European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 08-07-10
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] The Commission evaluates the implementation of EU law on attacks
against information systems in Member States
[02] Recommandation du groupe d'experts: faire des périodes
d'apprentissage à l'étranger la règle et non l'exception
[03] Le rapport annuel sur les systèmes d’enseignement de l’Union
confirme une progression lente mais continue
[04] La Commission européenne alloue une aide de près de 7,5 millions €
en faveur du rétablissement des victimes de l’ouragan Félix au
[05] NumĂ©ros d’appel d’urgence «116» pour les enfants: la Commission
déclenche la sonnette d’alarme
[06] EU27 energy dependence rate at 54% in 2006
[07] Commission to improve the situation for truck drivers at the Russian
[08] Peru: visit of Minister for Foreign Affairs GarcĂa Belaunde; €3
million to support the social and economic reconstruction after the
[09] Capsized ferry in Philippines - EU and UN deploy joint expert team
following reports of highly toxic cargo
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2008-07-10
Reference: MEX/08/0710
Date: 10/07/2008
News from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb
[01] The Commission evaluates the implementation of EU law on attacks
against information systems in Member States
Vice-President Barrot, Commissioner responsible for Justice, Freedom and
Security, has welcomed the good level of implementation of Framework
Decision 2005/222 in a large majority of the Member States, but at the same
time expressed his concern that seven Member States have still not
presented any implementation measures.
[02] Recommandation du groupe d'experts: faire des périodes
d'apprentissage à l'étranger la règle et non l'exception
Comment faire en sorte que le succès d'Erasmus, le programme phare de
l'Union européenne dans le domaine de l'enseignement supérieur, dépasse
les limites du secteur universitaire? Telle est la question qui a été
posée à un groupe d’experts de haut niveau sur la mobilité, créé par
la Commission et dont le rapport est publié aujourd'hui. Il recommande
d'élargir considérablement l'éventail de possibilités de mobilité dans
l'apprentissage offertes non pas uniquement aux Ă©tudiants mais aux jeunes
en général, y compris, par exemple, les apprentis, les élèves du
secondaire, ainsi que les jeunes chefs d'entreprise, artistes et
bénévoles. Le rapport préconise des mesures visant à supprimer les
obstacles à la mobilité existants et propose la mise sur pied d'un nouveau
type de partenariat – entre l'Union européenne, les États membres, les
régions, les établissements d'enseignement, les entreprises et la
société civile – pour favoriser la mobilité.
[03] Le rapport annuel sur les systèmes d’enseignement de l’Union
confirme une progression lente mais continue
La Commission européenne a présenté aujourd'hui les données les plus
récentes sur la réalisation des objectifs que les États membres ont
assignés à leurs systèmes d’enseignement à l’horizon 2010 dans la
stratégie de Lisbonne. Ce rapport annuel, fondé sur des indicateurs et
des critères de référence, examine les performances de chaque pays dans
des domaines clés tels que l’achèvement des études secondaires,
l’abandon scolaire précoce, la maîtrise de la lecture, le nombre de
diplômés en mathématiques, sciences et technologies et la participation
des adultes Ă des programmes d'Ă©ducation et de formation tout au long de
la vie. La principale conclusion du rapport de 2008 est que, dans
l’ensemble, les pays européens progressent dans ces cinq domaines, sauf
en maîtrise de la lecture. En dépit de l'amélioration lente mais
continue de l’éducation et de la formation dans les États membres de
l’Union européenne (UE) depuis 2000, il convient d’accélérer les
progrès enregistrés dans la plupart des domaines pour atteindre les
objectifs de 2010.
[04] La Commission européenne alloue une aide de près de 7,5 millions €
en faveur du rétablissement des victimes de l’ouragan Félix au
Au titre de son instrument de stabilité, la Commission européenne
accordera une aide de 7,49 Mio € en faveur du redressement économique et
social des populations de la région autonome de l’Atlantique nord (RAAN)
du Nicaragua, qui avaient été durement touchées par l’ouragan Félix
en septembre 2007. Cette action prolonge la phase d’aide d’urgence, au
cours de laquelle 6 Mio € avaient été alloués par ECHO, l’office
d’aide humanitaire de la Commission, et elle assure le lien avec les
efforts de reconstruction et de développement à plus long terme déployés
dans les régions touchées par la catastrophe. La Commission européenne
est donc l’un des principaux bailleurs de fonds dans cette région du
[05] NumĂ©ros d’appel d’urgence «116» pour les enfants: la Commission
déclenche la sonnette d’alarme
Il faut que les parents et les enfants puissent appeler à l’aide
rapidement et gratuitement lors d’un déplacement dans l’Union
européenne. En 2007, rien qu’au Royaume-Uni et en Belgique, plus de 7
500 disparitions d’enfants ont été signalées (<a href="http://www.missingchildreneurope.eu">www.missingchildreneurope.eu).
