European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-06-19
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Après trois ans et demi, les avantages de la monnaie unique ressortent
[02] Commission fines Deutsche BP for supplying incorrect information in
notification of Erdölchemie purchase
[03] Deutsche Post must repay €572 million used to subsidise price
undercutting in commercial parcel services
[04] Normes de qualité et de sécurité pour les tissus et cellules humains
[05] La Commission autorise des aides en faveur de deux projets
énergétiques basques
[06] Commission proposes measures to reform the German grain brandy
(Kornbranntwein) monopoly
[07] Commission approves investment aid to new Zellstoff Stendal pulp mill
[08] Commission approves loan guarantee for German aircraft manufacturer
Fairchild Dornier
[09] The Netherlands shall recover aid to port and inland waterway towage
[10] Transport aérien : feu vert de la Commission aux mesures de
restructuration d'Alitalia, comportant notamment un investissement
significatif du secteur privé
[11] Commission authorises twelve Italian aid schemes to fisheries sector
[12] Jaana Husu-Kallio appointed Deputy Director General of the Directorate
General of Health and Consumer Protection
[13] Bernhard Zepter devient chef de la délégation de la Commission à Tokyo
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[14] Adoption of a modified proposal on asylum procedures
[15] La Commission autorise l'acquisition de l'agence de publicité
américaine Bcom3 par la société française Publicis
[16] Commission clears acquisition of DSM Petrochemicals by Saudi firm
[17] Fifty years at the service of peace and prosperity : the European Coal
and Steel Community (ECSC) treaty expires
[18] Frits Bolkestein welcomes banks' announcement of committee to
implement cheaper cross-border payments
[19] L'UE se dote d'une agence pour la sécurité aérienne
[20] April 2002 - Industrial production down by 0.5% in euro-zone; down by
0.2% in EU15
[21] La Commission présente les nouvelles prévisions sur les marchés
[22] Afghanistan : Commission announces €22 million to help refugees go
[23] Commission and Candidate Countries make further progress towards a
European "Competition Community" at Vilnius Conference
[24] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 19/06/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 19/06/2002[I] Résultats de la Commission
de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting
[01] Après trois ans et demi, les avantages de la monnaie unique ressortent
La Commission européenne a adopté une communication sur la zone euro dans
l'économie mondiale. Dans ce document, elle note que l'introduction des
billets et pièces en euros au début de cette année a marqué une étape
décisive dans l'histoire de l'intégration européenne. Les avantages de
l'Union économique et monétaire (UEM) se font sentir depuis quelque temps
déjà. L'UEM repose sur l'engagement qui a été pris de mener des politiques
macroéconomiques saines, qui ont contribué à l'avènement d'une nouvelle
culture de stabilité économique en Europe. C'est cette stabilité qui a
permis à l'Union de surmonter le récent ralentissement de l'économie
mondiale. En outre, il a été possible, grâce à l'euro, d'éviter le type de
tensions dommageables sur les taux de change intraeuropéens qui a souvent
caractérisé les ajustements précédents aux chocs extérieurs. La monnaie
unique étant maintenant bien en place, les citoyens des pays de la zone
euro peuvent s'attendre à toucher les dividendes d'une plus grande
transparence des prix, d'une concurrence plus vive et d'une intégration
financière plus poussée en Europe.
[02] Commission fines Deutsche BP for supplying incorrect information in
notification of Erdölchemie purchase
The European Commission has decided to impose a fine of €35,000 on Deutsche
BP AG for negligently providing incorrect and misleading information in
relation to the acquisition of German chemicals producer Erdölchemie GmbH.
In the notification, the company failed to indicate several relevant
elements as regards the market for acrylonitrile (ACN), a chemical used for
the production of acrylic fibres, plastics and nitrile rubber. The
Commission attaches a paramount importance to receiving all the information
needed to be able to assess a concentration's impact on the marketplace
within the tight and legally-binding timetable set in the Merger
[03] Deutsche Post must repay €572 million used to subsidise price
undercutting in commercial parcel services
After a careful analysis, the European Commission has concluded that
Deutsche Post AG (DPAG) has used €572 million, funds it received from the
State to finance its public service mission, to finance an aggressive
pricing policy intended to undercut private rivals in the parcel sector
between 1994 and 1998. This behaviour breaches the key principle according
to which companies that receive State funding for services of general
interest cannot use these resources to subsidise activities open to
competition. The German government has two months to inform the Commission
of how it intends to recover the money unlawfully used by Deutsche Post in
the commercial sector.
