European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 01-07-18
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Service Presse et Communicationb
Midday Express 18/07/2001
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] La Commission adopte une stratégie visant à promouvoir les normes
fondamentales du travail et la gouvernance sociale au niveau mondial
La Commission européenne a adopté une Communication proposant une stratégie
de l'UE en vue de promouvoir les normes fondamentales du travail et la
gouvernance sociale au niveau mondial. Cette Communication propose un
certain nombre de mesures à prendre aux niveaux européen et international
afin d'encourager l'application effective des normes fondamentales du
travail dans le monde. La dimension du développement est au cœur de la
stratégie proposée, qui vise à aider les pays en développement à appliquer
ces normes pour leur propre développement social. Les Commissaires Pascal
Lamy (commerce) et Anna Diamantopoulou (emploi) ont commenté en ces termes
la présentation de ces propositions, qui a eu lieu aujourd'hui : "Les
citoyens ressentent la nécessité de mettre en place un système économique
mondial équitable qui encourage le développement social et les droits
fondamentaux, et estiment que notre modèle actuel de gouvernance n'y répond
pas comme il convient. Au niveau mondial, la gouvernance des marchés s'est
développée plus rapidement que la gouvernance sociale. Nous devons
rééquilibrer le système pour encourager le développement social et faire en
sorte que la mondialisation soit bénéfique à tous les peuples et à tous les
[02] Commission fines SAS and Maersk Air for market-sharing agreement
The European Commission has decided to fine Scandinavian airlines SAS and
Maersk Air euro 39.375 million and euro 13.125 million respectively for
operating a secret agreement that led to the monopolisation by SAS of the
Copenhagen-Stockholm route to the detriment of over one million passengers
that use that major route every year, as well as to the sharing out of
other routes to and from Denmark.
[03] La Commission lance le débat sur le projet de nouvelles règles
relatives aux mesures de clémence en matière d'amendes dans les affaires
La Commission européenne a adopté un nouveau projet de règles destinées à
mieux détecter et éradiquer les ententes, qu'elles portent sur la fixation
de prix ou sur d'autres types d'accords. Il s'agit des infractions aux
règles antitrust les plus préjudiciables, dans la mesure où elles nuisent
très clairement tout autant aux clients qu'aux consommateurs. Ces nouvelles
règles, qui remplaceront la communication de 1996 sur la non-imposition
d'amendes ou la réduction de leur montant, prévoient une immunité complète
en matière d'amendes pour la première société qui apportera à la Commission
des informations sur des ententes non détectées qui soient suffisantes pour
lui permettre de lancer une inspection surprise.
[04] La Commission adopte une nouvelle proposition sur l'imposition des
revenus de l'épargne perçus à l'étranger
La Commission européenne a présenté une proposition modifiée de Directive
visant à garantir une imposition effective, à l'intérieur de l'Union
européenne, des revenus de l'épargne sous forme de paiements
transfrontaliers d'intérêts à des personnes physiques. La proposition
reflète les conclusions du Conseil des ministres des Finances des 26 et 27
novembre 2000 sur l'imposition des revenus de l'épargne perçus à
l'étranger. En vertu de la proposition modifiée, chaque Etat membre devra
fournir des informations à d'autres Etats membres sur les intérêts payés
dans cet Etat membre à des particuliers qui résident dans d'autres Etats
membres. Pendant une période transitoire de sept ans, la Belgique, le
Luxembourg et l'Autriche seront autorisés à prélever une retenue fiscale de
15% pendant les trois premières années et de 20% pour le reste de la
période au lieu de fournir des informations. La proposition couvre tous
types de revenus de l'épargne, y compris les intérêts afférents aux
obligations (mais sous réserve d'un arrangement transitoire pour les
obligations existantes). La proposition remplace celle de 1998 en vertu de
laquelle les Etats membres auraient pu choisir entre échanger des
informations ou prélever une retenue fiscale. La nouvelle proposition,
comme la précédente, repose sur la coopération des opérateurs économiques
qui paient directement les intérêts, mais tout a été mis en oeuvre pour
réduire au minimum les coûts d'application de la Directive qu'ils auront à
supporter. La nouvelle proposition fait toujours partie d'un ensemble de
mesures visant à lutter contre la concurrence fiscale dommageable dans l'UE,
dont les principes ont été arrêtés par le Conseil des ministres des
Finances de l'UE en décembre 1997.
