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Athens News Agency: Press Review in Greek, 99-08-16

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From: The Athens News Agency at <>



  • [2] Xrhmatisthrio
  • [3] Xwrotajiko nomosxedio
  • [4] Oikonomikh politikh
  • [5] Proedrologia
  • [6] Synenteyjh Xristodoylakh


    H poreia toy Xrhmatisthrioy, h oikonomikh politikh, to xwrotajiko nomosxedio kai ta senaria gia thn proedrologia einai ta basika qemata ths eidhseografias toy shmerinoy aqhnaikoy typoy.

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Mhtshs): Prosoxh stoys "karxaries". Sofokleoys: thn wra poy o deikths aggizei tis 5.000

    ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Rizos): Pyrosbestes maimoydes. To dis... egklhmatein sto polypaqo Swma.

    AQHNAIKH: Foylarei ekloges o Shmiths. Phre apofaseis- epistrefei shmera.

    APOGEYMATINH: Qa xtizoyn oi synetairismoi. Me to nomo gia to xwrotajiko sxediasmo.

    AYRIANH: Sarwtikes allages sto PASOK kai sthn kybernhsh. Apofasismenos o Shmiths na jhlwsei ypoyrgoys kai na antikatasthsei ta kentrika kommatika stelexh.

    TO BHMA: Blepoyn anodo toy ellhnikoy Xrhmatisthrioy gia dyo akomh mhnes. Oi ektimhseis egkyrwn jenwn ependytikwn oikwn.

    H BRADYNH: Brwmika paixnidia me ton qesmo toy Proedroy. Politiko qeatro kai epikindynes akrobasies.

    EQNOS: Neoi oroi domhshs se olh th xwra.

    ELEYQERH WRA: Ston Attila h Kypros me antallagma to gkremisma twn Aprilianwn. Meta apo 25 xronia h Pikrh Dikaiwsh twn oswn grafame sthn E. W. kai se biblia gia ton rolo twn politikwn.

    ELEYQEROS: Proklhtikh apoysia toy prwqypoyrgoy apo tis eortastikes ekdhlwseis gia thn Koimhsh ths Megaloxarhs.

    ELEYQEROS TYPOS: Oi neoi misqoi sto dhmosio. Apo 3.860 ews 8.750 drx oi mhniaies ayjhsies gia to 2000.

    ELEYQEROTYPIA: Etoimazoyn jafnika 2 proypologismoys. Paroxes, an ekloges Martio. Sfijimo, an oxi.

    H EJOYSIA: Oi 5 asoi gia nea rekor sto Xrhmatisthrio. Poioi paragontes fernoyn to deikth stis 5.000 monades.

    ESTIA: Giati siwpa h Trapeza Ellados; Sobarwtates kataggelies kai apo thn "Kaqhmerinh".

    TA NEA: Me 3 tropoys qa ginoyn oi nees idiwtikopoihseis. O Nikos Xristodoylakhs milaei sta "NEA".

    AGGELIOFOROS: Maqhtes- omhroi. 2.500 metejetasteoi ths B'Lykeioy parakoloyqoyn kanonika maqhmata sta... frontisthria

    [2] Xrhmatisthrio

    H ELEYQEROTYPIA grafei oti "aifnidiastika kai enw eixe apokrystallwqei, stis basikes grammes toy o proypologismos toy 2000, me entolh Papantwnioy syntassetai ena deytero sxedio. H emfanish toy enallaktikoy -kai perissotero "sklhroy" - senarioy syndeetai eyqews me thn piqanh metaqesh twn eklogwn to fqinopwro toy epomenoy etoys kai oxi to Martio. H efarmogh pantws toy enos h toy alloy peran toy xronoy twn eklogwn qa exei amesh epiptwsh kai stoys forologoymenoys".

    TO BHMA anaferei oti "eyforia sth Sofokleoys gia toys epomenoys dyo mhnes problepei sthn teleytaia ekqesh toy gia to ellhniko Xrhmatisthrio o egkyros dieqnhs oikos Warburg Dillon Read, enw h HSBC kai h ABN-AMRO Bank diatypwnoyn epishs qetikes probleceis gia thn poreia ths Sofokleoys. Exei idiaitero endiaferon oti oi ektimhseis twn egkyrwn aytwn dieqnwn oikwn erxontai se mia periodo poy o Genikos Deikths ths Sofokleoys brisketai sto ychlotero shmeio ths istorias toy, stis 4.799,62 monades".

