European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-05-15
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] La Commission va recouvrer auprès des Etats membres 169,01 millions
d'€ correspondant à des dépenses au titre de la PAC
[02] Commission indicator forecasts euro area quarterly GDP growth of 0% to
0.4% for 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2003
[03] Flash estimates for the first quarter of 2003 : Euro-zone and EU15 GDP
stable ; +0.8% and +1.0% compared to the first quarter of 2002
[04] La fleur de l'écolabel aide les consommateurs de l'UE à choisir des
vacances respectueuses de l'environnement
[05] Commission welcomes the adoption of new rules for recreational craft
[06] Libre circulation des capitaux : la Commission invite le Portugal à
appliquer un arrêt de la Cour de Justice ; classement de procédure contre
la France
[07] Motor insurance : Commission refers the Netherlands to the European
Court of Justice
[08] