European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-12-10
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] 2002 review of the EU economy : documenting the need for more economic
[02] La Commission et l'Espagne en contacts constants sur les possibilités
de soutien communautaire
[03] Margot Wallström : "EU cannot rely on a few Member States to reach
Kyoto target"
[04] Emissions trading : Margot Wallström welcomes Council agreement as
landmark decision for combating climate change
[05] Average CO² emissions from new passenger cars in the EU down by about
10% since 1995
[06] Margot Wallström welcomes agreement on traceability and labelling of
genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
[07] Réseaux Trans-Européens : ouverture du tronçon Louvain-Liège du projet
TGV Paris-Bruxelles-Cologne-Amsterdam-Londres
[08] Commission clears joint control of Austrian leasing firm VB-Leasing by
VR-Leasing and Immoconsult Leasing
[09] David Byrne : "L'initiative pour la sécurité sanitaire dans le monde
renforce le niveau de préparation et de réponse aux menaces bioterroristes"
[10] Commission marks Human Rights Day : €81 million for 116 projects
[11] Pascal Lamy welcomes completion of negotiation for Armenia's accession
to the WTO
[12] Pascal Lamy welcomes agreement for accelerated accession of poorest
countries to the WTO
[13] Further liberalisation of agricultural trade with Slovakia
[14] Les entreprises dans les pays d'Europe centrale : ralentissement de la
création de nouvelles entreprises entre 1995 et 2000 ; meilleures chances
de survie pour les entreprises slovènes et tchèques
[15] Anna Diamantopoulou calls on business help for European Year of
Disabled People 2003 : "Let's focus on the ability behind the disability"
[16] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 10/12/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 10/12/2002
[01] 2002 review of the EU economy : documenting the need for more economic
Three years of buoyant growth in the euro area up until 2000 gave way to a
period of sluggish growth since 2001. According to Pedro Solbes, European
Commissioner for economic and monetary affairs, "there are various
explanations for the persistence of the slowdown, but the solution is
common : action to strengthen the resilience, internal dynamism and thus
the growth potential of the European economy. Macroeconomic stability has
to be preserved while the growing delivery gap in the implementation of
announced economic reforms needs to be addressed." In addition to analysing
the macro-economic developments in the euro area, the 2002 EU review
provides an in-depth analysis on : (1) the record of and benefits from
structural reforms ; (2) the benefits from and pace of bond market
integration ; (3) the economic and financial impact of ageing ; and (4) the
process of convergence for the Accession Countries.
[02] La Commission et l'Espagne en contacts constants sur les possibilités
de soutien communautaire
Au cours de sa visite à Madrid le 22 novembre dernier, le Commissaire
européen à la Politique régionale, Michel Barnier, a eu un entretien avec
le ministre espagnol des Finances, Cristóbal Montoro. A cette occasion, ils
ont examiné toutes les possibilités de soutien communautaire dans le cadre
de la catastrophe du Prestige. Celles-ci comprennent notamment la
réallocation des fonds structurels ainsi qu'une possible intervention du
Fonds de Solidarité de l'Union européenne.
[03] Margot Wallström : "EU cannot rely on a few Member States to reach
Kyoto target"
The European Commission has published its annual report on greenhouse gas
emissions. It shows that total greenhouse gas emissions were down by 3.5%
in 2000 compared to 1990. The report suggests, however, that with existing
measures the EU will not reach its - 8% target under the Kyoto Protocol.
The emission reductions achieved so far are mainly due to lower emissions
in a few Member States (notable Germany and the UK), while several Member
States are far off track in meeting their targets under the EU burden-
sharing. The report also shows that the EU reduced its CO² emissions by
0.5% between 1990 and 2000 thereby meeting its aim to stabilise these
emissions in this period.
[04] Emissions trading : Margot Wallström welcomes Council agreement as
landmark decision for combating climate change
Today, a little over a year after the Commission presented its proposal for
an EU greenhouse gas emissions trading system, the Council unanimously
reached political agreement on a common position on the Commission's
proposal. This agreement confirms the EU's continued political leadership
in the area of climate change.
[05] Average CO² emissions from new passenger cars in the EU down by about
10% since 1995
The European Commission has published its third annual report on the
effectiveness of the EU strategy to reduce CO² emissions from passenger
cars. The strategy aims at achieving an average CO² emission figure for new
passenger cars of 120g CO²/km by 2005, or by 2010 at the latest. The report
concludes that the strategy has so far resulted in a 10% reduction of CO²
emissions from new passenger cars sold on the EU market since 1995. The
main element of the strategy is the commitment from the European, Japanese
and Korean car industries to reduce CO² emissions from new passenger cars.
