European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 07-10-10
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[I] RĂ©sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] La Commission encourage l'adoption des voitures à hydrogène et le
développement des technologies de l'hydrogène
[02] An ocean of opportunity : Commission proposes Integrated Maritime
Policy for the EU
[03] Gens de mer et réglementation sociale : l'UE met le cap sur une
nouvelle politique maritime
[04] Commission gives Romania one month to improve farm aid systems;
welcomes progress made in Bulgaria
[05] La Commission autorise sous conditions des aides publiques pour le
financement des retraites des fonctionnaires de La Poste française
[06] Commission opens in-depth investigation into possible aid in
privatisation of Romanian car producer Automobile Craiova
[07] La Commission ouvre une procédure formelle d'examen concernant le
régime fiscal espagnol applicable à l'acquisition d'actions d'entreprises
[08] Commission endorses reform of supplementary pension regime in Greek
banking sector
[09] Commission approves new United Kingdom levy schemes for promotion and
quality products
[10] La Commission donne son feu vert Ă une aide d'Etat italienne aux
camions propres
[11] Commission approves public financing for Grosseto regional airport in
[12] La Commission ouvre une procédure formelle d'examen sur le
financement des retraites de la RATP
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[13] Statement on World Day against the Death Penalty
[14] Erasmus Mundus : les participants contribuent à améliorer encore le
programme d'enseignement supérieur
[15] Commission clears acquisition of HAC by MAN and Hörmann
[16] Danuta HĂĽbner meets with Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and German
President Köhler to celebrate cross-border cooperation
[17] EU and China decide on textile import monitoring system for 2008
[18] Launch of new programme supporting integrated border management
systems in the South Caucasus
[19] Joe Borg takes new integrated maritime policy to European capitals
[20] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2007-10-10
Reference: MEX/07/1010
Date: 10/10/2007
EXME07 / 10.10
News from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb
[I] RĂ©sultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome
of today's Commission meeting
[01] La Commission encourage l'adoption des voitures à hydrogène et le
développement des technologies de l'hydrogène
La Commission européenne a adopté deux propositions qui marqueront un pas
en avant dans le dĂ©veloppement et la commercialisation de vĂ©hicules Ă
hydrogène propres et sûrs. La première concerne la mise sur pied de
l'initiative technologique conjointe (ITC) pour les piles Ă combustible et
l'hydrogène, un ambitieux programme intégré d'activités de recherche,
de développement technologique et de démonstration, mené sous la
conduite de l'industrie. Ce partenariat public privé, ayant pour moteur
l'industrie européenne, sera mis en œuvre au cours des six prochaines
années, grâce à une contribution financière de l'UE de €470 millions,
complétée par un apport d'un montant identique de la part du secteur
privé. L'ITC devrait accélérer le développement des technologies de
l'hydrogène jusqu'au stade de leur décollage commercial entre 2010 et
2020. Deuxièmement, un certain nombre de voitures à hydrogène sont, dès
à présent, mûres pour une introduction sur le marché. C'est pourquoi la
Commission propose de simplifier leur réception, de telle sorte qu'elles
puissent ĂŞtre vues plus souvent sur les routes d'Europe. Les deux
propositions seront maintenant examinées par le Parlement européen et le
Conseil des ministres.
[02] An ocean of opportunity : Commission proposes Integrated Maritime
Policy for the EU
The European Commission has adopted a Communication setting out its vision
for an Integrated Maritime Policy for the EU, together with a detailed
action plan setting out an ambitious work programme for the years ahead.
Scientific discoveries, huge strides in technological development,
globalisation, climate change, and marine pollution are rapidly altering
Europe's relationship with the seas and oceans, with all the opportunities
and challenges that this presents. An integrated maritime policy will
enable the Union to meet the challenges head on. This proposal is grounded
in an extensive public consultation which ended last June, and represents
the work of a Steering Group of 10 Commissioners chaired by Joe Borg. The
Communication and Action Plan are accompanied by a report on the results of
the consultation which revealed strong stakeholder support for the
Commission's initiative.
