European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 04-02-03
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Commission's decision on Charleroi airport promotes the activities of
low-cost airlines and regional development
[02] A safer, cleaner Europe : EU Global Monitoring for the Environment and
[03] Recherche dans le domaine de la sécurité : action de l'UE pour
améliorer la protection des citoyens
[04] Connecting Europe at high speed : recent developments in the
electronic communications sector
[05] La modernisation du système comptable de la Commission avance à grands
pas pour l'échéance de 2005
[06] Amending budget for the European Data-protection Supervisor :
Commission proposes expenditure of €1,272 million
[07] Commission reinforces its early warning system on recipients of EU
money in order to better protect its financial interests
[08] Transport maritime/Italie : la Commission accepte de proroger
l'allégement des charges sociales du cabotage
[09] Commission launches aid probe into Dutch public service broadcasters
[10] Commission approves aid in favour of AMD Fab 36 LLC & Co. KG in Saxony,
[11] Commission approves UK reduction of excise duty in favour of
bioethanol used for road transport
[12] Commission opens proceeding on a State aid project for compensation of
stranded cost in Poland
[13] Procédure d'examen concernant l'application abusive possible d'un
régime d'aides en faveur de l'hôtellerie
[14] La Commission autorise une aide destinée à favoriser l'accès des PME
italiennes du secteur de l'agriculture au capital risque
[15] Freedom to provide maritime services : Commission decides to send a
letter of formal notice to Greece
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[16] Public procurement : EU rules deliver big savings for taxpayers ;
scope for more gains
[17] Marchés publics : la Commission se félicite de l'adoption d'une
législation plus moderne
[18] Commission clears creation of HydroWingas JV
[19] Protecting deep-water coral reefs : Commission proposes ban on bottom-
trawl fishing around Azores, Madeira and Canaries
[20] December 2003 : industrial producer prices down by 0.1% in euro-zone ;
stable in EU15
[21] Décembre 2003 : le chômage dans la zone euro stable à 8,8% ; l'UE 15
inchangée à 8,0%
[22] Avian influenza outbreak in Asia : Member States agree to prolong
import embargo on poultry products
[23] Pascal Lamy en visite à Nantes et Saint-Nazaire
[24] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 03/02/2004
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 03/02/2004[I] Résultats de la Commission
de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting
[01] Commission's decision on Charleroi airport promotes the activities of
low-cost airlines and regional development
The European Commission has taken a major decision of significance for the
future of air transport by ensuring full competition between carriers
operating out of regional airports. It authorises certain forms of aid
which permit genuine development of new routes under clearly defined
conditions. However, other direct aid granted by the Walloon Region and
partly by BSCA is incompatible with the proper functioning of the internal
market and will have to be repaid. The Commission is thus committing itself
firmly to promoting increased competition which will enable low-cost
carriers to establish themselves throughout the European Union, subject to
compliance with uniform rules on competition between carriers, and for the
maximum benefit of consumers. "This legal decision is well balanced : it
brings greater transparency into contractual relations between airlines and
airports, especially regional airports", stressed Loyola De Palacio, Vice-
President of the Commission with responsibility for energy and transport.
"It will also help the development of 'low-cost' operations, which are very
clearly what consumers want, whilst also ensuring equitable conditions of
competition for all airlines. All players in the same arena must be able to
play by the same ground rules. All airlines must be aware of the
possibilities offered and only genuine competition is truly capable of
safeguarding consumers' rights", she explained.
[02] A safer, cleaner Europe : EU Global Monitoring for the Environment and
The European Commission has adopted an action plan on GMES - Global
Monitoring for the Environment and Security. The plan outlines firm steps
towards the establishment of a system that will harness, coordinate and
enhance existing Earth observation and monitoring information from
satellites and Earth-based sensors, in order to support better decision-
making for the environment and security. The initiative aims at providing
independent, cost-effective, and user-friendly services that can help to
anticipate or address crises such as forest fires or floods, and lead to
better management of issues ranging from the protection of the environment
to combating illegal immigration. Today, a lot of data on these matters are
available from many different sources, but for technical reasons or due to
a lack of co-operation, they are often inconsistent or not fully
integrated. With its Communication, entitled "Establishing a GMES capacity
by 2008 (Action Plan (2004-2008)", the Commission - in cooperation with the
European Space Agency - is laying out the way forward.
