European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-07-04
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Pesticides : Commission to consult stakeholders on strategy to reduce
[02] 320 pesticides retirés du marché en juillet 2003
[03] EU tables market access requests to inject momentum into WTO services
[04] Sciences de la vie : la Commission stimule le débat en lançant le
projet "Science Génération"
[05] Commission proposals for a trustworthy and environmentally safe
approach to GMOs and GM food and feed backed by European Parliament
[06] La Commission vient de nommer les membres du Forum européen de
l'Energie et des Transports
[07] Posting of workers : Germany referred to the Court of Justice for
discriminatory treatment of non-German businesses
[08] Free movement of goods : Commission requests Germany, Ireland and
Italy to remove obstacles
[09] Services de sécurité privée : l'Espagne devant la Cour de justice pour
obstacles à l'opération d'entreprises non-espagnoles
[10] Statement of Chris Patten on the International Criminal Court and the
mandate for the UN Mission in Bosnia- Herzegovina
[11] Commission allocates €13 million for humanitarian action in Iraq
[12] Responding to humanitarian needs, ECHO Flight extends service to
Kinshasa, DRC
[13] Renouvellement de l'accord de pêche entre l'UE et l'Angola
[14] Structural Funds : "Cities for Cohesion" conference in London
[15] Tackling environmental damage and dangerous nuclear waste in Northern
Europe : pledging conference for the NDEP Support Fund (09/07)
[16] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 04/07/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 04/07/2002
[01] Pesticides : Commission to consult stakeholders on strategy to reduce
A new strategy aimed at reducing the impact of pesticides on the
environment and on human health is set out in a communication adopted by
the European Commission today. The strategy will aim to reduce the risks
from pesticides to farmers, consumers, and the environment, whilst
maintaining crop productivity. Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström
said : "Pesticides pose a risk to human health and the environment. Recent
events in Germany, where the banned carcinogenic herbicide Nitrofen was
found in human food, remind us of this. We must make pesticide use
sustainable. The Commission is working to make agricultural production less
dependent on pesticides, especially the most hazardous ones, as
alternatives do already exist."
[02] 320 pesticides retirés du marché en juillet 2003
Quelque 320 substances utilisées dans les produits phytopharmaceutiques
dont des insecticides, des fongicides et des herbicides seront retirées du
marché en 2003 dans le cadre de la nouvelle approche de la Commission
européenne concernant l'évaluation des substances actives présentes dans
les produits phytopharmaceutiques. Il s'agit d'améliorer les garanties pour
faire en sorte qu'aucun de ces produits ne présente un danger pour
l'environnement ou la santé humaine. Les utilisateurs, les grossistes et
les détaillants de produits phytopharmaceutiques devront savoir si les
produits qu'ils utilisent ou vendent sont susceptibles d'être retirés, afin
d'éviter de se retrouver avec des stocks de produits inutilisables. Les
personnes concernées devraient prendre contact avec leurs autorités
nationales pour connaître l'état de la procédure d'autorisation de certains
produits en particulier.
[03] EU tables market access requests to inject momentum into WTO services
The European Union today submitted the EU's initial requests to other WTO
Members for improved market access on services. In tabling its requests,
the EU seeks to improve access for its services exporters whilst preserving
the rights of all WTO members' rights to regulate their markets in order to
achieve legitimate policy objectives. The EU's requests have been
formulated in such a way as to ensure the liberalisation of trade in
services contributes to sustainable development and encourages greater
participation by developing countries in the benefits of greater market
opening. Marking the occasion, European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy said
: "Services are a driving force for the EU economy and have great export
potential which we legitimately seek to tap. Trade in services is essential
to sustain growth and employment in the EU. It is also a key element of the
Doha Development Agenda in fulfilling the objective of making trade work to
pull developing countries out of poverty. Liberalising services will
benefit all WTO members, whether developed, developing or least developed."