    Symfwna me thn ESTIA, "apo thn parelqoysa Pempth, h "ESTIA" eqese seira krisimwn erwthmatwn pros thn Dioikhsh ths Trapezhs Ellados, en sxesei pos ton anejhghto triplasiasmo ths timhs ths metoxhs ths entos enos dimhnoy, poy apodidetai stis fhmes gia epikeimeno "split". H de "KAQHMERINH", efilojenhse sthn ekdosh ths Kyriakhs ektenes arqro gia to idio qema, me thn ypografh "Oikonomos".

    H EJOYSIA yposthrizei oti "me jefrenh koyrsa pros ta panw xwris orio anodoy, moiazei pleon h poreia toy Genikoy Deikth toy Xrhmatisthrioy. Oles oi analyseis twn eidikwn ths agoras proejofloyn nea rekor sto epomeno diasthma. Toylaxiston 5 paragontes sygklinoyn pros ayto to aisiodojo senario, me proejarxoysa th megalh diaqesimothta jenwn kefalaiwn, poy "gohteyontai" apo tis prosdokies kerdwn gia thn pleiochfia twn titlwn ths Sofokleoys".

    O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Mhtshs) isxyrizetai oti "o qorybos gia tis metoxes - foyskes fainetai na katalagiazei siga - siga mprosta stis mellontikes prooptikes poy anoigontai gia to ellhniko xrhmatisthrio".

    [3] Xwrotajiko nomosxedio

    To EQNOS grafei oti "allages stoys oroys poleodomhshs kai oikistikhs anaptyjhs fernei to xwrotajiko nomosxedio poy katatiqetai sth Boylh apo to YPEXWDE. Kaqierwnontai treis kathgories perioxwn opoy qa isxyoyn nea krithria gia oroys, syntelestes domhshs kai xrhsies ghs. Problepontai grhgores diadikasies me symmetoxh kai idiwtwn".

    H APOGEYMATINH anaferei oti "baseis gia qemelia se oikodomikoys synetairismoys dhmioyrgei to nomosxedio gia to xwrotajiko sxediasmo, kaqws anoigei to domo ths idiwtikhs poleodomhshs. To nomosxedio ayto dinei tis kateyqynseis gia thn oikodomhsh ektasewn anw twn 100 stremmatwn me eidikoys oroys. Parallhla, me tropologia sto idio nomosxedio, to opoio brisketai hdh pros kyrwsh sth Boylh, qa "apokaqistantai" taxytera (syndesh me ta diktya Koinhs Wfeleis ) ta ayqaireta ktismata se ektaseis poy entassontai sto sxedio polhs"

    [4] Oikonomikh politikh

    O ELEYQEROS grafei oti "se plhres adiejodo brisketai h kybernhsh sth maxh poy dinei gia th sygkrathsh toy timariqmoy, meta tis nees plhqwristikes pieseis poy askhqhkan ston tomea twn ygrwn kaysiwmn. Malista, h epipolaiothta kai h proxeirothta me thn opoia ergazetai to oikonomiko epiteleio einai olofanerh pia, apo thn kata 180 moires allagh pleyshs poy ekane o ypoyrgos Eqnikhs Oikonomia ssto qema ths meiwshs toy FPA sta timologia ths DEH kai toy OTE".

    H ELEYQERH WRA anaferei oti "qetikes htan gia thn poreia ths Xwras pros thn ONE, einai oi probleceis gia ton plhqwrismo, kaqw ston feroyn ton Septembrio, na brisketai molis mia ekatostiaia monada apo to orio poy problepetai gia thn eisodo ths xwras sthn Nomismatikh Enopoihsh. Opws prokyptei apo stoixeia pyo edwse sth dhmosiothta, h koinotikh Statistikh Yphresia Eurostar ton Ioylio o plhqwrismos etrexe se mesa epipeda kai me ethsio ryqmo ths tajhs toy 3,3% enanti 3,6% ton Ioynio kai 4,8% to antistoixo perysino xroniko diasthma".

