai ayto to opoio poikilei. Ara, loipon, h prospaqeia poy kanei kaqe kybernhsh -kai ayto kanei h dikh mas- prepei na einai diarkhs.

FILHS: Ta stoixeia proerxontai apo mia egkyrh epishmh ekqesh ths E.E., einai ths "EUROSTAT" kai aforoyn to Septembrio poy mas perase. Dyo ekatommyria ekaton penhnta xiliades anqrwpoi diabioyn sth xwra mas katw apo to epipedo ths ftwxeias. Dhladh, ta bgazoyn pera me ligotero apo 90.000 draxmes to mhna. Prokeitai h kybernhsh na skefqei kapoia eidika metra, pera apo ta genika, poy na aforoyn thn enisxysh aytwn twn anqrwpwn;

REPPAS: Gnwrizete poly kala oti, hdh, apo to Septembrio toy 1999, exoyme ejaggeilei ena paketo, mia desmh metrwn poy afora tis oikonomika asqenesteres tajeis kai toys sympolites mas poy exoyn anagkh ayth th bohqeia apo thn pleyra toy kratoys. Ayth h antistaqmistikh politikh -kai se para polloys tomeis yparxoyn analoga metra- efarmozetai, isxyei. Ta apotelesmata mporei na mhn einai ayta poy qeloyme ki emeis. Gi` ayto, akribws, epeidh anagnwrizoyme oti yparxei problhma, apofash mas einai na synexisoyme thn prospaqeia mas pros ayth thn kateyqynsh. Ayto to opoio, omws, den prepei na dexqoyme einai o mhdenismos, h isopedwsh ths prospaqeias poy kaname kai twn kalwn apotelesmatwn poy exoyme petyxei se ayto ton tomea. Giati oi ryqmoi anaptyjhs ths Elladas kai to eisodhma poy exei petyxei o mesos Ellhnas, synhgoroyn yper ths apochs oti, pragmati, h proodos ayth einai shmantikh.

FILHS: Einai shmantikh, alla h Ellada einai prwth, exei mia arnhtikh prwtia@

REPPAS: Exoyme polles arnhtikes prwties kai ayto shmainei oti prepei na enteinoyme thn prospaqeia mas. H kybernhsh, epeidh akribws ayto epidiwkei, na pacoyme na exoyme arnhtikes prwties, na exoyme mono qetikes -giati exoyme kai qetikes prwties sthn E.E. kai to gnwrizete- kalei toys endiaferomenoys foreis, me sobarothta kai eyqynh, na proseggisoyn ta problhmata poy oloi exoyme entopisei oti diatrexoyn thn ellhnikh koinwnia kai na diatypwsoyn tis protaseis toys, prokeimenoy na broyme lyseis. Giati, xwris tolmhres prwtoboylies den einai dynato na prokycoyn oi lyseis poy qa odhghsoyn sthn antimetwpish aytwn twn problhmatwn. Den yparxei allos dromos.

ARGYROS: Mporeite na mas peite kati gia th syskech poy ginetai twra sto Megaro Majimoy kai an yparxei kati gia toys fakeloys gia ta thleoptika poy anoijan xqes;

REPPAS: Den exw tipota, oyte gia to ena, oyte gia to allo. Giati, h Diypoyrgikh Syskech einai se ejelijh. Kai giati h Organwtikh Epitroph kai mono ayth asxoleitai me to qema ths epiloghs toy etairoy me ton opoio qa synergastei, oson afora thn probolh twn Olympiakwn Agwnwn.

PAPADOPOYLOS: H kybernhsh skeptetai na parei perissotera metra gia thn "pio ish" katanomh toy eqnikoy eisodhmatos, pera apo ayta poy ejaggellei gia thn anergia kai th dhmioyrgia qesewn ergasias; Dioti, edw blepoyme oti pragmati eimaste eikostoi ogdooi sth seira, pragmati exoyme beltiwqei, pragmati exoyme AEP 4.800.000, alla 2.000.000 polites pairnoyn 1.500.000 draxmes to xrono. Ekei den blepoyme thn kybernhsh@

REPPAS: Ola ayta ta qemata qa syzhthqoyn, idiaiterws, thn epomenh periodo poy oloklhrwnetai h katartish toy proypologismoy, o opoios qa katateqei mesa sto Noembrio. Antilambaneste pws, sto plaisio ths oikonomikhs, ths eisodhmatikhs kai forologikhs politikhs ths kybernhshs, ayta ta qemata qa apotelesoyn antikeimeno entonhs syzhthshs kai diapalhs, qa elega. Kalo einai, loipon, me aformh kai ta stoixeia poy blepoyn twra to fws, oloi na problhmatistoyme gia to ti prepei na kanoyme, oxi ws kybernhsh, ws kommata, alla ws koinwnia, ws xwra, gia na antimetwpisoyme kai na ejaleicoyme tetoioy eidoys fainomena, poy odhgoyn polloys sympolites mas sthn koinwnikh periqwriopoihsh, me o,ti ayto synepagetai.

