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Greek Government Press Briefing, 99-12-15Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>YPOYRGEIO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHSAqhna, 15 Dekembrioy 1999H ENHMERWSH TWN POLITIKWN SYNTAKTWN KAI TWN ANTAPOKRITWN JENOY TYPOY APO TON YPOYRGO TYPOY & MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS KAI KYBERNHTIKO EKPROSWPO DHMHTRH REPPAGeia sas. Akoyw tis erwthseis sas. PAPADOPOYLOS: Exoyme to gegonos ths hmeras, poy einai h dhmoskophsh ths MRB, h opoia deixnei to PASOK na kalyptei mia terastia apostash kata toys teleytaioys, symfwna me ta pososta poy edine h prohgoymenh dhmoskophsh ths idias etaireias. Qa hqela to sxolio sas gi ayto to koryfaio gegonos shmera. REPPAS: Qa parameinw, se genikes grammes, sta sxolia poy exw kanei ews twra, apantwntas se erwthseis gia palaioteres metrhseis ths protimhshs ths koinhs gnwmhs, epi diaforwn tomewn. Ta apotelesmata ayths ths metrhshs einai poly eyxarista gia thn kybernhsh kai to PASOK. Asfalws, omws, den einai arketa, wste na poyme oti niwqoyme ikanopoihmenoi apo to ergo poy exoyme kanei. Pantote yparxei periqwrio beltiwshs. Epidiwkoyme thn chfo toy ellhnikoy laoy sthn kalph, giati h kybernhsh anadeiknyetai apo tis ekloges kai oxi apo tis dhmoskophseis. Qa synexisoyme na ergazomaste me sobarothta kai semnothta, prokeimenoy na kerdisoyme kai pali thn empistosynh toy ellhnikoy laoy thn wra twn eklogwn. H ereyna ayth, epeidh exei perioxh diejagwghs ths thn hpeirwtikh Ellada kai thn Krhth -oxi, dhladh, ta nhsia toy Aigaioy kai toy Ionioy- kai epishs epeidh oloklhrwqhke prin ginoyn gnwsta stoys polites ta apotelesmata ths Synodoy Koryfhs toy Elsinki, edwse ayta ta apotelesmata. Pisteyw, dhladh, oti an sto deigma poy metrhqhke perilambanontan kai polites poy zoyn stis nhsiwtikes perioxes (opoy to PASOK paradosiaka exei eklogikh yperoxh) kai an, epishs, eixe xroniko termatismo ths thn oloklhrwsh twn ergasiwn ths Synodoy Koryfhs toy Elsinki (kai oxi tis hmeres prin apo th Synodo Koryfhs), ta apotelesmata ths qa htan perissotero kala, akomh pio eyxarista. Ayto einai kati poy oloi antilambaneste. Epanalambanw, omws, oti den prokeitai na aixmalwtistoyme apo thn ikanopoihsh poy prosferei ena eyxaristo, ena qetiko apotelesma mias dhmoskophshs. Antiqetws, ayto einai h afethria gia na ergastoyme akomh pio entatika, na epidiwjoyme na eimaste akomh pio apotelesmatikoi, wste na mas empisteytei o ellhnikos laos thn wra twn eklogwn sthn kalph, me thn chfo toy. Giati, h gnwmh desmeyei ekeinon poy thn ekfrazei oriaka, enw h chfos desmeyei ton polith gia mia diarkeia tessarwn xronwn. Kai ayth th symfwnia qeloyme emeis me toys polites: th symfwnia poy prokyptei mesa apo thn chfo poy dinei sto PASOK kai thn kybernhsh mas. MPEKAS: Ektimate oti h N. D. qa qesei qema gia thn Proedria ths Dhmokratias; REPPAS: Emeis exoyme pei oti h xwra exei ajio Proedro Dhmokratias. Ayto to anagnwrizoyn, allwste, ola ta politika kommata. H Boylh mporei kai prepei na eklejei Proedro Dhmokratias ton k. Stefanopoylo gia mia nea qhteia. To prwto ejamhno toy 2000 einai h periodos opoy qa kriqei h prospaqeia pollwn xronwn toy ellhnikoy laoy kai ths kybernhshs mas gia thn entajh ths xwras sthn ONE. Den prepei na epidoqoyme se epizhmies epiloges, me th dhmioyrgia enos proeklogikoy skhnikoy, me oti ayto synepagetai. H N. D. exei thn eyqynh na staqmisei th qesh ths etsi wste na symbalei sth dhmioyrgia enos periballontos politikhs, oikonomikhs kai koinwnikhs staqerothtas gia na ejelixqei kai na oloklhrwqei me epityxia h prospaqeia mas gia thn entajh sthn ONE. An h N. D. parei thn eyqynh na odhghsei ton topo se prowres ekloges, ayto qa exei timhma. Alla, bebaiws, sto adiejodo sto opoio exei perielqei h N. D., antilambaneste oti h epilogh ths isodynamei peripoy me monodromo. Giati, an epilejei na sthrijei ton k. Stefanopoylo, qa einai men mia prajh eyqynhs apo thn pleyra ths, qa exei omws, opws antilambaneste, ena terastio kommatiko kostos, to opoio h N. D. den mas exei synhqisei oti einai etoimh na analabei. Giati, h N. D. den adiaforei gia to kommatiko kostos. Isa-isa askei mikrokommatikh politikh. Endiaferetai prwta gia kommatika ofelh kai deytereyontws gia to symferon ths xwras. An, epiteloys, estw gia mia fora, deijei oti protassei to eqniko symferon se sxesh me to kommatiko, mporei na