European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-10-06
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] La Commission est parvenue à un règlement du problème des clauses
territoriales restrictives avec Gazprom et ENI
[02] EU/Ukraine Summit (07/10, Yalta)
[03] Michel Barnier meets ministers responsible for Structural and Cohesion
Funds in new Member States
[04] Anna Diamantopoulou presents the European Employment Strategy in Spain
[05] Neil Kinnock in Tallinn (07/10)
[06] Juillet 2003 par rapport à juillet 2002 : ventes du commerce de détail
inchangées dans la zone euro ; hausse de 1,1% dans l'UE15
[07] Digital technologies post-September 11th : more security but less
privacy for the European citizen ?
[08] "Much has been achieved, more has to be done", Franz Fischler says in
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 06/10/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 06/10/2003
[01] La Commission est parvenue à un règlement du problème des clauses
territoriales restrictives avec Gazprom et ENI
Les services de la concurrence de la Commission européenne sont parvenus à
régler, avec le producteur italien de pétrole et de gaz ENI et le
producteur russe de gaz Gazprom, les problèmes liés à un certain nombre de
clauses restrictives contenues dans les contrats conclus entre ces deux
sociétés. Désormais, ENI ne sera plus empêchée de revendre hors d'Italie le
gaz qu'elle achète à Gazprom. Celle-ci pourra, quant à elle, vendre son gaz
à d'autres clients en Italie, sans avoir à demander l'autorisation d'ENI.
ENI s'est également engagée à proposer d'importants volumes de gaz à des
clients implantés hors d'Italie, ce qui favorisera la concurrence sur le
marché européen du gaz. Enfin, ENI a accepté d'augmenter la capacité sur le
gazoduc qui transporte le gaz russe vers l'Italie, en passant par
l'Autriche. Elle favorisera également l'introduction d'un régime facilitant
l'accès de tiers à ce gazoduc. Le règlement de cette question constitue une
étape importante sur le chemin de l'application des règles de concurrence
dans ce secteur et de la création d'un marché européen du gaz. Des clauses
similaires contenues dans quelques autres contrats Gazprom, ainsi que dans
les contrats conclus entre la société algérienne Sonatrach et ses clients
européens, devraient également être éliminées sous peu, pour le plus grand
profit de la concurrence et des consommateurs de gaz dans l'UE.
[02] EU/Ukraine Summit (07/10, Yalta)
The European Union and Ukraine will hold their annual Summit on 7 October
2003 in Yalta. The Summit will be hosted by President Kuchma. Prime
Minister Berlusconi, in his capacity as President of the European Council,
will head the EU delegation, accompanied by Mr Frattini, Minister for
Foreign Affairs. The European Commission will be represented by President
Romano Prodi and Commissioner for External Relations Chris Patten. The High
Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana, will
complete the Troika. The EU's main objective for this summit will be to
find a common understanding with Ukraine that the Wider Europe / New
Neighbours initiative offers an ambitious and realistic framework for
strengthening the bilateral strategic partnership and for allowing Ukraine
to benefit fully from EU enlargement. The EU will also encourage Ukraine to
make significant progress regarding its political, economic and
institutional reforms.
[03] Michel Barnier meets ministers responsible for Structural and Cohesion
Funds in new Member States
Michel Barnier, European Commissioner responsible for regional policy and
institutional reform, today met in Brussels the ministers responsible for
the management of the EU Structural and Cohesion Funds in the countries
joining the EU in 2004. Between 2004 and 2006, the ten new Member States
can receive an amount of almost €22 billion through these instruments in
order to boost investment, modernise their infrastructure, improve the
environment, promote human resource development and create jobs. Mr Barnier
acknowledged the significant progress made regarding the programming and
the creation of administrative capacity. At the same time he underlined the
necessity for further efforts, especially concerning the quality of
programmes and of the implementing structures. The new Member States can
benefit from eligibility from the 1 January 2004 only if they are fully
aligned with EU legislation before the end of 2003.
[04] Anna Diamantopoulou presents the European Employment Strategy in Spain
European Employment and Social Affairs Commissioner Anna Diamantopoulou
will today present the new European Employment Strategy and Guidelines to
Spanish regions and social partners, at the invitation of the Spanish
minister for Employment Eduardo Zaplana. She will outline the recent
revision of the Guidellines to integrate them fully with the Lisbon
Strategy, focus more clearly on outcomes and make them less bureaucratic.
