European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-12-11
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Commission adopts new proposals to reform European Governance
[02] Commission adopts comprehensive reform of EU merger control
[03] Commission proposes new cereal import regime for the US and Canada
[04] La Commission conclut son examen du cas Olympic Airways
[05] Air transport : Commission investigates the nature of advantages
granted to Ryanair when it set up operations at Charleroi airport
[06] Compagnies aériennes : la Commission refuse la prolongation française
du régime de compensation des coûts subis suite aux attentats du 11
septembre 2001 aux Etats-Unis
[07] Transport aérien : la Commission enquête sur les avantages reçus par
Intermed sur la ligne régulière Gérona-Madrid
[08] Secteur aérien privé d'assurance : la Commission autorise les aides
mises en place par l'Italie
[09] Commission authorises Danish environmental subsidies for the transport
of goods by rail
[10] Maritime transport : Commission clears introduction of a tonnage tax
in Ireland
[11] Le régime fiscal spécial applicable aux centrales de trésorerie en
France n'est pas conforme aux règles sur les aides d'Etat
[12] Commission approves rescue aid for German electronics manufacturer
Grundig AG
[13] La Commission autorise des réductions fiscales en faveur de la zone
franche de Madère (Portugal)
[14] Commission reduces planned aid to BMW for new car plant in Leipzig
[15] La Commission considère que le régime fiscal du Centre financier de
Trieste n'est plus conforme aux règles sur les aides d'Etat
[16] Price decreases of up to 40% lead Commission to close telecom leased
line inquiry
[17] Aides au secteur de l'agriculture en Espagne suite à la hausse du coût
du carburant
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[18] Commission proposes significant reductions in fishing catches to fend
off moratorium on cod fisheries in 2003
[19] La Commission lance une consultation publique sur l'apprentissage des
[20] Court of Justice confirms validity of Tobacco Products Directive
[21] Public support for the EU and the euro remains strong, despite concern
over global developments
[22] EU citizens' awareness of enlargement improving, but knowledge gaps
[23] La Commission adopte trois décisions accordant une aide humanitaire de
plus de 2 millions d'€
[24] Commission to help finance Aceh peace accord
[25] EU-Iran : launch of negotiations on new agreements with Iran
[26] Pascal Lamy welcomes WTO appellate body ruling on privatised foreign
steel companies
[27] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 11/12/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 11/12/2002[I] Résultats de la Commission
de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting
[01] Commission adopts new proposals to reform European Governance
The European Commission has adopted a broad set of measures with a view to
improving the decision-making in the European Union within existing
Treaties. At the same time the Commission presented a report concerning
progress achieved on this area since July 2001 when the White Paper for
European Governance was issued. Taking into account the recently decided
measures on "Better Regulation" the Commission has now fulfilled most part
of its commitments undertaken in the White Paper (see IP/01/1096 of 25 July
[02] Commission adopts comprehensive reform of EU merger control
The European Commission has decided the most far-reaching reform of its
merger control regime since the entry into force of the EU Merger
Regulation in 1990. "The reforms will significantly improve our merger
control system making it, I believe, a model to be emulated worldwide",
said Competition Commissioner Mario Monti. Besides a proposal for a revised
Merger Regulation, which requires approval by EU ministers, the Commission
has also adopted draft guidelines on the appraisal of mergers between
competing firms ('horizontal mergers') providing guidance to the business
and legal community. Last but not least, a series of non-legislative
measures will be taken which are intended to improve the Commission's
decision-making process, including the creation of a post of Chief
Competition Economist. "This new position will be occupied by an eminent
economist who will be tasked with providing an economic viewpoint to
decision-makers, as well as ongoing guidance to the Commission's
investigative staff", added Mr Monti. "I am convinced that this appointment
will do much to increase the soundness of our economic analysis, not only
in the field of merger control but also in competition and State aid cases
more generally."