exoyme mia eyxaristh ekplhjh. Ayto, omws, einai kati to opoio apaitei apo th N. D. mia yperbash, poy ews twra exei deijei oti den exei tis dynatothtes na pragmatopoihsei. Ayto einai to qema. KWSTANTHS: Giati milate gia kommatiko kostos ths N. D., ean den kanei ayto poy lete; REPPAS: Moy dinete thn eykairia na tonisw oti h N. D. exei pei pws to problhma -sth diadikasia ekloghs Proedroy Dhmokratias- den einai to proswpo toy Proedroy Dhmokratias. To problhma, kata th N. D., einai politiko. Prepei, dhladh, h diadikasia ekloghs Proedroy Dhmokratias na xrhsimopoihqei ws aformh, prokeimenoy na odhghqei h xwra se ekloges, giati etsi -opws yposthrizei h ajiwmatikh antipoliteysh- qa allajei h kybernhsh. Qa apomakrynqei, dhladh, h kybernhsh toy PASOK kai toy k. Shmith kai qa erqei mia kybernhsh, poy qa sthrizetai stis kommatikes dynameis ths. Ean twra h N. D. pei oti sthrizei ton k. Stefanopoylo, einai san na omologei oti den yparxei politiko problhma, ara, emmesws alla katafanws, dinei chfo empistosynhs ston k. Shmith kai sthn kybernhsh toy PASOK. Ayto qa pei h N. D. As to pei, giati etsi qa symballei, wste na exoyme omales ejelijeis. Alla, den pisteyw oti exei th dynamh kai thn eyqynh na antapokriqei se mia tetoia proklhsh. LEONTOPOYLOS: Eidame, twra, meta th Synodo sto Elsinki allepallhles dhlwseis stelexwn ths synthrhtikhs paratajhs poy oysiastika krinoyn qetika ta apotelesmata ths Synodoy. Kai me alles eykairies exoyn ginei paromoies dhlwseis, oson afora thn entajh sthn ONE kai genikws thn oikonomikh politikh ths kybernhshs. Qewreite oti ayto to klima dhmioyrgei to katallhlo edafos gia kommatikes dieyrynseis toy PASOK; REPPAS: Prwta ap ola h stash twn stelexwn aytwn symballei sto na dhmioyrghqei ena eyrytato metwpo politikwn, koinwnikwn dynamewn, to opoio se dyo kairioys kai kaqoristikoys tomeis gia thn poreia ths xwras, opws einai aytoi ths ejwterikhs politikhs kai ths oikonomias, yparxei mia sympleysh, mia symporeysh poy martyra oti h Ellada exei ejasfalisei tis proypoqeseis, wste na epityxei se aytoys toys tomeis kai stoys stoxoys poy exei qesei. H stash aytwn twn stelexwn einai, asfalws, qetikh. Bebaiws, h spondylikh sthlh ayths ths politikhs einai to PASOK kai h kybernhsh. To PASOK pantote sto parelqon, twra kai sto mellon, einai anoikto kai antimetwpizei me tropo eynoiko tis dynatothtes synergasias -kai eklogikhs synergasias- me proswpa, ta opoia apodexontai to Programma kai tis kateyqynseis poy akoloyqei to PASOK kai dexontai na symballoyn, diaqetontas tis dikes toys dynameis, se ayth thn prospaqeia, poy einai koinh prospaqeia kai exei eqniko xarakthra. Me ayth thn ennoia, antimetwpizoyme qetika ayth th stash stelexwn poy den anhkoyn sth dikh mas kommatikh paratajh. Pisteyoyme oti einai poly qetiko gia ton topo, to oti dhmioyrgeitai ena eyrytato metwpo dynamewn, oi opoies sthrizoyn tis kateyqynseis kai tis programmatikes qeseis poy ylopoiei h kybernhsh. I. KAMPOYRAKHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, ena tetoio proswpo einai gia thn kybernhsh o k. Soyflias; REPPAS: Eipa oti to PASOK einai ena polysyllektiko komma kai mporoyn na entaxqoyn s` ayto kai na leitoyrghsoyn, me bash to Programma kai tis kateyqynseis toy Kinhmatos kai ths kybernhshs toy, para polla stelexh poy shmera den stegazontai sto PASOK. Me ayth thn ennoia, den mporei ek twn proterwn, na ginei krish, prokeimenoy kapoioi na proepilegoyn kai kapoioi alloi na apokleistoyn. Gi ayto den epididomai se onomatologia. Mporw na sas pw omws, oti h politikh kai programmatikh eyryxwria toy PASOK epitrepei se polles dynameis na doylecoyn apo koinoy gia ena skopo, poy einai eqnikos, poly perissotero otan h symptwsh apocewn afora kaqoristikoys tomeis, opws einai aytoi ths ejwterikhs politikhs kai ths eqnikhs oikonomias. LEONTOPOYLOS: Exei graftei kai gia ton k. Qeodwrakh. Ti lete; REPPAS: O k. Qeodwrakhs, pera apo paragontas ths dhmosias zwhs, einai kai ena symbolo gia thn ellhnikh koinwnia. Den qa epidoqoyme se onomatologia. Epanalambanw kai paramenw se ayth th qesh. Apo kei kai pera, parakalw sygkrathste ayto to opoio eipa, oti h eyryxwria kai h polysyllektikothta toy PASOK kai ths kybernhshs mas dinei th dynatothta gia th dhmioyrgia tetoiwn metwpwn symporeyshs gia enan koino skopo. Eyxaristw poly. Greek Government Press Briefings in ASCII Greek Directory - Previous Article - Next Article |