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Wednesday, 18 December 2024
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Greek Government Press Briefing, 01-10-16Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <http://www.minpress.gr/>YPOYRGEIO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHSAqhna, 16 Oktwbrioy 2001H ENHMERWSH TWN POLITIKWN SYNTAKTWN KAI TWN ANTAPOKRITWNJENOY TYPOY APO TON YPOYRGO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS KAI KYBERNHTIKO EKPROSWPO DHMHTRH REPPA Geia sas. Na sas enhmerwsw, symplhrwmatikws, gia to programma toy Prwqypoyrgoy: To brady, stis 8.30, qa exei synergasia me thn epikefalhs toy Organismoy "Aqhna 2004" k. Aggelopoyloy. Ayrio, stis 12 to meshmeri qa exei synanthsh me ton Ypoyrgo PEXWDE Kwsta Laliwth kai argotera, stis 14.00, qa synanthqei kai me ton aperxomeno Grammatea ths K.E. toy PASOK Kwsta Skandalidh. Akoyw tis erwthseis sas. STAMATOPOYLOS: Me ton k. Laliwth o Prwqypoyrgos qa syzhthsei qemata toy ypoyrgeioy toy; Giati ginetai ayth h synanthsh; REPPAS: Ginetai gia ola ta qemata poy mporei na syzhthqoyn anamesa ston Prwqypoyrgo kai ton Kwsta Laliwth. STAMATOPOYLOS: Dhladh, kai to Kthmatologio; REPPAS: Einai ena qema to opoio syzhthsan se palaioterh synanthsh toys. An qewrhqei skopimo na syzhthsoyn to qema ayto, asfalws qa to syzhthsoyn. STAMATOPOYLOS: Prokeitai na toys apasxolhsei h epistrofh twn 50 disekatommyriwn sthn E.E.; REPPAS: Gnwrizete poia einai h qesh poy exei parei h kybernhsh gia to qema ayto. Exei apanthsei o armodios ypoyrgos. To Kthmatologio einai mia eqnikhs shmasias ypoqesh. Exoyme ejasfalisei toys poroys gia thn oloklhrwsh aytoy toy shmantikoy ergoy kai qa yperaspistoyme to symferon toy ellhnikoy kratoys me ton katallhlo tropo otan parastei anagkh. Allwste, qema epistrofhs xrhmatwn, ayth thn wra, exei teqei, alla den problepetai. Yparxoyn akomh stadia kai diadikasies tis opoies qa akoloyqhsoyme, prokeimenoy na yperaspistoyme to symferon ths xwras mas. STAMATOPOYLOS: To Kthmatologio eprokeito na kalyfqei me kondylia apo thn E.E.. Xqes, o k. Laliwths eipe me xrhmatodothsh, qa ginoyn daneia apo trapezes. Giati phgainoyme se trapezes na daneistoyme; REPPAS: Prwta apo ola, ola ta erga poy exoyn ypaxqei sto G@ KPS, gnwrizete poly kala, oti ginontai me sygxrhmatodothsh. Deyteron, sto G@ KPS, antiqetws me tis probleceis ths N.D. kai allwn paragontwn, entassetai kai to Eqniko Kthmatologio. H syntajh toy Kthmatologioy qa synexistei aproskopta sto plaisio toy G@ KPS. Den tiqetai, loipon, tetoio qema. Oi Kassandres gia akomh mia fora diaceydontai. Epishs, oson afora ta pilotika programmata, ta opoia ews twra einai se ejelijh, asfalws ean prokycei qema, efoson oloklhrwqoyn oi sxetikes diadikasies, to ellhniko Dhmosio qa kalycei tis oikonomikes anagkes, prokeimenoy na xrhmatodothqei ayto to poly shmantiko ergo. Alla ayto einai kati poy qa to antimetwpisoyme thn katallhlh stigmh. STAMATOPOYLOS: O