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European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 05-06-22

Midday Express: News from the EU Commission Spokesman's Briefings Directory - Previous Article - Next Article

From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <>


[I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting

  • [01] La réforme du sucre offrira aux producteurs de l'UE des perspectives d'avenir à long terme grâce à une compétitivité accrue
  • [02] Europe could save 20% of its energy by 2020
  • [03] Commission adopts report on Portuguese budgetary situation ; assesses updated stability programme
  • [04] La Commission rend obligatoires les engagements pris par Coca-Cola, et élargit ainsi le choix des consommateurs
  • [05] Commission endorses €47.3 million aid to AVR in the Netherlands but orders recovery of €2.4 million
  • [06] La Commission clôture l'examen relatif aux aides d'Etat accordées aux clubs sportifs italiens sous forme d'allègements fiscaux (loi "Salvacalcio")
  • [07] UK State aid for Channel Tunnel rail freight services
  • [08] Commission approves "coal package" authorising restructuring plans for the Polish, German and Hungarian coal industry until 2010
  • [II] Other news - Autres nouvelles

  • [09] Certificat de performance énergétique pour le "Berlaymont", siège de la Commission européenne
  • [10] Energy efficiency – what can I do?
  • [11] Commission clears acquisition of Sandd by Fortis, NIBCapital and Trimoteur
  • [12] Avril 2005 : excédent de 1,3 milliard d'euros du commerce extérieur pour la zone euro ; déficit de 9,7 milliards d'euros pour l'UE25
  • [13] April 2005 compared to March 2005 : industrial new orders up by 1.5% in euro-zone - EU25 up by 2.1%
  • [14] Commission to close anchovy fishery in Bay of Biscay for three months
  • [15] Benita Ferrero-Waldner to attend G8 Foreign Ministers meeting in London
  • [16] EU-Jordan Association Committee to meet 23 June
  • [17] Autre matériel diffusé Midday Express of 2005-06-22 Reference: MEX/05/0622 Date: 22/06/2005 EXME05 / 22.6


    News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing

    Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb



  • [I] Résultats de la Commission de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting

    [01] La réforme du sucre offrira aux producteurs de l'UE des perspectives d'avenir à long terme grâce à une compétitivité accrue

    La Commission européenne a proposé une réforme de grande envergure de l'organisation commune du marché du sucre. Les changements renforceront la compétitivité et l'orientation en fonction des impératifs du marché du secteur sucrier de l'UE, lui garantiront un avenir durable à long terme et consolideront la position de l'UE dans le cadre du cycle actuel de négociations sur le commerce mondial. Ils moderniseront également le régime actuel, qui est resté pratiquement inchangé depuis une quarantaine d'années. Le nouveau régime continuera d'offrir un accès préférentiel au marché du sucre européen pour les pays en développement à un prix avantageux très au-dessus du niveau du marché mondial. Les pays d'Afrique, des Caraïbes et du Pacifique (ACP) exportateurs traditionnels de sucre vers l'UE, bénéficieront d'un programme d'aide adopté également aujourd'hui par la Commission. Les propositions de réforme de la Commission prévoient une réduction en deux temps de 39% au total du prix du sucre blanc ; l'indemnisation des agriculteurs à hauteur de 60% de la baisse du prix par l'intermédiaire d'un paiement découplé subordonné au respect de normes de gestion environnementale et des terres intégré au paiement unique par exploitation ; un régime volontaire de restructuration de quatre ans visant à inciter les producteurs les moins compétitifs à abandonner le secteur ; et la suppression de l'intervention. Le plan d'aide ACP sera doté d'un budget de €40 millions pour 2006 et ouvrira la voie à d'autres aides ultérieures. La Commission espère un accord politique sur ces propositions lors du Conseil de l'Agriculture en novembre.

    [02] Europe could save 20% of its energy by 2020

    The European Commission has adopted a Green Paper on Energy Efficiency that seeks to put energy savings higher on the agenda. Faced with increasing oil prices and the prospects of having 70% of its energy needs covered by imports by 2030, the European Union needs to start a discussion on how to save energy. The Green Paper lists a number of options to save 20% of energy consumption by 2020 in a cost effective way through changes in consumer behaviour and energy efficient technologies. These savings would allow the EU to save an estimated €60 billion on its energy bill. This will in turn represent investments in the EU economy where European industry can strengthen its lead.

    [03] Commission adopts report on Portuguese budgetary situation ; assesses updated stability programme

    The European Commission has adopted a report on the Portuguese budgetary situation after the government recently announced that the deficit will reach 6.2% of GDP this year. Such deficit is neither close to the 3% reference value set in the European Union Treaty nor can it be considered temporary or exceptional, as defined by the Treaty. The debt-to-GDP ratio is also above the 60% reference value and on the increase. In parallel, the Commission also examined Portugal's updated stability programme which foresees a decrease of the deficit to 4.8% in 2006 and 2.8% in 2008. This does not prejudge the deadline for correcting the deficit which will be agreed by the Council when deciding on the Commission's future recommendations in the context of the excessive deficit procedure.