[03] Recherche dans le domaine de la sécurité : action de l'UE pour
améliorer la protection des citoyens
La Commission européenne a présenté les principaux éléments d'une phase
d'essai, ou "action préparatoire", concernant la recherche dans le domaine
de la sécurité. La communication, intitulée "Vers un programme de promotion
de la sécurité européenne par la recherche et la technologie", explique
pourquoi la recherche dans le domaine de la sécurité doit être coordonnée
au niveau de l'UE et présente les principaux domaines prioritaires:
protection contre le terrorisme (y compris le bio-terrorisme), amélioration
de la gestion des crises et renforcement de la sécurité, de la fiabilité,
de la protection et de l'interopérabilité des systèmes de communication,
afin de faciliter la coordination des actions des autorités civiles et
militaires à travers l'UE. Un budget de 65 millions d'€ est prévu pour la
phase initiale (2004-2006). L'action préparatoire devrait aboutir à
l'élaboration d'un programme européen de recherche en matière de sécurité,
qui devrait débuter en 2007. Ce programme devrait permettre de réunir le
savoir-faire et les investissements nécessaires au développement en commun
des technologies essentielles pour la sécurité de l'Europe. A long terme,
il devrait contribuer également au renforcement de l'avantage compétitif de
l'industrie européenne dans ces domaines.
[04] Connecting Europe at high speed : recent developments in the
electronic communications sector
The importance of investment and use of information and communication
technologies (ICTs) for further growth and jobs in Europe is highlighted in
a communication adopted by the European Commission today in the run up to
the Spring European Council. It underlines the importance of the electronic
communication sector for the health of the European economy and its key
role in boosting productivity. Further growth will be driven by the
provision of new services over high-speed fixed and wireless networks
making use of broadband and 3G mobile communications, while policy makers
must do more to create the conditions for faster investment. The report
singles out the implementation of the new regulatory framework for
electronic communications, action to extend broadband coverage in
underserved areas, stimulating demand and the successful role out of third
generation mobile communications as top priorities. This should be
supported by the on-going mid-term review of the eEurope 2005 Action Plan.
[05] La modernisation du système comptable de la Commission avance à grands
pas pour l'échéance de 2005
En 2003, l'ambitieux calendrier retenu pour la modernisation du système
comptable de la Commission a été en très grande partie respecté. Les
travaux conceptuels sur les nombreux éléments du projet ont été menés à
bien et la mise en œuvre des développements informatiques a commencé.
L'échéance très ambitieuse pour l'introduction de la comptabilité
d'exercice est fixée à 2005 par le règlement financier. La Commission
bénéficie des conseils du plus haut niveau apportés par des sociétés
extérieures comme PriceWaterhouseCoopers pour les aspects comptables et IBM
pour l'informatique. Madame Schreyer, membre de la Commission chargé du
budget, a déclaré : "Ce projet très ambitieux placera la Commission à
l'avant-garde de la comptabilité publique. La Cour des comptes et le
Parlement européen suivent attentivement nos progrès et je suis fière
d'annoncer que le programme est pleinement respecté."
[06] Amending budget for the European Data-protection Supervisor :
Commission proposes expenditure of €1,272 million
The European Commission has accepted the proposal for an amending budget to
the 2004 budget to install the recently appointed European Data-protection
Supervisor. With start-up capital of €1,272 million, the Supervisor and his
authority can start their work as soon as Parliament and the Council
approve the amending budget. The Supervisor is a European institution in
its own right.