k. Laliwths, xqes, den eipe an prokycei qema, eipe oti qa paei me daneia apo trapezes. Eipe exoyme brei trapezes na paroyme daneia. REPPAS: Den yparxei qema na leicoyn oi poroi gia th xrhmatodothsh kai thn oloklhrwsh ths katartishs toy eqnikoy Kthmatologioy. STAMATOPOYLOS: Nai, alla den htan etsi, omws. Poioi efagan ta lefta kai pame se xrhmatodothsh apo daneia trapezwn; REPPAS: Milate me enan tetoio tropo, san na eiste apolyta sigoyros gi ayto poy lete. Synhqws diaceydeste kai apodeiknyetai oti den exete dikio. STAMATOPOYLOS: Den nomizw oti diaceydomai. Oi eisaggeleis einai... REPPAS: Oi eisaggeleis den exoyn qesei kanena tetoio qema gia thn kybernhsh h gia kapoion ypoyrgo. To qema ayto gia th dioikhsh toy Kthmatologioy to exoyme syzhthsei, kat` epanalhch. Exei teqei kai qa antimetwpistei dia ths kanonikhs odoy. Mexri tote, gnwrizete oti oloi einai aqwoi kai den einai ypodikoi, opws toys onomasate eseis, kanontas ayto to terastio laqos, na kathgorhsete me ayto ton tropo kai na katatajete sthn kathgoria twn ypodikwn stelexh toy Kthmatologioy, ta opoia den exoyn tipota poy na toys barynei, wste na toys qewreite peripoy katadikasmenoys. Apo ekei kai pera, kalo einai na eimaste sygkrathmenoi, idiws, epeidh to Kthmatologio einai mia eqnikhs shmasias ypoqesh. Ayto na to labete ypoch sas. STAMATOPOYLOS: Den leipoyn lefta; REPPAS: Apanthsame se ola ayta ta qemata. Asfalws, den leipoyn lefta. Gnwrizete oti ta erga exoyn ena sygkekrimeno proypologismo. H ektelesh twn ergwn odhgei se anaqewrhseis. Pisteyw oti ayto qa ginei kai sth sygkekrimenh periptwsh me tetoio tropo, wste na diasfalizontai taytoxronws, afenos to dhmosio kai to eqniko symferon kai afeteroy h proodos kai h oloklhrwsh ths katartishs toy Kthmatologioy. Ayto qa ginei. Exoyme apodeijei, se peisma olwn ekeinwn poy leitoyrgoyn san "Kassandres" sthn politikh, alla oxi mono, zwh toy topoy, oti antimetwpizoyme me eyqynh ola ta megala problhmata, oles tis proklhseis. Ta exoyme kataferei mexri twra. Qa hqela, loipon, na peisteite perissotero apo ta dika mas epiteygmata, para apo toys diaceydomenoys isxyrismoys ths antipoliteyshs. Epeidh, prohgoymenws, qesate to qema me toys eisaggeleis, sas lew oti gia thn ypoqesh ths "DEKA" -giati ginetai pali prospaqeia na dhmioyrghqei mia entypwsh- h N.D. exei th dynatothta na parei thn prwtoboylia sth Boylh. Thn prokalesa, edw kai panw apo deka hmeres -legontas "idoy h Rodos, idoy kai h Boylh"- na analabei thn eyqynh ths. Fainetai, omws, oti kai to qema ayto to xrhsimopoiei, prokeimenoy na epidiwjei mia chfoqhria kai oxi gia na yperaspistei to symferon twn ependytwn. Th N.D. den thn endiaferei to Xrhmatisthrio. Dhmioyrghqhke toso megalos qorybos kai h N.D. den exei parei kamia prwtoboylia gia na ferei to qema ayto sth Boylh, meta th sxetikh eisaggelikh energeia poy sas einai gnwsth, gia na parei gia mia akomh fora apostomwtikh apanthsh. Ola ayta deixnoyn oti akomh kai ayto to qema, poy h N.D. to qewrei meizonos