European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 97-05-26
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[01] Extraordinary transport council is cancelled
[02] La Commission propose une aide macro-financière à la Bulgarie
[03] La Commission propose une aide macro-financière à l'ancienne
République yougoslave de Macédoine (ARYM)
[04] European Union and South Africa negotiators focus on future bilateral
[05] Ritt Bjerregaard: "The environment creates jobs"
[06] Padraig Flynn says that environment and employment policies cannot be
left to market forces alone
[01] Extraordinary transport council is cancelled
Neil Kinnock, European Commissioner for Transport, last Friday evening
advised the Dutch Presidency to cancel the special session of the Transport
Council scheduled for Thursday 29 May. It had been intended that this
special session should try to achieve a satisfactory conclusion to the
transport negotiations with Switzerland. The Presidency shared Mr
Kinnock's view that the last minute changes introduced in the Swiss
proposals made a Council meeting unjustified.
[02] La Commission propose une aide macro-financière à la Bulgarie
La Commission européenne a adopté une proposition de décision du Conseil
visant à ce qu'un prêt communautaire au titre de la balance des paiements
soit accordé à la Bulgarie pour un montant maximum de 250 millions d'Ecus
et une durée maximum de dix ans. Cette aide viendrait en complément des
ressources accordées par le Fonds monétaire international (FMI), la Banque
mondiale et un certain nombre de donateurs bilatéraux dans le cadre du
programme de stabilisation et d'ajustement structurel de la Bulgarie pour
1997/1998. Le but de l'aide est d'obtenir le financement extérieur
nécessaire pour assurer un financement satisfaisant au programme du
gouvernement qui est mis en place dans un contexte économique
particulièrement difficile. La durée proposée du prêt correspond bien aux
perspectives d'évolution à moyen et à long terme de la balance des
paiements de la Bulgarie qui devra faire face à d'importants besoins de
financement au cours des années à venir.
[03] La Commission propose une aide macro-financière à l'ancienne
République yougoslave de Macédoine (ARYM)
La Commission européenne a adopté une proposition de décision du Conseil
des Ministres visant un prêt communautaire à l'Ancienne République
yougoslave de Macédoine au titre de la balance des paiements d'un montant
maximum de 40 millions d'Ecus. L'aide aurait une durée maximum de 15 ans.
Elle serait destinée à appuyer le programme de stabilisation et de réforme
à moyen terme pour la période 1997-1999 et serait accordée dans le cadre de
la présente facilité d'ajustement structurel renforcée. Elle compléterait
les ressources mobilisées par les institutions financières internationales
au cours des années à venir. Le but est d'alléger les contraintes
financières extérieures du pays en 1997. La durée proposée du prêt
correspond bien aux perspectives d'évolution à moyen et à long terme de la
balance des paiements d'ARYM qui devra faire face à d'importants besoins de
financement au cours des années à venir.
[04] European Union and South Africa negotiators focus on future bilateral
Representatives of the Republic of South Africa and the European Commission
held a new round of technical discussions in Brussels on the proposed
bilateral agreement for trade and development between South Africa and the
European Union. This follows on South Africa's entry as a qualified member
of the Lomé Convention. Discussions focused this time on two groups of
issues: economic cooperation and cooperation in social and cultural areas.
On both groups of issues, detailed discussion resulted in a large measure
of agreement on the areas to be covered in the future agreement and the
main objectives to be pursued in each of them. Negotiators confirmed that
the next round of talks to be held in the latter part of June 1997 would
focus on the trade component of the bilateral agreement. A ministerial
stocktaking meeting will take place in mid-July.
[05] Ritt Bjerregaard: "The environment creates jobs"
(!!! embargo 3 pm !!!) Speaking in Brussels at the Environment and
Employment Conference organised jointly by the European Commission and the
European Parliament, Environment Commissioner Ritt Bjerregaard stressed the
fact that all evidence shows that environmental policy is not only good for
the environment, it also creates jobs. She said: "We must ensure that this
message is understood by the citizens of Europe and by people from industry,
trade unions, Non Governmental Organisations and researches who are often
closely involved in the policy making of the Commission and the Parliament.
We have a number of policy options at hand which we know can achieve
environmental and employment goals at the same time. I encourage you to
put forward your ideas, views and your criticism which you might have on
this important matter. I am sure that your contribution will be an
important stimulus for us in the Commission and in the Parliament to
develop our policies further. In the second half of this year I intend to
submit to the Council of Ministers and the Parliament a Communication on
Environment and Employment. This Communication will draw a comprehensive
picture of how environment and employment issues are linked, of existing
national and European action to directly or indirectly promote environment
related jobs and suggest a framework for developing the most promising
policy options with all stakeholders. The Communication will also build on
existing proposals for a 'Green Technology Forum' and come forward with
suggestions for its establishment and management." (!!! embargo 3 pm !!!)
[06] Padraig Flynn says that environment and employment policies cannot be
left to market forces alone
(!!! embargo 3 pm !!!) Speaking today at a conference on "Environment and
Employment", Employment and Social Affairs Commissioner Padraig Flynn said
that "environmental and employment policies have to be consciously managed
by explicit decisions of Government and other agencies rather than by
market forces alone." He emphasised that there is a need "to take economic,
employment and environmental concerns out of their separate boxes. We need
to develop sound and robust ways to treat them as one account, rather than
as conflicting columns of profit and loss." (!!! embargo 3 pm !!!)
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