European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-08-02
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Fight against terrorism : €15 million for new security research
[02] WTO arbitrates over banana import tariff
[03] La Commission publie un rapport sur les systèmes de négociation, de
compensation et de règlement-livraison de titres
[04] Commission clears acquisition of Emalsa by Valoriza and Saur
[05] Commission clears acquisition of AMI by IPIC and OMV
[06] June 2005 : Euro-zone unemployment stable at 8.7% ; EU25 stable at
[07] Juin 2005 par rapport à mai 2005 : hausse des prix à la production
industrielle de 0,5% dans la zone euro ; hausse de 0,4% dans l'UE25
[08] Decision of Eurostat on deficit and debt : accounting implications of
the "International Finance Facility for Immunisation" initiative
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2005-08-02
Reference: MEX/05/0802
Date: 02/08/2005
EXME05 / 2.8
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[01] Fight against terrorism : €15 million for new security research
Terrorist attacks using explosives or chemical, biological, radiological
and nuclear substances on mainline or metropolitan railway systems pose a
clear and present danger to EU citizens. This is why the European
Commission has decided to fund a research project to design and demonstrate
an anti-terrorist security system architecture to better detect these
terrorist threats and hence better protect railway passengers. The project
will combine information from combine information from sensors, remote
control or autonomous cameras, ground penetrating radars and line scanners.
This is one of 13 projects selected under the 'Preparatory Action for
Security Research' to improve the security of EU citizens and strengthen
the European industrial base. The eight technology projects and five
supporting activities selected will receive EU funding of €15 million.
Given the increasing importance of security research, the Commission
proposed to substantially increase the yearly budget from €15 million to
roughly €250 million a year from 2007.
[02] WTO arbitrates over banana import tariff
World Trade Organisation arbitrators while acknowledging the EU's use of
the price gap methodology to arrive at a tariff level have criticised some
aspects of its application in this case. Arbitrators were therefore not in
a position to endorse the tariff level of €230/tonne proposed by the
European Commission. The Commission will study carefully the arbitrators'
report and examine available options for taking this process forward. The
intention remains to have a tariff only system in place on 1 January 2006,
as agreed at the WTO Doha Ministerial held in 2001. The Commission will
shortly initiate consultations with the countries concerned and expects
their constructive engagement in these consultations.
[03] La Commission publie un rapport sur les systèmes de négociation, de
compensation et de règlement-livraison de titres
La Commission européenne a publié un rapport élaboré pour les
services de la direction générale de la concurrence sur les systèmes de
négociation, de compensation et de règlement-livraison de titres pour les
obligations et les actions dans les 25 pays de l'UE. Sur la base de ce
rapport, la Commission collaborera étroitement avec les autorités
nationales de la concurrence et de régulation des marchés pour détecter
les obstacles éventuels à la concurrence transfrontalière et au besoin
enquêter sur ceux-ci. Les systèmes organisant ces services sont complexes,
ils varient d'un pays à l'autre, et il s'agit là de la première analyse
autorisée des marchés du point de vue de la concurrence au niveau
national et paneuropéen. Le rapport aidera la Commission, les autorités
nationales et les acteurs du marché à comprendre la dynamique
concurrentielle du secteur, et en particulier les obstacles actuels aux
opérations transfrontalières. Ce travail viendra compléter le débat
réglementaire plus général sur l'organisation optimale des
infrastructures des marchés des valeurs mobilières de l'UE. Des marchés
financiers mieux intégrés sont une composante importante de la stratégie
de Lisbonne.
[04] Commission clears acquisition of Emalsa by Valoriza and Saur
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of Empresa Mixta de Aguas de
Las Palmas, S.A. (Emalsa) of Spain by Valoriza Gestión, S.A.U. (Valoriza)
of Spain and Saur S.A. of France. Valoriza is the holding company of a
group of companies active in water services management, waste management,
development of alternative energy and real estate maintenance. Saur belongs
to the French investment group PAI Partners and is active in the management
of water services and waste in Spain. Emalsa is active in the management of
water services on behalf of the municipalities of Las Palmas de Gran
Canarias, Santa BrÃgida and Puerto de la Luz y de las Palmas. The
operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.
[05] Commission clears acquisition of AMI by IPIC and OMV
The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger
Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of Agrolinz Melamine
International GmbH (AMI) of Austria by International Petroleum Investment
Company (IPIC) of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, and OMV Aktiengesellschaft
(OMV) of Austria. IPIC invests on a long-term basis in energy and energy-
related companies outside the United Arab Emirates, concentrating on
petroleum refining and related activities such as distribution and service
networks. OMV is mainly active in the exploration, production, refining and
distribution of mineral oil products and natural gas, and in the chemicals
industry. AMI is currently under the sole control of OMV and operates
manufacturing facilities for the production of melamine, urea, ammonium
nitrate, ammonia, nitric acid, fertilizers, bulk (formaldehyde, formurea),
wood additives, resins and glue. The operation was examined under the
simplified merger review procedure.
[06] June 2005 : Euro-zone unemployment stable at 8.7% ; EU25 stable at
Euro-zone seasonally-adjusted unemployment stood at 8.7% in June 2005,
unchanged compared to May, reports Eurostat. It was 8.9% in June 2004. The
EU25 unemployment rate was 8.8% in June 2005, unchanged compared to May. It
was 9.0% in June 2004. In June 2005, the lowest rates were registered in
Ireland (4.3%), the United Kingdom (4.7% in April), Denmark (4.8%), the
Netherlands (4.8%) and Austria (5.1%). Unemployment rates were highest in
Poland (17.6%), Slovakia (15.4%), Greece (9.9% in March), Spain (9.8%),
France (9.7%) and Germany (9.5%).
[07] Juin 2005 par rapport à mai 2005 : hausse des prix à la production
industrielle de 0,5% dans la zone euro ; hausse de 0,4% dans l'UE25
L'indice des prix à la production industrielle dans la zone euro a
augmenté de 0,5% en juin 2005 par rapport au mois précédent, selon les
données publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat. Dans l'UE25, les prix ont crû
de 0,4% en juin 2005. En mai, les prix avaient baissé de 0,2% tant dans la
zone euro que dans l'UE25. En juin 2005, par rapport à juin 2004, les prix
à la production industrielle se sont accrus de 4,0% dans la zone euro et de
4,8% dans l'UE25.
[08] Decision of Eurostat on deficit and debt : accounting implications of
the "International Finance Facility for Immunisation" initiative
Eurostat has taken a decision on the classification, in national accounts,
of the International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIM), on the
recording of debt which will be raised by IFFIM, and on the time of
recording of government donations under this initiative. The decision is in
line with the European System of Accounts and is consistent with the
opinion of the Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payments
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
13 new security research projects to combat terrorism
Fact sheet on European Arrest Warrant (EAW)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/