shmasias, to entassei se enan kommatiko sxediasmo kai to diaxeirizetai me tetoio tropo, wste na epidiwjei na apokomisei mikrokommatika ofelh, oxi na yperaspistei to Xrhmatisthrio, th leitoyrgia toy kai osoys exoyn ependysei se ayto. GARGALAKOS: Protiqetai o Prwqypoyrgos na kanei ton anasxhmatismo thn erxomenh Deytera; REPPAS: Sas eipa oti ola ayta qa antimetwpistoyn, me prwtoboylia toy Prwqypoyrgoy, thn epomenh ebdomada, meta th Synodo ths Gandhs. H sygkekrimenh hmera einai kati poy to gnwrizei mono o Prwqypoyrgos. Th Deytera qa synerqei h Kentrikh Epitroph. Pisteyw oti qa akoloyqhsei h synqesh ths neas kybernhshs, symfwna me tis apofaseis poy qa parei o Prwqypoyrgos. GARGALAKOS: Th Deytera to meshmeri; REPPAS: Oydeis mporei na prosdiorisei thn hmera, th synqesh kai anakoinwsh ths neas kybernhshs. Menoyme aplws se mia orismenh periodo. KOLIOPOYLOY: Hqela na rwthsw, ean o Argentinos podosfairisths ths AEK Fernanto Nabas exei ellhniko diabathrio. Giati, symfwna me shmerina dhmosieymata exei plasto diabathrio. REPPAS: O podosfairisths aytos eixe erqei palaiotera sthn AEK me ellhniko diabathrio. Apoxwrhse gia ena xrono kai epanhlqe fetos me diabathrio Argentinhs. Gia to qema toy ellhnikoy diabathrioy dienergeitai ereyna apo thn armodia Nomarxia. KALARITHS: O Prwqypoyrgos, meta th synanthsh me ton Proedro ths Dhmokratias, eipe oti xreiazetai hremia kai cyxraimia, wste oi epiptwseis sthn ellhnikh oikonomia na einai elegjimes. Einai h prwth fora poy anaferetai se ayto, se epiptwseis sthn ellhnikh oikonomia. Na perimenoyme apokliseis apo toys stoxoys poy exoyn teqei; Gi` ayto proideazei; REPPAS: Prwta ap` ola, exoyme pei edw kai poly kairo -syzhthsame idiaiterws, allwste, kai se kybernhtiko epipedo to qema ayto- oti meta thn tromokratikh epiqesh exoyn dhmioyrghqei nees synqhkes kai gia thn oikonomia se dieqnes epipedo. Oxi mono gia thn oikonomia ths xwras mas. Exoyme pei oti einai dedomeno pws qa exoyme ena ryqmo anaptyjhs poy qa einai xamhloteros toy arxikws problefqentos. Ayth h epibradynsh toy ryqmoy anaptyjhs qa ephreasei th dieqnh kai thn ellhnikh oikonomia. Ayto, idiws gia thn ellhnikh oikonomia, den prepei na dhmioyrgei mia tetoia anhsyxia, giati den prokeitai na bgoyme ejw apo to plaisio twn stoxwn poy exoyme qesei. H katastash einai katw apo elegxo, to exoyme pei para polles fores. Ayto den shmainei, omws, oti den prepei na eimaste prosektikoi kai den prepei egkairws na lambanoyme tis aparaithtes apofaseis, prokeimenoy na prosarmozoyme thn politikh mas stis nees synqhkes. Ayto kanoyme panta, ayto qa kanoyme kai twra. H oikonomia sth xwra mas poreyetai ikanopoihtika. Oi nees synqhkes poy dhmioyrgoyntai, meta thn tromokratikh epiqesh, mas epiballoyn na parakoloyqoyme tis dieqneis ejelijeis, na prosarmozoyme tis politikes epiloges mas. Den dikaiologeitai, omws, anhsyxia gia anatroph ths politikhs mas, afoy toys stoxoys poy exoyme qesei, ypo to prisma twn teleytaiwn ejelijewn, qa toys