European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-05-10
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] WTO-DDA : EU ready to go the extra mile in three key areas of the
[02] Fonds de solidarité : la Commission et la France signent l'accord pour
le versement d'une aide d'urgence de 19,625 millions d'€ suite aux graves
inondations de décembre 2003
[03] Monnaie électronique : la Commission consulte sur l'application de la
directive "Monnaie électronique" aux services de téléphonie mobile
[04] Free movement of capital : infringement procedures against Denmark,
Austria, Finland and Sweden concerning Bilateral Investment Treaties with
non-EU countries
[05] EUROCEAN 2004, the blue landmark of the European Research Area
[06] Ne pas prendre le cuivre pour de l'or : une nouvelle marque de l'UE
pour les matériaux de référence
[07] Commission condemns terrorist attack in Chechnya (09/05)
[08] Statement by Günter Verheugen following the new package of reforms in
Turkey (07/05)
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 10/05/2004
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 10/05/2004
[01] WTO-DDA : EU ready to go the extra mile in three key areas of the
In order to inject new momentum into the WTO talks under the Doha
Development Agenda, European Commissioners Pascal Lamy and Franz Fischler
have sent a letter to their WTO counterparts. In the letter the EU outlines
three areas where it is ready to make further movement to contribute to the
talks : (1) the EU is ready to put on the table all export subsidies,
provided the EU gets full parallelism and a balanced overall package on
agriculture ; (2) new flexibility on Singapore issues ; and (3) a package
on concessions for the poorest and weakest WTO members (essentially G-90).
The EU calls on other WTO members to match this level of ambition so that
the Doha Round can make real progress in July, by agreeing to modalities
for the rest of the negotiations.
[02] Fonds de solidarité : la Commission et la France signent l'accord pour
le versement d'une aide d'urgence de 19,625 millions d'€ suite aux graves
inondations de décembre 2003
(! embargo 18h00 !) Suite aux graves inondations de décembre 2003 dans le
sud de la France, les autorités françaises ont demandé la mobilisation du
Fonds de solidarité de l'Union européenne (FSUE). L'accord entre la
Commission et la France pour la mise en œuvre de la décision de la
Commission octroyant 19,625 millions d'€ d'aide à la France a été signé
aujourd'hui par Jacques Barrot, Commissaire chargé de la Politique
régionale, Gilles de Robien, ministre français de l'Equipement, des
Transports, de l'Aménagement du Territoire, du Tourisme et de la Mer, et
Frédéric de Saint-Sernin, secrétaire d'Etat à l'Aménagement du Territoire.
[03] Monnaie électronique : la Commission consulte sur l'application de la
directive "Monnaie électronique" aux services de téléphonie mobile
La Commission européenne a publié un document de consultation sur la
question de savoir à partir de quel moment la téléphonie mobile entraîne
l'émission de "monnaie électronique", sur l'application de la directive
"Monnaie électronique" aux opérateurs de téléphonie mobile et sur
l'opportunité de modifier cette directive pour mieux refléter les besoins
de ce secteur et mieux couvrir les risques. Cette consultation vise les
opérateurs de téléphonie mobile, les autres entreprises ayant un lien avec
ce secteur et les consommateurs. Elle porte, entre autres, sur la question
de savoir dans quelle mesure les règles applicables à la monnaie
électronique s'appliquent également aux cartes de téléphone prépayées.
[04] Free movement of capital : infringement procedures against Denmark,
Austria, Finland and Sweden concerning Bilateral Investment Treaties with
non-EU countries
The European Commission has decided to send formal requests for information
to Denmark, Austria, Finland and Sweden concerning possible incompatibilities
with the EC Treaty contained in the Bilateral Investment Treaties these
countries concluded with non-EU countries before acceding to the European
Union. The Commission is concerned that the investment treaties in question
may affect the application of powers reserved to the EU's Council of
Ministers to adopt measures on the movement of capital to and from non-EU
countries (by virtue of Articles 57.2, 59 and 60 of the EC Treaty). To the
extent that the international agreements they have concluded before their
accession are not compatible with the Treaty, Member States are obliged
(according to Article 307 of the EC Treaty) to take all appropriate steps
to eliminate such incompatibilities. The requests for information take the
form of letters of formal notice, the first stage of infringement
procedures under Article 226 of the EC Treaty, and are meant to stimulate a
constructive dialogue with the concerned Member States in order to find
solutions compatible with Community law.