[03] Commission proposes new cereal import regime for the US and Canada
The European Commission has adopted a proposal asking the Council to
approve the agreement on a new regime for imports of medium and low quality
wheat and barley reached with both the US and Canada in November. The
agreement, in the form of an exchange of letters between the EU on the one
side and the US and Canada on the other, foresees the opening of a tariff
rate quota (TRQ) of 2 981,600t for medium and low quality wheat with a duty
of 12€/t. The US will benefit from a country allocation of 572,000t and
Canada of 38,000t within this quota. Outside the quota the duty will be
95€/t. For barley, a quota of 50,000t will be opened for malting barley,
with a duty of 8€/t, and another quota of 300,000t with a duty of 16€/t for
other barley. Outside the quotas the current duty of 93€/t will be
maintained. After adoption of the proposal by the Council, the new system
will be implemented on 1 January 2003.
[04] La Commission conclut son examen du cas Olympic Airways
La Commission européenne a adopté sa décision finale par laquelle elle
demande à la Grèce de récupérer une partie des aides précédemment accordées
par l'Etat grec à Olympic Airways, ainsi que de nouvelles aides octroyées
après 1998 de manière illégale, soit un total d'environ 194 millions €.
Elle considère en effet que l'ensemble de ces aides a permis à Olympic
Airways de bénéficier d'un traitement préférentiel par rapport à ses
concurrents en faussant les conditions de concurrence dans le marché
commun. Elle a par ailleurs constaté qu'un prêt de 19,5 millions € en
faveur d'Olympic Airways ne constituait pas une aide. En outre, elle a
confirmé que la compensation reçue pour déménager vers le nouvel aéroport
de Spata ainsi que l'application d'une TVA de 8% sur les liaisons
domestiques étaient compatibles avec les règles de concurrence.
[05] Air transport : Commission investigates the nature of advantages
granted to Ryanair when it set up operations at Charleroi airport
The European Commission has decided to open a formal investigation into the
advantages granted to the airline when it set up its first base in mainland
Europe at Charleroi in 2001. It has doubts regarding the nature of the
measures taken by the Walloon Region and by Brussels South Charleroi
Airport, which exclusively benefit Ryanair and might constitute State aid
incompatible with the proper functioning of the internal market.
[06] Compagnies aériennes : la Commission refuse la prolongation française
du régime de compensation des coûts subis suite aux attentats du 11
septembre 2001 aux Etats-Unis
La Commission européenne avait approuvé le régime initial de compensation
des coûts subis suite aux attentats des Etats-Unis pour la période de 4
jours durant laquelle l'espace aérien avait été interdit au trafic. Elle a
par contre considéré incompatible avec le bon fonctionnement du marché
intérieur sa prolongation prévue par la France après la reprise des vols
vers les Etats-Unis.
[07] Transport aérien : la Commission enquête sur les avantages reçus par
Intermed sur la ligne régulière Gérona-Madrid
La Commission européenne a décidé d'ouvrir la procédure formelle d'examen
des avantages reçus par la compagnie aérienne Intermediación Aérea SL
(Intermed) sur la ligne régulière entre Gérona et Madrid. Elle exprime en
effet des doutes quant à la nature des mesures prises par le Gouvernement
de la Communauté autonome de la Catalogne exclusivement au bénéfice
d'Intermed, qui pourraient être assimilées à des aides d'Etat incompatibles
avec le bon fonctionnement du marché intérieur.
[08] Secteur aérien privé d'assurance : la Commission autorise les aides
mises en place par l'Italie
La Commission européenne a autorisé le régime de garantie d'assurances pour
le secteur aérien mis en place par l'Italie du 28 septembre 2001 au 31
octobre 2002 suite aux attentats terroristes aux Etats-Unis du 11 septembre
[09] Commission authorises Danish environmental subsidies for the transport
of goods by rail
The European Commission has decided not to raise any objections to the
prolongation of a Danish environmental aid scheme, which intends to support
the transport of goods by rail on Danish territory. The aid is in line with
the White Paper on European transport policy, which acknowledges the need
to shift transport from road to rail.
[10] Maritime transport : Commission clears introduction of a tonnage tax
in Ireland
The European Commission has decided to approve the fiscal package aimed at
replacing the normal corporation tax by a tax based on the net tonnage of
the fleet for maritime companies engaged in international traffic.