The submission of the requests on services is expected to give new impetus
to the overall Doha Development Agenda (DDA) negotiations.
[04] Sciences de la vie : la Commission stimule le débat en lançant le
projet "Science Génération"
Mieux éclairer les décideurs, politiques et scientifiques, et l'opinion
publique dans les orientations à prendre sur les questions à l'interface
entre les bio-sciences et la société, tel est l'objectif du projet "Science
Génération" présenté aujourd'hui à Bruxelles par le Commissaire européen
chargé de la Recherche, M. Philippe Busquin. Ce projet, qui recevra un
financement communautaire de 1,44 million d'€, prévoit la création de
réseaux de scientifiques, d'étudiants, de journalistes, de relais dans les
régions, de colloques et d'enquêtes d'opinions, de débats en ligne et sur
le terrain. Le projet, initié par l'Institut de France et la Fondation
Aventis, s'inscrit dans la démarche de rapprochement entre science et
société que la Commission prône dans le cadre de l'espace européen de la
recherche. "Nous ne nous limitons pas simplement à dire qu'un large débat
public sur les sciences de la vie est important. Nous le soutenons
concrètement", a affirmé le Commissaire Busquin. "La science progresse très
vite. Elle donne de l'espoir à beaucoup de gens, mais elle fait aussi peur.
Cette situation engage la responsabilité des scientifiques et des autorités
publiques. Science Génération a pour vocation d'associer les citoyens à
l'évolution des sciences du vivant pour qu'ils expriment en toute liberté
leurs attentes vis-à-vis de ces sciences et leurs réserves face à certaines
de ses options. Il est plus que jamais nécessaire que ce dialogue
s'organise aussi à l'échelle européenne, s'enrichissant de la diversité et
de l'échange entre cultures", a conclu M. Busquin.
[05] Commission proposals for a trustworthy and environmentally safe
approach to GMOs and GM food and feed backed by European Parliament
The European Parliament completed yesterday its first reading on two
European Commission proposals on genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
which establishes a sound EU system to trace and label GMOs and to regulate
the placing on the market and labelling of food and feed products derived
from GMOs. The new legislation is intended to further facilitate a
trustworthy and environmentally safe approach to GMOs, GM food and GM feed
and to ensure consumer choice through comprehensive labelling. The
legislative package consists of a proposal for traceability and labelling
of GMOs and products produced from GMOs and a proposal on regulating GM
food and feed. It will require the traceability of GMOs throughout the
chain from farm to table and provide consumers with information by
labelling all food and feed consisting of, containing or produced from a
[06] La Commission vient de nommer les membres du Forum européen de
l'Energie et des Transports
La Commission européenne a nommé les 34 membres du nouveau Forum européen
de l'Energie et des Transports, ainsi que leurs 34 suppléants. La
Commission s'appuiera sur le Forum pour recueillir, dans l'élaboration des
politiques européennes de l'énergie et des transports, les avis et conseils
des professionnels des milieux intéressés. "Je me réjouis de la grande
richesse de compétences et d'expériences réunies dans ce Forum qui
représente un véritable atout pour renforcer la consultation des milieux
intéressés et contribuer ainsi à enrichir nos initiatives en matière de
politiques de l'énergie et des transports. Ce Forum s'inscrit dans la ligne
des initiatives prises par la Commission pour améliorer la méthode de
gouvernance européenne grâce au renforcement de la participation publique,
de la transparence et de l'ouverture du dialogue entre la Commission et les
acteurs de la vie publique", a déclaré Loyola de Palacio, Vice-Présidente
de la Commission en charge de l'Energie et des Transports.
[07] Posting of workers : Germany referred to the Court of Justice for
discriminatory treatment of non-German businesses
The European Commission has decided to refer Germany to the Court of
Justice, since it regards certain provisions in Germany's legislation on
the posting of workers as discriminatory vis-à-vis businesses established
in other Member States, and hence as infringing the rules on the freedom to
provide services within the Internal Market, as set out in Article 49 of
the EC Treaty. The Commission has initiated this infringement procedure
against Germany following numerous complaints by businesses established in
several Member States.