[07] Commission reinforces its early warning system on recipients of EU
money in order to better protect its financial interests
The European Commission reinforces its internal information system (early
warning system) in order to ensure improved internal circulation of
information on contractors and beneficiaries that could be problematic as
concerns the Communities' financial interests. In the light of experience
gained, the existing system is extended to provide for the registration of
wrongdoings, outstanding recoveries, fraud, ongoing investigations by OLAF
or the Commission's Internal Audit Service. It sets up mechanisms ensuring
that contractors and beneficiaries presenting the same level of risk for
the Communities' interests are known to and receive the same treatment by
all Commission services. Budget Commissioner Michaele Schreyer presented
this measure : "This is another step in our reform effort to improve
financial circuits and management of public monies. Known warnings about
certain companies or individuals will be pooled and officially shared,
providing for a transparent and easy to handle system."
[08] Transport maritime/Italie : la Commission accepte de proroger
l'allégement des charges sociales du cabotage
La Commission européenne a décidé de ne pas soulever d'objections à la
demande de l'Italie de proroger pour les années 2004 et 2005 un régime
d'allègement des charges sociales patronales dans le secteur du cabotage
[09] Commission launches aid probe into Dutch public service broadcasters
The European Commission has decided to launch a probe into the Dutch
State's financing of Dutch public service broadcasters. The Commission's
preliminary conclusion is that the Dutch State has provided the public
service broadcasters with more funding than necessary to finance the public
service. The excess funding, from the year 1992 onwards, is provisionally
estimated at €110 million. In addition, the Commission will investigate
whether the beneficiaries of the public funds used these excess public
funds to cross-subsidise their non-public service commercial activities.
[10] Commission approves aid in favour of AMD Fab 36 LLC & Co. KG in Saxony,
The European Commission has approved investment aid to be granted for the
setting up of a microprocessor production site in Dresden Saxony.
Production at this site shall start in 2005 and full capacity should be
attained in 2007. The beneficiary of the aid is to AMD Fab 36 LLC & Co. KG
in Dresden (Saxony). The aid authorised covers 22.67% of total investment
costs of roughly €2.4 billion. The new site will create about 1035 jobs
directly with the firm and additional 1170 jobs in the region of Saxony. As
the aid is limited to 22.67% gross of the eligible investment costs and the
market for microprocessors is not in decline, the public grants will not
lead to an undue distortion of competition.
[11] Commission approves UK reduction of excise duty in favour of
bioethanol used for road transport
The European Commission has approved the UK scheme introducing a reduced
rate of excise duty on bioethanol used for road transport. The excise duty
reduction shall take effect from January 2005 and last until 31 December
2010. The Commission and the Council since 1985 have consistently
encouraged the development of renewable energies, especially biofuels. In
this respect, numerous Community measures, among others the White Paper of
1997 on renewable energies and the Council directive on energy taxation
adopted in 2003 (see IP/03/1456), have been promulgated. The 2003 Council
Directive allows for tax reductions and exemptions for biofuels.
[12] Commission opens proceeding on a State aid project for compensation of
stranded cost in Poland
The European Commission has decided to initiate a formal investigation
procedure to examine a project notified by Poland aiming to compensate
stranded costs of electricity generators after the cancellation of long
term power purchase agreements. This is the first Commission decision to
open State aid proceedings with respect to one of the 10 new Member States.
[13] Procédure d'examen concernant l'application abusive possible d'un
régime d'aides en faveur de l'hôtellerie
La Commission européenne a ouvert une procédure d'examen concernant
l'application abusive possible d'un régime de subventions en faveur
d'investissements dans le secteur de l'hôtellerie en Sardaigne. Selon les
informations dont la Commission dispose, les autorités italiennes ont versé
des subventions d'un montant total de 8 à 10 millions d'€ avant même
d'avoir reçu des demandes de versement. Dans ces conditions, la Commission
doit examiner si les paiements ont néanmoins eu l'effet d'incitation requis,
c'est-à-dire s'ils ont suscité des investissements régionaux qui n'auraient
pas été réalisés en leur absence.