[11] Le régime fiscal spécial applicable aux centrales de trésorerie en
France n'est pas conforme aux règles sur les aides d'Etat
Après un examen approfondi, la Commission européenne est parvenue à la
conclusion que le régime fiscal spécial applicable aux centrales de
trésorerie situées en France n'était pas conforme aux dispositions des
règles communautaires sur les aides d'Etat. La Commission a engagé une
procédure formelle à l'encontre de ce régime en juillet 2001. Cette
procédure s'inscrivait dans le cadre d'une enquête de grande envergure sur
les régimes d'aides fiscales, lancée par la Commission dans douze Etats
membres. Etant donné qu'au moment de la mise en oeuvre de ce régime, tant
les autorités françaises que les bénéficiaires avaient des raisons
légitimes de penser que ce régime ne constituait pas une aide d'Etat, la
Commission a décidé de ne pas demander le remboursement des avantages
fiscaux éventuellement perçus.
[12] Commission approves rescue aid for German electronics manufacturer
Grundig AG
The European Commission has approved rescue aid to Grundig AG, Nürnberg.
The notified aid, a 90% guarantee for a €45 million loan from the German
State of Bavaria, will allow Grundig to continue operations for six months
giving the company time to decide on its future.
[13] La Commission autorise des réductions fiscales en faveur de la zone
franche de Madère (Portugal)
La Commission européenne a autorisé un nouveau régime d'aides en faveur des
sociétés qui s'installeront dans la zone franche industrielle et le centre
de services internationaux de la Zone franche de Madère pendant la période
2003-2006. Dans sa décision, la Commission considère en particulier que ces
aides, octroyées sous forme de réductions des taux d'impôt sur les revenus
jusqu'à fin 2011, seraient susceptibles de contribuer à la diversification
économique de la région. En outre, ces aides devront pallier les handicaps
liés à la dépendance de la région vis-à-vis d'un nombre réduit de secteurs
(tels le tourisme et les travaux publics).
[14] Commission reduces planned aid to BMW for new car plant in Leipzig
The European Commission has decided that Germany must reduce the planned
regional investment aid in favour of BMW for the construction of a new car
plant in Leipzig (Saxony). After conducting the formal investigation
procedure the Commission found that aid amounting to around €363 million
for a total eligible investment of around €1205 million is compatible with
the EU rules for State aid and the framework for aid to the motor vehicle
industry in particular. A further €55 million is considered incompatible
with the common market and may not be granted.
[15] La Commission considère que le régime fiscal du Centre financier de
Trieste n'est plus conforme aux règles sur les aides d'Etat
A la suite d'une enquête approfondie, la Commission européenne est arrivée
à la conclusion que le Centre de services financiers et d'assurance de
Trieste ne remplissait plus les conditions prévues par les règles de l'UE
concernant les aides d'Etat. Ce régime fiscal spécial a été approuvé à
l'origine par la Commission en 1995 en vue de favoriser le développement de
marchés financiers dans les pays d'Europe de l'Est et les pays issus de
l'ex-Union soviétique. Le 11 juillet 2001, la Commission a invité l'Italie
à supprimer ce régime, qui n'était jamais entré en vigueur. Cette
invitation s'inscrivait dans le cadre d'une vaste enquête menée par la
Commission sur des régimes d'aides fiscales dans douze Etats membres.
[16] Price decreases of up to 40% lead Commission to close telecom leased
line inquiry
The European Commission has closed its inquiry into the telecom sector's
pricing of leased lines, due to a significant drop in prices since the
inquiry's launch in July 1999. In its initial findings, the Commission
pointed to high prices and diverging pricing policies across Member States,
which could not be justified by differences in cost. Three years later, the
sector inquiry produced a significant decrease in the price for
international telecom leased lines across the EU. Subsequent to the sector
inquiry's launch on 27 July 1999, the price for 2Mbps leased lines, the
most commonly used bandwidth, have decreased by, on average, 30% to 40%.
