European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-07-12
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Protection contre les inondations : la Commission propose une action
concertée à l'échelle de l'UE
[02] Commission clears Union PanAgora JV between Putnam and Union
[03] Services : la Commission demande à l'Italie et au Luxembourg
d'appliquer des décisions de la Cour en matière de foires et d'agents en
[04] Netherlands : Commission pursues legal action for breaches of
environmental laws
[05] Belgium : Commission pursues legal action for breaches of
environmental law
[06] Sudan/Chad : Commission earmarks further €18 million for victims of
Darfur crisis
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express of 2004-07-12
Reference: MEX/04/0712
Date: 12/07/2004
EXME04 / 12.7
News from the Press and Communication Directorate General's midday briefing
Nouvelles du rendez-vous de midi de la Direction Général Presse etb
[01] Protection contre les inondations : la Commission propose une action
concertée à l'échelle de l'UE
Face aux risques d'inondation, la Commission européenne a proposé
aujourd'hui – pour la première fois – une action concertée Ã
l'échelle de l'UE en matière de gestion des risques d'inondation afin
d'améliorer la protection contre les inondations. La Commission propose
une série de mesures, à savoir des plans de gestion des risques
d'inondation dans les bassins fluviaux et les zones côtières, une
cartographie des risques d'inondation indiquant les zones à risque, la
coordination de l'échange d'informations, la contribution de toutes les
politiques communautaires concernées et la sensibilisation du public. De
1998 Ã 2002, l'Europe a subi plus de 100 inondations graves, dont celles,
catastrophiques, le long du Danube et de l'Elbe en 2002. Depuis 1998, les
inondations ont causé la mort de quelque 700 personnes, le déplacement
d'environ 500.000 personnes et au moins 25 milliards d'€ de pertes
[02] Commission clears Union PanAgora JV between Putnam and Union
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to a proposed concentration by which US-based Putnam Investment LLC and
Union Assets Management Holding AG of Germany acquire joint control of
Union PanAgora Assets Management GmbH which provides asset management
services to private and institutional investors mainly in Germany. (The
operation was examined under the simplified merger review procedure)
[03] Services : la Commission demande à l'Italie et au Luxembourg
d'appliquer des décisions de la Cour en matière de foires et d'agents en
La Commission européenne a décidé de demander formellement à l'Italie de
se conformer au jugement déjà rendu par la Cour de justice européenne
obligeant ce pays à supprimer les restrictions qu'il impose à l'exercice de
l'activité d'organisation de foires. La Commission demandera également Ã
l'Italie et au Luxembourg d'appliquer deux arrêts de la Cour concernant
leurs législations respectives relatives aux agents en brevets, qui
limitent sans justification l'exercice de cette activité sur leurs
territoires. En vertu de l'Article 228 du Traité CE, et à défaut
d'adoption des mesures nécessaires, l'Italie et le Luxembourg pourraient
se voir infliger des astreintes par la Cour.
[04] Netherlands : Commission pursues legal action for breaches of
environmental laws
The European Commission has decided to pursue infringement proceedings
against the Netherlands in seven separate cases involving EU environment
laws. The laws in question tackle environmental problems such as air and
water pollution, waste and climate change. By not properly implementing
these laws the Netherlands is not providing citizens with the high level of
protection from man-made environmental risks that they are entitled to. Due
to the failure of the Netherlands to transpose EU legislation on low-
sulphur fuel, which is needed for new emission-reducing vehicle
technologies to function effectively, the Commission is to refer the
Netherlands to the European Court of Justice. The Commission already warned
the Netherlands twice about its obligation to transpose this legislation.
In the other six cases, the Netherlands will now receive final written
warnings, which represent the last stage before Court referral.
[05] Belgium : Commission pursues legal action for breaches of
environmental law
The European Commission has decided to pursue infringement proceedings
against Belgium in five separate cases concerning breaches of EU
environment law. A final written warning will be sent to Belgium for
failure to carry out an Environmental Impact Assesment of the major
roadworks on the "Leien Boulevard" in Antwerp. Belgium will also receive
two further final warnings for failure to transpose into Belgian law EU
legislation on water and on greenhouse gas emissions. In two further cases,
Belgium will receive first written warnings. They concern failure to reduce
air pollution and to meet obligations in relation to the Earth's protective
ozone layer. By not correctly implementing EU environment law Belgium is
not protecting the environment and its citizens as it should.
[06] Sudan/Chad : Commission earmarks further €18 million for victims of
Darfur crisis
The European Commission's Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO) has today
earmarked an additional €18 million in humanitarian aid to the victims of
the conflict in Western Sudan. €10 million will be allocated to address
the needs of displaced populations and other civilians inside the Greater
Darfur region affected by the conflict. €8 million will be dedicated to
the needs of refugees from Darfur who have fled to neighbouring Chad. The
international community has recognised the need for immediate and generous
support to humanitarian assistance for this crisis. Therefore, the
Commission is mobilising these additional humanitarian aid funds in
response to the rapidly escalating needs. More than two million people - a
third of the entire population of the region - are badly affected by the
armed conflict in Darfur. It is estimated that up to 200,000 Sudanese
refugees have fled into Chad, and while most of these people are now
accommodated in camps, tens of thousands still remain at the border. The
crisis in Darfur is now recognised as the most serious humanitarian crisis
in the world, yet humanitarian aid is still not ensured unhindered access
to everyone in need in Darfur.
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Danuta Hübner at G90 ministerial meeting plenary opening session
Speech by Danuta Hübner at 8th meeting of the ACP Ministers of Trade –
Exchange of views on ACP-EU cooperation (11/07, Mauritius)
Speech by Frits Bolkestein : "Corporate Governance in a Transatlantic
Perspective" at Transatlantic Corporate Governance Dialogue Dinner (!Â
embargo 20h00 !)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/