[14] La Commission autorise une aide destinée à favoriser l'accès des PME
italiennes du secteur de l'agriculture au capital risque
La Commission européenne a autorisé pour la première fois une aide d'Etat
en vue de la création de fonds de capital risque en faveur des PME opérant
exclusivement dans le secteur de l'agriculture. L'Italie est autorisée à
octroyer chaque année et jusqu'en 2005 un montant de 5 millions d'€ pour la
constitution d'un fonds de capital risque finançant des investissements
dans les PME agricoles en phase de démarrage ou de développement initial.
Le fonds interviendra sous la forme de participations minoritaires et de
prêts participatifs sous réserve que des investisseurs privés soient
également impliqués. Le nouveau fonds pourra également devenir partenaire
dans d'autres fonds de capital risque investissant dans des PME agricoles.
Cette mesure facilitera ainsi l'accès des PME du secteur agricole aux fonds
de capital risque.
[15] Freedom to provide maritime services : Commission decides to send a
letter of formal notice to Greece
The European Commission has decided to send a letter of formal notice to
Greece for incorrect application of European legislation on freedom to
provide services to maritime transport within Member States (maritime
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[16] Public procurement : EU rules deliver big savings for taxpayers ;
scope for more gains
The existing EU public procurement Directives have increased cross-border
competition in procurement markets and reduced by around 30% the prices
paid by public authorities for goods and services, according to a European
Commission working document. There remains potential for significant
further opening up of procurement markets and therefore for further gains
for taxpayers in terms of value for money and strengthening defences
against corruption and favouritism. In a market worth over €1500 billion,
i.e. over 16% of total EU GDP, the consequence of such improvements could
be enormous. The legislative package, now approved by both the European
Parliament and the EU's Council of Ministers (see IP/04/150), modernises
and simplifies procurement procedures, for example by facilitating
electronic procurement. Its rapid implementation should iron out many
remaining difficulties identified by contractors and contracting
authorities and further boost cross-border competition.
[17] Marchés publics : la Commission se félicite de l'adoption d'une
législation plus moderne
La Commission européenne a accueilli favorablement l'adoption par le
Conseil des ministres de l'UE et le Parlement européen d'un train de
mesures législatives visant à simplifier ainsi qu'à actualiser les
directives "Appels d'offres" et à les adapter aux besoins administratifs
modernes. Le Conseil a formellement entériné le texte convenu en décembre
2003 dans le cadre d'une procédure de conciliation entre ses représentants
et ceux du Parlement (cf. IP/03/1649). Le Parlement a officiellement
approuvé le texte de conciliation lors de la session plénière qui s'est
tenue le 29 janvier à Bruxelles. Les directives, dont certaines ont été
adoptées dans les années 1970 et mises à jour pour la dernière fois au
début des années 90, imposent le lancement d'appels d'offres à l'échelle de
l'UE pour les marchés publics dépassant une certaine valeur et contiennent
des clauses relatives à la transparence des offres ainsi qu'à l'égalité de
traitement des soumissionnaires, le but étant de faire en sorte que les
marchés soient attribués aux offres présentant le meilleur rapport qualité-
prix. Les modifications ont été proposées par la Commission en mai 2000
(cf. IP/00/461). Elles permettront d'alléger les charges administratives,
qui seront clairement indiquées, tenteront d'appliquer des critères sociaux
et environnementaux lors de l'attribution des contrats en se basant sur la
jurisprudence de la Cour européenne de justice et mettront en œuvre de
nouvelles technologies de gestion des appels d'offres permettant aux
autorités d'adjudication et aux soumissionnaires d'économiser du temps et
de l'argent. Les directives modifiées seront prochainement publiées au
journal officiel de l'UE et devront ensuite être transposées en droit
national dans un délai de 21 mois à compter de leur publication.
[18] Commission clears creation of HydroWingas JV
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the creation of HydroWingas Ltd, a joint venture between the Norsk Hydro
UK Ltd. and Wingas GmbH of Germany. The joint venture will supply and trade
natural gas in the UK. (The operation, notified on 22 December 2003, was
examined under the simplified merger review procedure).