[04] Normes de qualité et de sécurité pour les tissus et cellules humains
La Commission européenne a proposé de nouvelles normes de qualité et de
sécurité pour les tissus et cellules humains utilisés à des fins
thérapeutiques dans l'ensemble de l'UE. Cette mesure vise à établir des
prescriptions détaillées contraignantes pour ces substances humaines, du
donneur au patient. Cette proposition de directive aura pour effet de créer,
pour la première fois, un registre des entités exerçant des activités en la
matière dans l'UE, de déterminer les systèmes minimaux de qualité et de
sécurité applicables, les qualifications professionnelles et la formation
requises, d'organiser les inspections et les sanctions dans les Etats
membres, ainsi que d'établir des normes minimales et des procédures
obligatoires pour l'ensemble de la chaîne : don, contrôle, obtention,
transformation, stockage, distribution et préservation des tissus et des
cellules. La directive établit des normes claires de qualité et de sécurité
en ce qui concerne le don, le contrôle et l'obtention des tissus et
cellules humains, indépendamment de leur utilisation finale, y compris la
transplantation et d'autres applications médicales.
[05] La Commission autorise des aides en faveur de deux projets
énergétiques basques
La Commission européenne a décidé d'autoriser un projet d'aides du
Gouvernement Basque pour la construction d'une centrale de cycle combiné et
d'une usine de regazéification à Bilbao. Le montant total des aides pour
les deux projets s'élève à 53,2 millions d'€. La Commission clôture ainsi
la procédure formelle d'examen qu'elle avait ouverte à l'égard de ce projet
[06] Commission proposes measures to reform the German grain brandy
(Kornbranntwein) monopoly
The European Commission has adopted a recommendation calling on Germany to
adopter appropriate measures to reform the spirits monopoly act in respect
of grain brandy "Kornbranntwein". As they stand, the arrangements
constitute aid to German producers which is not available to producers from
the other Member States and can no longer be justified since 1989, when a
Community regulation stipulated that grain brandy was to be considered an
industrial product.
[07] Commission approves investment aid to new Zellstoff Stendal pulp mill
The European Commission has decided not to raise objections to a proposed
German state subsidy of over € 250 million to help Zellstoff Stendal GmbH
build a new pulp mill in the region of Saxony-Anhalt, eastern Germany. The
Commission could grant clearance because the sector is not suffering from
over-capacity and in view of the level of direct and indirect job creation.
[08] Commission approves loan guarantee for German aircraft manufacturer
Fairchild Dornier
The European Commission has approved a state guarantee granted by Germany
to a bank loan of around €94 million given to insolvent aircraft
manufacturer Fairchild Dornier GmbH (Dornier). The guarantee, which covers
50% of the loan, is designed to help Dornier stay alive while looking for a
financial partner.
[09] The Netherlands shall recover aid to port and inland waterway towage
The European Commission has decided that the Netherlands shall recover
maritime transport aid granted to Dutch port and inland waterway towage
operations carried out in the Union. The aid was initially intended for
maritime transport operations at sea but was also granted to towage
operations in ports and inland waterways. The Commission considers that
operating aid cannot be granted to such activities and found the aid to be
incompatible with competition rules.
[10] Transport aérien : feu vert de la Commission aux mesures de
restructuration d'Alitalia, comportant notamment un investissement
significatif du secteur privé
La Commission européenne a décidé de ne pas s'opposer à la restructuration
de la compagnie aérienne Alitalia. Ces mesures concernent d'une part, le
versement de la troisième tranche de 129 millions d'€ de l'aide à la
restructuration déjà approuvée en 1997, et d'autre part une future
augmentation de capital de 1432 millions d'€, qui ne pourra être effectuée
qu'après l'engagement formel et sans réserves des trois banques privées à
garantir le bon résultat de l'opération.
[11] Commission authorises twelve Italian aid schemes to fisheries sector
The European Commission has decided that aid schemes to twelve Italian
regions for various projects in their fisheries sectors are compatible with
the rules governing State aids. These aids, which amount to a total of
€55.24 million, for the period 2000 to 2006, represent the financial
contribution by Italy which, under the co-financing principle, is required
for the allocation of aid from the EU Financial Instrument for Fisheries
Guidance (FIFG). The FIFG will finance eligible projects to the tune of
€39.88 million. Projects benefiting from this financial support include
measures to protect fish stocks, aquaculture, upgrading of port facilities,
processing and marketing of fisheries products, measures in favour of the
small-scale fleet and various operations undertaken by the industry to
improve the situation of the sector.