[05] Commission urges greater Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe
Shortly after the European Commission's Communication on quality of work,
Commissioners Anna Diamantopoulou (Employment and Social Affairs) and Erkki
Liikanen (Enterprise and Information Society) today presented a Green Paper
on promoting a European framework for Corporate Social Responsibility,
whereby companies decide voluntarily to contribute to a better society. The
paper, intended as a launch pad for debate, takes up the "triple bottom
line" concept, whereby companies voluntarily take on board social and
environmental concerns besides their economic ones. In line with the
Commission's proposal for a Sustainable Development Strategy for Europe,
recently endorsed by the Gothenburg European Council, the paper argues that
all three elements can dovetail to create more productive and profitable
business. Announcing its publication, Commissioners Diamantopoulou and
Liikanen said : "More and more firms are realising the link between
profitability and best ethical and environmental practice. Conscientious
firms not only attract and retain the best workers, they can also get ahead
in the technology game, vital for that all-important competitive edge." The
paper is a direct contribution to the goal, backed by EU leaders at the
March 2000 Lisbon European Council, of making the EU "the most competitive
and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable
economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion."
Part of this challenge lies in combining business profitability with the
twin concepts of sustainability and accountability. It is also about
striking the appropriate balance between flexibility and responsibility in
creating a business-friendly environment.
[06] Commission approves euro 27.6 million aid to Kartogroup Deutschland
GmbH (Kartogroup)
The European Commission approved euro 27.6 million (DM 53.9 million) aid to
the investment of Kartogroup in Leuna, Sachsen-Anhalt. The investment
concerns setting up a tissue plant to produce toilet paper and kitchen
towels. The total investment costs amount to euro 85 million (DM 166
million) and the aid approved represents 35% of the eligible investment
costs. The investment project creates 154 permanent jobs in an area
suffering from high unemployment. The Commission approved the aid since it
found the aid to be compatible with the rules applicable to regional aid
for large investment projects.
[07] Commission approves German research project on Extreme Ultraviolet
The European Commission decided to raise no objections on a grant of DM 120
million (euro 60 million) for a German five year cooperative research
project on extreme ultraviolet lithography (EUV). The purpose of the aid is
to promote the German participation to a joint Eureka project aiming at the
development of EUV lithography technologies in Europe, that could
strengthen the position of the European semiconductor industry suppliers
through the development of know-how and intellectual property.
[08] La Commission autorise l'octroi d'une aide à l'investissement à une
usine de polypropylène en Grèce
La Commission européenne a décidé de ne pas opposer d'objections au projet
du gouvernement grec d'accorder une aide à l'investissement à Hellenic
Petroleum S.A. Cette aide est plafonnée à 38 millions d'euros (12.941
millions de GRD) pour des dépenses éligibles de 117 millions. Elle ira à la
construction d'une usine intégrée, composée de deux unités qui produiront
différents types de polypropylène de la famille des thermoplastiques. La
Grèce ne possède pour l'instant aucun site de production de polypropylène.
[09] Commission approves State aid awarded to Zentrum Mikroelektronik
Dresden AG
The European Commission has decided not to raise objections against State
aid measures in favour of Zentrum Mikroelektronik Dresden AG (ZMD), a
semiconductor producer in Saxony, Germany. The company was awarded a total
of euro 164 million for restructuring purposes in the time period of 1993
to 2001.
[10] Commission reduces planned aid to Volkswagen for new factory in
Dresden (Germany)
The European Commission has decided that Germany may pay around 85% of the
planned regional investment aid in favour of Volkswagen for the production
of the future D1-model in a new car plant in Dresden, the 'gläserne
Manufaktur' (transparent factory). After conducting the formal
investigation procedure the Commission found that aid amounting to DM 145
million for a total investment of nearly DM 1000 million is compatible with
the EU rules for State aid and the framework for aid to the motor vehicle
industry in particular. A further DM 25,7 million is considered
incompatible with the common market and may not be granted. The German
authorities had asserted that the new model could also be built in the
Czech Republic and that the aid was necessary to keep the investment in
[11] La Commission confirme son autorisation de l'aide d'Etat reçue par
Alitalia en 1997
La Commission européenne a pris une nouvelle décision sur l'aide d'Etat
reçue par Alitalia en 1997, qui confirme sa précédente décision du 15
juillet 1997 d'autoriser cette aide moyennant le respect de certaines
conditions. Néanmoins, la nouvelle décision tient dûment compte des termes
de l'arrêt du 12 décembre 2000 par lequel le Tribunal de Première instance
des Communautés européennes avait annulé la précédente décision pour défaut
de motivation et erreur manifeste d'appréciation.
