European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-05-31
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Estimation rapide - Mai 2002 - L'inflation de la zone euro estimée à 2,
[02] Commission clears Irish Synergen venture between ESB and Statoil
following strict commitments
[03] Commission clears take-over of German shipbuilder HDW by US's Bank One
[04] Commission refers BEG waste disposal joint venture to the German
Cartel Office
[05] Commission oks Volkswagen's acquisition of full control of its
exclusive wholesale distributor in Sweden
[06] Commission clears Preussag acquisition of Italian airline NEOS
[07] Les consommateurs considèrent que le passage à l'euro est un succès,
mais éprouvent encore des difficultés de compréhension des prix
[08] Commission approves Austrian, Finnish and Swedish ban on high cadmium
[09] La Commission se félicite du vote du Parlement en faveur de la
directive sur la protection des données dans le domaine des communications
[10] Switzerland : seven new agreements enter into force 1st June 2002
[11] La Commission alloue une aide de 800 000 € à l'Equateur pour les
victimes des inondations dans les régions côtières
[12] Franz Fischler in St Petersburg : "International cooperation more
urgent than ever to secure future of fisheries"
[13] Metrology for better measurement in international trade : Commission
helps to promote mutual recognition and trade
[14] Les projets de recherche de la Commission visent à renforcer la
sécurité, la durabilité et la convivialité des transports
[15] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 31/05/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 31/05/2002
[01] Estimation rapide - Mai 2002 - L'inflation de la zone euro estimée à 2,
Selon une estimation rapide publiée aujourd'hui par Eurostat, le taux
d'inflation annuel de la zone euro s'établirait à 2,0% en mai 2002, en
baisse par rapport à avril 2002 où le taux était de 2,4%.
[02] Commission clears Irish Synergen venture between ESB and Statoil
following strict commitments
The European Commission has decided to clear the joint venture agreements
between Ireland's dominant electricity company ESB and the Norwegian gas
company Statoil relating to the Synergen power plant in Dublin. The
clearance is subject to compliance with the commitments given to the Irish
Commission for Electricity Regulation (CER), in particular to put 600 MW of
electricity at the disposal of the market until additional sources of
electricity become available in Ireland. This corresponds to approximately
half of the consumption by the so-called eligible customers in Ireland,
i.e. the customers that currently have the right to choose their
electricity supplier.
[03] Commission clears take-over of German shipbuilder HDW by US's Bank One
The European Commission has authorised the proposed acquisition of the
German submarine producer Howaldtswerke-Deutsche Werft (HDW) by the
American banking company Bank One Corporation. The Commission's
investigation confirmed that the operation will not create anti-competitive
effects, as the transaction will not result in any overlaps between the
parties' activities in the European Union. The Commission's careful
investigation has also failed to establish any links between Bank One and
any US defence group with respect to the acquisition of HDW nor were there
any indications that other companies were involved in the financing of the
[04] Commission refers BEG waste disposal joint venture to the German
Cartel Office
The European Commission has referred the proposed acquisition of joint
control of the Bremerhavener Entsorgungsgesellschaft mbH (BEG) by Karl
Nehlsen GmbH & Co KG (Nehlsen), Rethmann Entsorgungswirtschaft GmbH & Co KG
(Rethmann) and swb AG (swb) to the German competition authority (Federal
Cartel Office). The Federal Cartel Office requested this referral as the
merger threatened to create dominant positions on the regional markets for
the incineration of municipal and commercial wastes in Lower Saxony, Bremen
and Hamburg.
[05] Commission oks Volkswagen's acquisition of full control of its
exclusive wholesale distributor in Sweden
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition by German carmaker Volkswagen AG of full control of
Svenska Volkswagen AB, the exclusive wholesale distributor for the
Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda motor vehicles as well as Porsche motor
vehicles in Sweden. (The operation was examined under the simplified merger
review procedure)
[06] Commission clears Preussag acquisition of Italian airline NEOS
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition of joint control of the Italian charter airline NEOS,
currently entirely controlled by NHT New Holding for Tourism B.V., by the
German holding Preussag AG. Preussag operates in various sectors notably
tourism, logistics and energy. (The operation was examined under the
simplified merger review procedure)
[07] Les consommateurs considèrent que le passage à l'euro est un succès,
mais éprouvent encore des difficultés de compréhension des prix
Une nouvelle enquête Eurobaromètre publiée aujourd'hui par la Commission
européenne révèle que les citoyens européens sont généralement satisfaits
du passage à l'euro. Ils continuent toutefois à éprouver des difficultés de
compréhension des prix et des montants exprimés dans la nouvelle monnaie.
