European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-07-19
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Economic governance in an enlarged European Union - Romano Prodi
appoints High-Level Study Group
[02] La recherche de l'UE montre que les algues peuvent contribuer à la
lutte contre le réchauffement planétaire
[03] Environment : Commission proposes new scheme to protect Europe's
[04] Fiscalité des sociétés : la Commission crée un forum sur les prix de
[05] L'emploi dans l'UE en 2000 : 15% des femmes et 13% des hommes salariés
occupent un emploi temporaire ; plus de la moitié des travailleurs
temporaires ont moins de 30 ans
[06] Commission clears acquisition of Haslemere by Lehman
[07] Commission clears acquisition of AFM by Doughty Hanson
[08] Commission clears acquisition of Vendex by CVC
[09] La Commission prend des mesures à l'encontre du Royaume-Uni, de la
France, de l'Italie et de l'Autriche pour non-respect de la directive sur
l'évaluation des incidences sur l'environnement
[10] Commission requests Austria to comply with laws on nitrates and water
[11] Commission proposes reduction of sweetener cyclamate in food
[12] Margot Wallström at Informal Environment Council in Sønderborg,
[13] "We won't let Finnish farmers down" Franz Fischler presents CAP mid-
term review in Finland
[14] New building for Commission's Food and Veterinary Office officially
opened in Ireland
[15] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 19/07/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 19/07/2002
[01] Economic governance in an enlarged European Union - Romano Prodi
appoints High-Level Study Group
European Commission President Romano Prodi has decided to appoint a High-
Level Study Group to review all the economic instruments that currently
exist at EU level and assess their suitability as proper instruments of
economic governance in the context of enlargement. The Group will also
examine whether or not new policies are needed so as to ensure growth,
stability and cohesion. President Prodi has asked the Group to finalise its
report by Spring 2003. In preparing its report, the Group will be assisted
by the Commission's Group of Policy Advisors.
[02] La recherche de l'UE montre que les algues peuvent contribuer à la
lutte contre le réchauffement planétaire
Il ressort d'un projet de recherche de l'UE que les algues marines peuvent
contribuer à la lutte contre le changement climatique. Les participants au
projet de recherche "Parforce" financé par l'UE ont découvert que les
vapeurs d'iode émanant des algues marines exerçaient un effet inverse au
réchauffement planétaire. Alors que les gaz à effet de serre piègent la
chaleur qui s'échappe de la surface de la Terre, les algues dégagent des
vapeurs qui empêchent la chaleur de parvenir jusqu'au sol et aux océans.
L'équipe "Parforce", qui travaille sous la direction de l'Université
nationale d'Irlande (Galway), compte 15 groupes de recherche en provenance
de l'Irlande, de la Finlande, de la Suède, de l'Allemagne, du Royaume-Uni
et des Pays-Bas. Les chercheurs européens ont collaboré avec des experts
américains du California Institute of Technology.
[03] Environment : Commission proposes new scheme to protect Europe's
A new scheme to monitor and safeguard Europe's forests has been proposed by
the European Commission and the European Parliament. The scheme, called
"Forest Focus", aims to offer better protection for forests and to develop
awareness of the importance of forests to our environment. The programme
would initially run for 6 years, from 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2008,
with a budget of €13 million per year. Until now, EU monitoring action on
forests has been limited to the impact of air pollution and forest fires.
It is clear, however, that the importance of forests to the environment
extends far beyond these issues. Therefore, in addition to these monitoring
activities, Forest Focus would develop new activities to assess the impact
of climate change on forest ecosystems and to complement EU policies on bio-
diversity, carbon sequestration and soil protection.
[04] Fiscalité des sociétés : la Commission crée un forum sur les prix de
La Commission européenne vient de nommer dix experts fiscaux du secteur
privé qui participeront au forum de l'UE sur les prix de transfert et la
fiscalité des entreprises ainsi que le président du forum. Associé au
experts désignés par les administrations des Etats membres, ces experts du
secteur privé ont pour mission de réfléchir aux moyens de réduire les coûts
de mise en conformité élevés et d'éliminer les problèmes de double
imposition qui se posent fréquemment au niveau des transactions
transfrontalières intragroupe. Ces problèmes surviennent en raison des
désaccords, entre sociétés et administrations fiscales ou entre
administrations fiscales nationales, sur la fixation du prix des
transactions. La Commission a procédé à ces nominations avec l'accord des
représentants de la présidence du Conseil des ministres de l'UE et de
l'UNICE, organisation représentant le patronat européen. Une première
réunion du forum, dont la création a été annoncée par la Commission dans sa
communication du 23 octobre 2001 sur la fiscalité des entreprises (voir
IP/01/1468), a été programmée pour le début d'octobre 2002. Le forum se
réunira deux à trois fois par an.
