European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-11-07
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 07/11/2001
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] Fraud : prevention is better than cure
The European Commission has adopted concrete measures proposed by Budget
Commissioner Michaele Schreyer, which are designed to prevent fraud. These
measures are part of a mid-term (2000 2001) strategy for fighting fraud
presented last spring (cf. IP/01/693 of 16 May 2001), as well as part of
the internal reform process of the Commission. The current arrangements
provide for systematic consultation of the financial controller on every
draft legislation in the agricultural sector, as well as specific anti-
fraud section in the financial statement accompanying every legislative
proposal. These arrangements are, however, considered insufficient. The
concrete measures adopted today provide for the early identification of
risk sectors according to criteria defined by the European Anti-Fraud
Office (OLAF). A fraud-proofing unit will be established at OLAF and will
have the task of analyzing cases of fraud and irregularities, in particular
from the point of view of the weaknesses and loopholes identified in
legislation from a prevention angle. OLAF will be involved as early as
possible in the preparation of drafts that are selected as presenting a
high risk of fraud. As regards to contracts, the adopted measures are
designed for the adoption of standard contracts for the Commission and
introduction of a central database of contracts and contractors.
[02] BSE : Commission authorises aid measures for farmers in Belgium
The European Commission authorises Belgium to pay out the second tranche of
direct aid to beef farmers for approximately euro 29,7 million (BEF 1,200
million). An equivalent amount had already been authorised by the
Commission last July (see IP/01/1087). The aid is targeted to beef farmers
who have been particularly affected by the consequences of BSE because of
the dependence of their income on beef meat production. Normally, such
income aid may not be paid by Member States. However, the Commission
recognises that the current crisis in the beef market is exceptional, and
therefore justifies such aid.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[03] António Vitorino déplore l'attentat au Pays Basque
Le Commissaire européen à la Justice et aux Affaires intérieures, António
Vitorino, en son nom personnel et au nom de la Commission, condamne
vivement l'attentat perpétré ce matin au Pays Basque et exprime ses
condoléances à la famille du magistrat José Maria Lidon. M. Vitorino
réitère sa solidarité envers le peuple et le gouvernement espagnols.
[04] La Commission renforce la dimension locale de la stratégie européenne
pour l'emploi
Sur proposition d'Anna Diamantopoulou, Commissaire européenne chargée de
l'Emploi et des Affaires sociales, la Commission a adopté aujourd'hui une
initiative visant à renforcer la dimension locale de la stratégie
européenne pour l'emploi. Ce document d'orientation propose diverses
manières de développer l'emploi au niveau local et présente des mesures
permettant de tirer parti de l'expérience acquise et de promouvoir le
transfert de bonnes pratiques au niveau européen.
[05] FMD : UK can now restart exports of sheep and goat meat
The Standing Veterinary Committee yesterday endorsed a European Commission
proposal allowing the United Kingdom for the first time since the outbreak
of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) to export, under strict conditions, fresh
sheep and goat meat from certain areas in Great Britain. These areas are
the Scottish Islands, most of Scotland, some counties in the east of Great
Britain and two counties in Wales. The export of farmed and wild game meat
from certain areas will also be allowed. The proposal will be formally
adopted by the Commission in the coming days and will enter into force as
soon as adopted by the Commission.