Les citoyens européens croient par ailleurs que l'introduction de l'euro a
servi à masquer des majorations de prix. Les statistiques confirment qu'il
y a eu des majorations de prix dans certains secteurs et professions (comme
les restaurants, l'alimentation, les coiffeurs et les taxis) au cours des
trois derniers mois, mais il est impossible de savoir si ces majorations
sont imputables à l'euro ou à d'autres facteurs.
[08] Commission approves Austrian, Finnish and Swedish ban on high cadmium
The European Commission has authorised Austria, Finland and Sweden to
maintain their existing bans on the importation of fertilizers with a high
cadmium content until 31 December 2005. The exemption concerns European
Union legislation which guarantees the free circulation of fertilizers in
the Internal Market. The bans concern phosphate fertilizers with a cadmium
content above 75 mg/kg phosphate (P2O5) for Austria, above 50 mg/kg of
phosphorous for Finland and above 100 mg/kg of phosphorous for Sweden. The
Commission came to the conclusion that these bans are justified on the
basis of risk assessments submitted by Austria, Finland and Sweden which
show that there is an unacceptable risk from cadmium to humans and the
[09] La Commission se félicite du vote du Parlement en faveur de la
directive sur la protection des données dans le domaine des communications
Le Parlement européen a voté hier en faveur d'un compromis relatif à la
proposition de directive sur la protection de la vie privée et des données
à caractère personnel dans le domaine des communications électroniques. Ce
compromis a fait l'objet de négociations au cours du mois écoulé entre la
Présidence espagnole, la Commission européenne et le Parlement européen.
Puisque le Parlement a donné son accord, la directive sera adoptée
officiellement dans les prochains mois et sera mise en œuvre avant la fin
de 2003.
[10] Switzerland : seven new agreements enter into force 1st June 2002
Seven new bilateral agreements between the European Union and Switzerland
enter into force on 1st June 2002, on Free Movement of Persons, Air
Transport, Carriage of Goods and Passengers by Rail and Road, Trade in
Agricultural Products, Mutual Recognition in relation to Conformity
Assessment, Government Procurement and Scientific and Technical co-
operation. European Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten said :
"The entry into force of this new set of agreements represents a major step
forward in strengthening the relations between the EU and the Swiss
Confederation. To reinforce our deepening relationship, I hope that the
current negotiations on processed agricultural goods, statistics, the fight
against fraud and the environment will be concluded shortly and that we
will soon be launching negotiations on four new areas. Alongside this good
progress, I would like to underline once again the European Commission's
desire to see the rapid conclusion of negotiations on cooperation against
fraud, and the immediate launch of negotiations on savings tax. In the
meantime, we remain committed to doing all we can to advance relations with
[11] La Commission alloue une aide de 800 000 € à l'Equateur pour les
victimes des inondations dans les régions côtières
La Commission européenne a approuvé l'octroi d'une aide de 800.000€ à
l'Equateur pour venir en aide aux populations vivant dans les régions
côtières, victimes d'inondations suite aux pluies continues des mois de
février, mars et avril 2002. Les fonds serviront à financer des opérations
visant à rétablir l'accès à l'eau potable de quelque 10.000 familles et à
aider 4.000 autres familles à retrouver un niveau minimum d'autosuffisance.
