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Greek Government Press Briefing, 99-10-06

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 6 Oktwbrioy 1999


Geia sas. Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

SOYGLERHS: Exoyme kati apo th synanthsh toy k. Shmith me ton k. Papandreoy kai ton k. Tsoxatzopoylo;

REPPAS: H synanthsh einai se ejelijh. Qa enhmerwqeite armodiws. O Prwqypoyrgos, shmera, exei polles synanthseis, opws exw anakoinwsei. Gia thn prwth synanthsh poy oloklhrwqhke me thn politikh hgesia toy Ypoyrgeioy Ergasias, ayth thn wra, o k. Papaiwannoy paraxwrei synenteyjh stoys synadelfoys sas, oi opoioi qa enhmerwqoyn leptomerws gia ta qemata poy syzhthqhkan.

FILHS: O Kagkelarios Srenter, proxqes, meta th synanthsh toy me ton k. Shmith jexase na anaferqei sthn ypochfiothta ths Kyproy sthn E. E., opws prokyptei apo to keimeno twn dhlwsewn toy poy dianemhqhke. Mhpws yphrje kapoia epifylajh kata tis synanthseis toy k. Srenter me ton Prwqypoyrgo gia to qema ths proodoy ths kypriakhs ypochfiothtas;

REPPAS: Eimai safhs sto shmeio ayto: H ypochfiothta ths Kyproy, prokeimenoy na entaxqei sthn E. E. apotelei qesh ths E. E.. Einai apofash twn organwn ths E. E. kai h apofash ayth den ypokeitai se opoiadhpote anaklhsh. Oles oi xwres ths E. E. symfwnoyn sthn kateyqynsh entajhs ths Kyproy sthn E. E.. Kata kairoys, diaforoi koinotikoi ajiwmatoyxoi qetoyn qemata ta opoia sxetizontai me thn politikh katastash poy exei diamorfwqei -meta to '74 me to kaqestws katoxhs- sthn Kypro. Ayto to opoio eipe o k. Srenter ofeiletai, profanws, se paradromh. Den hqele na diaxwrisei -to pisteyw apolyta ayto- thn Kypro apo tis alles ypochfies pros entajh sthn E. E. xwres. Poly perissotero poy h Kypros einai h xwra ekeinh, poy perissotero apo opoiadhpote allh apo tis ypochfies xwres, ekplhrwnei ta oikonomika kai alla koinwnika krithria poy tiqentai se aytes tis periptwseis. En oligois, den yparxei opoiodhpote qema gia th qesh ths Kyproy, oson afora thn poreia entajhs ths sthn E. E.. Den eqese opoiodhpote tetoio qema o k. Srenter, sto plaisio twn synomiliwn poy eixe me ton Ellhna Prwqypoyrgo kai ayto me kanei na odhgoymai sto symperasma to opoio aneptyja molis prin. Den yphrje opoiadhpote qesh, h opoia na dhlwnei arnhsh h epifylajh gia thn entajiakh poreia ths Kyproy sthn E. E..

FILHS: Yparxei katalhktikh hmeromhnia gia na oloklhrwqei h diadikasia, prokeimenoy na entaxqei h Kypros sthn E. E., opws exei zhthsei h Ellada;

REPPAS: Den yparxei katalhktikh, dhladh sygkekrimenh hmeromhnia gia opoiadhpote ypochfia xwra. Gnwrizete, poly kala, oti oi diapragmateyseis exoyn jekinhsei. Emeis pisteyoyme oti o ryqmos twn diapragmateysewn, oson afora thn Kypro, einai ikanopoihtikos. Kai pantws h Kypros einai poly perissotero etoimh apo opoiadhpote allh xwra na antapokriqei stis proypoqeseis poy qetei h E. E., prokeimenoy na ginei melos ths. To politiko qema, to opoio yparxei epishs, apasxolei kata kairoys ta organa ths E. E.. Exoyme dhlwsei -kai einai kai qesh ths E. E. ayth- oti den einai dynaton h Kypros na paramenei aixmalwth ths Toyrkias. H entajh ths Kyproy sthn E. E., loipon, den mporei na yponomeyqei apo opoiondhpote.

MPERMPERAKHS: Xqes, o ypoyrgos Amynas anakoinwse oti maxhtika aeroplana den prokeitai na prosgeiwqoyn sthn Pafo. Hqela na rwthsw an yparxei kapoio qema, s ayth thn periptwsh, "eqnikhs sygkalychs", opws thn apokalesate xqes. Dioti m ayto to aitiologiko apokroysate sxetiko erwthma edw. Den apanthsate sto sxetiko erwthma.

REPPAS: Qa exete ypoch sas tis plhreis dhlwseis toy ypoyrgoy Amynas. Sas parapempw, loipon, stis dhlwseis aytes. Egw den exw na prosqesw tipota allo. Isxyoyn apolytws ayta poy eipe o ypoyrgos Amynas, o opoios eipe oti, bebaiws, den prokeitai na ginoyn prosgeiwseis sto aerodromio, ektos ean yparjei ena aifnidio gegonos, mia blabh aeroskafoys h otidhpote allo to opoio epiballei mia tetoia prosgeiwsh. Alla, antilambaneste, oti ola ayta ta qemata -kai epanerxomai sta osa eipa xqes- den mporoyme na ta syzhtoyme dhmosiws me ayto ton tropo. Kai menw se ayth th qesh.

FILHS: Shmera einai h prwth diadhlwsh ths neas sxolikhs xronias. Oi maqhtes, me aformh kai ta qemata poy exoyn dhmioyrghqei kai apo toys seismoys, alla kai ta qesmika metra ths kybernhshs, janarxizoyn tis kinhtopoihseis. Qa hqela ena sxolio.

REPPAS: Pragmati, sto kentro ths Aqhnas egine kinhtopoihsh, sthn opoia symmeteixan maqhtes, alla epishs stelexh apo ta syndikata twn oikodomwn, twn naytikwn kai allwn koinwnikwn omadwn. Ta synqhmata ta opoia epikrathsan htan sxetika me thn ekpaideytikh metarryqmish. Oi diadhlwtes zhtoyn thn anatroph ths ekpaideytikhs metarryqmishs. To endiaferon twn oikodomwn, twn naytikwn, twn allwn sympolitwn mas gia ta qemata ths ekpaideytikhs metarryqmishs, ef oson einai kai goneis kai exoyn kai paidia-maqhtes, einai katanohto, einai eylogo, einai qemito. Alla h apanthsh poy dinoyme einai mia: oti einai pros to symferon twn paidiwn, pros to symferon to diko toys ef oson einai kai goneis, na proxwrhsei kai na eydokimhsei h ekpaideytikh metarryqmish. Giati anabaqmizei to epipedo spoydwn sth deyterobaqmia ekpaideysh sthn patrida mas kai telikws kaqista pio antagwnistika, ta Ellhnopoyla se sxesh me ta paidia twn allwn eyrwpaikwn xwrwn. Ayto, nomizw, to epiqymoyn oloi.

Sas eyxaristw poly.

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