[06] David Byrne to discuss responses to potential threat of bioterrorism
at G7+ meeting in Ottawa
European Commissioner David Byrne, responsible for Health and Consumer
Protection, is in Ottawa today attending a meeting of the G7 countries (USA,
Canada, Japan, Germany, the UK, France, Italy) plus Mexico on ways to
improve health security. The G7+ meeting focuses on topics such as
improving public health readiness and prevention, responding more
effectively to public health security crises and strategies for increased
collaboration. The G7+ meeting takes place in the margins of an OECD health
conference on improving health systems performance measurement and
[07] Philippe Busquin présente les avancées du plan d'action 'Femmes et
Demain, le 8 novembre au matin le Commissaire européen à la Recherche
Philippe Busquin ouvrira une conférence de deux jours intitulée 'Genre et
Recherche' visant à faire le point sur les résultats des travaux entrepris
en vue d'augmenter le nombre des femmes dans la science. Ces travaux qui
ont débuté en 1999 visent essentiellement à proposer une série
d'indicateurs statistiques mesurant la participation des femmes au
développement des sciences en Europe ainsi qu'un panorama européen des
politiques nationales en faveur de la promotion des femmes dans les
sciences. Ils permettront d'assurer à l'avenir une meilleure harmonisation
des politiques nationales en la matière. En outre, seront discutées les
mesures à prendre dans le contexte de l'Espace Européen de Recherche et
dans la perspective du prochain programme-cadre 2002-2006. Le but de cet
exercice étant surtout d'augmenter le nombre d'experts scientifiques
féminins qui jugent les propositions pourront bénéficier d'un financement
communautaire. Un déjeuner de presse se tiendra le même jour à 13h00 au
batiment Charlemagne en présence de M. Busquin, de Françoise Dupuis -
ministre belge de l'enseignement supérieur-, des ministres ou représentants
ministériels compétents espagnol, danois, luxembourgeois, français, tchèque,
autrichien, britannique, grec et suédois, de hauts représentants du Maroc
et de l'Afrique du Sud ainsi que des chercheurs reconnus. Pour plus
d'informations consultez : www.cordis.lu/improving/women/home.htm
[08] Second meeting of the EU-FRY Consultative Task Force (06/11, Belgrade)
The second meeting of the EU-FRY (Former Republic of Yugoslavia)
Consultative Task Force took place in Belgrade on 6 November 2001. The
meeting reviewed FRY's compliance with the EU's political and economic
conditionality (fundamental principles of democracy, rule of law, human and
minority rights, market economy reforms, regional cooperation and
compliance with international obligations), as well as implementation of
the sectoral recommendations from the previous meeting. The establishment
of the necessary coordination and implementation mechanisms within the FRY
was also covered. After a general discussion of economic developments, a
detailed discussion on further specific sectors followed: energy, transport,
telecommunications, customs and justice and home affairs.
[09] La Commission financera des lignes d'assistance téléphonique dans le
but de promouvoir une utilisation plus sûre de l'internet
La Commission européenne a publié un nouvel appel de propositions le 1er
novembre pour des actions de sensibilisation en vue d'une utilisation plus
sûre de l'internet. Cette initiative concerne un large éventail de projets
destinés à sensibiliser le public à une utilisation plus sûre de
l'internet. La préférence sera donnée aux propositions qui présentent une
dimension internationale. Cet appel de propositions est doté d'un budget
indicatif de 4,2 millions d'euros. Les propositions doivent parvenir au
service de la Commission chargé du plan d'action le 31 janvier 2002 au plus
[10] Anna Diamantopoulou : "German labour market reforms are solid but
should be accelerated"
(! embargo 08/11, 9 am !) Anna Diamantopoulou, European Commissioner for
Employment and Social Affairs, will tomorrow in Germany call for a more
responsive German labour market in the drive to stimulate business and
create jobs. In a speech to the Conference of ministers for employment and
social affairs of the German Länder in Potsdam Mrs Diamantopoulou will say
: "We must continue indeed accelerate the pace of reforms. The pace of
change in work and lifestyles has accelerated. And the challenges are no
longer just technological or industrial. They are social and political."
Mrs Diamantopoulou will also discuss enlargement and the role of the German
Länder in the so-called 'open coordination method' used to carry forward
reforms at EU level in the areas of employment, social inclusion and
[11] New Commission websites on the WTO Ministerial meeting in Doha
To mark the fourth WTO Ministerial Conference taking place in Doha (Qatar)
from 9-13 November, Directorates General Trade, Agriculture and Press are
making available special pages on their websites. Download the latest press
releases, speeches, publications and position papers relevant to the
Ministerial Conference directly from these sites. An overview of the
Commission's dialogue with NGOs on WTO negotiations is also available, as
well as links with the official WTO site for the Doha Ministerial and other
related sites. The sites will be constantly updated during the Doha WTO
Ministerial. DG Trade: http://trade-info.cec.eu.int/europa/2001newround/index_en.php
and http://europa.eu.int/comm/trade/index_en.htm DG Agriculture:
http://europa.eu.int/comm/agriculture/external/wto/newround/index_en.htm DG
Press: http://europa.eu.int/comm/press_room/presspacks/doha/pp_doha_en.htm
[12] Fusion approuvée selon la procédure simplifiée
Prudential Insurance Company of America (US) / Banca Popolare di Bergamo
Credito Varesino (I)
[13] Autre matériel diffusé
Note sur les résultats du Conseil Ecofin (fiscalité tabac)
Guide prices for fisheries products in 2002 : proposed increases for almost
all species
Speech by Poul Nielson at the public hearing "Aid to the Afghans" (European
Opening speech by Margot Wallström at the COP7 meeting (Marrakech, !
embargo 2 pm !)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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