Cyprus News Agency: News in English (PM), 01-03-28
[01] FM Permanent Secretary - UN Commission
[02] Cyprus - Bicommunal Festival
[03] EIF - UNIMED - Seminar
[04] EPP/ED Group - Session
[05] Foreign Minister - Belgrade
[01] FM Permanent Secretary - UN Commission
Nicosia, Mar 28 (CNA) -- Those responsible for detecting and castigating
human rights violations should not turn a blind eye to powerful
perpetrators, Permanent Secretary of the Foreign Ministry Michalis
Attalides has said in his address at the 57th session of the UN Commission
on Human Rights.
With respect to Cyprus, Attalides expressed the government's grave
disappointment with a UN report on human rights on the island, whose
limited references to human rights issues "conceal more than they reveal."
CNA MM/RM/2001
[02] Cyprus - Bicommunal Festival
Nicosia, Mar 28 (CNA) -- Left-wing party AKEL's youth branch EDON and its
Turkish Cypriot counterpart of the Republican Turkish Party (RTP) are
organising a bicommunal festival on 31 March at the Ledra Palace hotel, in
the UN- controlled buffer zone, as part of ten days of festivities to
promote rapprochement between the island's two communities.
"We want to send a message of friendship and cooperation to our Turkish
Cypriot compatriots and particularly to young Turkish Cypriots," Kostakis
Koukos, of EDON central secretariat, told a press conference here today.
[03] EIF - UNIMED - Seminar
Nicosia, Mar 28 (CNA) -- The Employers and Industrialists Federation (EIF)
will organise a two-day seminar between 30 - 31 March in Nicosia, on issues
relating to financing small and medium enterprises.
According to an EIF press release, the seminar will be organised within the
framework of the European Programme UNIMED, a project co-financed by MEDA
that brings together the 27 Euro-Mediterranean Partners' Employers'
[04] EPP/ED Group - Session
Nicosia, Mar 28 (CNA) -- Cyprus' accession course into the European Union
and the efforts to find a solution to the Cyprus issue will be the main
issues discussed during a two-day session of the European Peoples Party -
European Democrats Group Bureau, which begins here tomorrow.
The delegation of the EPP - ED Group, headed by its President Hans-Gert
Pottering, will be received by President Glafcos Clerides on 30 March and
be briefed on the latest developments of the Cyprus question by Foreign
Minister Ioannis Kasoulides, Finance Minister Takis Klerides and by
President of Democratic Rally (DISI) Nicos Anastassiades.
[05] Foreign Minister - Belgrade
Nicosia, Mar 28 (CNA) -- Foreign Minister Ioannis Kasoulides and his
Yugoslav counterpart Goran Svilanovic today reaffirmed the close bonds of
friendship between their respective countries and reiterated their
committment to international law, respect for UN resolutions and the
peaceful solution of conflicts.
Kasoulides who is in Belgrade on a two-day official visit at the invitation
of his Yugoslav counterpart, was received today by President Voislav
Kostunica to whom he conveyed a personal message from President Glafcos
Clerides and later on met with Vice - President M. Labus and Patriarch of
Serbia Pavlos.
CNA RM/MM/2001