[03] Gens de mer et réglementation sociale : l'UE met le cap sur une
nouvelle politique maritime
Faut-il radouber la législation sociale communautaire, dont certains
volets excluent les gens de mer, et la rendre digne d'un secteur maritime
moderne? Est-il nécessaire d'y introduire des dispositions spécifiques
aux professions de la mer? Quel est le meilleur moyen d'améliorer les
conditions d'hygiène et de sécurité à bord des navires? Autant de
questions posées aux représentants des travailleurs et des employeurs,
l'objectif étant de savoir si la législation en question offre aux gens
de mer une protection adéquate. Il s'agit, dans un premier temps, de
renforcer la dimension sociale de la politique maritime et de rendre le
secteur d'activité correspondant plus attractif, sans toutefois porter
atteinte à sa compétitivité. La consultation s’inscrit dans le
prolongement du Livre vert sur l'avenir de la politique maritime, publié
l'an dernier, et fait partie des nouvelles dispositions communautaires
adoptées aujourd'hui en la matière.
[04] Commission gives Romania one month to improve farm aid systems;
welcomes progress made in Bulgaria
The European Commission wrote to Romania to inform it that it faces a
provisional 25 percent cut in European Union farm payments unless it can
reverse certain serious shortcomings in its administration and financial
control system before payments to farmers take place (payment year begins 1
December 2007). The Commission will not be withholding farm payments to
Bulgaria because its system has been set up and is operational. Commission
Regulation 1423/2006, building on Art. 37 of the Accession Treaties for
Romania and Bulgaria, provides for the reduction of payments by 25 percent
if the systems set up to ensure the correct payment of farm aid are so
seriously deficient that they affect the proper functioning of the overall
system. Romania can prevent this happening by delivering on two points of
the utmost importance: putting in place and properly testing two software
modules which are indispensable elements in the Integrated Administration
and Control System (IACS); avoiding payments to farmers before the required
controls are completed. Additional on-the-spot checks are required to
compensate for the insufficient quality of the Land Parcel Identification
System. Mariann Fischer Boel, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural
Development, has written to the Romanian Agriculture Minister, Mr Decebal
Traian Remes, and a reply is expected by 9 November.
[05] La Commission autorise sous conditions des aides publiques pour le
financement des retraites des fonctionnaires de La Poste française
La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu des règles du Traité CE
sur les aides d'Etat, les aides prévues par la France pour la réforme du
mode de financement des retraites des fonctionnaires de l’Etat rattachés
à La Poste. Des conditions ont été attachées à cette autorisation afin
d'assurer que La Poste et ses concurrents sont placés dans une situation
d'équité concurrentielle en ce qui concerne les contributions sociales et
fiscales obligatoires.
[06] Commission opens in-depth investigation into possible aid in
privatisation of Romanian car producer Automobile Craiova
The European Commission has opened a formal investigation under EC Treaty
state aid rules into possible aid granted in the context of the
privatisation of Automobile Craiova (former Daewoo Romania) and its sale to
Ford Motor Company in September 2007. The Commission has also required
Romania to suspend the granting of any unlawful aid until the Commission
takes a decision on its compatibility. The Romanian authorities attached
specific conditions to the privatisation, in particular the achievement of
a minimum production level of 200000 cars in the fourth year after the
privatisation, the continuation of the current activity for four years and
the maintenance of all former employees of Automobile Craiova and Daewoo
Romania. The Commission has to verify whether these conditions resulted in
a lower sales price than if the privatisation had been unconditional. If
this is the case, the privatisation could involve elements of state aid. In
addition, Romania seems to have changed the terms of the privatisation at a
later stage of the process, which might have involved additional aid
elements. The opening of an investigation gives interested parties the
possibility to comment on the measures under examination. It does not
prejudge the outcome of the procedure.