While welcoming the result, the Commission stresses that additional efforts
are necessary to meet the final target.
[06] Margot Wallström welcomes agreement on traceability and labelling of
genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
European Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström welcomed yesterday's
agreement on a common position for a Regulation on traceability and
labelling of GMOs and traceability of food and feed products produced from
GMOs. Ms Wallström said : "The people of Europe want to be fully informed
about the use of GMOs in food, feed and agricultural production. It is our
responsibility as policy makers to show strong political leadership and do
what is necessary to ensure a high level of environmental protection as
well as safety and consumer choice. This is essential if Europe is to reap
the potential benefits of GMOs and biotechnology."
[07] Réseaux Trans-Européens : ouverture du tronçon Louvain-Liège du projet
TGV Paris-Bruxelles-Cologne-Amsterdam-Londres
Le tronçon Louvain-Liège de la ligne ferroviaire à grande vitesse Paris-
Bruxelles-Cologne-Amsterdam-Londres a été inauguré aujourd'hui. Ce tronçon
est une importante étape pour prolonger vers la frontière allemande l'axe
Paris-Bruxelles en service depuis 1997. Depuis 1989, l'UE a soutenu à
hauteur de 200 millions d'€ la partie belge de ce projet transeuropéen de
grande envergure.
[08] Commission clears joint control of Austrian leasing firm VB-Leasing by
VR-Leasing and Immoconsult Leasing
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition of joint control of Austrian leasing company VB-Leasing
International Holding GmbH by VR-Leasing AG of Germany and Austria's
Immoconsult Leasinggesellschaft m.b.H. The last two companies are
controlled by DZ-Bank of Germany and Austria's OVAG, respectively. They are
both active in real estate leasing. (The operation, notified on 6 November
2002, was examined under the simplified merger review procedure)
[09] David Byrne : "L'initiative pour la sécurité sanitaire dans le monde
renforce le niveau de préparation et de réponse aux menaces bioterroristes"
David Byrne, Commissaire européen en charge de la Santé et de la Protection
des consommateurs, a rencontré les ministres de la santé du Mexique et du
G7 à Mexico pour convenir de diverses initiatives destinées à rehausser le
niveau de préparation et de réponse aux menaces et attaques bioterroristes,
où qu'elles puissent se produire. Les participants à cette troisième
réunion de l'initiative pour la sécurité sanitaire dans le monde ont
examiné les progrès réalisés dans la lutte antiterroriste depuis leur
première réunion d'Ottawa en novembre 2001, qui faisait suite aux attaques
à l'anthrax aux Etats-Unis. Depuis lors, les efforts déployés au plan
international ont accéléré la préparation en formant les personnels de
santé et en augmentant les stocks de médicaments et de matériel de manière
à mettre en place une défense efficace. Les maladies transmissibles ne
connaissent pas les frontières. Par conséquent, cette initiative vise à
mobiliser des moyens dans le cadre d'un effort mondial de sécurité
sanitaire pour faire face à tout rejet intentionnel d'agents infectieux ou
de substances chimiques. Elle prendra en compte les menaces prévisibles
pour les personnes, l'environnement, les chaînes d'approvisionnement en eau
et en aliments ou les biens.
[10] Commission marks Human Rights Day : €81 million for 116 projects
On Human Rights Day, 10 December 2002, the European Commission highlights
the commitment of the EU to the promotion of human rights and
democratisation : the European Initiative for Democracy and Human Rights
(EIDHR) has approved €28 million for 42 projects to promote and defend
human rights and democracy. It is expected that another 30 Commission
decisions will be taken before the end of the year : €53 million will
finance 74 projects and an additional €7.8 million will fund micro-projects
in 15 selected countries. In addition to the new funds announced today, 600
projects worth some €350 million are currently being implemented to promote
human rights and democratisation world wide. The annual Human Rights Day
commemorates the signature of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on
10 December 1948. The European Union respects and promotes the universal
principles laid down in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and
considers it its mission to promote these values not only within its own
borders, but also in its relations with third countries. To mark the Human
Rights Day, the Commission, in collaboration with two international
organisations, AIDOS (Associazione Italiana Donne per lo Sviluppo) and No
Peace Without Justice, is also supporting a conference as part of a
campaign to eradicate Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in African, Arab and
EU countries. The conference is hosted by the European Parliament. Together
with eight African NGO partners, it aims at identifying ways to protect
women's rights. The event takes place in the framework of the project "Stop
FGM: an International Campaign to eradicate Female Genital Mutilation"
which has received an EIDHR grant of €925,584.
