European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-07-22
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Prix des véhicules automobiles dans l'Union européenne : les écarts
restent importants, en particulier dans les segments de masse du marché
[02] Internal Market : Commission launches free advice and problem-solving
services to help citizens and business
[03] May first estimates, April revised figures - Euro-zone external trade
surplus : € 8.3 billion in May 2002 ; €1.5 billion surplus for EU15
[04] New decision of Eurostat on deficit and debt : treatment of non-
returned banknotes and coins in the context of the cash changeover to the
[05] Commission warns Belgium, Sweden and Finland about non-compliance with
environmental laws
[06] Couche d'ozone : la Commission ouvre des procédures d'infraction à
l'encontre de tous les Etats membres
[07] Commission files appeal against dismissal of its cigarette smuggling
action against three tobacco companies and is supported by WHO, US law
enforcement officers and US anti-smoking campaign
[08] Last minute US steel concessions persuade EU to hold fire on sanctions
[09] Chris Patten and Pascal Lamy attend Rio Ministerial meeting to inject
impetus into EU-Mercosur negotiations
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 22/07/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 22/07/2002
[01] Prix des véhicules automobiles dans l'Union européenne : les écarts
restent importants, en particulier dans les segments de masse du marché
Dans son dernier rapport sur les prix des voitures, la Commission
européenne a constaté qu'il subsiste des écarts de prix importants pour les
voitures neuves dans le marché intérieur, malgré l'introduction de l'euro.
La situation au 1er mai 2002 montre qu'aucune convergence notable des prix
ne s'est encore produite. L'Espagne, la Grèce, la Finlande et le Danemark,
pays qui n'est pas membre de la zone euro, sont les marchés où les prix
hors taxes des voitures sont généralement les plus bas. C'est en Allemagne,
le plus grand marché, et en Autriche, qu'ils sont les plus élevés au sein
de la zone euro. L'enquête révèle l'absence de tendance perceptible à un
rapprochement des prix entre les marchés nationaux les moins chers et ceux
qui sont les plus chers, c'est-à-dire des hausses de prix sur les premiers
et/ou des baisses de prix sur les seconds. M. Mario Monti, commissaire
chargé de la Concurrence, a déclaré : "La surveillance des écarts de prix
ainsi que d'autres indices confirment régulièrement que le fonctionnement
du marché intérieur peut encore être sensiblement amélioré dans le secteur
automobile. La réforme adoptée par la Commission le 17 juillet 2002 crée
les conditions nécessaires à la concurrence dans les ventes et les services
après-vente des véhicules automobiles, de sorte que le marché intérieur
pourra fonctionner à l'avantage tant des consommateurs européens que des
opérateurs économiques."
[02] Internal Market : Commission launches free advice and problem-solving
services to help citizens and business
Problems getting a diploma recognised or getting social security cover in
another EU country ? Need advice on your rights after being unable to
travel because a flight is overbooked ? Other difficulties making use of
Internal Market rights ? The European Commission's newly improved Citizens
Signpost Service gives people the personalised help they need. It is quick,
easy and free of charge. Users need simply to telephone an easy-to-remember
number (the same everywhere in the EU) - or to submit their query by e-
mail. Legal experts will, within three working days, and faster where
possible, reply with informal advice and "signposting" to where the
questioner can get further help. The Commission has also set up a new
problem-solving network called SOLVIT, open for business from 22nd July and
targeting cases of misapplication of EU law. EU citizens and businesses can
contact SOLVIT Centres directly, either in their Member State of origin or
in the one where they are living or doing business. Alternatively, they can
be referred to a SOLVIT centre by the Signpost Service. The target deadline
for solving problems is 10 weeks. The Signpost Service and SOLVIT are part
of the Commission's 'Dialogue with Citizens and Business' initiative. The
Dialogue aims to make citizens more aware of their rights and to establish
two-way communication with them about problems in exercising those rights.
[03] May first estimates, April revised figures - Euro-zone external trade
surplus : € 8.3 billion in May 2002 ; €1.5 billion surplus for EU15
According to Eurostat, the first estimate for euro-zone trade with the rest
of the world in May 2002 was a €8.3 billion surplus, against +2.0 billion
in May 2001. The revised April 2002 balance was +5.0 billion, compared with
a 0.2 billion deficit in April 2001. Euro-zone trade recorded a surplus of
€33.0 billion for the first five months of 2002, against a 0.2 billion
deficit in 2001. The first estimate for May 2002 extra-EU15 trade was a
€1.5 billion surplus, compared with a 5.2 billion deficit in May 2001. In
April 2002, there was a revised deficit of 3.3 billion, against -8.4
billion in April 2001. The EU15 recorded a deficit estimated at 6.8 billion
in the first five months of 2002 compared with -38.8 billion in 2001.