[05] EUROCEAN 2004, the blue landmark of the European Research Area
Seas and oceans are a vital resource for Europe and the world, particularly
in terms of fishing and extracting minerals. But our oceans are now under
intense pressure from over-exploitation and more than ever need to be
managed in a sustainable way. To help ensure the protection and sustainable
use of marine resources, 500 leading scientists, policy makers and other
stakeholders will meet today, and for three days, at the EUROCEAN2004
conference in Galway (Ireland). The Commission will present latest EU
research on marine science, with 130 projects focusing on issues such as
marine and ecosystem biodiversity, marine genomics, and ocean drilling.
[06] Ne pas prendre le cuivre pour de l'or : une nouvelle marque de l'UE
pour les matériaux de référence
La plus grande foire et conférence sur les techniques d'analyse, qui se
tient à Munich du 11 au 14 mai, verra le lancement d'une nouvelle marque
européenne pour les matériaux de référence destinées aux mesures chimiques
et biologiques. Le label "matériau de référence européen" (ERM® - European
Reference Materials) représentera un système de qualité garantie pour le
mesurage d'éléments chimiques et biologiques dans les aliments et d'autres
produits. Le système permettra par exemple de détecter les fausses pièces
de monnaie, de mesurer le taux de soufre des carburants et de déceler les
organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM). La marque ERM® aidera à renforcer
la confiance du public dans les aliments, les soins de santé, la protection
de l'environnement et le commerce équitable, en garantissant que les
opérations de mesurage en Europe sont fondées sur des matériaux de
référence fiables. Les 130 premiers matériaux ERM® seront présentés lors de
la foire de Munich.
[07] Commission condemns terrorist attack in Chechnya (09/05)
The European Commission strongly condemns the terrorist attack on 9 May, in
Grozny, in which Chechen President Akhmad Kadyrov was killed. It expresses
its sincere condoleances to the families of the victims. The Commission re-
affirms is condemnation of all forms of terrorism regardless of its alleged
motives and whoever its perpetrators. This heineous attack illustrates the
need to further improve international coordination against terrorism
worldwide. The Commission will continue to support efforts to find a
political solution which is agreeable to the majority of the Chechen
population and respects the territorial integrity of the Russian
[08] Statement by Günter Verheugen following the new package of reforms in
Turkey (07/05)
The European Commission welcomes the adoption by the Turkish Parliament of
a series of constitutional amendments on 7 May. This new package shows once
again the strong commitment of Turkey to political reforms and constitutes
another step towards compliance with the Copenhagen political criteria. The
new provisions under this reform package touch upon a number of areas
ranging from the judiciary, civil-military relations, freedom of the press
and gender equality. Some of the changes are particularly significant such
as the abolition of the State Security Courts and the withdrawal of the
representative of the National Security Council in the High Education
Board. We note that some of the amendments address the specific issues
mentioned in the Commission's Regular Report and in the Conclusions of the
Brussels European Council of December 2003. In the period ahead, the
Commission calls upon Turkey to address all the remaining issues under the
Copenhagen political criteria and to ensure full and effective
implementation of these reforms. The Commission will have the opportunity
to discuss in detail to review the state of compliance with the Copenhagen
political criteria in its regular contacts with the Turkish authorities and
at the upcoming meeting of the Association Council planned on 18 May.
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Franz Fischler : "A new initiative to jump start WTO farm talks"
at Informal Agriculture Council (Killarney)
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Ecofin
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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