European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-03-23
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] EU decides to better protect dolphins
[02] On-line services : EU ratifies Council of Europe Convention on
notifying new national rules
[03] La Commission lance une initiative de coopération entre les anciens et
nouveaux Etats membres aux futurs postes d'inspection frontaliers
[04] Suspension of poultry imports from the USA after an avian influenza
outbreak prolonged
[05] La Commission présente une nouvelle étude consacrée aux zones de
montagne d'Europe
[06] Commission presents new agricultural market and income forecasts
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 23/03/2004
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 23/03/2004
[01] EU decides to better protect dolphins
On 22 March, the Council of Ministers took a decision to better protect
dolphins and harbour porpoises in EU waters. The measures, originally
proposed by the European Commission in July 2003 (see IP/03/1111), relate
to a step by step reduction of the use of driftnets from 1 January 2005
until complete prohibition by 1 January 2008, the compulsory use of
acoustic deterrent devices ("pingers") on fishing nets and the monitoring
of by-catches through an observer scheme. "This decision will better
protect dolphins and porpoises against being accidentally trapped in
fishing gear. Dolphins are not the only ones to benefit. Biodiversity will
be strengthened and reduced by-catches of dolphins and porpoises will be
positive for the image of the fishing sector, as fishermen never want to
catch them in the first place", commented Franz Fischler, Commissioner
responsible for Agriculture, Rural Affairs and Fisheries.
[02] On-line services : EU ratifies Council of Europe Convention on
notifying new national rules
The European Commission has welcomed the signature and the conclusion on
22nd March by the Irish Presidency, on behalf of the EU, of Council of
Europe Convention 180, establishing an international mechanism for the
prior notification of national rules on online services, so that
regulations adopted in one country do not affect services in others without
consultation. This mechanism is based on the EU system of legislative
transparency introduced by the 'Notifications' Directive 98/34/EC (see
IP/03/227). The Convention's aim is to enhance the transparency and
coherence of national rules on information society services as far as
possible, since these services are by definition often provided across
borders. The Commission proposed in July 2003 that the EU should sign the
Convention (see IP/03/955).
[03] La Commission lance une initiative de coopération entre les anciens et
nouveaux Etats membres aux futurs postes d'inspection frontaliers
David Byrne, commissaire européen chargé de la santé et de la protection
des consommateurs, et Günter Verheugen, son collègue responsable de
l'élargissement, ont annoncé une initiative dans le cadre de laquelle des
experts vétérinaires des Etats membres actuels seront présents aux futurs
postes d'inspection frontaliers vétérinaires, peu avant l'adhésion et
pendant quelques semaines après celle-ci, afin de prêter leur concours.
[04] Suspension of poultry imports from the USA after an avian influenza
outbreak prolonged
On 22 March, the Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health
approved a European Commission proposal to prolong until 23 April the
suspension of imports of live poultry, poultry meat and products, eggs and
pet birds from the USA. These import restrictions were imposed after the
confirmation of a highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak in this
country. The current disease situation and available information do for the
moment not allow a reduction of the protective measures to a confined area.
The situation will be reviewed at the next meeting of the Committee,
scheduled for 30 March. At this meeting the avian influenza situation in
Canada will also be reviewed.
[05] La Commission présente une nouvelle étude consacrée aux zones de
montagne d'Europe
La Commission européenne a présenté les résultats d'une étude consacrée aux
zones de montagne d'Europe. Il s'agit d'une analyse approfondie des zones
de montagne de 29 pays d'Europe : les 15 Etats membres de l'Union
européenne, les 10 nouveaux Etats membres, les deux pays candidats,
Bulgarie et Roumanie, ainsi que la Norvège et la Suisse. Cette étude
fournit, pour les zones de montagne, un ensemble détaillé de données, afin
d'analyser leur situation économique et sociale. Il a été ainsi mis en
lumière les très grandes différences existant entre ces zones, quoiqu'elles
aient à faire face à nombre de défis communs, tels que la faible densité
démographique, l'inaccessibilité et le coût relativement élevé de la mise
en place d'infrastructures. En s'efforçant de relever ces défis par des
politiques bien ciblées, l'Union peut contribuer à une plus grande cohésion
[06] Commission presents new agricultural market and income forecasts
Today the European Commission published a report on "Medium-term prospects
for agricultural markets and income in the European Union 2003-2010".
According to the report, the medium-term perspectives for the EU cereals,
meat and dairy markets appear relatively favourable. In the cereal markets,
the growth in domestic uses and exports would absorb the moderate expansion
in cereal availability, whereas the overall market balance in the rice
sector would display a swift improvement. The current situation in the beef
market - where consumption is higher than domestic production - is expected
to persist over the 2004-2010 period. The other meat markets are projected
to recover over the medium term from the current difficulties. The EU dairy
sector is also foreseen to display a gradual improvement after the current
short-term imbalance, with increasing cheese production and consumption and,
at the same time, lower availability of butter and skimmed milk powder. In
spite of all the positive achievements in the preparation for EU membership,
a considerable task of restructuring of the agricultural and food
industries, most notably in animal production, remains to be pursued in the
new Member States in order to increase competitiveness on the Single
Market. The medium-term outlook suggests that the production potential will
be gradually exploited and only fully used in the longer term. The medium-
term perspectives for the agricultural sector in the new Member States
appear very positive with higher efficiency and a 35% rise in income
against 2002. The implementation of the CAP reform will help improving the
market balance of most commodity markets (most notably cereals, rice, meat
and dairy products) whereas the overall income of the agricultural sector
would be little affected. The full report is available on the Internet at :
[07] Autre matériel diffusé
Information from Commissioner Byrne on the outcome of his visit to the US
(18-19/03) at the Agriculture Council (22/03)
Statement by Pascal Lamy at Panel on "What role for fair trade in EU
Policies?" at Conference on Fair trade a contribution to sustainable
development (European Parliament)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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