[07] La Commission ouvre une procédure formelle d'examen concernant le
régime fiscal espagnol applicable à l'acquisition d'actions d'entreprises
La Commission européenne a ouvert une procédure formelle d'examen, en
vertu des règles du traité CE relatives aux aides d'Etat, concernant une
disposition de la loi espagnole sur l'impôt des sociétés permettant aux
entreprises espagnoles de bénéficier de déductions fiscales en cas de
prise de participation dans des sociétés étrangères. Ce régime semble
constituer une dérogation au régime fiscal général en vigueur en
Espagne. La Commission craint que ce dispositif n'avantage les entreprises
espagnoles prenant une participation dans des sociétés étrangères
plutôt que nationales. L'ouverture d'une procédure d'examen permet aux
parties intéressées de formuler des observations sur les mesures faisant
l'objet de l'enquête. Elle ne préjuge pas de la décision finale de la
[08] Commission endorses reform of supplementary pension regime in Greek
banking sector
The European Commission has approved, under the EC Treaty rules on state
aid, the optional transfer of the supplementary pension regime of certain
banks to the general social security regime in Greece. The Commission's
investigation found that the conditions for transfer would not give any
economic advantage to the banks concerned by the reform.
[09] Commission approves new United Kingdom levy schemes for promotion and
quality products
The European Commission has authorised levy schemes in the United Kingdom
amounting to €911 million over the period 2008 to 2014 to provide
technical support (knowledge transfer, training, benchmarking and best
practice, general information and communications) and encourage the
development of quality products.
[10] La Commission donne son feu vert Ă une aide d'Etat italienne aux
camions propres
La Commission européenne a approuvé une aide à l'investissement destinée
Ă l'entreprise italienne Fercam pour le remplacement d'une partie de sa
flotte de camions par des véhicules propres.
[11] Commission approves public financing for Grosseto regional airport in
The European Commission has decided to allow Italy to grant start-up aid
for new air routes from Grosseto regional airport to other European
destinations. The measure will last three years as of 2008 and provide up
to € 927,000.00 to airlines in order to finance new routes. The main
objective of the aid is to improve access to air transport services which
are of basic importance for the economic and social development of this
[12] La Commission ouvre une procédure formelle d'examen sur le
financement des retraites de la RATP
La Commission européenne a adopté une décision d'ouverture de procédure
concernant le financement des retraites de la RATP. L'enquĂŞte de la
Commission porte sur la compatibilité d'une réorganisation de ce
financement, engagée en janvier 2006, avec les règles communautaires sur
le contrôle des aides d'Etat. La décision adoptée aujourd'hui permettra
aux parties prenantes et aux entreprises du secteur des transports en
commun de s'exprimer sur l'analyse préliminaire de la Commission. La
Commission souhaite notamment évaluer plus en détail l'impact que la
réorganisation a eu, et pourrait avoir à l'avenir, sur la position
concurrentielle de la RATP.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[13] Statement on World Day against the Death Penalty
European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood
Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner joins in the calls to abolish the death
penalty: "Today, on the World Day against the Death Penalty I join in with
all those who urge all states to abolish the death penalty in practice and
law. We must break the cycle of violence and reaffirm the value of life.
The EU's firm political commitment is shown by its decision to introduce,
in the framework of a cross-regional alliance, a resolution against the
death penalty at the 62nd United Nations General Assembly."
[14] Erasmus Mundus : les participants contribuent à améliorer encore le
programme d'enseignement supérieur
Le 11 octobre, Ján Figel’, commissaire europĂ©en Ă
l'Ă©ducation, Ă la formation, Ă la culture et Ă la jeunesse, accueillera
plus de 100 Ă©tudiants et anciens Ă©tudiants Erasmus Mundus Ă Bruxelles.
Ces derniers viennent de tous les continents et représentent quelque 4.000
Ă©tudiants et anciens Ă©tudiants Erasmus qui suivent actuellement des
mastères Erasmus Mundus prestigieux dans des universités européennes. En
juillet, la Commission a proposé de renouveler le programme pour la
période 2009-2013.
[15] Commission clears acquisition of HAC by MAN and Hörmann
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of Hörmann Automotive
Components (HAC) of Germany by Man Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft (MN),
belonging to the MAN Aktiengesellschaft group (MAN) of Germany and Hörmann
Industrie Beteiligungs (Hörmann), also of Germany. MAN supplies commercial
vehicles, diesel engines, turbo engines, industrial services engineering
services and construction engineering. Hörmann is active in electrical,
machine and construction engineering, radio engineering and related
services. HAC produces components for trucks. The operation was examined
under the simplified merger review procedure.
