European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 06-12-14
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Commission to recover €263.5 million of CAP expenditure from the
Member States
[02] Les automobilistes veulent davantage de sécurité, mais sans payer
plus pour les systèmes intelligents
[03] From alarms to medical implants : Commission frees frequencies for
short range wireless devices across the EU
[04] Campagne contre les goulets d'étranglement dans la logistique du
transport de marchandises en Europe
[05] Tighter emission limits for cars after EP adoption of Euro 5 and 6
[06] REACH : la Commission salue le vote du Parlement européen sur la
nouvelle réglementation communautaire des produits chimiques
[07] Competition : Commission refers Hungary to Court for failure to
abolish restrictions on cable TV services
[08] Marché intérieur : la Commission publie une communication sur la
recherche en investissements
[09] Commission approves proposed acquisition of Altana Pharma by Nycomed
[10] Commission allocates €2 million in humanitarian aid for victims of
the Abkhazia conflict in Georgia
[11] Commission continues its assistance to the Benghazi HIV-AIDS sufferers
[12] New regional agreement to develop trade in South Eastern Europe
[13] First estimate for the third quarter of 2006 : Euro area employment up
by 0.4% and EU25 up by 0.3% ; +1.4% and +1.1% respectively compared to the
third quarter of 2005
[14] Troisième trimestre 2006 par rapport au troisième trimestre 2005 :
les coûts de la main-d'œuvre ont augmenté de 2,0% dans la zone euro ;
hausse de 2,6% dans l'UE25
[15] Preparation Environment Council (18/12)
[16] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2006-12-14
Reference: MEX/06/1214
Date: 14/12/2006
EXME06 / 14.12
News from the Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Générale Communicationb
[01] Commission to recover €263.5 million of CAP expenditure from the
Member States
A total of €263.5 million of EU farm money unduly spent by Member States
is to be claimed back, following a decision adopted by the European
Commission. The money will be recovered because of inadequate control
procedures or non-compliance with EU rules on agricultural expenditure.
Member States are responsible for paying out and checking expenditure under
the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), and the Commission is required to
ensure that Member States have made correct use of the funds.
[02] Les automobilistes veulent davantage de sécurité, mais sans payer
plus pour les systèmes intelligents
Selon une récente étude Eurobaromètre, les automobilistes européens
attachent une grande importance à la sécurité lors de l'achat d'une
automobile, mais ont le sentiment que les systèmes de sécurité
intelligents coûtent cher et ils n'en perçoivent pas bien les avantages,
ce qui continue de freiner la pénétration de ces systèmes sur le
marché. La Commission européenne a déjà constaté cela et a accru ses
efforts pour sensibiliser les consommateurs aux avantages réels des
systèmes de sécurité intelligents.
[03] From alarms to medical implants : Commission frees frequencies for
short range wireless devices across the EU
Frequency bands used by everyday wireless devices such as garage door
openers, wireless alarms, baby monitors, head phones and microphones will
soon be harmonised throughout Europe as a result of two recent Commission
Decisions. Life will be simpler as anyone in Europe will be able to use the
same short range wireless product anywhere in the EU and manufacturers need
only make one product for the whole internal market. For consumers this
could mean lower prices. Radio frequencies for Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID) devices will be also harmonised. These electronic
tags are increasingly used in businesses such as retail and logistics,
tracking of goods and persons, security and alarm systems, etc.
[04] Campagne contre les goulets d'étranglement dans la logistique du
transport de marchandises en Europe
La Commission européenne a lancé aujourd'hui un exercice de recensement
et d'élimination des obstacles qui empêchent le bon fonctionnement de la
chaîne du transport de marchandises en Europe. Dans le cadre de cet
exercice de recensement des goulets d'étranglement, les parties prenantes
et les parties intéressées sont invitées à soumettre des
informations détaillées sur les goulets d'étranglement qu'elles ont
rencontrés. Un goulet d'étranglement est tout obstacle aux services de
logistique du transport de marchandises, qu'il soit administratif,
opérationnel, législatif, local, national, européen ou autre. Les
participants à l'exercice de recensement des goulets d'étranglement sont
également invités à proposer des solutions efficaces à ces problèmes.
