European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 07-10-09
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] The European Union is united against capital punishment
[02] La proposition relative aux pensions en vue d'améliorer la mobilité
des travailleurs est en bonne voie
[03] Commission opens in-depth investigation into Thomson's take over of
[04] Commission approves proposed acquisition of Getronics by KPN
[05] Cohesion policy : OPEN DAYS go global for first time
[06] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2007-10-09
Reference: MEX/07/1009
Date: 09/10/2007
EXME07 / 9.10
News from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb
[01] The European Union is united against capital punishment
In the context of the International Conference taking place today in Lisbon,
the European Commission, jointly with the Presidency of the European Union
and the Council of Europe, reaffirms its unreserved opposition to the use
of capital punishment under all circumstances.
[02] La proposition relative aux pensions en vue d'améliorer la mobilité
des travailleurs est en bonne voie
La Commission européenne a adopté aujourd'hui une proposition modifiée
visant à réduire les entraves à la mobilité des travailleurs grâce Ã
l'amélioration de l'acquisition et de la préservation des droits Ã
pension complémentaire. La proposition accepte la majorité des
amendements adoptés par le Parlement européen en juin dernier. Elle
insiste sur la fixation de prescriptions minimales en vue d'améliorer
l'acquisition des droits à pension, sur des droits de préservation plus
clairs afin que les pensions des travailleurs mobiles soient traitées
équitablement, et sur un meilleur accès à des informations utiles et
présentées au moment opportun. Son objectif est de faire en sorte que les
travailleurs mobiles ne soient pas pénalisés.
[03] Commission opens in-depth investigation into Thomson's take over of
The European Commission has decided to open an in-depth investigation under
the EU Merger Regulation into the proposed combination of Thomson of Canada
and Reuters of the UK. The Commission’s initial market investigation
indicates that the proposed merger would raise serious doubts as regards
adverse effects on competition in several markets of the financial
information sector. The decision to open an in-depth inquiry does not
prejudge the final result of the investigation. The Commission now has 90
working days (until 25 February 2008) to take a final decision on whether
the proposed transaction would significantly impede effective competition
within the European Economic Area or any substantial part of it.
[04] Commission approves proposed acquisition of Getronics by KPN
The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the
proposed acquisition of Dutch company Getronics, an information technology
(IT) service provider, by KPN of The Netherlands. After examining the
operation, the Commission concluded that the transaction would not
significantly impede effective competition in the European Economic Area
(EEA) or any substantial part of it.
[05] Cohesion policy : OPEN DAYS go global for first time
OPEN DAYS, the European week of regions and cities, go global for the first
time, welcoming delegates from Russia, Brazil and China to seminars in
Brussels. OPEN DAYS, which runs 8-11 October, features a seminar entitled:
'Regional policy in a global perspective' for Russia, Brazil and other
countries. It follows a seminar on 8 October that focused on China. The
events, at ministerial and expert level, offer participants the opportunity
to share their experience on how to implement an efficient regional policy
with European experts, politicians and non-governmental organisations.
[06] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Danuta Hübner : "Making it Happen: New Cohesion Policy
contributes to Growth and Jobs in Europe" at opening session of the OPEN
DAYS 2007 (08/10)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/