European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 07-06-20
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] President Barroso and Danish Prime Minister Fogh Rasmussen visit
Greenland to see climate change at first hand
[02] Le projet de recherche pour une aviation plus respectueuse de
l'environnement prend son essor au salon du Bourget
[03] Eurobaromètre standard 67 : printemps 2007
[04] Commission clears acquisition of Hydrowingas by Wingas
[05] La Commission autorise l'acquisition de Sulo par Veolia
[06] Commission completes multi-annual planning of financial assistance to
the candidate and potential candidate countries
[07] Commission welcomes Parliament agreement on cat and dog fur ban
[08] Construction output down by 0.9% in the euro area ; down by 0.1% in
the EU27
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2007-06-20
Reference: MEX/07/0620
Date: 20/06/2007
EXME07 / 20.6
News from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb
[01] President Barroso and Danish Prime Minister Fogh Rasmussen visit
Greenland to see climate change at first hand
The European Union's focus on the need to step up the fight against climate
change will be vividly illustrated when European Commission President José
Manuel Barroso and Danish Prime Minister Fogh Rasmussen visit Greenland on
June 24-26. The Greenlandic Premier, Mr. Hans Enoksen, will host the
[02] Le projet de recherche pour une aviation plus respectueuse de
l'environnement prend son essor au salon du Bourget
Aujourd'hui, au salon aéronautique du Bourget, M. Janez Potočnik, membre
de la Commission européenne chargé de la science et de la recherche,
présentera des plans pour un partenariat public-privé de grande ampleur
visant rendre les transports aériens plus respectueux de l'environnement.
Cette initiative technologique conjointe, dénommée "Clean Sky" ("ciel
propre"), a pour objectif de réduire les émissions de CO² d'environ 40%,
les émissions de NOx de 60% et le bruit de 50%. Des avancées
technologiques sont espérées pour 2015, temps pour les importants
renouvellements de flotte prévus. Ces avancées devraient concerner les
trois principales catégories d'aéronefs (long courrier, transport
régional, hélicoptères) et plus généralement les moteurs et les
"systèmes". Le financement de l'UE portera sur €800 millions au titre du
7e programme-cadre pour la recherche, le secteur privé contribuant au
projet pour le même montant. Cette dernière participation proviendra de
tous les secteurs de l'aviation et de l'aéronautique, les entreprises
jouant un rôle de premier plan dans six domaines de recherche: les
aéronefs SMART voilure fixe, les avions de transport régional verts,
les hélicoptères verts, les moteurs durables et verts, les systèmes
pour des opérations respectueuses de l'environnement et l'écoconception.
[03] Eurobaromètre standard 67 : printemps 2007
L'Eurobaromètre standard du printemps révèle une amélioration
considérable de l'opinion publique dans les Etats membres l'égard de
l'Union européenne et de ses institutions par rapport l'enquête de
l'automne 2006. Il apparaît aussi clairement que les Européens
considèrent la situation économique de leur pays avec un peu plus de
[04] Commission clears acquisition of Hydrowingas by Wingas
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of sole control of HydroWingas Limited of the
UK, currently jointly controlled by Wingas and Norsk Hydro Limited by
Wingas GmbH of Germany, controlled by Wintershall Holding AG of Germany and
belonging to the BASF Group. Wingas is active in the supply, transportation
and storage of natural gas. HydroWingas supplies and trades natural gas in
the UK. Wintershall is active in the exploration, production and sale of
crude oil and natural gas. The operation was examined under the simplified
merger review procedure.
[05] La Commission autorise l'acquisition de Sulo par Veolia
La Commission européenne a autorisé, en vertu du règlement
Concentrations, le projet d'acquisition de l'entreprise allemande SULO
Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (Sulo) par l'entreprise française Veolia
Propreté, contrôlée par Veolia Environnement S.A. (Veolia). Veolia est
active dans la collecte, l'élimination et le recyclage des déchets pour
le secteur public et le secteur privé. Sulo fournit des services de
gestion des déchets. Il ressort de l'enquête menée par la Commission que
l'opération envisagée n'entravera pas de manière significative la
concurrence dans le marché commun. Cette affaire a été traitée selon la
procédure simplifiée.
[06] Commission completes multi-annual planning of financial assistance to
the candidate and potential candidate countries
The European Commission adopted today a strategy for EU financial
assistance to Croatia for the period 2007-2009. This completes the
strategic planning of assistance under the Instrument for Pre-Accession
Assistance (IPA) for this period to the candidate and potential candidate
countries: Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey,
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia and Kosovo (under UN
Security Council Resolution 1244). Financial assistance to those countries
aims to help them enhance political and economic reform and development, on
their path towards EU membership. For 2007-2009, the overall indicative
amount of EU financial assistance to the countries is €3,961 billion.
[07] Commission welcomes Parliament agreement on cat and dog fur ban
Markos Kyprianou, Commissioner for Health, welcomed the European
Parliament's vote on 19 June in favour of a European Commission proposal
for a Directive banning cat and dog fur in the EU. This now paves the way
for First Reading agreement with Council on this dossier. Commissioner
Kyprianou said: "I am delighted that the Parliament has given such rapid
and robust support for an EU-wide ban on cat and dog fur. For years
citizens have demanded EU action to ensure that animals we regard as pets
are protected from this appalling practice, and this vote shows that the EU
can deliver on the public's concerns. We will now be able to take efficient
measures to reassure European consumers that they will not be at risk of
inadvertently buying cat and dog fur anywhere in the EU." The Parliament
showed strong support for the Commission's proposal, which will prohibit
the import, export and sale of cat and dog fur, and any products produced
from or containing this fur. Member States have also been very supportive
of this initiative by the Commission. Member States will carry out checks
on their markets, and should exchange information on the most effective
detection methods and tests for cat and dog fur. Although some Member
States already had national measures in place against cat and dog fur, a
uniform EU ban will be more effective and create a clear-cut legal
situation. For more information, see: <a href="http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/06/436&format=HTML&aged=1&language=FR&guiLanguage=fr">MEMO/06/436
and <a href="http://ec.europa.eu/food/animal/welfare/index_en.htm">http://ec.europa.eu/food/animal/welfare/index_en.htm.
Please also speech delivered by Commissioner Kyprianou in the EP debate on
cat and dog fur on 18 June (<a href="http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=SPEECH/07/409&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=fr">SPEECH/07/409).
[08] Construction output down by 0.9% in the euro area ; down by 0.1% in
the EU27
In the construction sector, seasonally adjusted production fell by 0.9% in
the euro area (EA13) and by 0.1% in the EU27 in April 2007, compared with
the previous month. In March production increased by 0.7% in the euro area
and by 0.9% in the EU27. Compared with April 2006, output in April 2007
gained 3.9% in the euro area and 6.6% in the EU27. In March the annual
growth was 10.8% in the euro area and 10.7% in the EU27. These first
estimates are released by Eurostat.
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Development of environmentally friendly technologies for the Air Transport
System: the Clean Sky Initiative
Discours de M. Olli Rehn : "Le grand défi européen: comment combiner
approfondissement politique et élargissement graduel?" l'Ecole Nationale
d'Administration (Strasbourg)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/