European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 99-10-12
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Parole 12/10/1999b
[01] Commission sets timeframe for beef labelling
[02] Commission approves acquisition by Thyssen Krupp Steel (Germany) of
grain oriented electrical steel activities of UGO (France)
[03] Soutien de l'UE dans le domaine du livre et de la lecture
[04] Les prix à la production industrielle ont augmenté de 0,3% dans la
zone euro et l'UE
[05] EU and South Africa sign a historic Trade and Development Cooperation
[01] Commission sets timeframe for beef labelling
The European Commission tomorrow adopts two proposals setting the timeframe
for the compulsory labelling of beef in the European Union. Both are based
upon Article 152 (Public Health) of the Amsterdam Treaty. The objective of
the first proposed Regulation is to set up a transparent obligatory
labelling system in two steps. The first stage, which will enter into force
one month after the adoption of the regulation and aims to inform the
consumer about the information readily available at the point of slaughter.
From 1 January 2003 the beef label has also to include, in addition,
information on where the animal was born and reared. Given the time
required for adoption of the first regulation, the second proposal prolongs
the existing Regulation (EC) No 820/97, for voluntary labelling (which
Member States may make obligatory in relation to their own production)
until 1 January 2001 at the latest.
[02] Commission approves acquisition by Thyssen Krupp Steel (Germany) of
grain oriented electrical steel activities of UGO (France)
After a detailed investigation under the European Union rules for
concentrations in the coal and steel industries, the European Commission
has authorised the acquisition by Thyssen Krupp Steel AG (TS) of the grain
oriented electrical steel activities of Usinor SA, namely Usinor Grain
Orientés SA (UGO). The combined entity will not have more than a 20% share
of any relevant market, where it will compete with Japanese, Russian and
American producers of a similar size.
[03] Soutien de l'UE dans le domaine du livre et de la lecture
Sur base des propositions d'un groupe d'experts indépendants, la Commission
européenne a désigné les 291 projets qui bénéficieront d'une aide
financière de l'Union européenne dans le cadre du programme Ariane pour
l'année 1999. Le budget global alloué à ce programme pour 1999 est de 4,1
millions d'euros. Le programme Ariane a pour objectif de soutenir la
traduction ainsi que des projets destinés à promouvoir le secteur du livre
et le perfectionnement des professionnels de ce secteur.
[04] Les prix à la production industrielle ont augmenté de 0,3% dans la
zone euro et l'UE
Au mois d'août, les prix à la production industrielle de la zone euro et de
l'Union européenne (UE15) ont enregistré une augmentation de 0,3% par
rapport au mois précédent, selon les estimations publiées aujourd'hui par
Eurostat, l'Office statistique des Communatués européennes à Luxembourg. La
zone euro ainsi que l'UE15 avaient enregistré des hausses respectives de 0,
7% et 0,6% au mois de juillet. Après une baisse de l'indice des prix à la
production industrielle pendant quinze mois consécutifs (de décembre 1997 à
février 1999), on a observé une augmentation depuis le mois de mars 1999.
[05] EU and South Africa sign a historic Trade and Development Cooperation
Following intensive negotiations over the weekend, the Trade, Development
and Cooperation Agreement between the European Union (EU) and South Africa
was finally signed in Pretoria on 11 October 1999 by the South African
Trade and Industry Minister, Alec Erwin on the one side, and European
Commissioner Poul Nielson, Finnish Secretary of State, Mr Jukka Valtasaari,
and the EU Ambassadors in South Africa on the other side. The agreement,
which will establish a free trade area between the parties over the next
twelve years liberalising about 95% of trade, will have long-term benefits
and commercial advantages for both sides. In particular, it will give South
Africa preferential access to the world's largest market, opening up
important opportunities for South African companies in sectors such as
textiles and clothing, chemicals, food and vegetables.
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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