[12] Ports italiens : la Commission approuve les mesures sociales en faveur
des dockers pour un montant de 566 millions d'euros
La Commission européenne a autorisé toutes les mesures sociales prises en
faveur des travailleurs portuaires entre 1992-1998 dans le cadre de la
réforme des ports italiens. En revanche, les aides destinées à couvrir les
pertes d'exploitation des entreprises de travaux portuaires d'un montant de
plus de 131 millions d'euros sont déclarées incompatibles avec le marché
[13] Maritime Cabotage Services : Commission sends reasoned opinions to
Greece and Portugal
The European Commission has decided to send reasoned opinions to Greece and
Portugal whose legislation do not respect their EU obligations, that
shipowners who have their ships registered in and flying the flag of a
Member State are entitled to provide maritime transport services within any
other Member State. Both countries will have to answer within two months.
[14] Transport maritime : la Commission décide de poursuivre la procédure
d'infraction contre le Portugal et l'Italie en matière de partage de
La Commission européenne a décidé d'envoyer un avis motivé à l'Italie et
une mise en demeure au Portugal pour non-conformité de leurs accords de
partage de cargaisons respectifs avec les règles communautaires de libre
prestation de services de transport maritime. L'Italie a conclu un accord
avec la Chine, le Portugal avec les républiques de Croatie, de Bosnie-
Herzégovine, l'Ancienne République Yougoslave de Macédoine et la République
Fédérale de Yougoslavie.
[15] Maritime safety : Commission pursues infringement proceedings against
11 Member States for non communication of national measures
The European Commission has decided to pursue infringement proceedings
against several Member States which do not fully respect European
legislation on maritime safety as they have not informed the Commission of
the national measures required. "EU has decided to make maritime safety a
priority", said Loyola de Palacio, Vice-President in charge of transport
policy. "This means that we have not only to promote better legislation but
also to control that all appropriate measures have been taken by Member
[16] Commission takes Greece, Ireland and Italy to the Court of Justice and
sends a reasoned opinion to Austria for infringing EU legislation on
transport of dangerous goods
The European Commission has decided to take Ireland, Italy and Greece to
the Court of Justice for non-communication of national measures on the
transport of dangerous goods by road and/or by rail. The Directives
concerned by the non-communication are Directive 1999/47/EC on transport of
dangerous goods by road and Directive 1999/48/EC on transport of dangerous
goods by rail. The Commission will also send a reasoned opinion to Austria
for not respecting Directive 94/55/EC harmonising requirements in the
transport of dangerous goods by road.
[17] La Commission adresse un avis motivé à l'Italie pour non-exécution de
l'arrêt l'obligeant à récupérer les aides octroyées en 1992 aux
transporteurs routiers professionnels
La Cour de Justice a constaté en janvier 1998 le manquement de l'Italie à
ses obligations de récupération avec intérêts, des aides fiscales d'une
valeur avoisinant les 142 millions € (275 milliards de lires) octroyées aux
transporteurs routiers italiens pendant l'année 1992. Ces aides ont été
déclarées illégales par décision de la Commission du 9 juin 1993. Malgré
les demandes répétées de la Commission, l'Italie ne les a toujours pas
récupérées. La Commission a donc décidé aujourd'hui d'envoyer un avis
motivé au titre de l'article 228 du Traité pour non-exécution de l'arrêt de
la Cour. A défaut, la Commission saisira de nouveau la Cour de Justice afin
de faire condamner l'Italie au paiement d'une astreinte.
[18] Commission sends reasoned opinions to Austria and Ireland for non-
communication of national measures on roadworthiness tests for motor
vehicles and trailers
Directive 1999/52/EC (modifiying Directive 96/96/EC) on roadworthiness
tests concerning diesel engined vehicle emissions deals with in particular
with vehicle preconditioning with a view to avoid damages to the engine.
Member States had to adopt the necessary legislation before 1 October 2000.
Austria and Ireland have indicated that they are still in the process of
preparing implementing measures.
[19] Commission addresses reasoned opinions to Belgium, Germany, Spain,
Greece, Ireland and Portugal for failing to notify national legislation on
the charging of heavy goods vehicles
These Member States did not communicate national measures transposing
Directive 1999/62/EC on the charging of heavy goods vehicles for the use of
certain infrastructures. Member States had to adopt the necessary
legislation before 1 July 2000. One year after the required date of
implementation Belgium, Germany, Spain, Greece, Ireland and Portugal have
not yet notified the European Commission accordingly.