[17] Aides au secteur de l'agriculture en Espagne suite à la hausse du coût
du carburant
La Commission européenne a pris une décision finale partiellement négative
à l'égard des mesures de soutien prises par l'Espagne suite à la hausse du
prix de carburant et pour lesquelles elle avait ouvert la procédure
formelle d'examen en avril 2001. La Commission estime que plusieurs mesures
directement liées à la hausse du prix du carburant ne tombent pas sous les
règles d'aide d'Etat. Par contre, elle considère que pour deux mesures du
paquet presenté (bonification de prêts et de garanties et certains
avantages fiscaux), l'Espagne n'a pas pu démontrer qu'elles sont limitées à
compenser les dommages subis suite à cette hausse de prix du carburant. La
Commission doit donc considérer ces mesures comme des aides au
fonctionnement incompatibles avec les règles de concurrence.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[18] Commission proposes significant reductions in fishing catches to fend
off moratorium on cod fisheries in 2003
The European Commission is proposing significant cuts in catches in its
proposals for next year for a number of important EU white fish stocks, in
particular cod, haddock and whiting which are caught together. These
reductions, which must be accompanied by a system to control fishing effort
on the fisheries concerned, are crucial if a moratorium on fishing for a
number of cod stocks is to be averted. Total Allowable Catches (TACs) are
based on the latest advice from independent scientists. In this case, the
advice was to close targeted cod fisheries in the North Sea, Irish Sea,
west of Scotland and Skagerrak as these cod stocks are on the edge of
collapse. In order to assure some continuity of economic activity in the
fisheries concerned, the Commission proposes TACs consistent with a
significantly reduced risk to the main threatened stocks. However,
scientific evidence shows that to be effective these conservation measures
must be accompanied by effort restrictions and appropriate control
measures. In the absence of agreement at the December (16-19) Council
meeting on fishing effort controls to ensure compliance with low catch
limits, the Commission will have no option but to withdraw its TAC
proposals for the species concerned and to propose instead closure of the
relevant fisheries. The Commission also proposes substantial reductions in
TACs for other stocks for which the lowest possible level of fishing has
been advised as well as for stocks which are outside safe biological
limits. For these stocks, the Commission intends to propose recovery plans.
Today's proposal does not include TACs for a group of stocks which the EU
co-manages with Norway, pending an agreement with that country.
[19] La Commission lance une consultation publique sur l'apprentissage des
Les dix années au cours desquelles l'Union européenne a consenti des
investissements substantiels dans des programmes en faveur de
l'apprentissage des langues et de la diversité linguistique ont été
couronnées, en 2001, par l'Année européenne des langues, qui a remporté un
franc succès. L'Année a suscité beaucoup d'enthousiasme pour
l'apprentissage des langues dans toute l'Europe. Elle a fait prendre
conscience à un plus grand nombre de citoyens des avantages liés à la
connaissance de langues étrangères et a donné lieu à toute une série
d'initiatives en Europe, aux niveaux local, régional et national. La
Commission européenne est résolue à faire en sorte que l'élan soit
[20] Court of Justice confirms validity of Tobacco Products Directive
European Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner David Byrne welcomed
yesterday's ruling of the European Court of Justice on the Tobacco Products
Directive which toughens EU rules on manufacture, presentation and sale of
tobacco products : "The Tobacco Products Directive is one of our most
effective pieces of European legislation in the fight against tobacco
consumption. I welcome that the Court confirmed that the harmonisation of
the Internal Market is the proper legal basis of the Tobacco Products
Directive and that the harmonisation measures in the Directive are
proportionate." Mr Byrne recalled that the Tobacco Advertising Directive
adopted last week also uses Article 95 of the Treaty as its legal base. The
Court further concluded that the ban of manufacturing cigarettes which do
not comply with the maximum levels set by the Directive - 10 mg per
cigarette for tar, 1 mg per cigarette for nicotine and 10 mg per cigarette
for carbon monoxide - does not only apply to products for the Internal
Market but also affects cigarettes manufactured in the EU for exports to
third countries. However, the ban of misleading descriptors such as "mild"
or "light" only applies to tobacco products marketed within the EU
(Judgement of the Court in Case 491/01 of 10 December 2002).
