European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-08-02
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 02/08/2001
[01] Commission insists on effective access to European pipelines for
Norwegian gas
The European Commission has called upon national regulators and national
competition authorities to ensure that there is effective access of
Norwegian gas to the European continent and into the UK. In a joint letter,
the Directorate General for Competition and the Directorate General for
Transport and Energy informed the responsible authorities in the EU Member
States that the Norwegian Government recently announced the temporary
discontinuation of the Norwegian joint market regime for gas - so called
GFU - as from 1 June 2001. If the Norwegian gas companies start marketing
their gas individually, as it is hoped, European customers can choose
between approximately 30 suppliers instead of one. The Commission wrote in
its letter to the national authorities : "It now needs to be assured that
gas sold by Norwegian gas producers individually can be transported into
Europe and thus reach the European gas consumers. We will therefore pursue
any violations of the internal market rules and the competition rules
regarding access of Norwegian gas to European pipelines with vigour. We
would appreciate if the national authorities could do the same."
[02] Leader+ programmes for The Netherlands
The European Commission has approved four programmes for the EU initiative
Leader+ in the Netherlands. Franz Fischler, Commissioner for Agriculture,
Rural Development and Fisheries, said : "These programmes aim to pilot new
ideas to improve the quality of life in rural areas of the Netherlands.
Leader+ will help to encourage the use of new know-how and of new
technologies to make the products and services of rural areas more
competitive and help tp make the best use of natural and cultural
resources." The Netherlands submitted four programmes for the regions East,
North, South and Randstad which are approved under four separate Commission
decisions. During the period 2000-2006, the total financial cost of these
four programmes amounts to euro 204.52 million, including a Community
participation of EAGGF Orientation of euro 82.9 million.
[03] July 2001 : Gloomy economic confidence indicators
(! embargo 12 am !) The economic sentiment indicator went down in July by
0.5 points in the EU, while in the euro area there was a 0.6 point
decrease. Capacity utilisation in July decreased 0.8 percentage points in
the EU and 0.7 points in the euro area. The industrial confidence indicator
also reached a level below its long term average, after decreasing in July
by 2 points in both the EU and in the euro area. The construction
confidence indicator decreased by 1 point in the euro area and in the EU as
a whole. Consumer confidence increased by 4 points in Denmark and by 1
point in the United Kingdom, whilst remaining steady in Belgium and
decreasing in the other twelve Member countries conducting this survey. The
information results from the July business and consumer surveys carried out
by the Commission's Directorate General for Economic and Financial Affairs.
[04] Commission allocates a further euro 2 million for humanitarian aid
operations in the Northern Caucasus
The European Commission will be providing additional financial support
worth euro 2 million for humanitarian aid to the victims of the Chechnya
conflict. This money will fund the continued distribution of food aid as
well as the protection of peoples' rights in the Northern Caucasus
(Daghestan, Chechnya and Ingushetia). Channelled through the humanitarian
aid office ECHO, which comes under the responsibility of Commissioner Poul
Nielson, this decision brings the amount allocated by the Commission since
the start of the conflict to euro 44 million.
[05] Waste batteries : Commission takes further legal action against Italy,
Germany and the United Kingdom
The European Commission has decided to send Reasoned Opinions (second
warning letters) to Italy for its failing to correctly implement a
Directive amending the Batteries Directive and to Germany for failing to
communicate implementing legislation, as required under the Directive. The
amending Directive requires a reduction in the mercury content of batteries
that can be marketed in the EU. The Commission also decided that it would
take Italy and the United Kingdom to Court for failing to communicate the
above-mentioned implementing legislation. Commenting on the decision,
Environment Commissioner Margot Wallström said : "Phasing out products such
as batteries containing mercury is a key part of the Community's strategy
to reduce hazardous waste in our environment. Our efforts could be in vain,
however, if all Member States do not stick to the same timetable."
[06] Expérimentations animales : la Commission décide de saisir la Cour de
justice à l'encontre de la Belgique
La Commission européenne a décidé de saisir la Cour de justice européenne à
l'encontre de la Belgique pour non-respect de la directive communautaire
relative aux animaux utilisés à des fins expérimentales. La décision fait
suite à l'examen d'une plainte selon laquelle les autorités belges
accordent des dispenses trop larges pour l'utilisation à des fins
expérimentales de chats et de chiens qui n'ont pas été élevés dans ce but.
De telles dispenses sont possibles en vertu de la directive (qui, en règle
générale, impose l'utilisation d'animaux d'élevage) mais les raisons
doivent être impérieuses. Les statistiques indiquent que sur trois ans, les
laboratoires belges n'ont utilisé en moyenne qu'environ 50% des chats et
des chiens pour lesquels des dispenses avaient été accordées, attestant la
trop grande permissivité des autorités belges.
[07] Teneur en soufre des combustibles : la Commission prend des mesures
contre l'Italie et l'Allemagne
La Commission européenne a décidé d'envoyer un avis motivé (deuxième lettre
d'avertissement) à l'Allemagne et de saisir la Cour de justice d'un recours
contre l'Italie pour manquement à l'obligation d'adopter et de communiquer
le texte de leur législation nationale concernant la teneur en soufre des
combustibles liquides. Il s'agit d'assurer la transposition d'une directive
communautaire de 1999 concernant la teneur en soufre des combustibles, qui
vise à réduire les émissions de dioxyde de soufre, un important polluant
atmosphérique. Les Etats membres avaient jusqu'au 1er juillet 2000 pour
adopter et communiquer les dispositions nationales, et ces décisions
s'inscrivent dans un effort concerté de la Commission pour veiller à ce que
l'ensemble de la Communauté se conforme à la directive. Margot Wallström,
Commissaire à l'Environnement, a déclaré : "La mise en œuvre de cette
directive contribuera à la réduction de la pollution par le dioxyde de
soufre. Je demande instamment à l'Allemagne et à l'Italie de combler cette
lacune législative dès que possible."
[08] Measurement of quality of petrol and diesel fuels
The European Commission has decided to send Reasoned Opinions (second
warning letters) to Austria, Greece, Italy and UK for failing to adopt and
communicate the texts of the national legislation necessary to implement a
Community directive from 2000 revising the measuring methods relating to
the quality of petrol and diesel fuels. It will also send a Reasoned
Opinion to Germany because its transposing legislation has not been
notified to the Commission.
[09] Risques d'accidents majeurs : la Commission prend des mesures à
l'encontre de la France pour défaut d'adoption de toutes les dispositions
requises aux fins de l'application de la directive Seveso II
La Commission européenne a décidé de saisir la Cour européenne de justice
d'un recours contre la France pour défaut d'adoption et de communication
d'une législation complète aux fins de la mise en €?uvre de la directive
communautaire Seveso II. Cette décision concerne notamment le stockage
souterrain de gaz et de substances dérivées du pétrole. La Commissaire
chargée de l'Environnement, Mme Margot Wallström, a ainsi commenté la
décision : "L'expérience nous enseigne qu'il faut agir de manière
anticipative dans la prévention des accidents industriels majeurs. Je
trouve donc extrêmement regrettable que la France n'ait pas encore
complètement adapté sa législation aux dispositions de cette directive
essentielle, dont le principal objectif est la sécurité publique."
[10] Merger approved under the simplified procedure
Stadtwerke Bremen (D) / Stadtwerke Bielefeld (D) / JV
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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