[12] Jaana Husu-Kallio appointed Deputy Director General of the Directorate
General of Health and Consumer Protection
The European Commission today appointed Ms. Jaana HUSU-KALLIO, Commission
official of Finnish nationality, Deputy Director General of the recently
reorganised DG Health and Consumer protection Directorate General. Her
future tasks will be to assist the Director General in the DG's activities
in general and in particular on food safety, animal health and welfare, and
plant health issues (Directorates D, E and F).
[13] Bernhard Zepter devient chef de la délégation de la Commission à Tokyo
La Commission européenne a décidé aujourd'hui de muter M. Bernhard Zepter,
fonctionnaire de la Commission de nationalité allemande, du Secrétariat
général au poste de chef de la délégation de Tokyo, au Japon, qui relève de
la direction générale des relations extérieures. M. Zepter travaillera en
coopération étroite avec les services compétents du siège de la Commission
à Bruxelles en vue d'approfondir les relations politiques, économiques,
sociales et commerciales avec le pays hôte.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[14] Adoption of a modified proposal on asylum procedures
The European Commission has adopted a modified proposal for a Council
Directive on minimum standards on procedures in Member States for granting
and withdrawing refugee status. The aim of this measure is to introduce a
minimum level playing field in the European Union in the short term. For
this purpose, it introduces both guarantees for a fair procedure and
mechanisms and tools for an efficient procedure. It is a first step towards
the objective set by the European Council at Tampere, namely a common
procedure. The proposal consists of minimum standards and does not require
Member States to apply uniform procedures. Member States retain their
national systems, provided they accept certain standards and requirements
with respect to the competent authorities and the relevant procedures.
[15] La Commission autorise l'acquisition de l'agence de publicité
américaine Bcom3 par la société française Publicis
La Commission européenne donne le feu vert, en vertu du règlement sur les
concentrations, au projet d'acquisition de l'entreprise américaine de
publicité et de marketing Bcom3, par la société française Publicis Groupe
[16] Commission clears acquisition of DSM Petrochemicals by Saudi firm
The European Commission has cleared the acquisition by the Saudi Arabian
group SABIC of the petrochemical activities, DSM Petrochemicals, of Dutch
group DSM N.V. The acquisition does not give rise to any competition
problems given the limited overlaps and the existence of strong
[17] Fifty years at the service of peace and prosperity : the European Coal
and Steel Community (ECSC) treaty expires
The European Coal and Steel Community treaty, the starting point of the
European Union as we know it today, will expire on July 23, 2002, fifty
years after coming into force. To mark this occasion, the European
Commission will launch a series of events to celebrate 50 years of peaceful
integration of Europe. In the 1950's Europe was just recovering from World
War Two. European countries were trying to emerge from the rubble and to
set aside hatred and rivalries. To overcome these divisions, six European
countries decided to pool their resources in the coal and steel sector,
traditional drivers of the war machine, and to create an international
organisation to manage peaceful use of these resources. In Paris on 18
April 1951 Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands
signed the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) Treaty. Events to mark
the expiry of the Treaty will include a special Commission meeting in
Luxembourg on June 19, exhibits, concerts and conferences between 23 and 27
June in Luxembourg (where the ECSC had its headquarters), and closing
ceremonies in Brussels on July 23. Commissioners attending the events
include Mrs Loyola De Palacio (Vice- President, Transport and Energy,
Relations with the European Parliament), Mr Philippe Busquin (Research),
Mrs Anna Diamantopoulou (Employment and Social Affairs), Mr Erkki Liikanen
(Enterprise and Information Society), Mrs Viviane Reding (Education and
Culture) and Mrs Michaele Schreyer (Budget).
[18] Frits Bolkestein welcomes banks' announcement of committee to
implement cheaper cross-border payments
Responding to the announcement by Europe's banks of a European Payments
Committee (EPC) to oversee the implementation of the single euro payment
area (SEPA), European Internal Market Commissioner Frits Bolkestein said :
"I very much welcome that the banks have responded to the EU Cross-Border
Payments Regulation by looking at how they can serve customers better. As a
result of the Regulation, customers will enjoy better value cross-border
banking services and a better chance to take full advantage of the euro.
