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BRIEFING 30-05-96Greek Government Press Release Directory - Previous Article - Next ArticleFrom: The Hellenic Ministry of Press & Mass Media <> - email: pegasus@compulink.grYPOYRGEIO TYPOY KAI MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS 30/5/96H ENHMERWSH TWN POLITIKWN SYNTAKTWN KAI TWN ANTAPOKRITWN JENOY TYPOY APO TON YPOYRGO TYPOY KAI MESWN MAZIKHS ENHMERWSHS KAI KYBERNHTIKO EKPROSWPO k. DHMHTRH REPPAKalhmera sas.-Prin apo ligo oloklhrwqhke h synergasia poy eixe o Prwqypoyrgos me thn hgesia toy Ypoyrgeioy Paideias gia ta qemata toy Ypoyrgeioy. Gnwrizete oti episkefqhke to Ypoyrgeio Paideias o Prwqypoyrgos. -Sth synexeia, o Prwqypoyrgos qa exei synergasia gia qemata epidomatikhs politikhs me ton k. Tsoxatzopoylo, ton k. Papantwnioy kai ton k. Papadopoylo. * Ayrio qa synedriasei to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio, to opoio qa asxolhqei me qemata toy Ypoyrgeioy Aigaioy. Exoyme kai allh fora milhsei, dioti einai se ekkremothta mia tetoia synedriash. KAKABAS: Ti wra qa arxisei to Ypoyrgiko Symboylio; REPPAS: Stis 12:00 to meshmeri. Kai qa asxolhqei me ena akomh qema, ths perikophs dapanwn, ekei poy aytes den einai anagkaies. * Xqes hmoyn sth Qessalonikh, sta egkainia toy Makedonikoy Praktoreioy Eidhsewn kai eixa thn eykairia ths syzhthshs me toys synadelfoys sas sth Qessalonikh. Htan mia kalh empeiria... REPPAS: Loipon, akoyw tis erwthseis sas. STAMATOPOYLOS: Pantws otan programmatizete na pate kapoy na mas to lete nwritera... REPPAS: To anakoinwsame. STAMATOPOYLOS: Xqes to anakoinwsate... REPPAS: To anakoinwsame xqes to prwi, an kai mporoysame na to kanoyme apo proxqes. To kaname, k. Stamatopoyle, xqes to prwi, giati eprepe na einai bebaio oti qa ginei h syzhthsh sth Qessalonikh. An den eixa th dynatothta na kanw to briefing sth Qessalonikh, qa ginotan to briefing sthn Aqhna... STAMATOPOYLOS: To prwi den phgainei kaneis stis efhmerides k. Ypoyrge. REPPAS: Den phgainete to prwi stis efhmerides; Giati; Loipon, fantazomai oti oi efhmerides exoyn leitoyrgies poy epitrepoyn stoys dhmosiografoys na enhmerwnontai ana pasa stigmh gia o,ti kainoyrgio yparxei, gyrw apo ta qemata poy toys aforoyn. MIXAHL: H apofash ths Kybernhshs na mhn ginei synanthsh Pagkaloy - Gkionensai einai oristikh; REPPAS: Apanthsame, k. Mixahl, apo xqes hdh oti h Ellhnikh Kybernhsh qewrei pws den exei qesh mia tetoia synanthsh. MIXAHL: Den eipa ayto. An einai oristikh h apofash rwthsa. REPPAS: Otan lete "oristikh", ti ennoeite; An meta apo ena xrono qa ginei tetoia synanthsh; MIXAHL: Mhpws ginei stis 8 h stis 15 Ioynioy... REPPAS: Den yparxei tetoio qema. H Kybernhsh den antimetwpizei qema synanthshs twn Ypoyrgwn Ejwterikwn twn dyo xwrwn. MPERMPERAKHS: Shmera qa synanthqoyn oi kyrioi Pagkalos kai Gkionensai; REPPAS: Den einai programmatismeno na yparjei tetoia synanthsh. Symmetexoyn stis diadikasies, sto Synedrio ths Lesxhs Mpitempergk kai oi dyo. An yparjei kapoia synanthsh kai antallagoyn kapoies koybentes, einai kati poy kaneis den mporei na to apokleisei. Alla, mporei na mhn ginei oyte kai ayto. Shmeiwnw oti den yparxei programma gia na ginei synanthsh metajy twn dyo Ypoyrgwn. MOYRTZHS: Sth xqesinh synanthsh toy neoy Proedreioy ths Koinoboyleytikhs Omadas me ton k. Andrea Papandreoy yphrje mia stoixomyqia kai o k. Papandreoy eipe: Fobamai mhpws yparxei prosymfwnia sta eqnika qemata kai ejefrase to parapono oti den exei enhmerwqei. REPPAS: Ekfrazoyme th xara mas gia thn akomh megalyterh beltiwsh ths ygeias toy Proedroy mas. Gia to qema to opoio qesate k. Moyrtzh, qa moy epitrecete na pw oti ajizei perissotero na ereynate an ayta poy aforoyn ston Andrea Papandreoy exoyn ontws lexqei. Isxyristhkate oti o Andreas Papandreoy eipe... MOYRTZHS: Egrafh se kapoia efhmerida. Sta NEA sygkekrimena. REPPAS: Parakalw, na ginetai ereyna, wste na einai sigoyroi oloi peri toy ti exei pei o Andreas Papandreoy. Elegxete loipon... KWNSTANTINIDHS: To eipe h den to eipe; REPPAS: Egw lew na kanete mia peraiterw ereyna... PAPADOPOYLOS: Eseis kanate ereyna; KWNSTANTINIDHS: Eseis ti lete; REPPAS: Ma, otan lew oti prepei na ereynhsete parapera, an ontws o Andreas Papandreoy
to eipe ayto, nomizw oti h qesh einai safhs.
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