[21] Public support for the EU and the euro remains strong, despite concern
over global developments
Public support for the European Union and the euro remains strong in the 15
EU Member States, according to the latest Eurobarometer survey. The poll,
which questioned more than 16,000 people across the EU between October 1
and November 5, found a large majority of citizens believe that their
country's membership of the EU is a good thing. Support for the euro
remains strong, and confidence in the Commission has increased to its
highest level since Eurobarometer began asking this question in spring
1999. A large majority of respondents gave their backing to a common
foreign and security policy and a constitution for the EU. At the same time,
however, public concern is growing over the global geopolitical and
economic situation, with a majority of people fearful of war, economic
downturn and worsening employment conditions.
[22] EU citizens' awareness of enlargement improving, but knowledge gaps
Public awareness of enlargement has increased across the 15 European Union
Member States since September, according to a new Flash Eurobarometer
survey, published today. The poll, which questioned more than 15,000 people
between November 11 and 20, found an overwhelming majority of EU citizens
support the enlargement process and recognise the practical benefits it
will bring. Knowledge about which countries are candidates for accession
and the timetable has also picked up, but remains at low a level. There has
also been a slight increase in concern about the potential negative effects
of enlargement on social welfare and decision-making.
[23] La Commission adopte trois décisions accordant une aide humanitaire de
plus de 2 millions d'€
La Commission européenne a récemment adopté des décisions prévoyant une
aide humanitaire en faveur du Nicaragua (0,5 million d'€), du Paraguay (0,
92 million d'€) et de Cuba (0,6 million d'€). Cette aide passera par
l'intermédiaire de l'Office d'aide humanitaire (ECHO), placé sous
l'autorité du commissaire Poul Nielson.
[24] Commission to help finance Aceh peace accord
The European Commission contributes €2.3 million to support the
implementation of the peace agreement between of the Government of
Indonesia and the Free Aceh Movement (GAM). The grant was made available
from the Commission's special "Rapid Reaction Mechanism" and covers the
cost of up to 50 international peace monitors for a period of six months.
The Commission is funding this action together with several EU member
States, the USA and Japan.
[25] EU-Iran : launch of negotiations on new agreements with Iran
Tomorrow the European Commission will launch negotiations on a Trade and
Cooperation Agreement (TCA) with Iran, alongside the parallel negotiations
on political dialogue and counter-terrorism conducted by the EU Presidency
(currently Denmark). These negotiations should lead to the first
contractual agreement between the EU and the Islamic Republic, and will
pave the way for closer economic and political ties. Moves towards closer
relations with Iran will be subject to continued monitoring of progress in
that country on political, economic and social reform. The agreements will
be concluded and enter into force as a package. They are interdependent,
indissociable, and mutually reinforcing elements of the EU's global
approach to relations with Iran.
[26] Pascal Lamy welcomes WTO appellate body ruling on privatised foreign
steel companies
European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy welcomed yesterday the WTO
Appellate Body ruling confirming that the so-called "same person"
methodology, used by the US to determine whether the new privatised
producer had received any benefit from prior financial contributions to
state-owned producers, was inconsistent with WTO law. The methodology used
by the US to impose Countervailing (CVD) measures in a number of cases
affecting EU steel producers presumed that, even if a fair market value had
been paid by the new owner, this had not extinguished a prior benefit, if
the exporting company maintained the same productions facilities and
customers after the privatisation. The Appellate Body has now clarified
that this methodology is inconsistent with the WTO agreement on Subsidies
and Countervaling Measures. It has also found that 12 related CVD measures
against EC firms are WTO-inconsistent. The EU expects that the US will
change its methodology and address the CVD measures without delay. For more
information: http://www.wto.org/english/tratop_e/dispu_e/212_abr_e.doc
[27] Autre matériel diffusé
Open letter from Franz Fischler to the European fishermen
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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