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Greek Government Press Briefing, 99-01-12Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>YPOYRGEIO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHSAqhna, 12 Ianoyarioy 1999H ENHMERWSH TWN POLITIKWN SYNTAKTWN KAI TWN ANTAPOKRITWN JENOY TYPOY APO TO GENIKO GRAMMATEA ENHMERWSHS GIANNH NIKOLAOYGeia sas. Opws gnwrizete o Ypoyrgos Typoy k. Reppas synodeyei ton Prwqypoyrgo sthn epishmh episkech toy sthn Ispania. H apostolh efqase prin apo ligo sth Madrith kai se ligh wra arxizei to programma ths epishmhs episkechs. Yparxoyn synadelfoi sas ekei kai qa enhmerwsoyn gia osa qa ginoyn. Etsi, loipon, eimai egw shmera sth diaqesh sas kai akoyw tis erwthseis sas. MOYRTZHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, maskoforoi xoyligkanoi xqes sta Propylaia espasan thn kamera toy thleoptikoy staqmoy STAR, prophlakisan ton texniko mas kai th dhmosiografo poy kalypte to gegonos. Ta eidate stoys thleoptikoys dektes. Apodeixqhke, omws, oti aytoi oi xoyligkanoi htan kai portofolades, giati eklecan thn tsanta ths synadelfoy, phran to portofoli ths kai ta proswpika ths eidh. To erwthma moy einai an exete kapoio logo sympaqeias, kataggellwn to gegonos kai an qa epilhfqei h Astynomia, dedomenoy oti h kamera edeije kai tis fatses twn maskoforwn. NIKOLAOY: Opws einai fysiko h kybernhsh katadikazei kaqe tetoia energeia, otan strefetai enantia se opoiondhpote Ellhna polith kai eidika otan strefetai kata twn ekproswpwn twn MME, gia logoys poy einai eynohtoi. Epishs, einai gnwsto, oti ta organa ths politeias kanoyn th doyleia toys kai qa epilhfqoyn. G. KAMPOYRAKHS: Xqes, se thleoptikh synenteyjh o k. Pagkalos ejefrase thn apoch oti stis Eyrwekloges ean o k. Abramopoylos "katebasei" ena syndyasmo, mporei na parei tesseris, pente h eji eyrwboyleytes. Symmerizetai kai h kybernhsh ayth thn apoch; NIKOLAOY: Epeidh eida ki egw th synenteyjh toy k. Pagkaloy, o Ypoyrgos Ejwterikwn apanthse se mia ypoqetikh erwthsh. H kybernhsh, opws exoyme pei, den asxoleitai me endexomena politika senaria. Protima na antimetwpizei ayta poy yparxoyn. Apo ekei kai pera oi politikes ejelijeis einai mprosta mas kai -opws eipe xqes kai o k. Reppas- kaqe Ellhnas poliths einai ypeyqynos na prajei oti ekeinos nomizei kai epiqymei. Alla, epanalambanw oti eida th synenteyjh. O k. Pagkalos eipe oti, ean ypoqesoyme oti yparxei tetoio endexomeno, mporoyme na ypoqesoyme oti einai dynato na symbei ayto poy rwtate. Den perieixe, dhladh, h apanthsh toy ektimhsh dynatothtas h piqanothtas. KIAOS: Epimenw se ayto, ean dhladh symmerizeste kai thn apoch poy ejefrase o k. Pagkalos gia ena politiko keno metajy PASOK kai Neas Dhmokratias poy yparxei, poy to diapistwnei o idios. NIKOLAOY: Ta stelexh toy PASOK, poly de perissotero ta koryfaia stelexh toy, ekfrazoyn tis apoceis kai tis ektimhseis toys gia th diamorfwsh toy politikoy skhnikoy. H kybernhsh, ths opoias epifanes kai epilekto melos einai o k. Pagkalos, kanei th doyleia ths. Allwste, opws kai o idios eipe, dikh mas doyleia einai na kanoyme to PASOK pio dynato kai thn kybernhsh pio epityxhmenh. Ta alla qa ta deijei o kairos. T. MPERMPERAKHS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, exete kapoio sxolio sxetika me to sxhmatismo neas kybernhshs sthn Toyrkia ypo ton k. Etsebit; NIKOLAOY: H xwra mas, opws gnwrizete, eyxetai h Toyrkia na exei politikh omalothta kai staqerothta