European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-10-13
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Lutte contre les communications non sollicitées : la Commission
discute des méthodes à utiliser avec les parties intéressées des secteurs
public et privé
[02] World Standards Day (14 October) : global standards for the global
Information Society
[03] Rendre l'Europe plus accessible aux personnes handicapées
[04] Floods : European research for better predictions and management
[05] La Commission autorise l'acquisition par PaperlinX de la division
papier de Buhrmann
[06] Commission clears acquisition of Saint-Gobain Terreal by Clay Tiles
[07] "We need realism and pragmatism for Finnish farm aid talks", says
Franz Fischler
[08] Statement by European Employment and Social Affairs Commissioner Anna
Diamantopoulou on the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize (10/10)
[09] EU-Andean Community : second round of negotiations for new Political
Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement
[10] 6ème Assemblée Parlementaire Paritaire UE-ACP (11-15/10, Rome)
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 13/10/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 13/10/2003
[01] Lutte contre les communications non sollicitées : la Commission
discute des méthodes à utiliser avec les parties intéressées des secteurs
public et privé
Quelques jours seulement avant l'échéance du 31 octobre fixée pour la
transposition de la nouvelle directive "vie privée et communications
électroniques", Erkki Liikanen, Commissaire européen chargé des entreprises
et de la société de l'information, accueillera le 16 octobre à Bruxelles un
atelier consacré aux communications non sollicitées, ce que l'on appelle
communément le "spam". Plus de 200 participants représentant les Etats
membres, les entreprises et d'autres parties intéressées discuteront des
méthodes utilisables pour contribuer à rendre aussi efficace que possible
la politique d'interdiction du courrier non sollicité et renforcer ainsi la
confiance des consommateurs dans l'internet et les services de
communications. Les actions proposées seraient centrées sur la
sensibilisation des consommateurs, l'application effective des règles par
les Etats membres, des solutions techniques et une autorégulation à mettre
en œuvre par les entreprises, et la coopération internationale. Les
résultats serviront de base à l'élaboration d'une communication que la
Commission devrait présenter dans le courant de l'année.
[02] World Standards Day (14 October) : global standards for the global
Information Society
World Standards Day on 14 October will focus on the role of standards for
the Information Society. Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
standards have a direct bearing on almost all aspects of our life: business
and commerce, finance and banking, healthcare and education, transport and
tourism, and public administration. This year's World Standards Day will
also pave the way to an EU-US dialogue on ICT standards to exchange early
warnings on potential technical barriers to global solutions for the
Information Society. Europe's contribution to this dialogue include a
recognition of the importance of open standards in order to stimulate
competitive innovation in ICT goods and services worldwide. The UN World
Summit on the Information Society to be held in December 2003 in Geneva, is
also expected to recognise the importance of open and international
standards, in line with the European approach. The World Standards Day is
an opportunity to explain to citizens the importance of standards, and
their potential to enhance the inclusiveness of European society. To mark
the occasion, Commissioner Liikanen invited Commission staff to a workshop
on 14 October to learn more about the European standards organisations and
how they work.
[03] Rendre l'Europe plus accessible aux personnes handicapées
Un programme stratégique en vue de rendre, partout en Europe, les biens et
les services plus accessibles à tous les citoyens, et plus particulièrement
aux personnes handicapées, sera défini à l'occasion d'un atelier sur
"l'accessibilité pour tous" qui aura lieu à Bruxelles le 14 octobre. Cet
atelier, présidé par M. Erkki Liikanen, Commissaire chargé des entreprises
et de la société de l'information, sera axé sur la manière dont les normes
et les questions liées à la conception pour tous peuvent aider des
entreprises innovantes à mettre au point des produits et des services qui
répondent aux exigences du plus large éventail possible d'utilisateurs.
Dans de nombreux cas, ces biens et ces services, notamment ceux qui
intègrent des technologies de l'information et de la communication, sont
essentiels pour permettre aux personnes handicapées d'accéder aux services
publics et de contribuer au développement social et économique de l'Europe.
Les personnes handicapées constituent aujourd'hui environ 20% de la
population européenne totale. Parmi elles figurent environ 45% de citoyens
de plus de 75 ans qui éprouvent des difficultés à accomplir les actes de la
vie quotidienne, et ce pourcentage s'accroît avec l'augmentation de
l'espérance de vie. L'intégration de l'accessibilité dans les politiques de
l'UE, y compris en matière d'éducation, d'entreprises et d'emploi, fait
partie de l'action plus large menée par la Commission dans le but de
permettre aux personnes handicapées d'occuper pleinement leur place dans la
société. L'inclusion des personnes handicapées se traduira non seulement
par des bénéfices sociaux, mais aussi par des possibilités commerciales.
