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Greek Government Press Briefing, 03-01-28

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 28 Ianoyarioy 2003




Geia sas.

Qa hqela, eisagwgika, na anaferqw se dyo qemata.

Opws gnwrizete, shmera o Prwqypoyrgos, sto plaisio ths Proedrias, exei synanthsh me thn Eyrwpaikh Ergodotikh Enwsh, thn UNICE. Meta th synanthsh, qa yparjei sxetikh dhlwsh toy. Qa parete, epishs, ena enhmerwtiko shmeiwma, sto opoio anaferontai ta qemata poy qetei h UNICE kai epishmainetai pws antimetwpizontai apo thn Ellhnikh Proedria. Apo th syzhthsh poy qa ginei shmera, qa anadeixqei kai mia seira epipleon zhthmatwn h lysewn poy qa prokycoyn.

Oson afora th xqesinh apofash toy Symboylioy Genikwn Ypoqesewn, qelw idiaitera na epishmanw oti, para tis diaforetikes probleceis pollwn, yphrje xqes omofwnh apofash toy Symboylioy Genikwn Ypoqesewn kai ekdoqhke ena chfisma poy afora thn krish sto Irak, gegonos poy apotelei shmantikh epityxia ths Ellhnikhs Proedrias. Apodeiknyetai oti, pera apo tis diafores poy yparxoyn, h Eyrwph mporei na exei th dikh ths eniaia stash se ena toso sobaro zhthma. Apodeiknyetai oti oi prospaqeies ths Ellhnikhs Proedrias apodidoyn ta prwta apotelesmata kai bebaiws, protiqemeqa na synexisoyme sthn idia kateyqynsh kai na analaboyme nees prwtoboylies, opoy ayto einai dynaton. Epomenws, qelw na shmeiwsoyme kai ayth thn epityxia poy apanta kai se polla apo ta erwthmata poy eteqhsan, xqes edw.

Parakalw, tis erwthseis sas.

BITALHS: Epeidh anaferqhkate sto Symboylio Genikwn Ypoqesewn, qa hqela na sas rwthsw: Den sas problhmatizei kai ws Proedria to gegonos oti se dyo toylaxiston meizona zhthmata poy exoyn teqei sth syzhthsh ths dieqnoys Koinothtas kai ths E.E. (dhladh ayto toy sygkekrimenoy xronoy proqesmias poy prepei na doqei stoys epiqewrhtes toy OHE kai to deytero kai pio shmantiko, an prepei na yparjei h oxi ena neo chfisma toy OHE gia opoiadhpote energeia) den yparxei safhs topoqethsh sto koino anakoinwqen;

PRWTOPAPAS: Opws gnwrizete, to koino anakoinwqen ekdoqhke prin thn telikh syzhthsh poy jekinhse me toys epiqewrhtes. Fysika, ean xreiastoyn kai nees prwtoboylies pros ayth thn kateyqynsh, na eiste bebaioi oti qa yparjoyn apo thn Ellhnikh Proedria. Ekeino poy qeloyme na shmeiwsoyme einai oti, me gnwstes tis diafores poy eixan anakycei sthn proseggish orismenwn eyrwpaikwn xwrwn-melwn ths E.E. se o,ti afora to qema polemoy sto Irak kai me tis synexeis prospaqeies ths Ellhnikhs Proedrias pros thn kateyqynsh mias eniaias stashs, yphrje dynath h ekdosh koinoy chfismatos. Ayto deixnei safws oti h Eyrwph kai mporei kai einai se qesh na exei koinh stash apenanti stis idiaitera sobares ejelijeis poy syndeontai me to Irak. Ayto to qetiko mhnyma prepei na to ajiopoihsoyme, giati yparxoyn akoma polla anoikta zhthmata, sta opoia h Eyrwph kai qelei kai prepei na qelei kai mporei na exei th dikh ths qesh kai na askhsei tis dikes ths prwtoboylies.

MIXAHL: Mporeite na mas epibebaiwsete plhrofories poy metadidontai apo to prwi, oti h Gallia exei zhthsei dieykolynseis ellimenismoy polemikwn ploiwn ths, kyriws sth bash ths Soydas kai malista me th megisth dynath dhmosiothta, enw analoga aithmata exoyn kataqesei kai oi Amerikanoi, peran ths gnwsths xrhshs twn gnwstwn NATOikwn egkatastasewn ekei;

PRWTOPAPAS: Den exw tetoia plhroforhsh. Qa epikoinwnhsw me toys armodioys kai qa epanelqw ayrio.

PANAGIWTIDOY: Xqes kateqese ston Eisaggelea h ka Aggelopoyloy gia to qema twn ekbiasmwn. Qelw na rwthsw, an eqese ypoch ths kybernhshs kapoia nea stoixeia kai an qa askhqoyn poinike diwjeis.

PRWTOPAPAS: Gia kamia apo tis kataqeseis poy ginontai, oson afora thn ypoqesh twn ekbiasmwn, den lambanei gnwsh h kybernhsh. Ayto to qema to xeirizetai apokleistika o armodios Eisaggeleas. Ayto, ejalloy, epiballetai apo to Syntagma kai toys nomoys. Qa oloklhrwsei to ergo toy o Eisaggeleas kai qa krinei o idios ean prepei na askhsei poinikh diwjh h oxi, symfwna me tis probleceis ths nomoqesias. H kybernhsh den parembainei sto ergo toy Eisaggelea. H kybernhsh qelei na xyqei apleto fws se oles aytes tis ypoqeseis, gia na mporoyme na exoyme mia kaqarh eikona gia o,ti symbainei kai na odhghqoyn oi opoioi ypeyqynoi ston Eisaggelea.

GARGALAKOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, protiqetai o Prwqypoyrgos na apanthsei sthn epistolh poy esteile o Arxiepiskopos Xristodoylos, se sxesh me thn Ellhnikh Proedria;

PRWTOPAPAS: Enocei ths Ellhnikhs Proedrias oloi oi koinwnikoi foreis sthn Ellada eixan diatypwsei tis protaseis toys. H Ekklhsia aneptyje tis dikes ths. Den qewrw oti yparxei kapoio idiaitero problhma. Einai logiko oloi oi foreis, poy ekfrazoyn thn koinwnia, poy drasthriopoioyntai sthn koinwnia, na ypoballoyn tis dikes toys protaseis. Ayto einai apolyta fysiologiko.

Sas eyxaristw.

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