[11] Pascal Lamy welcomes completion of negotiation for Armenia's accession
to the WTO
Today, the World Trade Organisation (WTO) General Council meeting in Geneva
marked the conclusion of the negotiations for Armenia's accession to the
WTO. "Armenia has demonstrated remarkable resolve to finalise negotiations
over the past few months. Between July and November 2002, significant
efforts were made to complete the alignment of Armenia's legislation with
WTO rules. Overall, Armenia has been able to offer its WTO partners
commitments that are balanced and in line with its economic capacities.
Accession to the WTO will now help Armenia reap the benefits of the world
trade system while facilitating the consolidation of the reforms already
undertaken by this country in the framework of the Partnership and
Cooperation Agreement with the EU", European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy
[12] Pascal Lamy welcomes agreement for accelerated accession of poorest
countries to the WTO
The WTO General Council today agreed a simplified and accelerated procedure
for accession of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to the WTO. This move
culminates the initiative launched by the EU in 1999 aimed at facilitating
accession of poorest countries to the WTO, taken up in turn by the Third UN
Conference on LDCs in Brussels in May 2001. The procedure will be
immediately applicable to LDCs currently in the accession process. European
Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy said : "Accession to the WTO is a crucial
step for LDCs striving for development and integration in world trade and
the agreement reached today brings that goal within reach for a number of
them. So that's excellent news."
[13] Further liberalisation of agricultural trade with Slovakia
In the framework of the "double profit" agreements between the EU and
candidate countries, the European Commission today adopted a proposal for
an additional protocol to the Europe Agreement between the EU and their
Member States, of the one part and the Slovak Republic, of the other part.
This protocol which consolidates all existing agricultural trade
preferences between the parties includes further additional liberalisation
of agricultural trade with the Slovak Republic under the "double profit"
arrangement with the aim to take effect from early 2003. The agreement,
which foresees an increase in preferential agricultural trade between the
EU and the Slovak Republic of the order of €60 million, involves the
reciprocal complete liberalisation of trade in a range of products
including molasses, many fruit and vegetables, honey, fruit juices and
sheep meat. The deal also incorporates improvements to existing concessions
and addresses new duty-free tariff quotas in the cereals, beef, wine and
dairy sectors. The EU will be granted new duty-free access to the Slovak
market for its exports of rice and olive oil. Substantial tariff quotas on
wheat, maize and barley have been granted in parallel with a commitment
from the parties to remove export subsidies for the sectors concerned. The
draft agreement must now be adopted by the Council and the Slovak Republic
and be signed by both sides. Commenting on the proposal, Agriculture
Commissioner Franz Fischler said : "Facilitating mutual farm trade before
EU accession is part of the EU's strategy to prepare both sides for the EU
accession and the single market."
[14] Les entreprises dans les pays d'Europe centrale : ralentissement de la
création de nouvelles entreprises entre 1995 et 2000 ; meilleures chances
de survie pour les entreprises slovènes et tchèques
Selon un rapport publié aujourd'hui par Eurostat, en 2000, quelque 500.000
entreprises non agricoles avaient été nouvellement enregistrées dans les
pays d'Europe centrale (PEC). Le taux de création d'entreprises
s'établissait à près de 13%, après avoir dépassé 19% en 1995 et 1996. Des
différences notables étaient observées entre les divers pays : en 2000, le
taux était supérieur à 20% en Estonie et Lettonie, et inférieur à 10% en
Lituanie et Slovénie.
[15] Anna Diamantopoulou calls on business help for European Year of
Disabled People 2003 : "Let's focus on the ability behind the disability"
At an address to Europe 21 on Corporate Social Responsibility and
Disability in London today, Anna Diamantopoulou, European Commissioner for
Employment and Social Affairs, called upon business to provide active
support to the European Year of Disabled People 2003. She said : "The
European Year of Disabeled People is an excellent opportunity to raise
awareness and understanding of the needs, priorities and potential of the
37 million people in the EU with disabilities. To focus on the ability
behind the disability. The Commission is providing an overall framework,
guidelines, and some financial support. But we want the motivation for the
Year to come from the grassroots. A large number of activities have already
been planned so far across the Union nationally, regionally and, above all,
locally. […] By building on a strong alliance of stakeholders -including
business- I believe that the Year will help break down barriers and open
doors for the disabled population of Europe. Helping us work towards true
equality of access and participation for all Europe's citizens."
[16] Autre matériel diffusé
Note sur les résultats du Conseil Transports (05-06/12) spectaculaires
avancées en faveur de la sécurité maritime
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Ecofin
Discours de M. Fischler : "Prestige, la crise du cabillaud et la réforme de
la pêche" devant la commission Pêche du PE (09/12)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
© ECSC - EC - EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg, 1995, 1996