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Greek Government Press Briefing, 99-01-20

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 20 Ianoyarioy 1999


Geia sas.

* O Prwqypoyrgos qa episkefqei shmera, opws kanei kaqe xrono, ton Peiraia, me thn eykairia ths dejiwshs toy Emporobiomhxanikoy Epimelhthrioy.

* To apogeyma qa apanthsei, sthn "Wra toy Prwqypoyrgoy", se dyo erwthseis boyleytwn. H mia afora th dasopyrosbesh kai h allh toys pyrayloys S-300.

* Thn Paraskeyh qa synedriasei to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio me qemata hmerhsias diatajhs, prwton to Sxedio Apasxolhshs kai tis draseis poy exoyn analhfqei sto plaisio kybernhtikwn apofasewn kai deytero thn poreia efarmoghs ths Synqhkhs Sengken.

Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

PAPAXRHSTOS: Sto Ypoyrgiko Symboylio ths Paraskeyhs, yparxei periptwsh na syzhthqei to ekpaideytiko zhthma;

REPPAS: Opws sas eipa, den problepetai sta qemata ths hmerhsias diatajhs. Eisagwgikws, mias kai syxna anaferetai sta qemata ths epikairothtas, o Prwqypoyrgos isws kanei sxetikh anafora.

KWNSTANTINIDHS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, sas eixa rwthsei kai pro hmerwn, alla qelw na epanalabw to erwthma oson afora thn entajiakh poreia ths Kyproy. Fainetai oti h germanikh Proedria einai apofasismenh na frenarei thn poreia ths Kyproy pros thn E. E., me dhlwseis poy exoyn dei to fws ths dhmosiothtas. Kai fainetai pws akoloyqei kai h Megalh Bretania. Dierwtwmai, me to aitiologiko oti to politiko skelos toy Kypriakoy brisketai se anastatwsh kai akomh den jeroyn ti ginetai kai me thn kybernhsh ths Toyrkias k. t. l., pws skeptetai h ellhnikh kybernhsh na antidrasei sxetika me ayto to qema mesa sthn E. E., bebaiws, giati yparxoyn apofaseis toy Symboylioy ths E. E.;

REPPAS: H poreia entajhs ths Kyproy sthn E. E. einai plhrws aposyndedemenh apo to politiko problhma ths Kyproy. Exoyme, kat` epanalhch, pei oti h Kypros den mporei na paramenei aixmalwth twn diaqesewn ths Toyrkias. Ayto akribws apotelei kai thn politikh bash panw sthn opoia sthrixqhke h E. E. otan apofasise na jekinhsei tis diadikasies diapragmateyshs gia thn entajh ths Kyproy. Apo ekei kai pera, bebaiws, diaforoi proballoyn empodia kai dhmioyrgoyn problhmata. H Ellada, me th symbolh ths kypriakhs kybernhshs, yperaspizetai afenos to dikaiwma ths Kyproy gia thn anazhthsh dikaihs kai biwsimhs lyshs sto kypriako problhma kai afeteroy thn prospaqeia ths na katastei melos ths E. E.. Exei dynatothtes gia na bohqhsei kai sth mia kai sthn allh kateyqynsh. Kai asfalws qa tis ajiopoihsei. H Ellada exei kanei gnwsto se oloys oti h dieyrynsh ths E. E. qa prokycei efoson stis ypo entajh xwres perilambanetai kai h Kypros. Einai kati to opoio h Ellada, ws "oplo", qa to xrhsimopoihsei kata tropo epoikodomhtiko kai gia thn E. E., alla bebaiws kai gia thn Kypro.

PAPAXRHSTOS: Qewrei h kybernhsh oti oi xeiroteroi exqroi ths einai oi Ellhnes dhmosiografoi;

REPPAS: H kybernhsh den katatassei toys dhmosiografoys se filoys h exqroys. Oi dhmosiografoi qa prepei na kanoyn aperispasta th doyleia toys, na einai akhdemoneytoi. Ayto to opoio exei shmasia einai oi dhmosiografoi na mhn einai exqroi ths alhqeias. Pisteyw oti sthn Ellada oi dhmosiografoi exoyn to plaisio, to nomiko kai to syntagmatiko, prokeimenoy na anaptyssoyn th drasthriothta toys, na askoyn to leitoyrghma toys, xwris empodia. Ayto einai poy exei shmasia. Apotelei stoixeio ths dhmokratias mas, h eleyqeria ayth poy exoyn.