epityxoyme. BITALHS: Epeidh yparxei pali mia entonh anhsyxia gia to qema ths xrhshs bioxhmikwn oplwn k.lp. yparxei kai shmera mia ektakth syskech toy Ypoyrgoy Ygeias k. Papadopoyloy me kapoioys armodioys foreis, to erwthma einai: Protiqeste na parete peraiterw metra gia na antimetwpistoyn h na prolhfqoyn tetoies energeies; REPPAS: Ayth h syskech poy ginetai shmera, ypo thn proedria toy ypoyrgoy Ygeias, den einai ektakth. Einai sto plaisio toy programmatos toy ypoyrgoy Ygeias. Exei kalesei toys epikefalhs organismwn kai yphresiwn poy epopteyontai apo alla ypoyrgeia, prokeimenoy na ginei episkophsh ths katastashs kai na epidiwjoyme enan kalytero syntonismo, metajy twn synarmodiwn yphresiwn gia to qema ayto. Gnwrizete oti exei dhmioyrghqei mia anhsyxia pagkosmiws. Den dikaiologeitai, omws, ena klima panikoy, giati ayto poy exoyme ws dedomeno, ayth thn wra, einai toyto: Sthn Eyrwph -kai sthn Ellada pio sygkekrimena- den exoyme opoiodhpote kroysma. Den fainetai na antimetwpizoyme tetoio problhma. Alla, bebaiws, emeis exoyme labei ta katallhla metra, exoyme organwsei ena plaisio politikhs, opws kai alles xwres ths Eyrwphs. Kinoymaste, dhladh, sto idio mhkos kymatos. Qa prepei na eimaste cyxraimoi. Oloi aytoi oi kindynoi einai yparktoi, oydeis mporei na toys mhdenisei, alla apo ayto to shmeio mexri toy shmeioy na odhgoymaste se paniko kai se acyxologhtes antidraseis yparxei terastia apostash. Giati gnwrizete oti to klima panikoy einai poly kakos symboylos kai den prepei na symballoyme sth dhmioyrgia aytoy toy klimatos. IWANNOY: O anasxhmatismos, bebaia, einai sth dikaiodosia toy Prwqypoyrgoy, alla qa hqela na rwthsw, proswpika, ean qa epiqymoysate na apoxwrhsete apo ayto to Ypoyrgeio; REPPAS: Ayto poy panta epiqymw, epiqymoysa kai qa epiqymw einai h kybernhsh na petyxainei toys stoxoys poy exei qesei. O Prwqypoyrgos einai armodios na kanei tis katallhles epiloges. Proswpikws eimai poly eyxaristhmenos, ikanopoihmenos kai eygnwmwn ston Prwqypoyrgo poy moy edwse thn eykairia na symbalw, apo thn pleyra moy, wste h kybernhsh na exei qetikh paroysia ola ayta ta xronia. Apo kei kai pera, ekastos ef w etaxqh. Gnwrizete poly kala oti eimai boyleyths me thn chfo toy laoy ths Arkadias. Ayto pisteyw oti einai poly shmantikh, h pio shmantikh idiothta poy exoyme, na ekproswpoyme ton ellhniko lao. Apo ekei jekinoyn ola. Ayto exei shmasia. Ola ta alla exoyn mikroterh shmasia kai qelw na me pistecete se ayto. Einai etsi akribws. TAKHS: Ara, eiste ikanopoihmenos apo thn ergasia sas edw; REPPAS: Eimai ikanopoihmenos apo th dikh sas symbolh, giati xwris ayth den yparxei qetiko apotelesma. Ayto to anagnwrizw se kaqe eykairia. Para tis opoies diaforetikes proseggiseis exoyme, gnwrizete poly kala oti o dikos sas rolos einai neyralgikos kai ton anagnwrizw apolytws. Giati didaxqhka polla edw mesa. Sas eyxaristw. Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |
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