European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-04-10
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Droits d'accises / cigarettes : la Commission met en garde les Etats
membres sur la question des prix minimaux de vente au détail
[02] VAT / postal services : Commission launches infringement proceedings
against Germany, the United Kingdom and Sweden
[03] Car taxation : infringement procedure against Cyprus
[04] La Commission interdit l'accès à un bâtiment par mesure de
précaution en raison de problèmes sanitaires
[05] Commission and Russia sign "Memorandum of understanding for a Dialogue
on Agriculture and Rural Development"
[06] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2006-04-10
Reference: MEX/06/0410
Date: 10/04/2006
EXME06 / 10.4
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Presse etb
[01] Droits d'accises / cigarettes : la Commission met en garde les Etats
membres sur la question des prix minimaux de vente au détail
La Commission européenne prend des mesures contre les Etats membres qui
imposent des prix minimaux de vente au détail des cigarettes. En effet, la
Commission estime, conformément à la jurisprudence de la Cour de justice
européenne, que ces prix minimaux sont contraires à la législation
communautaire, faussent la concurrence et ne bénéficient qu'aux
fabricants, en protégeant leurs marges bénéficiaires. Aux termes de la
directive 95/59/CE du Conseil, les fabricants et/ou les importateurs de
produits du tabac peuvent déterminer les prix de vente au détail. La
fixation de prix minimaux par les pouvoirs publics porte atteinte à ce
droit et n'est donc pas compatible avec la directive. Pour atteindre
l'objectif de réduction de la consommation de tabac, la Commission
préconise une augmentation des droits d'accises sur les cigarettes bon
[02] VAT / postal services : Commission launches infringement proceedings
against Germany, the United Kingdom and Sweden
The European Commission has sent formal requests for information to the
United Kingdom, Germany and Sweden on the VAT application of postal
services. The United Kingdom and Germany exempt from VAT all or most postal
services supplied by their former postal monopolies, while Sweden does not
exempt postal services. Current VAT legislation is not yet adapted to the
postal market that was liberalised by Directive 97/67/EC. The Commission,
awaiting the revision of the current legislation according to its proposals,
has to ensure a proper application of the VAT postal exemption in order to
avoid distortions of competition between former monopolies and market
entrants. The requests take the form of letters of formal notice, the first
stage of the infringement procedure laid down in Article 226 of the EC
Treaty. The Member States involved are invited to reply within two months.
[03] Car taxation : infringement procedure against Cyprus
The European Commission has decided to send Cyprus a formal request for
information concerning the taxation rules applied on the registration of
second-hand cars brought into Cyprus from other EU Member States. The rules
are applied in a way that may breach the EC Treaty provisions on equal
treatment of domestic products and those of other Member States. The
request to Cyprus is in the form of a "letter of formal notice", the first
stage of the infringement procedure laid down in Article 226 of the EC
Treaty. Cyprus is requested to reply within two months. If the Commission
does not receive satisfactory response, it may proceed with the second
stage of the said procedure and ultimately bring the case before the Court
of Justice.
[04] La Commission interdit l'accès à un bâtiment par mesure de
précaution en raison de problèmes sanitaires
La Commission européenne a décidé d'interdire temporairement
l'accès au bâtiment situé au n°100 de l'avenue de Cortenberg après que
des analyses ont confirmé la présence de moisissures aspergillus.
Vendredi 8 avril en début d'après midi, à la suite de la présentation de
ces analyses par des experts externes et après consultation du Cabinet du
Président Barroso, M. Kallas, vice-président de la Commission chargé de
l'administration, de l'audit et de la lutte antifraude, a décidé
d'évacuer le bâtiment. Les 250 membres du personnel de la direction
générale du marché intérieur ont quitté le bâtiment en bon ordre vers
trois heures de l'après-midi.
[05] Commission and Russia sign "Memorandum of understanding for a Dialogue
on Agriculture and Rural Development"
"This agreement is an historic moment for agricultural relations between
the EU and Russia. I am confident that it marks the beginning of a new era
of fruitful cooperation between us. And I'd like to thank Minister Gordeev
for all his work in making it a reality," said European Commissioner
Mariann Fischer Boel, in Moscow for Tuesday's signing, with Alexey Gordeev,
Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, of a "Memorandum of
Understanding for a Dialogue on Agriculture and Rural Development". The
agreement represents a landmark in bilateral agricultural relations between
the EU and the Russian government. Russia is the second biggest market for
EU agricultural exports and is one of the Union's main suppliers for grains
and oilseeds. The Memorandum of Understanding commits both sides to a long-
term partnership to improve cooperation on all issues of relevance -
including production, innovation, trade, quality policies for agricultural
products and the development of rural communities. It builds upon the
Common Economic Space endorsed at the EU-Russia summit in Moscow in May
2005, which set the promotion of regulatory convergence in agriculture as
one of its goals. The new arrangement will allow officials from both sides
to get together whenever appropriate to discuss agricultural issues, within
a new, structured framework. Russia's involvement in most of the
international organisations which deal with agriculture and rural
development will bring further opportunities for cooperation between the EU
and Russia. This will allow both sides to synchronise their respective
policies at such international fora when necessary.
[06] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Benita Ferrero-Waldner : "Islam in Europe – from dialogue to
action" at Conference of European Imams (07/04, Vienna)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/