European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-04-11
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Télécommunications : les parties prenantes restent satisfaites du
filet de sécurité du service universel mis en place par l'UE
[02] Commission requests Hungary to abolish restrictions on cable TV
[03] Commission clears acquisition of Adecco by JAG
[04] Commission to pay nearly €9.5 million to support Latvia in dealing
with storm disaster in 2005
[05] European Union signs aviation agreement with Moldova
[06] Capitales européennes de la Culture 2010 : Essen, Pécz et Istanbul
recueillent les avis favorables du Jury
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2006-04-11
Reference: MEX/06/0411
Date: 11/04/2006
EXME06 / 11.4
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Presse etb
[01] Télécommunications : les parties prenantes restent satisfaites du
filet de sécurité du service universel mis en place par l'UE
D'après un rapport de la Commission européenne, publié aujourd'hui, les
parties prenantes soutiennent le point de vue de la Commission qui estime
qu'il n'est pas nécessaire, pour le moment, d'étendre le filet de
sécurité du service universel aux services mobiles et à l'internet à haut
débit. Les consommateurs bénéficient déjà , à un coût abordable, d'un
accès généralisé aux communications mobiles dans leur pays d'origine et,
jusqu'à présent, seule une minorité dispose de connections internet Ã
haut débit: le coût d'une extension des obligations du service universel
à ces services excéderait, par conséquent, les bénéfices pour les
utilisateurs. Ce rapport, qui sera soumis au Parlement européen et au
Conseil, analyse la portée des règles de l'UE en matière de service
universel et résume les réponses données à une consultation publique
basée sur la communication de la Commission du 24 mai 2005 sur le même
sujet (voir IP/05/594).
[02] Commission requests Hungary to abolish restrictions on cable TV
The European Commission has formally requested Hungary to abolish the
restriction imposed by the Hungarian Media Act on the provision of cable TV
services in violation of EU competition rules. The Commission's request
takes the form of a 'reasoned opinion', the second stage of the
infringement procedure under Article 226 of the EC Treaty. If Hungary fails
to comply within two months of receipt, the Commission may refer the case
to the European Court of Justice.
[03] Commission clears acquisition of Adecco by JAG
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of Adecco SA, Chéserex,
(Adecco) of Switzerland by Jacobs Holding AG, Zurich (JAG), also of
Switzerland. JAG is an investment company. Adecco is a global provider of
human resource and staffing services, including temporary employment
services. The operation was examined under the simplified merger review
[04] Commission to pay nearly €9.5 million to support Latvia in dealing
with storm disaster in 2005
European Commissioner for Regional Policy and the Solidarity Fund, Danuta
Hübner signed an agreement to pay €9,487,180 to Latvia to reimburse
emergency costs incurred after the severe storm of January 2005. The grant
is being made available through the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF).
It will reimburse public funds spent on the immediate emergency response,
in particular on rescue services, cleaning-up operations in affected areas
and the restoration of basic infrastructure to working conditions.
[05] European Union signs aviation agreement with Moldova
Today, in Luxembourg, the EU and Moldova signed an aviation agreement which
allows European airlines to fly between any EU Member State and Moldova and
acknowledges the existence of a single market for air transport with
Moldova. The "horizontal" aviation agreement does not replace the bilateral
agreements between the Member States and Moldova but brings them in line
with EU law. It removes the nationality restrictions of bilateral air
services agreements which the European Court of Justice found incompatible
with EU law in its "open skies" judgements of 5 November 2002. The European
Commission has successfully negotiated similar agreements with 22 other
countries, including Chili, Ukraine, Australia, Singapore, Morocco and the
countries of the Western Balkan. Today's agreement was signed by
Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner. Vice-President Jacques Barrot in charge of
transport welcomed the agreement and said: "It will bring further benefits
to airlines and passengers and pave the way for a closer integration of
Moldova into European aviation".
[06] Capitales européennes de la Culture 2010 : Essen, Pécz et Istanbul
recueillent les avis favorables du Jury
Quatre semaines après avoir auditionné les villes candidates, le jury
constitué afin d'évaluer les dossiers pour les Capitales européennes de
la Culture 2010 rend public aujourd'hui son rapport. Celui-ci recommande
que le titre de "Capitale européenne" soit attribué aux villes de Essen,
Pécs et Istanbul. La décision sera prise par le Conseil Culture au cours
du deuxième semestre 2006, sous présidence finlandaise.
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Günter Verheugen : "Mobilität in Europa – ein Beitrag zur
Lissabon Strategie" at Mobilitätsoffensive – 'Mobilität als
Standortfaktor' (Berlin)
Speech by Vladimir Å pidla at seminar on SMEs (Prague)
Speech by Stavros Dimas at the New Bulgarian University (10/04, Sofia)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/