    [5] Proedrologia

    Symfwna me ton ELEYQERO TYPO, "apostaseis fainetai na threi o proedros ths Dhmokratias Kwsths Stefanopoylos apo th synexizomenh "proedrologia", ta senaria kai ta onomata twn piqanwn diadoxwn toy sto megaro ths odoy Hrwdoy Attikoy. Fanera enoxlhmenos toso gia thn prowrh syzhths toy qematos oso kai gia thn emplokh toy onomatos toy se kommatikes skopimothtes, o k. Stefanopoylos deixnei na mhn "agwnia" gia thn ananewsh ths qhteias toy".

    O ADESMEYTOS TYPOS (Rizos) anaferei oti "qa eklegei kai pali o K. Stefanopoylos proedros ths Dhmokratias h ton Martio - stis 26 sygkekrimena- qa exoyme th dialysh ths Boylhs kai prowres ekloges; to dilhmma ayto exei qesei edw kai kairo o prwqypoyrgos, anoigontas apo monos toy thn proedrologia, proteinontas kai pali ton k. Stefanopoylo, prokeimenoy na apofygei tis prowres ekloges".

    H AYRIANH grafei oti "h diakhrygmenh qesh toy PASOK gia ananewsh ths qhteias toy Kwsth Stefanopoyloy skontaftei sth diafainomenh arnhsh twn ypoloipwn kommatwn na thn yposthrijoyn. O k. Stefanopoylos einai pikramenos, an kai den to omologei dhmosiws, apo th stash ths ND kai proswpika toy Kwsta Karamanlh".

    H BRADYNH prosqetei oti "anhmero ton Dekapentaygoysto kai ena eikositetrawro prin apo thn epistrofh toy prwqypoyrgoy sto Megaro Majimoy, h kybernhsh, id toy ekproswpoy ths Dhmhtrh Reppa, pyrodothse gia mia akomh fora ta senaria peri ths ekloghs toy proedroy ths Dhmokratias ton prosexh Martio. Allwste, h "akairh anakinhsh " toy qematos exei jekinhsei apo ton idio ton prwqypoygo Kwsta Shmith kai symfwna me ektimhseis politikwn parathrhtwn, h energeia ayth toy prwqypoyrgoy ypekrypte politikes skopimothtes kai kyriws eixe stoxo thn anixneysh twn proqesewn twn ypoloipwn kommatwn epi toy qematos alla kai th dhmioyrgia texnhths entashs sto eswteriko toys".

    H AQHNAIKH ypogrammizei oti "metra "ejemenismoy" twn koinwnikwn omadwn poy ton katachfisan stis eyrwekloges kai eyrytato anasxhmatismo koybala stis balitses toy apo th Sifno o prwqypoyrgos Kwstas Shmiths se mia prospaqeia na janakerdisei to xameno "koinwniko proswpo" ths kybernhshs. Me ton tropo ayto qa egkainiasei mia paratetamenh proeklogikh periodo paraxologias, roysfetologias kai enontwn politikwn diajifismwn kai politikwn allagwn".

    [6] Synenteyjh Xristodoylakh

    "Me treis tropoys qa synexisqoyn oi apokratikopoihseis meta to 2000, anaferei se synenteyjh toy sta NEA o yfypoyrgos Oikonomikwn N. Xristodoylakhs. O prwtos einai h metoxopoihsh twn epixeirhsewn poy ejygiainontai, opws ta ELTA, o OSE k. a. O deyteros einai h anaptyjh newn epixeirhmatikwn prwtoboyliwn apo tis dhmosies epixeirhseis opws px oi etairies metaforwn toy OSE kai h metoxopoihsh twn qygatrikwn etairiwn poy qa askoyn aytes tis drasthriothtes. O tritos afora thn ajiopoihsh kratikwn drasthriothtwn poy shmera limnazoyn, opws einai h ekmetalleysh twn akinhtwn toy dhmosioy".

    (G. P.)

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