[19] Protecting deep-water coral reefs : Commission proposes ban on bottom-
trawl fishing around Azores, Madeira and Canaries
The European Commission has tabled a proposal to ban the use of bottom-
trawled fishing gear around the Azores, Madeira and the Canaries Islands
(see attached map). The aim is to eliminate the risk of the lasting or
irreparable damage that such gear can cause to highly sensitive deep-water
habitats found in these areas. The proposed ban would ensure the
continuation of the protection hitherto afforded to these habitats by the
special access regime existing since the Accession of Portugal and Spain
(MEMO/03/201). The proposed measures are part of the process to minimise
the impact of fishing gear on the marine environment. Similar restrictions
currently apply to an area off the north-west of Scotland known as the
Darwin Mounds which also boasts similar sensitive habitats (IP/03/1170).
[20] December 2003 : industrial producer prices down by 0.1% in euro-zone ;
stable in EU15
The euro-zone industrial producer price index decreased by 0.1% in December
2003 compared with the previous month, Eurostat estimates today. EU15
prices remained unchanged. In November 2003 prices rose by 0.1% in the euro-
zone and 0.3% in the EU15. In December 2003 compared to December 2002,
industrial producer prices increased by 1.0% in both the euro-zone and the
[21] Décembre 2003 : le chômage dans la zone euro stable à 8,8% ; l'UE 15
inchangée à 8,0%
Le taux de chômage de la zone euro, corrigé des variations saisonnières,
s'est élevé à 8,8% en décembre 2003, inchangé par rapport au mois de
novembre, selon les données publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat. Il était de
8,6% en décembre 2002. Le taux de chômage de l'UE15 était de 8,0% en
décembre 2003, inchangé par rapport à novembre. Il était de 7,9% en
décembre 2002. En décembre 2003, les taux les plus bas ont été enregistrés
au Luxembourg (3,9%), aux Pays-Bas (4,1% en novembre), en Irlande (4,5%) et
en Autriche (4,6%). Le taux de chômage de l'Espagne (11,2%) est resté le
plus élevé de l'UE.
[22] Avian influenza outbreak in Asia : Member States agree to prolong
import embargo on poultry products
The Standing Committee for the Food Chain and Animal Health, representing
the Member States, agreed today to the proposal from EU Health and Consumer
Protection Commissioner David Byrne to continue the suspension of imports
into the EU of chicken products and pet birds from Asian countries affected
by avian influenza. This concerns imports of fresh chicken meat and chicken
products from Thailand and pet birds from Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Laos,
Pakistan, China, South Korea, Thailand and Vietnam. It was agreed that the
suspension be maintained for 6 months until 15 of August in keeping with
OIE (International Organisation of Animal Health) guidelines. It will be
kept under constant review with a view to amend it earlier if the situation
allows for it. Avian influenza is a highly contagious poultry disease that
can cause severe economic damage to the poultry industry and can be
transmitted to humans. Although the risk of importing the virus in meat or
meat products is probably very low the EU wants to make sure that any
possible transmission is avoided.
[23] Pascal Lamy en visite à Nantes et Saint-Nazaire
Pascal Lamy, Commissaire européen au commerce international, se rendra le 4
février prochain en visite officielle à Nantes et Saint-Nazaire, à
l'occasion des Journées internationales du Grand Ouest. Il visitera les
chantiers navals de l'Atlantique, où sont conçus et fabriqués les
méthaniers et les paquebots, ainsi que le site d'Airbus à Saint-Nazaire,
pôle industriel de pointe. Invité à participer aux Journées internationales
du Grand Ouest organisées par les Chambres de commerce et d'industrie de
Nantes et Saint-Nazaire, il interviendra lors d'une conférence consacrée
aux enjeux et perspectives de l'Union européenne élargie.
[24] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Pedro Solbes : "Euro adoption in the accession countries -
opportunities and challenges" (02/02, Prague)
Discours de M. Busquin : "Pour une Europe plus propre et plus sûre"
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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