[16] Danuta HĂĽbner meets with Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and German
President Köhler to celebrate cross-border cooperation
European Regional policy Commissioner Danuta HĂĽbner is visiting the "Euro-
region" Enschede-Gronau on the Dutch-German border together with her
Majesty Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands and German President Horst
Köhler. This meeting, hosted by G.J. Jansen, Queen's Commissioner in the
Province of Overijssel and attended by the key stakeholders (mayors,
academics entrepreneurs and partners of the euro-region) of territorial
cooperation between Germany and the Netherlands, marks 50 years of cross-
border cooperation in the area, one of the oldest in Europe.
[17] EU and China decide on textile import monitoring system for 2008
Following from their 2005 Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in
managing the transition to free trade in textiles, the European Commission
and the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Trade have decided on a system of joint
import surveillance that will operate for one year in 2008 following the
end of the import growth caps on ten categories of textiles and clothing
from China. The 'double checking system' will track the issuing of licences
for export in China and the importation of goods into the EU. This
monitoring system provides a clear picture of the likely development of
trade patterns and ensures predictability for EU businesses. The
arrangement covers the eight most sensitive of the ten product categories
covered by the levels agreed in 2005 and that will expire at the end of the
year. Although imports of these goods will be closely monitored their level
of import will not be restricted by this arrangement.
[18] Launch of new programme supporting integrated border management
systems in the South Caucasus
European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood
Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, together with her partners from Armenia,
Azerbaijan and Georgia have endorsed a new €6 million 3 year programme
aiming at the introduction of EU border management standards in the South
Caucasus. It took place at the EU Ministerial Conference on EC programme in
support of integrated border management systems in South Caucasus. The new
programme aims to introduce EU border management standards, interagency
cooperation between border guards and customs officials within the
countries, as well as cooperation between agencies of neighbouring
countries. It will focus on improvement of national strategies as well as
tackle on-the-ground activities such as common border checks, and upgrading
of border crossing points.
[19] Joe Borg takes new integrated maritime policy to European capitals
European Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, Joe Borg, will
travel to Madrid tomorrow morning to start a series of short visits to five
European capitals for meetings with Ministers responsible for maritime
affairs. He will be accompanied throughout by Portuguese Secretary of State,
Mira Gomes, as representative of the Portuguese Presidency of the European
Union. The purpose of the tour is to present the new integrated maritime
policy, adopted today, discuss the next steps and listen to Member States'
views. Tomorrow Mr Borg will meet with Spanish Secretary of State for
European Affairs, Mr Alberto Navarro González, before proceeding on to
London, where, on Friday morning, he will have talks with British
Parliamentary Under-Secretary for State responsible for Maritime Policy Jim
Fitzpatrick. In the afternoon, Commissioner Borg will be in Paris, where he
will meet with French State Secretary for European Affairs, Jean- Pierre
Jouyet. The tour will conclude in The Hague on Monday, where he will have
talks with Dutch State Secretary for Transport Mrs J C Heringa-Huizinga.
Today, the Commission adopted a package on an integrated maritime policy
for the Union aiming to reconcile growth and jobs with the protection of
the marine environment through better governance and more coordination of
sectoral policies impacting on maritime affairs. The proposed policy is
grounded in the response to the highly successful one-year long
consultation process. See IP/07/1463 and MEM0/07/403 + <a href="http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/index_en.html">http://ec.europa.eu/maritimeaffairs/index_en.html
[20] Autre matériel diffusé
Questions and answers on an Integrated Maritime Policy for the European
Clean and safe cars : Commission promotes hydrogen vehicles
Speech by Franco Frattini : "Europe against the Death Penalty" (09/10,
Speech by Danuta Hübner : "European regional policy – a development
laboratory" at Seminar 'Regional policy in a global perspective' (09/10)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/