The objective of the EES are full employment, quality and productivity at
work and greater social cohesion. She will highlight the importance of
local and regional actors, and social partners in achieving these
[05] Neil Kinnock in Tallinn (07/10)
Neil Kinnock, Vice President of the European Commission, will pay a one-day
visit to Estonia on Tuesday, 7 October, where he will meet various senior
government officials. Mr Kinnock will discuss with Estonian leaders the
country's preparations for accession to the European Union on 1 May 2004,
as well as administrative reform and the recruitment of Estonians to the
European Institutions. He will meet with Juhan Parts, the Prime Minister,
Taavi Veskimägi, the Minister of Finance, as well as Priit Kolbre,
Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Priidu Pärna,
Secretary General of the Ministry of Justice and several other senior
officials. Mr Kinnock will also meet Merit-Ene Ilja, the director of the
Estonian Legal Language Centre, to discuss training of Estonian linguists
and the translation of the EU acquis into Estonian. He will give a press
conference on the results of his visit to Estonia at the premises of the
Delegation of the European Commission in Estonia at 16h00 on Tuesday.
[06] Juillet 2003 par rapport à juillet 2002 : ventes du commerce de détail
inchangées dans la zone euro ; hausse de 1,1% dans l'UE15
En juillet 2003, par rapport à juillet 2002, le volume des ventes du
commerce de détail est resté inchangé dans la zone euro et s'est accru de 1,
1% dans l'UE15, selon les estimations publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat.
Par rapport au mois de juin 2003, les ventes ont progressé de 0,1% dans la
zone euro mais ont reculé de 0,1% dans l'UE15. Pour la première fois ce
mois-ci, des données sur les pays en passe d'adhérer sont également
[07] Digital technologies post-September 11th : more security but less
privacy for the European citizen ?
Will new technologies protect privacy or hamper it in the post-September 11
world ? Trends in information society technology will have a significant
impact on the balance between citizens' security and privacy, according to
a report released today by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre
(JRC). The study on "Security and Privacy for the Citizen in the Post-
September 11 Digital Age: A Prospective Overview", commissioned by the
European Parliament, analyses the security and privacy implications of
three emerging technologies : identity management (on-line services based
on the identification of the user), location-based services (focusing on
local positioning and tracking of the user) and virtual residence in an
ambient intelligence environment (with "smart" and mobile electronic
devices connected to our home, office, car, etc.). According to the report,
there is a need to restore the balance in favour of privacy as the use of
these technologies for some governmental or commercial actions stretch the
ability of current legislation to provide adequate personal data
[08] "Much has been achieved, more has to be done", Franz Fischler says in
At the occasion of his official visit to Malta on 3 October, Franz Fischler,
European Commissioner for Agriculture, Rural Development and Fisheries
congratulated the Maltese people for the clear and coherent choice made in
favour of joining the EU. "In all respects, Malta has achieved remarkably
good results in the accession negotiations. This is all the more true in
agriculture. Malta got a tailor-made package and obtained results that no
other candidate country obtained. The EU clearly recognised the unique
circumstances of Maltese agriculture. For the years 2004 to 2006, Maltese
farmers can count on €24 million for rural development measures and €4
million for agricultural market support", Mr Fischler said. He stressed
that Malta must continue its preparations for membership. "It is of
paramount importance that Malta not only continues, but accelerates its
efforts to strengthen the administrative capacity in agriculture. Let there
be no mistake. Weaknesses in running the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP)
would not only prevent Malta from benefiting fully from membership. It
would also mean that the EU would have to claw back EU subsidies which have
not been properly spent. This would clearly not be in Malta's or the EU's
interest! In this context, I can only stress the urgent need to complete
the setting-up of the paying agency and the control systems to be ready by
accession", he said.
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Ecofin
Speech by Mario Monti : "Applying EU Competition Law to the newly
liberalised energy markets" at World Forum on Energy Regulation (Rome)
Speech by Margot Wallström: "The new EU Health and Environment Strategy" at
Conference on Environment and Health Strategy (Warsaw)
Speech by Frits Bolkestein : "Quo Vadis? Striking the balance on industrial
property rights" at Conference on Industrial Property Rights (Ischia)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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