STAMATOPOYLOS: Kyrie Ypoyrge, prokeitai tis prosexeis hmeres na ginei anasxhmatismos;

REPPAS: Den yfistatai tetoio qema.

GARGALAKOS: Yparxoyn dhmosieymata poy anaferontai se kapoio problhma stis sxeseis toy Arxhgoy ths Eqnofroyras toy k. Dhmoy kai toy Arxhgoy GEEQA k. Paragioydakh. Exete kapoio sxolio gi ayto;

REPPAS: Oi dyo Arxhgoi exoyn na epitelesoyn mia poly shmantikh apostolh. Oi sxeseis toys einai poly kales. Den antapokrinetai sthn alhqeia otidhpote allo diadidetai. H synergasia toys einai systatiko stoixeio sthn prospaqeia poy apo koinoy kanoyn gia thn eqnikh amyna sthn Ellada kai thn Kypro.

KIAOS: Me sygxwreite, eipate poia einai h doyleia poy prepei na kanoyn h poy kanoyn;

REPPAS: H apostolh toys einai shmantikh gia thn amyna ths Elladas kai ths Kyproy. H synergasia toys einai systatiko stoixeio, einai qemelios liqos gia na antapokriqoyn s` ayth thn apostolh toys. Kai einai poly kalh h synergasia toys.

KACAMPELHS: Prin apo tis giortes mas eixate pei oti htan qema hmerwn h prowqhsh sto ESR ths aithshs gia thn chfiakh thleorash. Mporeite na mas peite ti egine;

REPPAS: O fakelos me ta stoixeia exei diabibastei sto ESR.

KACAMPELHS: Apo to Ypoyrgeio Typoy, etsi;

REPPAS: Malista.

KACAMPELHS: Mporeite na mas peite pote;


SOYGLERHS: Einai alhqeia, kyrie Ypoyrge, oti sas episkefqhke o Italos synadelfos twn MME, gia na parei plhrofories, symboyles, gia to neo nomo gia thn chfiakh thleorash;

REPPAS: Gia to neo nomo syzhthsa me ton omologo moy Ypoyrgo sthn Ispania, sto prosfato tajidi mas, opoy toy epedwsa kai ta keimena toy nomoy, sthn agglikh kai th gallikh glwssa. Epishs, h Italia exei deijei endiaferon, epeidh twra katartizei ena neo nomiko plaisio. Exoyme dwsei tis dikes mas apoceis, to diko mas keimeno, prokeimenoy na ajiopoihqei sto metro poy oi synadelfoi kai oi armodies yphresies twn filwn xwrwn qewroyn oti periexei qetika stoixeia. Eipame oti eimaste prwtoporoi ston tomea ayto. Pisteyoyme oti to plaisio ayto, to opoio einai leptomeres kai safes, me sygkekrimenes desmeyseis kai ypoxrewseis gia opoioys analaboyn na anaptyjoyn tetoies drasthriothtes, mporei, me tis aparaithtes tropopoihseis kai prosarmoges, na tyxei efarmoghs kai se alles xwres ths E. E.

ARGYROS: Skeftetai h kybernhsh th ryqmish, poy anakoinwse prosfata o k. Arsenhs, na thn epekteinei kai na thn kanei nomo, sxetika me toys baqmoys ths B' Lykeioy;

REPPAS: Ta qemata ayta ta xeirizetai o k. Arsenhs. Exei milhsei sygkekrimena gia ta qemata ths armodiothtas toy. Parakalw na meinoyme stis dhlwseis toy. Xeirizetai ypeyqyna ta qemata ayta.

Sas eyxaristw.

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