[04] Floods : European research for better predictions and management
Floods are one of Europe's most widespread disasters. Major flooding has
occurred nearly every year somewhere in our continent during the previous
decades. Today, European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin is visiting
the city of Dres-den (Germany), hit very hard by one of the worst flood
catastrophes to occur in Central Europe since the Middle Ages. On this
occasion, the Commission is organising a briefing in the Ständehaus of
Dresden to present the results of some major research projects on floods,
looking into how better to prevent, predict, mitigate, adapt and manage
these catastrophes. For the period 1980-2002, the greatest number of floods
occurred in France (22%), Italy (17%) and the UK (12%). The highest number
of fatalities occurred in Italy (38 %), followed by Spain (20%) and France
(17%). The greatest economic losses occurred in Germany and Italy (both €11
billion), followed by Spain and the UK (both around €6 billion). In the
last decade, the EU has launched around 50 research projects in this field,
with a total budget of €58 million, in areas such as flood risk assessment,
flood hazard and risk mapping, flood forecasting and preventative land-use
planning. The Commission is currently developing a European Flood Alert
System (EFAS).
[05] La Commission autorise l'acquisition par PaperlinX de la division
papier de Buhrmann
La Commission européenne a donné le feu vert à une opération par laquelle
l'entreprise australienne PaperlinX Ltd va acquérir le contrôle exclusif de
la division papier de l'entreprise Buhrmann N.V., numéro un du négoce de
papier en Europe et dont le siège est aux Pays-Bas. Après un examen de la
part de marché cumulée des entreprises concernées sur le marché du négoce
de papier, la Commission a conclu que l'opération ne soulevait aucun
problème sous l'angle de la concurrence.
[06] Commission clears acquisition of Saint-Gobain Terreal by Clay Tiles
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the acquisition of the French tiles and bricks maker Saint-Gobain
Terreal by Luxembourg's Clay Tiles Participations, controlled by US private
investment company The Carlyle Group. (The operation, notified on 9
September 2003, was examined under the simplified merger review procedure)
[07] "We need realism and pragmatism for Finnish farm aid talks", says
Franz Fischler
Visiting South Ostrobothnia/Finland on 11 October, Franz Fischler, European
Agriculture Commissioner, stressed his willingness to find a workable
solution on the question of extending Finnish agricultural state aids
(Article 141). "I am very familiar with Finnish agriculture. I have been in
Finland many times, I maintain an excellent relationship with the Finnish
authorities and the farming sector and in my home country Austria, many
farmers have to work under similar, difficult conditions. This is why I
have great sympathy for the concerns of Finnish farmers. My philosophy has
always been to look at farming not only from a pure efficiency angle, but
also from the point of view of what farming does to maintain our
environment, our landscape, our culture and traditions", he said. He urged
Finnish farmers to look at the whole picture. "The talks on Article 141 are
not about eliminating farm subsidies. These aids come on top of the
substantial subsidies Finnish farmers receive from the Common Agricultural
Policy (CAP). 141 is a transitional measure, agreed as part of Finland's EU
accession package to help your farmers integrate into the CAP. Any
prolongation of this support would therefore have to encourage farmers to
invest, modernise and adapt to the new challenges, and not the opposite.
Consequently, any solution has to be targeted, time limited and degressive",
Mr Fischler explained.
[08] Statement by European Employment and Social Affairs Commissioner Anna
Diamantopoulou on the 2003 Nobel Peace Prize (10/10)
"In awarding this year's Peace Prize to Shirin Ebadi, the Nobel committee
has brought an issue that is often ignored to the forefront of world
attention. Ms Ebadi's work in promoting the rights of women and children
within her society is much deserving of international recognition. In the
current global political climate, her award is an important reminder that
there is no inherent contradiction between Islam and fundamental human
rights. Ms Ebadi will no doubt serve as an inspiration to the thousands of
people all over the world fighting for equal rights for women, and respect
for the basic human rights of children."
[09] EU-Andean Community : second round of negotiations for new Political
Dialogue and Cooperation Agreement
The second round of negotiations for a new Political Dialogue and
Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the Andean Community takes place
in Quito (Ecuador) from 13 to 15 October. The EU negotiating team will be
lead by Ms Astrid Schomaker, Head of the Andean Community Unit at the
European Commission's External Relations Directorate General, while the
Andean negotiating team will be lead by Ambassador Mentor Villagómez, Head
of the Ecuadorian Mission to the EU. Ecuador is the current holder of the
rotating Presidency of the Andean Community. The Commission hopes that,
building on the substantial progress made during the first round of
negotiations in May in Brussels, both parties will be able to complete the
negotiation in Quito and initial the text of the new agreement.
[10] 6ème Assemblée Parlementaire Paritaire UE-ACP (11-15/10, Rome)
La 6ème session de l'Assemblée Parlementaire Paritaire UE-ACP aura lieu à
Rome du 11 au 15 octobre à l'Auditorium di Roma. L'Assemblée réunit en
session plénière les représentants parlementaires des 79 pays ACP et leurs
77 homologues députés du Parlement européen. M. Poul Nielson, Commissaire
européen responsable de la coopération au développement et l'aide
humanitaire, a déclaré : "Notre assemblée paritaire reste une des plus
vives manifestations de l'accord de Cotonou et du partenariat Nord-Sud.
L'assemblée reflète aussi l'importance que nous attachons à la dimension
parlementaire dans notre coopération."
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Romano Prodi in Egypt (12-13/10)
Speech by Romano Prodi : "Sharing stability and prosperity" at Tempus MEDA
Regional Conference (Alexandria, Egypt)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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