European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-07-05
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Commission clears partnership between Austrian Airlines and Lufthansa
[02] Improving environmental monitoring : Commission launches new research
[03] President Prodi to visit Singapore and Japan
[04] Tour de France 2002 : Viviane Reding présente pour le prologue et la
première étape à Luxembourg
[05] Un nouveau rapport demande des mesures supplémentaires pour faciliter
les transferts d'entreprises
[06] Latin America's Integration Processes in the Light of the EU's
Experience with EMU by Heliodoro Temprano Arroyo
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 05/07/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 05/07/2002
[01] Commission clears partnership between Austrian Airlines and Lufthansa
The European Commission has approved the partnership between Lufthansa and
Austrian Airlines after the two airlines successfully solved the European
Commission's concerns that consumers would be left with no choice of
carriers between Austria and Germany and the likelihood of higher prices.
To prevent a quasi-monopoly in air services between the two neighbouring
countries, the airlines offered to make available to new market entrants up
to 40 percent of the airport slots used to operate flights on all bilateral
routes such as for example Vienna-Berlin, Vienna-Frankfurt and Vienna-
Stuttgart. Lufthansa and Austrian Airlines also agreed to reduce fares on
the routes on which they do not face any competition to an extent similar
to the fare reduction on city pairs where rivals start operations. The
cooperation agreement was granted antitrust immunity retroactively from 10
December 1999, when it was activated, to 31 December 2005.
[02] Improving environmental monitoring : Commission launches new research
Environmental impact assessment depends on solid measurement standards and
monitoring tools. Science and technology can help explain what is happening
to European water, soil, air and forestry, undertake chemical and
biological analyses, and inform policy makers and the public at large.
European Commissioners for Research Philippe Busquin and Environment Margot
Wallström today launched a new network of scientific institutes,
universities and enterprises - the Metropolis network - which will monitor
the environment across Europe. Metropolis aims to identify environmental
standards and scientific assessment tools. It will facilitate better
European cooperation in monitoring the environment and contribute to
reinforcing Europe's science base for environmental policies.
[03] President Prodi to visit Singapore and Japan
European Commission President Romano Prodi will pay an official visit to
Singapore tomorrow to be followed by a visit to Tokyo for the EU-Japan
Summit on 8th July, together with Danish Prime Minister Rasmussen. In
Singapore, he will meet President Sellapan Rama Nathan and government
leaders, and pave the way for the opening of the Commission's new
Delegation in Singapore later this year. In Tokyo, President Prodi will be
accompanied by Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy and Industry Commissioner
Erkki Liikkanen, at the EU-Japan Summit. The EU's main objectives for the
Summit include : ensuring that the joint action plan agreed at the last EU-
Japan Summit in Brussels in November 2002 is implemented in a vigorous and
focussed manner ; cementing a strong commitment to maintaining the momentum
of negotiations on the Doha Development Agenda ; and, finally, to further
strenghtening cooperation with Japan as regards reconstruction in
Afghanistan and resumption of the peace process in the Middle East.
[04] Tour de France 2002 : Viviane Reding présente pour le prologue et la
première étape à Luxembourg
La Commissaire européenne en charge des Sports, Viviane Reding, assistera
au départ du Tour de France de Luxembourg les samedi 6 et dimanche 7
juillet. Cette présence marque la volonté partagée de la Commission et du
Tour de développer une coopération, en particulier dans la perspective de
l'Année européenne de l'éducation par le sport 2004, ainsi que la
reconnaissance par la Commission des efforts entrepris par le Tour pour
lutter contre le dopage.
[05] Un nouveau rapport demande des mesures supplémentaires pour faciliter
les transferts d'entreprises
Les Etats membres doivent accroître leurs efforts en vue de créer un
environnement favorable aux transferts d'entreprises, affirme un rapport
d'expert publié par la Commission européenne aujourd'hui. Le rapport a
établi que moins de la moitié des 21 mesures fiscales et juridiques dont
les petites entreprises ont besoin pour survivre aux changements de
propriété sont en place dans les Etats membres de l'UE, huit ans après que
ces mesures ont été énoncées pour la première fois dans une recommandation
de la Commission. Le nombre de mesures adoptées varie de 2 en Grèce à 16
aux Pays-Bas. Cependant, on estime qu'un tiers du total des entreprises de
l'UE changera de mains au cours des dix prochaines années (de 25 à 40%, en
fonction de l'Etat membre). Cela signifie qu'en moyenne 610.000 petites et
moyennes entreprises (PME) changeront de mains chaque année (le nombre
d'emplois affectés s'élevant potentiellement à 2,4 millions).
[06] Latin America's Integration Processes in the Light of the EU's
Experience with EMU by Heliodoro Temprano Arroyo
The paper assesses the advisability of subregional monetary integration in
Latin America by looking at the EU's experience with EMU and by applying
the theory of optimum currency areas as well as other criteria proposed by
the more recent literature. It also discusses the extent to which the EU's
fiscal policy architecture could be recreated in Latin America.
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de M. Busquin : "Recherche européenne et responsabilité sociale
des entreprises" au Colloque INSEAD (Fontainebleau, ! embargo 20h00 !)
Calendrier du 8 au 12 juillet 2002
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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