European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-10-27
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Enlargement and agriculture : Commission tables amendments to take
account of CAP reform
[02] Marchés publics : la Commission lance une consultation sur les
possibilités de recours des soumissionnaires non retenus
[03] Financial services : Commission sets up specialist groups to take
stock of Action Plan and look to the future
[04] Des organismes de recherche européens prestigieux unissent leurs
forces à celles de la Commission
[05] Afghanistan : Commission proposes €79.5 million for fourth
reconstruction programme
[06] EU and Cape Verde extend fisheries protocol by a year
[07] L'UE et le Maroc conviennent d'intensifier leurs échanges de produits
[08] Making EU enlargement work for consumers
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 27/10/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 27/10/2003
[01] Enlargement and agriculture : Commission tables amendments to take
account of CAP reform
In September 2003 the Council adopted a fundamental reform of the Common
Agricultural Policy (CAP). This reform package makes significant changes to
the EU acquis on which the accession negotiations were based. In their
current form the CAP reform texts take no account of the results of those
negotiations or indeed of enlargement itself. Consequently, the Commission
has proposed today to adapt both the Act of Accession and the CAP reform
texts to ensure that they can function in an enlarged EU. Today's proposals
(1) adapt the CAP-related annexes of the Act of Accession so that the
negotiation results fit with the new acquis (this is necessary where
references in the Act of Accession will become obsolete or where the
negotiation results are not immediately compatible with the reformed CAP)
and (2) modify the legal CAP reform texts so that they can be applied to
the new Member States and so that they incorporate any negotiation results
that would otherwise be lost. The first proposal requires adoption by the
Council by unanimity, after an opinion from the European Parliament. The
second requires adoption by the Council by qualified majority, without an
opinion from the European Parliament. In both cases the acceding countries
will be fully consulted, thanks to the rights afforded to them under the
information and consultation procedure.
[02] Marchés publics : la Commission lance une consultation sur les
possibilités de recours des soumissionnaires non retenus
La Commission européenne a lancé une consultation Internet de huit semaines
sur les problèmes pratiques et juridiques susceptibles de se poser aux
entreprises et aux avocats lorsqu'ils utilisent les voies de recours
nationales pour contester les décisions prises par les pouvoirs
adjudicateurs. Cette consultation repose sur trois questionnaires en ligne
distincts visant des groupes cibles différents. Elle a pour objectif
d'évaluer comment les voies de recours nationales ont jusqu'à présent
fonctionné et de déterminer les domaines dans lesquels des progrès sont
encore nécessaires en vue de la révision des directives relatives aux
procédures de recours en matière de passation de marchés publics en 2004.
L'existence de procédures claires et efficaces permettant à des
soumissionnaires d'obtenir réparation lorsqu'ils jugent déloyale
l'attribution des marchés est primordiale pour garantir que les marchés
sont effectivement attribués aux entreprises qui ont soumis la meilleure
offre. C'est partant le seul moyen de consolider la confiance des
entreprises et du public en l'impartialité des procédures de passation des
marchés public. La législation européenne relative aux marchés publics vise
à accroître la concurrence et la transparence afin d'offrir aux entreprises
de nouvelles opportunités et aux contribuables des services d'excellente
qualité et d'un meilleur rapport qualité-prix. Le secteur des marchés
publics représente quelque 16% du PIB de l'UE.
[03] Financial services : Commission sets up specialist groups to take
stock of Action Plan and look to the future
The European Commission, with the help of four new expert groups of market
practitioners, is to launch an in-depth assessment of the state of
integration of European financial markets. The assessment process begins as
the five-year legislative phase of the Financial Services Action Plan
(FSAP) draws to a close. The assessment will be wide-ranging, transparent
and open. The formation of the expert groups, made up of high-calibre
specialists in the fields of banking, insurance, asset management, and
securities trading, is the first step in the process. The groups will help
the Commission to map out key issues for discussion during the ensuing open
[04] Des organismes de recherche européens prestigieux unissent leurs
forces à celles de la Commission
La Commission européenne et sept des organismes de recherche scientifiques
européens les plus en vue, qui constituent l'EIROforum, signeront
aujourd'hui une déclaration d'intention visant à développer l'espace
européen de la recherche. Déterminés à explorer ensemble des synergies et à
exercer des activités communes, l'EIROforum et la Commission ont promis
d'engager des consultations mutuelles, d'organiser des échanges et des
détachements d'experts et de renforcer cette collaboration en concluant
d'autres accords bilatéraux. Cette déclaration d'intention sera signée par
M. Philippe Busquin, commissaire à la recherche, et par les directeurs
généraux des organismes membres d'EIROforum: M. Jérôme Paméla (European
Fusion Development Agreement), actuel président d'EIROforum, Mme Catherine
Cesarsky (Observatoire austral européen), M. Colin Carlile (Institut Laue-
Langevin), M. Jean-Jacques Dordain (Agence spatiale européenne), M. Fotis
Kafatos (Laboratoire européen de biologie moléculaire), M. Luciano Maiani
(Organisation européenne pour la recherche nucléaire) et M. Bill Stirling
(Installation européenne de rayonnement synchrotron).
