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Greek Government Press Briefing, 98-09-17

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From: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <>


Aqhna, 17.9.1998


Geia sas.

Opws jerete, synexizetai sth Boylh h syzhthsh toy Sxedioy Nomoy gia th syndromhtikh thleorash. Epeidh akribws o Ypoyrgos, k. Reppas einai ekei, eimai egw sth diaqesh sas.

* Prin perasoyme sto stadio twn erwthsewn, qa moy epitrecete na kanw ena sxolio me aformh shmerino dhmosieyma, sxetika me tis epistoles poy exei steilei o Prwqypoyrgos stoys Ypoyrgoys toy, oi opoies malista xarakthrizontai kai ws "epistoles agwnias".

Ontws, o Prwqypoyrgos, me hmeromhnia 14 Septembrioy, exei steilei epistoles pros oloys toys Ypoyrgoys. Oi epistoles aytes anaferoyn: "Me bash tis protaseis toy kaqe Ypoyrgoy kai tis mexri shmera syzhthseis mas, oristikopoiw tis proteraiothtes ths kybernhtikhs politikhs ston tomea eyqynhs soy, gia to fqinopwro me xroniko orizonta ton Ioynio toy 1999". Kai perigrafei tis kybernhtikes proteraiothtes, opws ejeidikeyontai se kaqe Ypoyrgeio, apo thn periodo poy diatrexoyme mexri to prosexes kalokairi, ton Ioynio toy 1999.

Sas qymizw oti exoyn ginei dyo synedriaseis ths Kybernhtikhs Epitrophs me ayto to qema, opoy kaqe Ypoyrgos ypebale tis protaseis toy. Egine analytikh syzhthsh kai en telei apofasisthkan oi kybernhtikes proteraiothtes kata xwro eyqynhs, tis opoies o Prwqypoyrgos epishmainei stis epistoles gia tis opoies syzhtoyme.

Hqela na tonisw, me thn eykairia, oti h Kybernhsh leitoyrgei me stoxoys, ierarxhsh twn epidiwjewn ths kai me proteraiothtes stoys politikoys stoxoys ths. Kai aytes akribws oi proteraiothtes katagrafontai s` aytes tis epistoles. Einai, dhladh, o programmatismos ths Kybernhshs, opws ejeidikeyetai me tis proteraiothtes ana Ypoyrgeio kai einai enas programmatismos eyqynhs poy katadeiknyei oti h Kybernhsh doyleyei me sxedio kai me programma.

Oi epistoles aytes einai sth diaqesh sas gia na exete eleyqerh prosbash kai na deite akribws poioi einai oi kybernhtikoi stoxoi se kaqe Ypoyrgeio. Epanalambanw oti prokeitai gia epistoles, opoy o Prwqypoyrgos anaferei tis proteraiothtes toy kybernhtikoy ergoy kai kaqe epistolh, opws qa diabasete, kleinei: "Qelw na epishmanw oti prepei na epikentrwsoyme thn prosoxh mas sta zhthmata poy aforoyn thn kaqhmerinothta toy polith, thn epafh toy me tis dhmosies yphresies kai thn anabaqmish ths poiothtas zwhs sto metro poy aptetai twn armodiothtwn poy askeis". Kai ayto afora mia genikoterh syzhthsh poy eixe ginei sta kybernhtika organa gia thn kalyterh organwsh twn dhmosiwn yphresiwn kai thn ejyphrethsh toy polith.

* Qa hqela na sas pw oti se ligotero apo mia wra, stis 13.45, dinei synenteyjh o Ypoyrgos Anaplhrwths Ejwterikwn k. Papandreoy, o opoios qa anaferqei sta qemata poy aforoyn thn krish sthn Albania, tis prwtoboylies poy exei labei h Ellhnikh Kybernhsh kai sto plaisio twn armodiothtwn poy exei, thn periodo ayth, ws proedreyoysa sto Symboylio ths Eyrwphs. Etsi, ekei qa mporesoyn oi synadelfoi sas na exoyn mia leptomerh enhmerwsh gia ta osa symbainoyn sthn perioxh, tis ellhnikes qeseis kai tis dieqneis prwtoboylies poy anamenetai na dromologhqoyn.

Akoyw tis erwthseis sas.

PARIS: Kyrie Ekproswpe, qa hqela na sas rwthsw gia to "empargko" stis pthseis ths JAT. Xqes h Agglia, h opoia eixe mia ejamhnh symfwnia ws to telos toy xronoy, apofasise na thn arei kai na isxysei to "empargko" apo shmera. Sthn oysia h monh xwra h opoia exei meinei ap' ejw apo mia jekaqarh apanthsh gia to pote qa isxysei to "empargko" einai h Ellada. Qa hqela na sas rwthsw, pote qa isxysei "to empargko";

NIKOLAOY: Emeis exoyme dhlwsei epaneilhmmena oti den qa ejaireqoyme apo thn ypoxrewsh poy exoyme. Oyte zhthsame kati tetoio, oyte epidiwkoyme kati tetoio. Perissoteres leptomereies qa gnwrizete tis epomenes hmeres.

MOYRTZHS: O Prwqypoyrgos qa jenaghqei shmera sto Megaro Moysikhs;

NIKOLAOY: Nai. Einai programmatismenh gia tis 13.30 h episkech toy Prwqypoyrgoy sto Megaro Moysikhs.

MOYRTZHS: Poios ton kalese; O k. Lamprakhs;

NIKOLAOY: Den exei shmasia poios ton kalese, oyte kai gnwrizw pws akribws exei h prosklhsh, giati den exei idiaiterh shmasia. O Prwqypoyrgos episkeptetai ena ergo, to opoio einai shmantiko. To Megaro Moysikhs kai oi ekdhlwseis toy symballoyn sthn politistikh zwh ths xwras. To ellhniko dhmosio symballei me dapanes toy sto ergo ayto kai exei kaqe logo kai endiaferon na to episkefqei.

Sas eyxaristw poly.

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