FILHS: Sxetikws me thn episkech toy Oikoymenikoy Patriarxh sthn Ellada, qa hqela na rwthsw, an yparxoyn kapoia epishma "ranteboy" me thn kybernhsh, me ton Prwqypoyrgoy h kapoioys alloys kybernhtikoys paragontes kai an se ayta qa paristatai kai o Arxiepiskopos.

REPPAS: Gnwrizete oti qa episkefqei th xwra mas o Panagiotatos Oikoymenikos Patriarxhs. Den einai proskeklhmenos ths kybernhshs. Omws, sto plaisio ths episkechs ayths, qa ton dexqei o Prwqypoyrgos sto Megaro Majimoy, thn Trith (24/10) kai, afoy syzhthsoyn, qa paraqesei geyma pros timhn toy. Den gnwrizw an sto geyma ayto parakaqisoyn kai alloi paragontes. Einai kati poy, ayth thn wra, den exei apofasistei.

FILHS: Eixa rwthsei palaiotera gia tis nees taytothtes kai moy eixate apanthsei oti qa kykloforhsoyn thn 1h Oktwbrioy. Exoyme 17 toy mhnos kai mexri stigmhs, ta astynomika tmhmata den dinoyn tetoioy eidoys taytothtes.

REPPAS: Sas eixa pei oti ena megalo tmhma, mia partida opws leme, twn entypwn poy qa xrhsimopoioyntai gia thn ekdosh twn newn taytothtwn, eprokeito na paralhfqei apo tis armodies yphresies mexri ta telh Septembrioy, arxes Oktwbrioy. Ayto exei ginei. Prowqeitai sta kata topoys astynomika tmhmata, prokeimenoy na xrhsimopoihqoyn sthn ekdosh twn taytothtwn. Allwste, meta thn kataqesh ths aithshs apo ton endiaferomeno, h ekdosh ths taytothtas den ginetai amesws. Mesolabei xroniko diasthma enos h kai perissoterwn mhnwn. Pragmati, oi taytothtes poy qa ekdidontai, me bash aithseis poy exoyn katateqei apo endiaferomenoys -eite giati bgazoyn prwth fora taytothta, eite giati exoyn xasei thn palia- qa einai sto neo entypo poy eixe paralhfqei.

FILHS: Pote peripoy;

REPPAS: Sas eipa oti mesolabei mia periodos peripoy enos mhnos, isws kai perissotero -ayto moy eipwqhke apo toys armodioys- apo thn wra poy kataqetei kapoios mia sxetikh aithsh mexri na labei thn taytothta toy, apo thn armodia yphresia. Exei paralhfqei to entypo yliko poy qa xrhsimopoieitai apo edw kai pera.

MOYRTHS: Qa hqela na rwthsw, ean kata to protypo toy elegxoy apo th SDOE sthn EPAE, qa xrhsimopoihqoyn antistoixa organa poy qa elegjoyn poy phgan ta kefalaia poy antlhsan apo to Xrhmatisthrio diafores epixeirhseis, twn opoiwn ta xrhmata den exoyn ependyqei opws qa ofeilan.

REPPAS: Gnwrizete oti h Epitroph Kefalaiagoras einai h armodia arxh poy parakoloyqei ton tropo me ton opoio leitoyrgoyn oi eishgmenes epixeirhseis sto Xrhmatisthrio. Me bash stoixeia ta opoia eidan kai to fws ths dhmosiothtas, jerete oti peripoy kata ta 3/4, se pososto dhladh 75%, exoyn antapokriqei stis ypoxrewseis toys oi epixeirhseis poy exoyn entaxqei sto Xrhmatisthrio. Oi ypoxrewseis aytes aforoyn mia xronikh periodo dyo etwn, entos ths opoias qa eprepe oi epixeirhseis na ependysoyn ta xrhmata poy antlhsan apo to Xrhmatisthrio, na anaptyjoyn tis epixeirhmatikes drasthriothtes toys. Ayto einai kati poy parakoloyqei h Epitroph Kefalaiagoras. Ta stoixeia deixnoyn oti h ejelijh einai qetikh. Den qa symfwnhsw mazi sas oti dinoyn mia arnhtikh pragmatikothta, afoy -opws sas eipa- to 75% twn porwn aytwn exoyn ajiopoihqei se ayth thn kateyqynsh. Etsi deixnoyn ta stoixeia.