Le public se préoccupe davantage de la sécurité des enfants depuis
des affaires comme la disparition de Madeleine McCann au Portugal. En 2007,
la Commission a pris des mesures en réservant, au niveau national, des
numéros à six chiffres commençant par 116 à des lignes d’urgence pour
les appels liés aux disparitions d’enfants (116 000) et à des lignes
d’assistance téléphonique auxquelles les enfants peuvent demander de
l’aide (116 111). Or, une enquête européenne récente montre que, parmi
les États membres, seule une minorité a attribué ces numéros à des
fournisseurs de services: sept pays pour le 116 000 et dix pour le 116 111
(voir l’annexe). La Commission a appelé aujourd’hui les États
membres à accélérer la mise en œuvre de ces numéros. La législation
communautaire n’impose pas aux États membres d’attribuer les numéros,
mais de les réserver et d’informer le public et les fournisseurs de leur
existence. L’enquête montre le peu d’efforts des États membres en la
matière, ce qui retarde la mise en œuvre des lignes.
[06] EU27 energy dependence rate at 54% in 2006
In the EU27, gross inland energy consumption was 1 825 million tonnes of
oil equivalent (toe) in 2006, stable compared with 2005, while energy
production decreased by 2.3% to 871 mn toe. As a result, net imports
increased by 2.4% in 2006 and the energy dependence rate rose to 54% from
53% in 2005. Between 1997 and 2006, EU27 energy production fell by 9%,
consumption rose by 7% and net imports rose by 29%. In 1997 the energy
dependence rate stood at 45%. These figures are published by Eurostat.
[07] Commission to improve the situation for truck drivers at the Russian
With a budget of 3.500.000 Euro, the European Commission is going to
support the construction of quality and secure parking areas at three
border crossing points between the EU and Russia (Vaalimaa/Finland,
Narva/Estonia, Terehova/Latvia). European Commission Vice-President in
charge of transport, Antonio Tajani, declared: "Social partners in the road
transport sector are more and more concerned about the increased need for
good, secure parking and rest facilities. We are therefore pleased to
announce this action, which is based on an initiative of the European
Parliament and which will help to improve the situation of truck drivers
and their vehicles at the Russian border." This action is line with former
and ongoing projects of the Commission on secure and quality parking sites.
For instance, as a result from a first project on secure parking sites
launched last year by the Commission (see IP/07/806), the securised Truck
Etape site in Valencienne (F) has been commercially launched on 12 June
2008. Another project on certification of quality rest places will also
deliver first results in the first half of 2009. The call for proposal can
be found on the following website: <a href="http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/energy_transport/grants/proposal_en.htm">http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/energy_transport/grants/proposal_en.htm
[08] Peru: visit of Minister for Foreign Affairs GarcĂa Belaunde; €3
million to support the social and economic reconstruction after the
The Peruvian Minister for Foreign Affairs, GarcĂa Belaunde, will visit the
European Commission on 11 July where he will meet with Commissioner for
External Relations, Benita Ferrero-Waldner and with Commissioner for Trade,
Peter Mandelson. During their meeting they will discuss the follow up to
the Lima Summit, the state of play in the negotiations between the EU and
the Andean Community on an Association Agreement, the new EU Migration
Return Directive, and the general sitation in the Andean region.
Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner will also inform Minister GarcĂa Belaunde
about the allocation of €3 million to support the sustainable
reconstruction of key infrastructure and the livelihoods and income
generation assets of the population in the southern part of Peru severely
affected by the earthquake of 15 August 2007. The aid, provided under the
Instrument for Stability, is directed to the population of the provinces of
Castrovirreyna, Yauyos and Huaytara located in the southern part of Peru,
which amounts to approximately 50,000 people of the total estimated 260,000
who were affected by the earthquake. This action will help the country to
link the relief, recovery and rehabilitation phases, following an ECHO
intervention of €8 million provided as an emergency response after this
natural disaster. Commissioner Ferrero-Waldner and Minister GarcĂa
Belaunde will hold a VIP corner after their meeting in the Berlaymont at
[09] Capsized ferry in Philippines - EU and UN deploy joint expert team
following reports of highly toxic cargo
A joint European Union – United Nations expert team is being deployed
today to the Philippines at the request of national authorities to assess
the situation of a capsized ferry containing large quantities of highly
toxic chemicals. "We must ensure that the human tragedy of this ferry
collapse is not compounded by the leakage of these pesticides" said Stavros
Dimas, Commissioner for the Environment and Civil Protection. "Europe is
putting its solidarity with the Philippines into practice by providing its
assistance. Our expertise has been highly valued in similar emergencies in
recent years, and as ever we will do all we can to assist the people of the
Philippines". The 'Princess of the Stars' ferry boat capsized on Saturday
21 June about three kilometers from the shore of Sibuyan Island in the
central Philippines, as Typhoon Fengshen was moving through the area. The
ferry, bound for Cebu Island, central Visayas, was carrying 849 passengers.
Only 56 survived, while the rest remain unaccounted for, believed to have
been trapped inside the ferry. Efforts to recover the bodies were suspended
following the discovery of a cargo of large quantities of highly toxic
pesticides, in addition to an estimated 100,000 litres of fuel. Of
particular concern are the chemicals endosulfan, carbofuran, and
methamidophos. Unknown quantities of other highly toxic pesticides - namely
antracol, tamaron, nicolsamide and carbamate – have been reported to be
among the cargo. Potentially further complicating matters is the current
typhoon season, which could wreak havoc on the stability of the capsized
vessel. “If not handled properly, this could be a disaster upon a
disaster,” stated Vladimir Sakharov, Chief of the Joint UNEP/OCHA
Environment Unit (JEU). “Leakage of the ferry’s toxic cargo would cause
major ecological damage and thereby have a terrible impact on the
livelihoods of people living in the region.” The team, comprising a
marine chemist, an eco-toxicologist and a civil protection expert, is
expected to spend one week in the Philippines to help provide a clear
overview of the situation, determine priority needs, and identify any gaps
in international aid being offered and/or provided. The mission is a joint
initiative of the European Commission’s Monitoring and Information Centre
(MIC) and the JEU, integrated into the Emergency Services Branch of the UN
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The mission
will be supported on-site by the Government of the Philippines, the EU
Delegation, and relevant UN agencies in-country – most notably the UN
Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Health Organization (WHO).
Findings and recommendations, including possible additional international
assistance, will be reported by the expert team at the conclusion of its
mission. Background information: The Monitoring and Information Centre
(MIC), operated by the European Commission in Brussels, is the operational
heart of the Community Mechanism for Civil Protection. It is available on a
24/7 basis, and provides countries access to the community civil protection
platform. Any country affected by a major disaster – inside or outside
the EU – can launch a request for assistance through the MIC. During
emergencies the MIC plays three important roles: serving as a
communications hub for the exchange of requests and offers of assistance;
providing information on civil protection preparedness and response to
participating states as well as a wider audience of interested
stakeholders; supporting co-ordination of the provision of European
assistance. Further information can be found here: <a href="http://ec.europa.eu/environment/civil/prote/mic.htm">http://ec.europa.eu/environment/civil/prote/mic.htm
The Joint UNEP/OCHA Environment Unit (JEU) is a collaborative effort
between two UN bodies – the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) and the
Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) – that
mobilizes and coordinates international response to environmental
emergencies. It serves to mobilize and coordinate international assistance
for environmental emergencies, and helps countries to improve their
preparedness to respond to environmental emergencies. The JEU works with
affected countries to identify and mitigate acute negative impacts stemming
from emergencies, providing independent, impartial advice and practical
solutions. It also works with organizations dedicated to medium and long-
term rehabilitation to ensure a seamless transition to the disaster
recovery process. Further information can be found here: <a href="http://ochaonline.un.org/ToolsServices/EmergencyRelief/EnvironmentalEmergencies/JointEnvironmentUnit/tabid/1459/Default.aspx">http://ochaonline.un.org/ToolsServices/EmergencyRelief/EnvironmentalEmergencies/JointEnvironmentUnit/tabid/1459/Default.aspx
[10] Autre matériel diffusé
• Discours du Président Barroso sur la Présentation du Programme de la
Présidence Française, Strasbourg
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/