[20] Commission sends reasoned opinion to Italy on the opening up of
groundhandling services at airports
The European Commission has sent reasoned opinion to Italy for non
complying with Community legislation on the progressive opening up of the
groundhandling services market at Community airports. A number of
provisions in the Italian legislation implementing Council Directive
96/67/EC (adopted on 15 October 1996 lays down basic Community rules on the
progressive opening up of the groundhandling services market at Community
airports) are not in compliance with the relevant provisions of the
Directive. This is most notably the case for legislation dealing with the
selection of (new) service providers : it does not contain the required
limitation to seven years for the selection of suppliers of groundhandling
services ; it includes provisions regarding the protection of employees
going beyond the rules provided by the Directive. The Commission requests
the Italian authorities to take the necessary measures to comply with the
Reasoned Opinion within a period of two months.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[21] Statement by Commissioner Michaele Schreyer on civil action against
Philip Morris and RJ Reynolds
"Fighting fraud, and cigarette smuggling in particular, is and remains our
top priority. By deciding a year ago to start a civil action against Philip
Morris and RJ Reynolds, we took an important new step. The European
Commission takes note of the order issued by the US District Court for the
Eastern District of New York. While our claim was dismissed on a single
point of law, our arguments clearly prevailed on all other main legal
issues. Especially important is the finding that the "revenue rule", a rule
of US law which could prevent the recovery of foreign customs duties and
taxes in the US courts, did not bar our case. The legal personality of the
European Community was also specifically recognised. So there are many
positive aspects of the order which I welcome. The Judge considered that
the European Community has no standing for its federal law claims since it
suffered no direct injury through cigarette smuggling because the Member
States make up any possible loss through the so-called "fourth resource",
i.e. their contribution to the Community budget based on GNP. The Court
suggested that the injury was therefore suffered by the Member States. The
Court did not agree to let the Member States join the action at this stage.
Consequently, the order deals exclusively with the European Community
claims. The Commission believes that both EC and the Member States have
indeed suffered and continue to suffer losses of revenue because of
cigarette smuggling. The Commission and the Member States will now together
examine how best to go about pursuing their claims."
[22] Meeting of Mario Monti and Caio Koch-Weser
European Competition Commissioner Mario Monti and German State Secretary
Caio Koch-Weser met yesterday to discuss the measures to be taken by
Germany to resolve the long standing State aid issues in connection with
the guarantees existing for the German public financial institutions
("Anstaltslast" and "Gewährträgerhaftung"). Mr Koch-Weser was heading a
delegation including the Finance Ministers of Northrhine-Westfalia, Mr
Steinbrück, Bavaria, Mr Faltlhauser, and Baden-Württemberg, Mr Stratthaus,
and the President of the German Savings Banks' and Giro Association, Mr
[23] June 2001 Euro-zone annual inflation down to 3.0% ; EU15 down to 2.8%
(! embargo 12 am !) Euro-zone annual inflation fell from 3.4% in May to
3.0% in June, Eurostat reports today. A year earlier the rate was 2.4%.
EU15 annual inflation fell from 3.1% in May to 2.8% in June. A year earlier
the rate was 2.1%. In June, highest annual rates were in the Netherlands
(5.0%), Portugal (4.6%) and Greece (4.5%) ; lowest rates were in the United
Kingdom (1.7%), France and Denmark (both 2.2%). Compared with June 2000,
the biggest relative rises were in the United Kingdom (0.8% to 1.7%),
Sweden (1.4% to 3.0%) and Greece (2.2% to 4.5%) ; the biggest relative
falls were in Luxembourg (4.4% to 2.7%), Denmark (2.9% to 2.2%) and Ireland
(5.4% to 4.3%).
[24] Fourth EU-FYROM Cooperation Council meeting
The fourth meeting of the Cooperation Council between the European Union
and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) took place in
Brussels, on 17 July 2001. Pending the entry into force of the
Stabilisation and Association Agreement (signed on 9 April 2001 in
Luxembourg) the Cooperation Council, set up by the Cooperation Agreement of
1997, monitors the implementation of the Interim Agreement on trade and
trade related matters, which entered into force on 1 June 2001.
[25] Merger approved under the simplified procedure
Borg Warner Inc. (USA) / Hitachi (Japan)
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