gia na mporei na yparxoyn synqhkes, etsi wste h geitonikh xwra na proxwrhsei se enan eyrwpaiko prosanatolismo kai na einai kai ajiopistos synomilhths gia ta qemata poy aforoyn th staqerothta kai thn eirhnh sthn eyryterh perioxh. Apo ekei kai pera, oi ellhnikes qeseis einai gnwstes, opws epishs einai gnwsth kai h ellhnikh apaithsh, h Toyrkia, ypo opoiandhpote kybernhsh, na sebetai tis Dieqneis Synqhkes kai na symbalei sth diathrhsh toy klimatos kalhs geitonias, filias kai synergasias. FOYRLHS: H endexomenh emfanish sto proskhnio enos neoy kommatos, poy kalws h kakws exei arxisei na fhmologeitai oti qa dhmioyrghqei apo ton k. Abramopoylo, qa mporoyse na apotelesei aformh problhmatismoy, se sxesh me thn hmeromhnia twn epomenwn eklogwn; Yparxei periptwsh, dhladh, na allajoyn ta sxedia ths kybernhshs apo thn emfanish enos neoy kommatos; NIKOLAOY: Oxi, bebaia. H kybernhsh exei apanthsei staqera kai emmenei sthn apanthsh ths kai th qesh ths, gia thn hmeromhnia twn eqnikwn eklogwn. Apo kei kai pera oi politikoi sxediasmoi kaqe proswpoy einai diko toy qema. Se tipota den allazoyn oi kybernhtikoi sxediasmoi. POYLIDOY: H Eyrwboylh ayrio qa syzhthsei mia protash momfhs kata ths Komision. Anejarthta apo tis ejelijeis poy qa exei ayth h chfoforia, to politiko zhthma poy gennhqhke apo to skandalo kai thn kathgoria gia th diafqora twn Epitropwn sxoliasthke kai apo alles kybernhseis, opws th germanikh. Pws sxoliazei h ellhnikh kybernhsh ayto to qema; NIKOLAOY: H ellhnikh kybernhsh einai staqera yper twn kanonwn kai twn synqhkwn diafaneias sth diaxeirish kai twn eyrwpaikwn pragmatwn. Opws gnwrizete, to Eyrwpaiko Koinoboylio exei tis dikes toy diadikasies kai proteraiothtes kai thn eleyqeria ekfrashs twn melwn toy, twn eyrwboyleytwn. Ara, anamenoyme na doyme ti qa prajei to Eyrwkoinoboylio. H qesh mas einai qesh arxhs gia th diaxeirish me diafaneia twn porwn ths E. E. Qa hqela, omws, na pw, oti mporei na breqoyn kai alles diadikasies kai sto plaisio ths E. E. gia na yparjei plhrhs kai apolyth diafaneia. Na yparjei elegxos oswn kata kairoys exoyn dei to fws ths dhmosiothtas h exoyn ginei antikeimeno kataggeliwn kai na yparjei symperasma gia to ti akribws exei symbei, an exei symbei. Ayta ola einai ypo diereynhsh. KIAOS: Symmerizeste thn apoch na ta broyn kai na mhn proxwrhsei se chfoforia to qema; NIKOLAOY: Den exw thn entypwsh oti h apoch ths germanikhs kybernhshs einai akribws ayth, "na ta broyn". Edw yparxoyn kapoies kataggelies, oi opoies qa mporoysan na diereynhqoyn. Apo kei kai pera h dikh mas qesh, epanalambanw, einai qesh arxhs. H Eyrwpaikh Epitroph kai ola ta organa ths E. E. prepei na leitoyrgoyn me diafaneia. Epishs, opoios exei kati na pei qa prepei na to leei dhmosia kai bebaiws me stoixeia. Ayth einai qesh arxhs. Afora kai ta ellhnika pragmata, afora kai ta eyrwpaika. Symfwnoyme me th qesh oti panw apo thn Eyrwpaikh Epitroph, h opoia diaxeirizetai poly sobara qemata -kai sto mellon qa diaxeiristei, epishs, poly sobara qemata- den mporei na planatai ena peplo mysthrioy kai adiafaneias. Prepei na yparxei diafaneia. Wstoso, den mporei na isxyristei kaneis oti isxyoyn ola osa blepoyn to fws ths dhmosiothtas. Einai qema pros diereynhsh. Aplws h E. E. prepei na diasfalisei oles ekeines tis diadikasies, etsi wste kaqe qema poy tiqetai na pairnei mia diafanh kai peistikh apanthsh. Sas eyxaristw. Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |