European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 96-12-04
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
News from the Spokesman's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi du Porte-Paroleb
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] La Commission propose un programme de service volontaire pour les
[02] La Commission demande que soit élaborée une stratégie européenne dans
le domaine de l'espace
[03] Strategic environmental assessment: Commission proposes to strengthen
the system
[04] Commission report to European Council confirm the mutually beneficial
effects of greater co-ordination of economic and structural policies
[05] Commission fines Systemform GmbH ECU 100,000
[06] La Commission donne son feu vert à l'aide en faveur d'Ecopipe dans
l'île de la Réunion
[07] Commission approves new Swedish fiscal measures concerning CO²
[08] Commission approves the Danish fiscal package on waster water tax
[09] La Commission approuve le régime d'aides au transport en faveur des
régions nordiques de Finlande
[10] Commission declares aid awarded to Bestwood (Germany) for a total DM
30 million illegal
[11] La Commission interdit l'application des dispositions du Maribel
bis/ter (Belgique) prévoyant des réductions majorées des cotisations
sociales patronales
[12] La Commission s'oppose à la création d'une entreprise commune entre
Saint-Gobain, Wacker-Chemie et NOM
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[13] Member States reject proposed ban on beef and sheep tissues
[14] Following an undertaking by AC Nielsen to change its contractual
practices, the Commission suspends its action for breach of the competition
[15] Republics of former Yugoslavia: Commission earmarks ECU 85 million for
refugees, displaced people and vulnerable groups
[16] EC-Pakistan new cooperation agreement negotiations
[17] Taxation: Mario Monti outlines priorities to Bundestag Committee of
[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission
[01] La Commission propose un programme de service volontaire pour les
La Commission européenne a proposé de lancer un programme de service
volontaire permettant à des jeunes Européens d'exercer dans un autre pays
une action de solidarité concrète: lutte contre l'exclusion sociale, aide
humanitaire, protection de l'environnement, animation culturelle, ...
Forte de l'expérience acquise au cours de l'année 1996 avec son projet
pilote qui aura permis à quelque 2.500 jeunes de mener de telles activités,
la Commission veut à présent passer à la vitesse supérieure: le programme
"service volontaire européen pour les jeunes", couvrant la période 1998-
2002. Il serait doté dans un premier temps (1998-1999) de 60 millions
d'Ecus, en attendant les nouvelles perspectives financières de l'Union
européenne qui détermineront les moyens budgétaires disponibles par la
[02] La Commission demande que soit élaborée une stratégie européenne dans
le domaine de l'espace
Sous peine d'être irrémédiablement distancée sur les marchés très
prometteurs issus des nouvelles applications spatiales - télécommunications
par satellite, navigation par satellite, observation de la terre -,
l'Europe doit se mobiliser d'urgence et élaborer une stratégie digne de ce
nom. A cet effet, la Commission européenne a approuvé une communication
qui appelle à une véritable coordination entre les différents acteurs
concernés - Union européenne, Etats membres, Agence spatiale européenne,
agences nationales, organisations opérationnelles (Eumetsat p.ex.) et
[03] Strategic environmental assessment: Commission proposes to strengthen
the system
The European Commission adopted a proposal aiming at strengthening the
existing environmental assessment system for projects by extending it to
the land use planning system in areas such as energy, waste, mineral
extraction and transport. By taking environmental consequences into
account at an earlier stage of the planning process, the Commission's new
draft directive will increase environmental protection and reduce economic
impact for operators. The Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
proposed by the Commission requires minimum measures to be integrated in
Member States planning decision making process but allows flexibility in
[04] Commission report to European Council confirm the mutually beneficial
effects of greater co-ordination of economic and structural policies
In a report to the European Council which will meet in Dublin on 13 and 14
December 1996, the European Commission confirms its findings that the EU is
an increasingly integrated economic entity whose growth and employment are
primarily determined by the domestic output. The Commission concludes
moreover that sustained growth and employment will require increased
investment in productive capacity, that a major effort is needed to exploit
the EU's massive under-used labour reserve and that competitiveness can
only be increased on a lasting basis by raising the productivity of
companies and the people who work in them. This report responds to a
request made at the Cannes European Council to study "the mutually
beneficial effects of greater co-ordination of economic and structural
[05] Commission fines Systemform GmbH ECU 100,000
The European Commission has imposed a fine of ECU 100,000 on Systemform
GmbH - a German manufacturer of machinery for handling large computer
printouts. The Commission found that Systemform operated a distribution
system that divided up the European market for its products on national
lines and which gave Systemform influence over its distributors resale
prices. Both of these are clear breaches of the competition rules of the
EC, in particular Article 85 of the EC Treaty.
[06] La Commission donne son feu vert à l'aide en faveur d'Ecopipe dans
l'île de la Réunion
La Commission européenne a décidé de clore la procédure ouverte en avril
1996 à l'égard des aides en faveur du fabricant de tubes d'acier Ecopipe,
dans l'île de la Réunion. L'investissement objet de l'aide, d'un montant
total de 47,8 millions de FF, correspond à une création d'entreprise
répondant à la définition communautaire de PME. La Commission considère
que l'impact éventuel de l'aide sur la concurrence et sur les échanges
entre les États membres est assez limité et qu'elle n'altère pas les
conditions des échanges dans une mesure contraire à l'intérêt commun mais
peut, au contraire, être justifiée à la lumière de celui-ci,
particulièrement en ce qui concerne le développement régional de l'île,
région ultra-périphérique.
[07] Commission approves new Swedish fiscal measures concerning CO²
The European Commission has approved new fiscal measures concerning C02
introduced as an amendment of the Swedish Energy Tax Act. The amendment
aims at increasing the carbon dioxide tax on fuel from 25% to 50% combined
with a proposal for a lower carbon dioxide tax rate on fuel for energy-
intensive activity within industrial activity (mineral extraction and
manufacturing) and greenhouse heating in connection with commercial
greenhouse cultivation. The high energy consuming firms are to benefit
from a tax relief which can be considered as state aid. The Commission has
concluded that the fiscal relief provided for in the Energy Tax Act will
facilitate the development of certain economic activities without adversely
affecting trading conditions to an extent contrary to the common interest.
[08] Commission approves the Danish fiscal package on waster water tax
The European Commission has approved the fiscal relief provided for in
Danish law No 490 of 1996 on waste-water taxation which will be introduced
from the beginning of 1997 until 31 December 1999. The law aims at
reducing discharges of polluting substances through taxation of volumes of
water containing nitrogen, phosphorus and organic materials, so providing
an incentive to prevent pollution and optimize cleaning. The Commission
has deemed these rebates State aid but considers that the fiscal relief
provided by the law facilitate the development of certain economic
activities without adversely affecting trading conditions to an extent
contrary to the common interest.
[09] La Commission approuve le régime d'aides au transport en faveur des
régions nordiques de Finlande
La Commission européenne a décidé d'approuver le régime d‘aides au
transport en faveur des régions nordiques de la Finlande. Le régime en
question prévoit le remboursement par l‘Etat d‘une partie des coûts
normalement à charge des entreprises pour les transports effectués à
l'intérieur du pays, selon un barême croissant en fonction de la distance
de transport. Sont éligibles au régime les PME au sens de la définion
communautaire, localisées dans les parties septentrionale et orientale de
la Finlande (régions de Lappi, Pohjois-Pohjanmaa, Kainuu, Pohjois-Karjala,
[10] Commission declares aid awarded to Bestwood (Germany) for a total DM
30 million illegal
The European Commission has decided to declare illegal the DM 30 million
aid which had been awarded to E.F. Bestwood Kynder GmbH by the authorities
of the new German Bundesland Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in order to keep it in
business. Although Bestwood filed for Bankruptcy in the course of the
proceeding, the Commission concluded that the aid awarded did not comply
with the Community rules on State aid and would therefore have to be
recovered from the sale of the bankrupt company‘s estate.
[11] La Commission interdit l'application des dispositions du Maribel
bis/ter (Belgique) prévoyant des réductions majorées des cotisations
sociales patronales
La Commission européenne a décidé d'interdire l'application des
modifications au plan Maribel introduites par les plans Maribel bis
(introduit en 1993) et Maribel ter (introduit en 1994) considérant que
celles-ci contiennent des aides incompatibles avec le marché commun. Ces
dispositions prévoient des réductions majorées de leurs cotisations
patronales de sécurité sociale pour certaines entreprises faisant partie
des secteurs les plus exposés à la concurrence internationale. La
Commission a donc invité les autorités belges à récupérer les aides qui ont
déjà été indûment accordées et qui, pour 1995, s'élèvent à 11,4 milliards
de francs belges.