[04] New decision of Eurostat on deficit and debt : treatment of non-
returned banknotes and coins in the context of the cash changeover to the
Eurostat has taken a decision on the treatment of non-returned banknotes
and coins in national accounts in the context of the cash changeover to the
euro. The decision has been taken in order to ensure comparability of the
government deficit and debt data in Member States and assuring conformity
with the European System of Accounts (ESA95) and the Manual on government
deficit and debt. The decision is consistent with the opinion of a very
large majority of CMFB (Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of
Payments Statistics) members. According to this decision, the treatment of
gains from non-returned banknotes has no impact on government deficit and
the treatment of gains from non-returned coins in government balance sheet
has an impact on the government debt but leaves the government deficit
[05] Commission warns Belgium, Sweden and Finland about non-compliance with
environmental laws
The European Commission is acting to safeguard the environment by pursuing
infringement proceedings against Belgium and Sweden. The Commission has
sent Belgium a formal request ("Reasoned Opinion") for information
concerning measures taken to comply with a 2001 ruling of the Court of
Justice. This ruling condemned Belgian legislation allowing activities with
an impact upon the environment to be authorised without an express act of
the administration (so-called "tacit authorisations"). In separate cases,
Sweden and Finland have received formal requests ('Reasoned Opinions') to
correct shortcomings in their legislation on integrated pollution
prevention and control (IPPC). EU law on IPPC law aims to ensure that
potentially polluting operations are subject to strict environmental
controls. Current Swedish and Finnish legislation does not guarantee
citizens that their environment will be protected as strictly as the
Directive requires. In the absence of a satisfactory response within two
months of receipt of the 'Reasoned Opinion', the Commission may refer
Sweden and Finland to the Court.
[06] Couche d'ozone : la Commission ouvre des procédures d'infraction à
l'encontre de tous les Etats membres
La Commission européenne a décidé de demander formellement à tous les Etats
membres de lui communiquer des informations relatives aux progrès accomplis
en matière de limitation des substances qui endommagent la couche d'ozone.
Les Etats membres devaient fournir ces informations au plus tard le 31
décembre 2001, conformément au règlement de l'UE sur la couche d'ozone. Il
est essentiel de protéger la couche d'ozone terrestre puisqu'elle bloque
les rayonnements solaires délétères à l'origine de cancers de la peau et
d'autres maladies humaines, réduit la production végétale et nuit à la
faune et à la flore marines. En vertu du règlement sur la couche d'ozone,
les Etats membres doivent rendre compte des systèmes mis en place pour
récupérer les substances appauvrissant la couche d'ozone, des installations
existant dans ce domaine, des exigences en matière de qualification du
personnel et des quantités récupérées. Les demandes adressées aujourd'hui
aux Etats membres prennent la forme de "lettres de mise en demeure",
première étape de la procédure d'infraction en vertu de l'article 226 du
traité CE. En l'absence de réponse satisfaisante dans un délai de deux mois,
la Commission peut enjoindre aux Etats membres (par "avis motivé")
d'établir les systèmes requis par le règlement sur la couche d'ozone. Si
aucun rapport concernant la mise en place de ces systèmes ne parvient à la
Commission, celle-ci peut alors saisir la Cour de justice.
[07] Commission files appeal against dismissal of its cigarette smuggling
action against three tobacco companies and is supported by WHO, US law
enforcement officers and US anti-smoking campaign
The European Commission has filed an appeal before the US Court of Appeals
on behalf of the EU and ten Member States against the dismissal of its
cigarette smuggling action, and has been supported by the World Health
Organisation, the US Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and the US Federal Law
Enforcement Officers Association. The action is against three cigarette
manufacturers : Philip Morris, R.J. Reynolds and Japan Tobacco. The
following Member States participate in the appeal : Italy, Germany, France,
Spain, Portugal, Greece, Belgium, The Netherlands, Finland and Luxembourg.
"Protecting the financial interests of the European Union and fighting
fraud, remains a top priority for the Commission", said Budget Commissioner
Michaele Schreyer. "The Commission is determined to continue its legal case
against cigarette smuggling, and warmly welcomes the support of the World
Health Organisation, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids and the Federal Law
Enforcement Officers Association".
[08] Last minute US steel concessions persuade EU to hold fire on sanctions
On 19 July, the European Commission recommended to the Council of Ministers
the postponement until 30 September of its decision on the application of
short-term sanctions against the US in response to the US's protectionist
steel safeguards, but warned that further US steps are necessary. The
Commission's recommendation met with the full support of the Member States
and will be formalised at Ministerial level at the General Affairs Council
on Monday 22 July. The Commission's recommendation took account of a
significant last minute announcement of a sizeable number of exclusions.
Welcoming the latest US concessions, Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy said :
"Our job is to defend EU interests in the most effective way in order to
achieve our objectives. On balance, right now the EU interest is best
served by maintaining maximum pressure on the US to deliver a meaningful
rebalancing package. The US have taken useful steps in this direction and
have told us there is more to come, but there is much more to do. They know
that we need to see substantial additional exclusions between now and
September to avoid the adoption of countermeasures."
[09] Chris Patten and Pascal Lamy attend Rio Ministerial meeting to inject
impetus into EU-Mercosur negotiations
On 23rd July, European External Relations Commissioner Chris Patten and
Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy will meet with Foreign and Economics
Ministers of Mercosur (Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay) in Rio de
Janeiro. The meeting will be hosted by Brazilian Foreign Minister Celso
Lafer, representing the Pro-Tempore Presidency of Mercosur. The meeting
provides an opportunity to review EU-Mercosur relations in the light of the
political agreement reached at the EU-Mercosur Summit on 17th May 2002, "to
give a new impetus to the economic/trade negotiations, and to hold a
meeting between negotiators at ministerial level". Ministers will
concentrate on the negotiations for an EU-Mercosur Inter-Regional
Association Agreement. The EU is committed to concluding an ambitious
agreement. It is the first time that two regional blocks negotiate an
Association Agreement, incorporating the three pillars of political
dialogue, cooperation and free trade. The EU will also re-affirm its strong
support for Mercosur's regional integration.
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Programme of European Coal and Steel Community flag ceremony and symposium
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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