PAPADOPOYLOS: H Ekklhsia protrepei toys polites poy qa paroyn kainoyrgia taytothta, dipla sthn ypografh toys na bazoyn kai ena X.O. Ayto qa to epitrecoyn oi astynomikes arxes;

REPPAS: O neos typos taytothtas einai poly sygkekrimenos. Den epitrepetai h anagrafh panw sthn taytothta. An kapoios qewrei oti ayto einai stoixeio ths ypografhs toy, den mporei na ton empodisei kaneis. Antilambaneste, omws, oti etsi odhgoymaste se mia diakwmwdhsh ths pisths apo meroys aytwn twn idiwn twn pistwn. Ola ayta einai sobara qemata kai kalo einai na ta antimetwpizoyn, me thn analogh sobarothta, kai oi amesa endiaferomenoi.

STAMATOPOYLOS: O ekproswpos toy ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn k. Mpegliths, anaferomenos stoys boyleytes ths N.D. poy phgan sth Xeimara, milhse gia krayges patriwtismoy, taytizomenos me ayta poy eipe kai o ekproswpos ths albanikhs kybernhshs. Qa hqela to sxolio sas.

REPPAS: Kanena sxolio. Opws sas eipa kai xqes, oi boyleytes qa kanoyn tis anafores toys, sto plaisio ths koinoboyleytikhs diadikasias. O ekproswpos Typoy toy Ypoyrgeioy Ejwterikwn htan poly safhs. Kai se ayto ton tono, milhsa ki egw xqes: Oti den prepei na gyrisoyme sto parelqon. Einai pros apofygh h politikh poy askhqhke apo th xwra mas, mia orismenh periodo, stis arxes ayths ths 10etias, apenanti sthn Albania kai sta qemata ta opoia, gia prwth fora, klhqhke na antimetwpisei h xwra mas. Pisteyoyme oti h politikh ekeinh prosefere ejairetika arnhtikes yphresies sto ellhniko Eqnos. Mhn epanelqoyme, loipon, se ena tetoio pneyma, giati -antiqeta me o,ti mporei na pisteyoyn kapoioi- oydeis bgainei wfelhmenos. Oyte h Ellada. Ayth einai h alhqeia.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Yioqeteite ki eseis tis dhlwseis toy k. Mpeglith;

REPPAS: Hmoyn poly safhs. Oi boyleytes qa milhsoyn, anaptyssontas thn empeiria kai ta stoixeia poy apokomisan, sto plaisio ths koinoboyleytikhs diadikasias. Kata ta alla, gnwrizete poly kala poioi bohqhsan to dhmokratiko komma na ginei kybernhsh, poioi eixan eklektikh syggeneia mazi toys kai me poio tropo ekanan ta panta, wste tote o k. Mperisa na ginei arxhgos ths Albanias.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Mhn moy apantate alla pragmata. Symfwneite me ton Albano ekproswpo;

REPPAS: Ayth einai h entypwsh sas. Hmoyn poly safhs. Kai kalw kai esas kai toys ekproswpoys twn allwn kommatwn -pera apo toys dikoys mas boyleytes, ta dika mas stelexh- na xeirizontai ayta ta qemata me aisqhsh ths megalhs eyqynhs poy exoyn. Breqhkame se mia jenh xwra, se mia perioxh poy den anhkei stis perioxes poy entassontai sth meionotikh zwnh. Anagnwrizetai oti ekei yparxei ellhnofwnh meionothta, ellhnofwnos plhqysmos -to anaferoyn ayto kai oi parathrhtes toy OASE- kai ayto einai to stoixeio poy qa prepei na anadeijoyme kai me bash ayto na kanoyme oles tis kinhseis mas. Ola ta alla, einai gia th dhmioyrgia entypwsewn kai se tetoia qemata den yparxei periqwrio gia na dhmioyrgoyntai entypwseis.

Sas eyxaristw.

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