[05] Afghanistan : Commission proposes €79.5 million for fourth
reconstruction programme
As part of its €400 million package to Afghanistan for 2003-04, the
European Commission has adopted a proposal to finance a fourth
reconstruction programme with a total budget of €79.5 million. The purpose
of this programme is to enhance the living conditions of the ordinary
Afghan population, including returnees, by providing a more secure
environment and economic recovery. The programme aims to restore political
stability coupled with a fully operational public administration, to
promote respect for the rule of law and human rights, especially those of
women, and to alleviate poverty by improving levels of economic activity.
These objectives support the roadmap set out in the 2001 Bonn Agreement for
the creation of a stable and democratic Afghanistan. The programme
underlines the Commission's continuing commitment to the socio-political
and economic rebuilding of Afghanistan.
[06] EU and Cape Verde extend fisheries protocol by a year
The European Commission, on behalf of the European Union, and Cape Verde
have agreed to extend the current three-year protocol to their fisheries
agreement by a year. This protocol, due to end on 30 June 2004, will cover
the period from 1 July 2004 to 30 June 2005. The conditions will remain
exactly the same as they are now. However, in line with the partnership
approach, a number of innovations have been agreed including measures to
strengthen control activities and a joint study on the fisheries sector to
prepare the negotiations over the next protocol. Fishing possibilities
under the current protocol concern essentially tuna but there also some
possibilities on demersal (close to the sea floor) species. Vessels
operating under this protocol come from Spain, France and Portugal
[07] L'UE et le Maroc conviennent d'intensifier leurs échanges de produits
Les négociateurs de la Commission européenne et du Maroc ont trouvé le 24
octobre un accord concernant une libéralisation mutuelle des échanges
agricoles. De manière générale, les parties sont convenues de s'octroyer
mutuellement un meilleur accès à leurs marchés respectifs. Cet accord est
conforme à l'esprit du processus de Barcelone qui prévoit la libéralisation
progressive des échanges de produits agricoles. Selon les termes de
l'accord passé aujourd'hui, la quasi-totalité (96%) des exportations
agricoles traditionnelles du Maroc bénéficieront d'un accès préférentiel au
marché de l'UE. Quant à la part des exportations agricoles traditionnelles
de l'UE vers le Maroc qui bénéficient d'un traitement préférentiel, elle
augmentera pour atteindre 62%. Avant d'entrer en vigueur, cet accord devra
être approuvé formellement par la Commission et le Conseil.
[08] Making EU enlargement work for consumers
Tomorrow and Wednesday (28-29/10) consumer representatives from across
Europe will gather in Brussels to attend an EU backed General Assembly of
Consumer Associations. Some 300 delegates from both national and European
level consumer associations are expected to attend. Top of their agenda
will be how to ensure next year's enlargement of the EU brings real
benefits to consumers especially those in the ten new Member States.
Speaking ahead of the General Assembly David Byrne, the European
Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection said : "Governments in the
accession countries have already taken on board most of what we call the
consumer policy 'acquis' into their legislation. A truly impressive amount
of work has been done. But we all know that legislation and rules are only
the first step towards the successful application of consumer policy.
Reality demands much more in particular, appropriate enforcement and
appropriate involvement of consumers in their own affairs." Commissioner
Byrne is due to give the keynote address at the opening session of the
General Assembly. For a full programme of speakers and debates see :
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Mario Monti : "EU competition policy after May 2004" at Fordham
Annual Conference on International Antitrust Law and Policy (24/10, New
Speech by Franz Fischler : "Making the CAP work for the Mediterranean" at
the International Forum on Agriculture and Food (25/10, Cernobbio)
Evaluation du plan d'action pour les services financiers: questions
fréquemment posées
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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