[05] L'emploi dans l'UE en 2000 : 15% des femmes et 13% des hommes salariés
occupent un emploi temporaire ; plus de la moitié des travailleurs
temporaires ont moins de 30 ans
Selon une étude publiée aujourd'hui par Eurostat, en 2000, dans l'UE, 14,5%
des femmes et 12,5% des hommes salariés avaient un emploi temporaire. Avec
34,6% des femmes et 30,7% des hommes salariés ayant un contrat à durée
déterminée, le travail temporaire était le plus répandu en Espagne, suivie
du Portugal (22,7% des femmes et 18,4% des hommes) et la Finlande (20,9% et
14,5%). En revanche, ces proportions n'étaient que de 4,4% pour les femmes
et de 2,7% pour les hommes au Luxembourg et respectivement de 5,9% et 3,6%
en Irlande.
[06] Commission clears acquisition of Haslemere by Lehman
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition by US company Lehman Brothers Real Estate Partners LP of
full control of Dutch undertaking Haslemere N.V., currently jointly
controlled by the Israeli undertaking Brack Capital Real Estate Ltd, the
Luxembourg undertaking Apollo International S.a.r.l. and the undertaking
Merrill Lynch IBK Positions. (The operation was examined under the
simplified merger review procedure)
[07] Commission clears acquisition of AFM by Doughty Hanson
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition by Britain's British Doughty Hanson & Co Ltd of full
control of the German undertaking AFM Autofahrerfachmarkt GmbH & Co KG,
which belongs to the ATU Group (Germany), APS Autopotre by a sluzby s.r.o.
(Czech Republic) and Diana Kfz-Textil GmbH (Germany). (The operation was
examined under the simplified merger review procedure)
[08] Commission clears acquisition of Vendex by CVC
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition by British investment and management firm CVC Group of
six retail businesses by way of purchase of shares from the Dutch
Koninkliijke Vendex KBB Group. (The operation was examined under the
simplified merger review procedure)
[09] La Commission prend des mesures à l'encontre du Royaume-Uni, de la
France, de l'Italie et de l'Autriche pour non-respect de la directive sur
l'évaluation des incidences sur l'environnement
La Commission européenne a souhaité agir en faveur de l'environnement
européen en appliquant la procédure d'infraction à l'encontre de plusieurs
Etats membres. La Commission reproche aux Etats membres de ne pas s'être
conformés à la législation communautaire qui requiert une évaluation des
incidences des projets publics ou privés sur l'environnement. La Cour de
justice sera saisie à l'encontre du Royaume-Uni et de la France à cause des
insuffisances de leur législation nationale respective en matière
d'évaluation des incidences sur l'environnement. En outre, le Royaume-Uni
va recevoir une demande formelle l'invitant à faire réaliser une évaluation
des incidences sur l'environnement pour le projet de White City à Londres.
La France, quand à elle, recevra une demande formelle d'évaluation
approfondie des incidences sur l'environnement du projet d'autoroute de
contournement de Tours. Deux demandes formelles vont être adressées à
l'Italie pour entreprendre les évaluations des incidences sur
l'environnement d'un projet de marina à Chieti et d'une installation de
traitement des déchets à Brescia. L'Autriche, quant à elle, recevra une
demande formelle de mise en conformité de sa législation en ce qui concerne
l'évaluation des incidences de projets de remembrement rural sur
l'environnement. Ces demandes formelles prennent la forme des fameux "avis
motivés" qui représentent la deuxième étape de la procédure formelle
d'infraction au titre de l'article 226 du traité CE. En l'absence d'une
réponse satisfaisante dans un délai de deux mois à compter de la réception
de l'avis, la Commission peut saisir la Cour de justice.
