European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-08-03
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 03/08/2001
[01] La Commission autorise le rachat total de TUI Belgium par Preussag
La Commission européenne a autorisé le rachat total du voyagiste belge TUI
Belgium par la société allemande Preussag AG. TUI Group, dont le siège est
à Hanovre, appartient au groupe Preussag, mais sa filiale belge, qui
possède également l'agence de voyages Jet Air, était jusqu'à présent placée
sous le contrôle conjoint de Preussag et de l'entreprise familiale belge
Imobra NV. L'opération autorisée par la Commission permet à Preussag de
porter sa participation à 100% et d'acquérir ainsi le contrôle exclusif de
TUI Belgium.
[02] Commission clears joint control of RWE and Bundesland Kärnten in
Kärntner Energieholding Beteiligungs GmbH
The European Commission has approved the proposed acquisition of joint
control by the German RWE group in the Austrian Kärntner Energieholding
Beteiligungs GmbH, which was prior to the acquisition under sole control of
the Austrian Bundesland Kärnten. The transaction does not present any
competition concerns since the involved companies have limited overlapping
activities in the Austrian electricity sector and other services markets.
[03] Structural funds : Commission approves a regional development
programme of euro 1,237 million for the North of the Netherlands
The European Commission has approved a regional development programme for
"North Netherlands" over the period 2000-2006. This programme amounts to
euro 341.9 million in financial support from the European Union. It
concerns major parts of the Dutch northern provinces Friesland, Groningen
and Drenthe eligible for "Objective 2" of the Structural Funds. The
European funding will attract a further euro 532 million in investment from
the Netherlands' public sector and euro 363 million from the private sector,
amounting to a total spending of euro 1,237 million.
[04] Go ahead given for euro 184 million for rural development programmes
in Spain
The European Commission approved four programmes for the EU Initiative
Leader+ in the Spanish regions of Aragon, Cantabria, Castilla La Mancha and
Madrid. Welcoming the decisions, Franz Fischler, Commissioner for
Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries, said : "These programmes aim
to pilot new ideas to help build a more sustainable society, economy and
environment for rural Spain. We want to improve the quality of life for all
those who live in rural areas. Leader+ will help to add value to local
products and to make the best use of natural and cultural resources."
During the period 2001-2006, the total expenditure under the programmes is
euro 184.2 million (Aragon: euro 76 million, Cantabria: euro 13.4 million,
Castilla la Mancha: euro 82.2 million, Madrid: euro 12.6 million). This
includes an EU contribution of euro 107.3 million (Aragon: euro 38 million,
Cantabria: euro 9 million, Castilla la Mancha: euro 54 million, Madrid:
euro 6.3 million).
[05] Euro area business climate indicator down -0.33 - July 2001
(! embargo 12 am !) After a moderate fall in June (by a revised 0.09), the
business climate indicator declined markedly to 0.36 in July (from 0.03 a
month before). This seventh drop in the year is in line with the sharp
deceleration in growth in industrial production since January. The trend in
the indicator points to a deteriorated confidence of industrial firms in
the Euro area. (Business climate indicator for the euro area July 2001 -
Directorate General Economic & Financial Affairs: http://europa.eu.int/comm/economy_finance/indicators/climate_en.htm
[06] Le réseau des Euro Info Centres participe à la phase décisive de la
campagne d'information Euro 2002 de la Banque Centrale Européenne
Les détaillants, les personnes qui manipulent des espèces ainsi que les
consommateurs seront les principaux bénéficiaires du nouveau partenariat
entre les Euro Info Centres (EIC) et la Banque Centrale Européenne (BCE).
Le réseau des 282 EIC participe à partir d'aujourd'hui à la phase finale
décisive de la campagne d'information Euro 2002 de la BCE, afin de
renforcer les efforts de sensibilisation des citoyens et des entreprises
européens à l'imminence du passage à l'euro et d'assurer le bon déroulement
de l'introduction des billets et des pièces en euros. Ce partenariat
contribuera à accroître l'impact des initiatives de communication de la BCE
et de la Commission européenne.
[07] Merger approved under the simplified procedure
Gesellschaft für Elektrometallurgie mbH (D) / Shell Hydrogen Projects B.V.
(NL) / Hydro-Québec CapiTech Inc. (CAN)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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