    [04] La Commission rend obligatoires les engagements pris par Coca-Cola, et élargit ainsi le choix des consommateurs

    La Commission européenne a adopté une décision au titre des règles de concurrence du traité CE qui rend les engagements pris par Coca-Cola concernant les boissons gazeuses sans alcool juridiquement contraignants. Ces engagements, qui resteront d'application jusqu'au 31 décembre 2010, auront pour effet d'élargir le choix des consommateurs dans la mesure où ils empêcheront notamment Coca-Cola de conclure des accords d'exclusivité avec les magasins et les cafés, de leur offrir des remises ciblées et des remises de quantité ou de les contraindre à acheter des produits moins populaires en même temps que ses marques les plus porteuses.

    [05] Commission endorses €47.3 million aid to AVR in the Netherlands but orders recovery of €2.4 million

    The European Commission has endorsed under EC Treaty state aid rules €47.3 million operating aid in favour of AVR of the Netherlands for hazardous waste disposal. €2.4 million - compensation for the cost of acquisition of the hazardous waste - was not approved and has to be recovered from the beneficiary.

    [06] La Commission clôture l'examen relatif aux aides d'Etat accordées aux clubs sportifs italiens sous forme d'allègements fiscaux (loi "Salvacalcio")

    La Commission européenne a adopté une décision finale disposant que les mesures récemment modifiées en faveur des clubs sportifs en Italie ne constituaient plus des aides d'Etat. Cette décision ne concerne que les aspects fiscaux et la procédure d'infraction pour violation des directives comptables de l'UE demeure ouverte (voir IP/04/854).

    [07] UK State aid for Channel Tunnel rail freight services

    The European Commission has approved a State aid measure by the UK government in favour of the company English Welsh Scottish Railway International Ltd (EWSI), which currently provides cross-Channel rail freight services. The aid serves to compensate EWSI for infrastructure expenditure that other rail transport operators are not burdened with and is necessary to ensure the continued provision of rail freight services through the Channel Tunnel. The aid is therefore considered compatible with the EU State aid rules and promotes the broader European objective of developing a sustainable transport system with better performing rail services.

    [08] Commission approves "coal package" authorising restructuring plans for the Polish, German and Hungarian coal industry until 2010

    The European Commission has decided to authorise the restructuring plans for the Polish, German and Hungarian coal industry, considering that the plans presented by the three governments are in line with European rules on State aid for the coal industry and are compatible with the proper functioning of the common market.

    [II] Other news - Autres nouvelles

    [09] Certificat de performance énergétique pour le "Berlaymont", siège de la Commission européenne

    Un groupe d'experts des Etats membres a remis aujourd'hui à Andris Piebalgs, membre de la Commission européenne chargé de l'Energie, les certificats de performance énergétique du bâtiment "Berlaymont". Ces certificats font partie des mesures prévues par la législation européenne sur la performance énergétique des bâtiments. A partir de 2006, les certificats de performance énergétique de tous les grands bâtiments publics de l'UE devront être affichés de manière visible afin que le public puisse en prendre connaissance.

    [10] Energy efficiency – what can I do?

    Do you know how much energy is used by electronic equipment left on stand- by? Up to 10% of household consumption – about €15 billion per year – is being wasted in this way. The European Commission promotes voluntary standards to reduce stand-by consumption in European households which will yield potential savings of up to 30 billion kWh of electricity.

    [11] Commission clears acquisition of Sandd by Fortis, NIBCapital and Trimoteur

    The European Commission has granted clearance under the EU Merger Regulation to the acquisition of joint control of Sandd B.V. of The Netherlands by Dutch undertakings Fortis Private Equity Holding Nederland B.V., controlled by Fortis Bank Nederland (Holding) B.V. (Fortis) and NIBCapital Principal Investments B.V., controlled by NIBCapital Bank N.V. (NIBCapital), along with Trimoteur Distribution Services B.V. (Trimoteur). Currently Sandd is solely controlled by Trimoteur. Sandd is a mail delivery company based in and operating in the Netherlands. A substantial part of Sandd's activities is related to direct mailing activities (processing and delivering large quantities of almost identical items). NIBCapital is a merchant bank with a global distribution network providing corporate finance, risk management and structured investment solutions for corporate entities and institutional investors. Fortis is part of the Fortis Group, one of the world's largest financial institutions. It offers banking services and insurance products to private, business and institutional customers. The operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.