L'argent est alloué par l'Office d'Aide Humanitaire de la Commission (ECHO)
qui relève de la responsabilité du Commissaire Poul Nielson. Depuis 1999,
ECHO a alloué plus de 3 millions d'€ d'aide humanitaire en faveur de
[12] Franz Fischler in St Petersburg : "International cooperation more
urgent than ever to secure future of fisheries"
Addressing the 7th North-Atlantic Fisheries Ministers Conference, Franz
Fischler, European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and
Fisheries, stressed the need for fisheries managers to work together to
find effective solutions to the problems experienced in fisheries world-
wide. He cited the case of the blue whiting stock which is severely
overexploited after years of overfishing as one of the cases where only
cooperation among the parties concerned would ensure sustainability in this
fishery. Mr Fischler also presented the Commission proposals for a
substantial reform of the Common Fisheries Policy. "The current situation
clearly demonstrates that the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) has failed to
deliver sustainability in European fisheries. It is not an exaggeration or
mere rhetoric to say that only a deep reform of the CFP will secure the
future of our fishermen and fish stocks. Our reform package aims to achieve
sustainable ecological, economic and social fisheries in Europe. By
bringing forward a social action plan for the fishermen concerned, we also
live up to our social responsibility". This Conference, which was hosted by
Mr. Nazdratenko, Chairman of the State Committee for Fisheries of the
Russian Federation in Saint-Petersburg, took place from 29 to 31 May 2002.
The next Conference will be held in Canada. In a bilateral meeting, Evnegy
Nazdratenko, Chairman of the State Committee for Fisheries of the Russian
Federation and Mr Fischler agreed to envisage launching the formal
negociations for a Fisheries Agreement between the Russian Federation and
the EU during the second half of July 2002.
[13] Metrology for better measurement in international trade : Commission
helps to promote mutual recognition and trade
Today's global economy requires reliable measurements. Good measurements
need to be tailored to scientifically sound standards or references. The
Commission aims to remove impediments to international trade. Research
projects, such as RegMet and MetroTrade, foster the introduction of
internationally accepted standard and measurement capability and provide
for quantifiable and comparable measurement results. This should help avoid
misunderstandings and disputes, and reduce barriers to trade. The
RegMet/Metrotrade workshop, held at the Institute for Reference Materials
and Measurements, Geel, Belgium on 30th - 31st May, 2002, provided a forum
to foster dialogue between the metrology community and regulatory and trade
stakeholders. Increasing awareness of the need for comparable measurement
systems is one of this forum's key objectives.
[14] Les projets de recherche de la Commission visent à renforcer la
sécurité, la durabilité et la convivialité des transports
La mobilité accrue des personnes et des marchandises stimule la création
d'emplois et l'activité économique en Europe. Mais la croissance du trafic
neutralise une partie des avantages qu'elle a créés. Une grande conférence
intitulée "Les transports de surface pour le développement durable" se
tiendra à Valence (Espagne) du 4 au 6 juin. Organisée par la Commission
avec le soutien du ministère espagnol de la science et de la technologie,
cette manifestation réunira 800 chefs d'entreprise, chercheurs et
responsables politiques qui examineront les principaux défis technologiques
et industriels auxquels sont confrontés les transports ferroviaires,
routiers et maritimes. Au nombre des participants figurent M. Philippe
Busquin, Commissaire européen chargé de la recherche, et Mme Anna Birulés,
ministre espagnole de la science et de la technologie. "La Commission est
déterminée à préserver les avantages de la mobilité pour les générations
futures", a déclaré M. Busquin. "Nous devons garantir la durabilité et la
viabilité économique des transports. Les meilleurs ingénieurs et chercheurs
de l'UE doivent collaborer pour rendre notre secteur des transports plus
innovateur, plus rentable et plus respectueux de l'environnement. La mise
en commun de l'excellence au niveau de l'UE en vue de produire une valeur
ajoutée réelle est l'un des principaux axes de l'Espace européen de la
recherche et du 6ème programme-cadre de recherche qui sera lancé
prochainement". Les priorités de recherche de la Commission dans le secteur
des transports concernent le renforcement de la compétitivité du transport
ferroviaire, la promotion des transports maritimes et par voies navigables
et la promotion de l'intermodalité et de l'interopérabilité.
[15] Autre matériel diffusé
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Emploi et Affaires sociales (03/06)
Commission chairs information meeting on freight traffic through Channel
Discours d'ouverture de Mme Reding : "Tuning Educational structures in
Europe: from Prague to Berlin, the EU contribution" à la Tuning Closing
Calendrier du 3 au 8 juin
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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