[05] Tighter emission limits for cars after EP adoption of Euro 5 and 6
The European Parliament has adopted on 13 December a proposal to gradually
set tighter emission limits for cars, in particular nitrogen oxides (NOx)
and particles. The new standards (known as Euro 5 and 6) will apply from 1Â
September 2009, setting tighter emission limits of particles and of NOx for
new cars and vans sold in the EU market (e.g. an 80% cut in the emission
limit for particulate matters from diesel cars under Euro 5). This makes
the introduction of particle filters for diesel cars obligatory. Euro 6
will set significantly lower emission limits for NOx emissions from diesel
cars (68 % lower than today's emission limit) and will enter into force
five years after Euro 5, i.e. in 2014. The EP vote is based on a compromise
reached with the Council, which is expected to adopt the package shortly.
[06] REACH : la Commission salue le vote du Parlement européen sur la
nouvelle réglementation communautaire des produits chimiques
Avec l'accord du Parlement européen le 13 décembre, le règlement REACH
(concernant l'enregistrement, l'évaluation et l'autorisation des
substances chimiques, ainsi que les restrictions applicables à ces
substances) est proche de l'adoption finale. La Commission européenne
salue ce vote qui met un terme à plus de trois années de négociations sur
une réforme complète de la fabrication, de la commercialisation, de
l'importation et de l'utilisation des substances chimiques. Le compromis
auquel sont parvenus le Conseil et le Parlement permettra d'améliorer la
santé et l'environnement, tout en préservant l'innovation et la
compétitivité. Le Conseil devrait adopter le texte lors du Conseil
"Environnement" du 18 décembre, afin que REACH puisse entrer en vigueur le
1er juin 2007.
[07] Competition : Commission refers Hungary to Court for failure to
abolish restrictions on cable TV services
The European Commission has decided to refer Hungary to the European Court
of Justice for failure to comply with EC Treaty competition rules, and in
particular the Commission Directive on electronic communications. Under the
Directive, Hungary had to abolish all restrictions on the provision of
electronic communications services, including broadcasting transmission
services, by 1 May 2004. However Hungary has not yet abolished the
provision of the Media Act that prevents cable TV operators providing cable
TV services to more than one third of the Hungarian population. The
referral to the Court of Justice is the final step in the infringement
procedure pursuant to Article 226 of the EC Treaty.
[08] Marché intérieur : la Commission publie une communication sur la
recherche en investissements
La Commission européenne a adopté une Communication qui passe en revue
les dispositions de la législation européenne récente concernant la
recherche en investissements et les analystes financiers. Cette
Communication, qui fournit également aux parties intéressées des
informations pratiques sur le sujet, est une réponse au rapport du groupe
de réflexion des analystes financiers, qui a contribué à l'élaboration
de cette législation.
[09] Commission approves proposed acquisition of Altana Pharma by Nycomed
The European Commission has cleared under the EU Merger Regulation the
proposed acquisition of Altana Pharma Aktiengesellschaft of Germany by
Nycomed of Denmark. The Commission concluded that the operation would not
significantly impede effective competition in the European Economic Area or
any substantial part of it.
[10] Commission allocates €2 million in humanitarian aid for victims of
the Abkhazia conflict in Georgia
The European Commission has approved a €2 million humanitarian aid
decision to support the most vulnerable people affected by the unresolved
conflict between Abkhazia and Georgia. The beneficiaries include internally
displaced persons (IDPs) in Georgia as well as returnees and vulnerable
groups in Abkhazia. Funds are being allocated via the Directorate-General
for Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), a service of the Commission under the
responsibility of Commissioner Louis Michel.
[11] Commission continues its assistance to the Benghazi HIV-AIDS sufferers
The European Commission has earmarked an additional €500,000 for
continuing its support to Libya in its fight against the AIDS/HIV epidemic
in Benghazi. This grant, that follows two successive disbursements of €1
million each in July 2005 and March 2006, will be used to consolidate the
upgrading of the Benghazi Centre for Infectious Diseases and Immunology
(BCIDI) and to further support the development of a comprehensive strategy
for delivery of equitable and effective HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and
care. The EU intends to continue supporting the Libyan Authorities in the
development of a national AIDS programme. These interventions are part of
the longer-term initiative: "HIV Action Plan for Benghazi". The Action Plan
was launched by the EU in November 2004 and is being implemented by the
Libyan authorities with support from the Commission and EU Member States.