    [12] Avril 2005 : excédent de 1,3 milliard d'euros du commerce extérieur pour la zone euro ; déficit de 9,7 milliards d'euros pour l'UE25

    D'après les premières estimations pour le mois d'avril 2005, la zone euro a enregistré un excédent du commerce extérieur de 1,3 milliard d'euros avec le reste du monde, contre +6,8 milliards en avril 2004. Le solde enregistré au mois de mars 2005 était de +4,3 milliards, contre +10,4 milliards en mars 2004. En avril 2005, les exportations, corrigées des variations saisonnières, ont augmenté de 0,9% par rapport à mars 2005, et les importations de 1,3%. Les premières estimations du solde des échanges extra-UE25 pour le mois d'avril 2005 indiquent un déficit de 9,7 milliards d'euros, contre -7,2 milliards en avril 2004. Au mois de mars 2005, le solde était de -6,4 milliards, contre -1,6 milliard en mars 2004. En avril 2005, les exportations, corrigées des variations saisonnières, ont augmenté de 1,1% par rapport à mars 2005, et les importations de 0,8%. Ces données sont publiées par Eurostat.

    [13] April 2005 compared to March 2005 : industrial new orders up by 1.5% in euro-zone - EU25 up by 2.1%

    The euro-zone industrial new orders index rose by 1.5% in April 2005 compared to March 2005, Eurostat estimates. The index fell by 0.3% in March and by 2.3% in February. EU25 new orders grew by 2.1% in April 2005, after falls of 1.8% in March and 1.7% in February. In April 2005 compared to April 2004, industrial new orders increased by 1.6% in the euro-zone and by 2.3% in the EU25.

    [14] Commission to close anchovy fishery in Bay of Biscay for three months

    Following a recommendation by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES), that, given the poor state of the stock of anchovy in the Bay of Biscay, the fishery should immediately be closed, the Commission has decided to close this fishery for a period of three months. As it announced on 10 June 2005, the Commission launched an internal procedure with a view to put in place emergency measures to close the fishery. It has now decided to let the procedure run its course and the emergency measures should be adopted and become effective at the beginning of July. The Commission is, however, intending to organise an urgent meeting of scientific experts from its advisory Committee, the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee on Fisheries (STECF). This meeting, which should take place in July, will examine the most recent data, including those from the surveys conducted by the French scientific research institute, Ifremer and the Spanish ones, the IEO and AZTI, and advise the Commission as to whether the latest data affect the earlier ICES recommendation. The Commission will review its initial closure in the light of STECF advice.

    [15] Benita Ferrero-Waldner to attend G8 Foreign Ministers meeting in London

    European Commissioner for External Relations and European Neighbourhood Policy, Benita Ferrero-Waldner, will represent the Commission at the G8 Foreign Ministers meeting in London on 23 June 2005. The meeting will be chaired by Jack Straw, the UK Foreign Secretary, and will bring together the Foreign Ministers of the G8, the EU High Representative for the Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, and the EU Presidency the Luxembourg Foreign Minister, Jean Asselborn. Special invitees are the Afghan Foreign Minister, Mr Abdullah, and the Special Envoy of the Quartet for Gaza disengagement, Mr Wolfensohn. Discussion will cover the key areas of G8 activity, such as supporting reform throughout the broader Middle East and Afghanistan and UN reform. The Commission makes a major contribution on all the issues discussed in the G8 context. In particular, the Commission will underline its support for assisting the reconstruction of Afghanistan. It will also express its commitment to assisting Mr Wolfensohn in his tasks and has seconded personnel to his office. Focus on Africa and the reinforcement of effective multilateralism through UN reform will also be emphasised.

    [16] EU-Jordan Association Committee to meet 23 June

    The EU-Jordan Association Committee will hold its third meeting on 23 June in Brussels. The Committee will set the agenda for the first year of implementation of the EU-Jordan European Neighbourhood Policy Action Plan. This will include human rights, democracy and governance ; promoting stability in the region, prioritising regional cooperation (including Iraq) ; economic and social reform ; trade related issues ; cooperation in the fields of justice, the fight against the financing of organised crime and terrorism ; and cooperation on transport, the information society and some of the priorities for the 10th anniversary of the Barcelona Process. The key priorities for the first year of implementation have been identified and targeted financial assistance has been linked to these Action Plan priorities. For the first time ever in the Mediterranean region, a regular forum has been set up between the EU and a partner country to discuss measures to promote democracy and human rights based on Jordan's own national priorities. On trade, committee members will look at preparations for liberalising trade in agricultural products and services, as well as possible future negotiations for a free trade agreement between Jordan and the Palestinian Authority. <a href="">

    [17] Autre matériel diffusé

    Europe could save 20% of its energy by 2020

    Speech by Olli Rehn : "The plan 'C' for enlargement" at European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee (21/6)

    Speech by Stavros Dimas : "REACH and the Lisbon Strategy" at debate with EP Kangaroo Group (21/06)

    Speech by Günter Verheugen : "EU-US Cooperation a Partnership for Growth" at Industry Outreach Event (21/06, Washington)

    Discours de M. Louis Michel : "Financement de l'éducation pour atteindre les objectifs du millénaire 2&3" (PE, ! embargo 13h30 !) From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at

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