[10] Commission requests Austria to comply with laws on nitrates and water
The European Commission has acted to safeguard the environment by sending
Austria a formal request to strengthen its measures to combat water
pollution by nitrates from agricultural sources, in compliance with the
EU's Nitrates Directive. The Directive aims to tighten controls on the use
of nitrate fertilisers and the disposal of animal waste to avoid high
nitrate levels in drinking water, and to help curb harmful plant growth in
water bodies. Austria's non-compliance increases the risks of nitrates from
agriculture causing or contributing to water pollution. Citizens will not
therefore get the guarantee of better protection of water resources that
the Directive promises. The request to Austria takes the form of a
"Reasoned Opinion", the second stage of infringement procedures under
Article 226 of the EC Treaty. In the absence of a satisfactory response
within two months, the Commission may refer the case to the Court of
[11] Commission proposes reduction of sweetener cyclamate in food
The Scientific Committee for Food, an independent committee that advises
the Commission on questions concerning consumer health and food safety, has
re-evaluated the sweetener cyclamate. Although the new epidemiological data
revealed no indications of harmful effects of cyclamate on humans, the
Committee decided to lower the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) for this
substance from 11 to 7 mg/kg bodyweight. New scientific evidence has shown
the conversion rate of cyclamate in the body to be higher than was
previously thought. As a consequence, the Commission has decided, as a
precautionary measure, to propose reducing the use of cyclamate by banning
its use in certain food categories like chewing gums and breath-freshening
micro-sweets, and by reducing it in soft drinks (from 400 mg/l to 350
mg/l). Through this measure, the Commission seeks to ensure that the intake
of cyclamates stays below the revised ADI. Further information at :
[12] Margot Wallström at Informal Environment Council in Sønderborg,
European Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström will participate in the
Informal Environment Council in Sønderborg, Denmark this weekend.
Preparations for the World Summit on Sustainable Development will be at the
centre of the discussions. Mrs Wallström will insist on the importance of
maintaining environment issues prominently on the agenda. The EUs key
environmental objectives for Johannesburg include : (a) a 10 year programme
for sustainable production and consumption ; (b) a halt and then reversal
of the decline in biodiversity ; (c) action to deal with hazardous
chemicals ; (d) a clear target and timeframe for delivering clean drinking
water and sanitation to the worlds poor ; (e) a target and action to
deliver increased use of renewable energy. Mrs Wallström commented : "The
latest international high-level consultations have shown broad commitment
to get preparations for the World Summit moving again. This is encouraging,
and we must now keep up the momentum. Johannesburg is not only about
environment, but the environmental agenda is a central component in our
efforts to promote global sustainable development and move from words to
deeds. She added : "We must continue to push for clear targets and
timeframes, to which politicians can be held accountable. And we will also
need to reiterate our assurances on how we can best channel the means to
achieve these objectives". The Informal Council will explore in detail how
the EU can work most efficiently in Johannesburg to meet its environmental
[13] "We won't let Finnish farmers down" Franz Fischler presents CAP mid-
term review in Finland
Presenting the European Commission's mid-term review of the Common
Agricultural Policy (CAP) today in Helsinki, Farm Commissioner Franz
Fischler underlined that farmers should be guaranteed a fair income also in
the future. "The Commission will not let Finnish farmers down. There are
good reasons why the support for our farmers is fully justified. They
deserve a fair standard of living, including in Nordic regions, and they
deserve additional compensation, if they ensure the quality and safety of
our food, and the good management of our landscape and our livestock. But
the CAP must be changed, not only in the interests of Finnish taxpayers and
consumers, but just as importantly to better meet the needs of Finnish
farmers. The existing over-bureaucratic support regime that encourages
farmers to use the most intensive methods possible is one that risks losing
the support of European taxpayers", he said.
[14] New building for Commission's Food and Veterinary Office officially
opened in Ireland
The Irish Taoiseach, Mr Bertie Ahern, today announced the official opening
of the Food and Veterinary Office's (FVO) new purpose built building in
Grange, Co Meath, Ireland. The FVO is an integral part of the European
Commission's Health and Consumer Protection Directorate General. It is
responsible for checking that EU rules on food, live animals and plant
products are complied with, both within the EU and also in third countries
which export to the EU. Last year FVO inspectors carried out over 200
inspections in 52 different countries.
[15] Autre matériel diffusé
Calendrier du 22 au 28 juillet 2002
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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