[08] Free movement of goods : Commission requests Germany, Ireland and
Italy to remove obstacles
The European Commission has decided to issue formal requests to Germany,
Ireland and Italy to end unjustified obstacles to the free movement of
goods in the Internal Market (in violation of Articles 28 to 30 of the EC
Treaty). The German authorities forbid the marketing of an Austrian product,
"Original Schwedenbitter", which is sold freely in its country of origin as
an alcoholic beverage, on the pretext that it is a medicinal product which
requires special authorisation. In Ireland, the procedures for approving
the use, in the construction of buildings, of imported products lawfully
marketed in other Member States are too long and too costly. In Italy,
there are excessive requirements for the authorisation, labelling and
packaging of certain foodstuffs already marketed in other Member States and
intended for particular nutritional uses. Also in Italy, the Commission
considers that the procedures for importing medicinal products identical to
other products already marketed in that country are too slow, lack
transparency and provide no possibility of appeal. The Commission's
requests take the form of reasoned opinions, which represent the second
stage of the infringement procedure provided for by Article 226 of the EC
Treaty. If the national authorities do not reply satisfactorily within two
months of receiving the reasoned opinion, the Commission may decide to
refer the matter to the Court of Justice.
[09] Services de sécurité privée : l'Espagne devant la Cour de justice pour
obstacles à l'opération d'entreprises non-espagnoles
La Commission européenne a décidé de saisir la Cour de justice à l'encontre
de l'Espagne parce que sa législation nationale dans le domaine des
services de sécurité privée impose des conditions disproportionnées aux
entreprises non établies en Espagne. Pour la Commission, ces conditions ont
pour effet de dissuader les entreprises d'autres Etats membres de fournir
des services de sécurité privée sur le territoire espagnol alors qu'elles
peuvent exercer ces mêmes activités dans l'Etat membre où elles sont
établies. La législation concernée n'est donc pas conforme au droit
européen sur la liberté d'établissement et la libre circulation des
services (articles 43 et 49 du Traité CE).
[10] Statement of Chris Patten on the International Criminal Court and the
mandate for the UN Mission in Bosnia- Herzegovina
At a press conference with Federal Minister of Foreign Affairs Goran
Svilanovic yesterday in Belgrade, European Commissioner for External
Relations, Chris Patten, made the following statement : "There are four
Member States who are actively participating at this very moment in the UN
Security Council in the search for a solution to this problem. I just want
to make two points clear. The EU is wholeheartedly and unreservedly a
supporter of the establishment of the International Criminal Court (ICC).
We are sorry that the US walked away from this international undertaking.
The ICC is the most important advance for international law since the
establishment of the United Nations. We will allow nobody to water down the
commitments contained in the ICC treaty. We are committed to stability in
the Balkans region. We have invested heavily in reaching and preserving
that stability. We hope to find agreement with the US, ensuring that Bosnia
gets the input that it deserves. We disagreed with the US over Kyoto, but
we didn't sit down and wait. We ratified and encouraged others to do so as
well. The same thing has happened with the ICC."
[11] Commission allocates €13 million for humanitarian action in Iraq
The European Commission has adopted a global plan worth €13 million to help
victims of the continuing humanitarian crisis in Iraq. The funds,
channelled through the Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO), will pay for health
and nutritional actions targeting the most vulnerable groups, as well as
water and sanitation improvements. "This latest decision is a clear
illustration of the EU's commitment to help suffering peoples wherever they
live", said Poul Nielson, the Commissioner for Development and Humanitarian
Aid. He continued : "The situation inside Iraq remains grave even if it
attracts little attention nowadays from the international media. More than
10% of the country's children die before reaching their 5th birthday
through disease or lack of food."