This is good news for everyone as the holiday season begins." From 1 July,
when the relevant provisions in the Cross Border Payments Regulation (see
IP/01/1827) enter into force, customers will pay no more to withdraw euros
from cash machines or make card payments in other EU countries than they
would pay for the same services in their own country. That will mean
significant savings for people travelling on holiday and on business.
[19] L'UE se dote d'une agence pour la sécurité aérienne
Le Conseil Transports/Télécommunications a adopté formellement, le 18 juin
2002, le règlement créant une agence européenne de sécurité aérienne. Au
nom de la Commission européenne, Loyola de Palacio, Vice-Présidente en
charge des transports et de l'énergie, s'est félicitée de cet accord : "La
sécurité aérienne est une priorité pour l'Europe : la création de l'agence
en est une nouvelle preuve". "C'est une étape décisive car nous venons de
nous doter de l'instrument indispensable à une véritable politique
européenne de sécurité aérienne, qui garantit le plus haut niveau de
protection à nos citoyens, tout en permettant à notre industrie de lutter à
armes égales dans le monde", a-t-elle expliqué.
[20] April 2002 - Industrial production down by 0.5% in euro-zone; down by
0.2% in EU15
Seasonally adjusted industrial production decreased by 0.5% in the euro-
zone in April 2002 compared to March 2002, Eurostat estimates today. This
follows a rise of 0.5% in March. Output in the EU15 decreased by 0.2% in
April 2002, after a gain of 0.3% in March. In April 2002 compared to April
2001, industrial production fell by 1.2% in the euro-zone and by 1.4% in
the EU15.
[21] La Commission présente les nouvelles prévisions sur les marchés
Aujourd'hui, la Commission européenne a publié un rapport sur les
"Perspectives des marchés agricoles: 2002-2009". D'après les prévisions,
les marchés mondiaux devraient sortir d'une phase descendante prolongée.
Les perspectives à moyen terme concernant l'Union européenne sont positives,
dans l'ensemble, pour la plupart des produits agricoles. En particulier, il
est prévu une augmentation continue de la consommation et une "reprise
soutenue des exportations de céréales de l'Union", et la production de
viande bovine devrait revenir à des niveaux "plus normaux". Inversement,
des accords commerciaux préférentiels conclus notamment dans le cadre de
l'initiative "Tout sauf les armes" avec les pays les moins avancés
devraient avoir un effet dramatique sur le marché du riz européen. De la
même manière, les perspectives concernant le seigle ne sont pas bonnes. Le
marché du seigle "présenterait un déséquilibre structurel continu", dû en
grande partie à ses prix relativement élevés et à l'absence de débouchés.
[22] Afghanistan : Commission announces €22 million to help refugees go
The European Commission has today decided to contribute €22 million to help
refugees and internally displaced persons return home in Afghanistan. The
programme has two main aims : first to make return to areas outside the
major cities possible, by rehabilitating and reconstructing the
infrastructure in returnees' places of origin ; second, to support
communities during the reintegration process, helping them tackle the
consequences of the long-standing conflict, unprecedented drought, and loss
of productive assets. The Commission's contribution makes it the primary
donor to the "Programme for Reintegration and Community Support in
Afghanistan", which will cost €30.7 million in total. The programme will be
implemented by a consortium of five European NGOs : Danish Committee for
Afghan Refugees - DACAAR, Afghanaid (UK), German Agro Action, Swedish
Committee for Afghanistan and Healthnet International (NL).
[23] Commission and Candidate Countries make further progress towards a
European "Competition Community" at Vilnius Conference
Representatives of the Competition and State aid authorities from the 13
candidate countries and from the European Commission, led by Competition
Commissioner Mario Monti, have met in Vilnius, Lithuania, from 16 to 18
June, for their Eighth Annual Competition Conference. With the accession
negotiations with several countries reaching their final phase, the
conference was held at a key moment in the enlargment process. A credible
competition policy and enforcement record are of crucial importance for
getting the economies of the future Member States in shape and prepare
their companies for the EU's internal market, as was pointed out by Mr
Monti in his opening address. The main focus of the conference was on the
progress achieved by the candidate countries in the field of anti-trust,
merger regulation and State aid control in particular, and on how to best
organise the future cooperation between the national competition
authorities and the European Commission.
[24] Autre matériel diffusé
President Prodi's speaking points at press conference on the Seville
European Council (18/06)
Note sur les résultats du Conseil Transports
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Ecofin (20/06, Séville)
Expiry of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) Treaty: an overview
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
© ECSC - EC - EAEC, Brussels-Luxembourg, 1995, 1996