[12] La Commission s'oppose à la création d'une entreprise commune entre
Saint-Gobain, Wacker-Chemie et NOM
La Commission européenne a décidé de s'opposer à la création d'une
entreprise commune dans le secteur du carbure de silicium entre la Société
Européenne des Produits Réfractaires (SEPR) du groupe Saint-Gobain (France),
la société Elektroschmelzwerk Kempten (ESK) du groupe Wacker-Chemie
(Allemagne) et la société NOM (détenue par l'Etat hollandais). Cette
opération devait regrouper les deux plus importants producteurs de carbure
de silicium dans l'Espace économique européen et leur aurait permis
d'atteindre des parts de marché supérieures à 60 % sur les deux marchés de
l'Espace économique européen du carbure de silicium destiné aux
applications abrasives et réfractaires. La Commission a considéré qu'une
telle opération crée une position dominante inacceptable au titre du
règlement européen sur les concentrations et les acquisitions d'entreprises
et qu'elle était donc incompatible avec le marché commun.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[13] Member States reject proposed ban on beef and sheep tissues
The Standing Veterinary Committee yesterday rejected the draft Commission
proposal to exclude totally from the human and animal food chains those
tissues which are most likely to be infective in the case of animals
carrying the scrapie or BSE diseases. The proposal was to exclude the
skull, including the brain and eyes and the spinal cord of cattle, sheep
and goats over 12 months of age and the spleen of sheep and goats
irrespective of age. Reacting to the result of the vote in the Standing
Veterinary Committee, Agriculture Commissioner Franz Fischler said that he
will request that the issue is put on the Council of Ministers agenda in
December. "It is unacceptable, given the public concern about BSE, that
some Member States refuse to apply all necessary precautions to protect
human health and to restore consumer confidence in beef and sheep meat.
While accepting that the risk is minimal, there is nevertheless a
responsibility on the decision making bodies to take all action necessary
to minimise this risk. Furthermore, the Commission's proposals are soundly
based on the opinions of the Scientific Veterinary Committee and the World
Health Organisation (WHO)."
[14] Following an undertaking by AC Nielsen to change its contractual
practices, the Commission suspends its action for breach of the competition
The European Commission has obtained an undertaking from AC Nielsen Company
("Nielsen") to modify its contractual practices. This undertaking, signed
on 28 November 1996, satisfies the Commission that Nielsen will not in
future be in breach of Article 86 of the Treaty, which prohibits abuses of
a dominant position. As a consequence, the procedure for breach of
competition rules which was opened against Nielsen last May 1996 is
[15] Republics of former Yugoslavia: Commission earmarks ECU 85 million for
refugees, displaced people and vulnerable groups
The European Commission has earmarked ECU 85 million for humanitarian aid
in the Republics of former Yugoslavia. The aid will be managed by the
European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO). It will be implemented by
European NGOs, specialised agencies of the United Nations, and through
direct actions of the Commission. This programme is designed to provide
relief to those in need through the winter, as well as to assist
repatriation of refugees and displaced people by kick-starting restoration
of public utilities in targeted priority areas.
[16] EC-Pakistan new cooperation agreement negotiations
On 2-3 December, the European Commission and representatives of the
Government of Pakistan met in Brussels for the first round of negotiations
for a new, third generation agreement between the European Community and
Pakistan. The negotiations had been conducted in a positive and friendly
atmosphere and, although it had not been possible to reach a conclusion,
there was general satisfaction with the progress made with broad agreement
reached on most of the content, with only technical matters remaining to be
worked out.
[17] Taxation: Mario Monti outlines priorities to Bundestag Committee of
(!!! embargo 3 pm !!!) The European Commission‘s central priorities and
forthcoming initiatives in the area of taxation are outlined today to the
Bundestag‘s Committee of Finance in Bonn by Taxation Commissioner Mario
Monti. He stresses that the Commission seeks to coordinate taxation at the
EU level only where necessary to avoid discrimination and distortion,
particularly within the Single Market. Mr Monti notes that almost all
Member States endorsed the need to reverse the trend towards higher
taxation of labour as capital becomes more mobile, because of its negative
effects on employment. He also describes the Commission work programme to
introduce a new common VAT system, and announces forthcoming proposals on
taxation of energy products and on avoiding double taxation of interest and
royalty payments between associated companies in different EU countries.
Other forthcoming initiatives include a review of minimum rates of excise
duty, including any associated proposals, and a code of conduct on avoiding
tax competition. (!!! embargo 3 pm !!!)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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