[12] Responding to humanitarian needs, ECHO Flight extends service to
Kinshasa, DRC
Following a four-week trial period, ECHO Flight has now extended its
services from Goma to Kinshasa, crossing the front line between Government
and rebel-held areas. This extension responds to an increased need for
humanitarian air transport capacity within the Democratic Republic of Congo
(DRC). At present, a weekly service is being provided on the Goma-Kisangani-
Kinshasa route. Depending on the needs, a further extension may be
considered. ECHO Flight is a project of the European Commission's
Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO). Established in 1994, it is exclusively
devoted to the transport of humanitarian personnel and cargo, offering
priority access to NGOs. The operation is based in Nairobi, using a fleet
of five light aircraft. Services are provided free of charge. While ECHO
Flight's main area of operation is Somalia, it has the capacity to respond
rapidly to humanitarian emergencies in the Horn of Africa and beyond.
Besides Somalia and DRC, ECHO Flight is also currently providing a service
for humanitarian projects in North East
[13] Renouvellement de l'accord de pêche entre l'UE et l'Angola
La Commission européenne et l'Angola ont paraphé un protocole visant au
renouvellement de l'accord de pêche entre l'UE et l'Angola pour une période
de deux ans à compter du 3 août 2002. Dans le cadre du partenariat entre
l'UE et l'Angola, la compensation financière a été augmentée, de même que
la part allouée aux mesures destinées à aider le secteur angolais de la
pêche et à encourager une pratique durable de la pêche. Le protocole ouvre
des possibilités de pêche à la crevette, aux espèces démersales, au thon et
aux espèces similaires ainsi que des possibilités de pêche pélagique.
[14] Structural Funds : "Cities for Cohesion" conference in London
Michel Barnier, Member of the European Commission responsible for regional
policy, said that he expects the forthcoming "Cities for Cohesion"
conference to be "one of the major political events of the year". Mayors
from the major cities across Europe will be among the 400 participants at
the conference, which is scheduled for 8-9 July at the Excel Exhibition
Centre in London's rejuvenated docklands area. Discussion will focus on the
contribution of European urban development programmes, which today cover
depressed areas in 70 towns and cities. Participants will also reflect on
the future of European urban policy, a matter that has featured prominently
in the broader debate on the future of European cohesion policy launched
last year by the Commission. A joint press conference by Commissioner
Michel Barnier and Ken Livingstone, Mayor of London, will be held on Monday
8 July at 2.30 pm at the Excel Exhibition Centre.
[15] Tackling environmental damage and dangerous nuclear waste in Northern
Europe : pledging conference for the NDEP Support Fund (09/07)
International donors will meet in Brussels on 9th July to raise funds to
tackle the legacy of nuclear waste and environmental threats in the
Northern Dimension Area. The co-chairs of the conference are the European
Commission, the Russian Federation and the European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development (EBRD). Though spending under the programmes targetted in
this pledging conference will be focussed on North-West Russia, the
countries that will benefit from a cleaner environment include Sweden,
Denmark, Finland, Germany, Norway, Poland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania,
and many more countries outside the narrow confines of the region. The
objective of the conference is to launch the Support Fund of the Northern
Dimension Environmental Partnership (NDEP). The NDEP coordinates efforts to
tackle environmental problems spilling over from north-west Russia into the
area around the Baltic and Barents seas. Action is needed to reduce air and
water pollution and to deal with the large quantities of spent nuclear fuel
and radioactive waste on the Kola peninsula. An initial minimum of €100
million is required to launch to fund, which will be used to leverage loans
from the International Financial Institutions. All money raised will thus
have a multiplier effect on environmental investment.
[16] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by David Byrne : "Sexual and reproductive health and rights Van
Lancker report" at the European Parliament (02/07, Strasbourg)
Commission statement on the consequences for transatlantic relations of the
American Servicemembers' Protection Act (ASPA) (03/07, EP, Strasbourg)
Statement by Chris Patten to the press in Belgrade (03/07)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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