[12] New regional agreement to develop trade in South Eastern Europe
On 19 December, Prime Ministers of South Eastern European countries and
territories will sign a new Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA).
This event will mark the conclusion of ambitious negotiations launched on 6
April this year. The new CEFTA will consolidate 32 bilateral free trade
agreements in the Southern European Region into a single Regional Trade
Agreement. The European Union strongly supports these negotiations.
Although the EU will not be a party to this new agreement, the European
Commission has provided continuous political, technical and financial
support, at every stage of the trade liberalisation process in South
Eastern Europe.
[13] First estimate for the third quarter of 2006 : Euro area employment up
by 0.4% and EU25 up by 0.3% ; +1.4% and +1.1% respectively compared to the
third quarter of 2005
The seasonally adjusted number of persons employed in the euro area rose by
0.4% (517 000 persons) during the third quarter of 2006, according to
provisional national accounts estimates published by Eurostat. During the
same period, the number of persons employed in the EU25 grew by 0.3% (612
000 persons). In the second quarter of 2006, growth rates were also +0.4%
in the euro area and +0.3% in the EU25.
[14] Troisième trimestre 2006 par rapport au troisième trimestre 2005 :
les coûts de la main-d'œuvre ont augmenté de 2,0% dans la zone euro ;
hausse de 2,6% dans l'UE25
Le coût horaire total de la main-d'Å“uvre dans la zone euro a augmenté Ã
un rythme annuel de 2,0% en termes nominaux au troisième trimestre 2006,
contre 2,3% au trimestre précédent. Dans l'UE25, la hausse annuelle a
été de 2,6% au troisième trimestre 2006, contre 2,8% au trimestre
précédent. Les deux principales composantes des coûts salariaux sont les
salaires et traitements, et les coûts non salariaux. Dans la zone euro,
les salaires et traitements ont augmenté à un taux annuel de 2,2% au
troisième trimestre 2006 et les coûts non salariaux à un taux de 1,8%,
contre respectivement 2,6% et 1,6% au deuxième trimestre 2006. Dans l'UE25,
les salaires et traitements ont connu une hausse de 2,8% au troisième
trimestre 2006, et les coûts non salariaux de 1,7%. Au trimestre
précédent, les taux correspondants étaient de 3,0% et 2,2%. La
ventilation par activité économique montre que, dans la zone euro, les
coûts horaires de la main-d'œuvre ont progressé au troisième trimestre
2006 Ã un taux annuel de 2,6% dans l'industrie, de 1,4% dans la
construction et de 1,8% dans les services. Dans l'UE25, ils ont augmenté
de 3,0% dans l’industrie, de 2,7% dans la construction et de 2,5% dans
les services. Ces données sont publiées par Eurostat.
[15] Preparation Environment Council (18/12)
The second and last formal Environment Council under the Finnish presidency
will take place on 18 December in Brussels. Environment Commissioner
Stavros Dimas will represent the European Commission at the meeting. The
Council is expected to approve the compromise agreement struck with the
European Parliament on the REACH reform of chemicals legislation. Political
agreement is also likely on a new framework directive to protect the marine
environment. The Council will vote on Commission proposals that would
require Austria to drop its national bans on two types of genetically
modified maize. Council will adopt conclusions on climate change in the
light of last month's UN conference in Nairobi, and will hold a public
exchange of views on the way forward in tackling this global challenge.
Conclusions responding to the Commission's Strategy and Action Plan for
conserving biodiversity are also due for adoption. Over lunch ministers
will prepare the 2007 meeting of the UN Commission on Sustainable
Development (CSD) with the current CSD chairman, His Excellency Abdullah
bin Hamad Al-Attiyah, Qatar's second deputy prime minister and minister of
energy and industry. Finnish Environment Minister Jan-Erik Enestam and
Commissioner Dimas will give a joint press conference after lunch.
[16] Autre matériel diffusé
Questions and answers on the new Chemicals policy, REACH
Commission welcomes Court of First Instance judgment in the French Beef
Speech by President José Manuel Barroso : "The December European Council"
at the European Parliament (13/12, Strasbourg)
Discours de Mme Danuta Hübner : "La compétitivité des acteurs
économiques européens" à l'AGORENA (13/12, Paris)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/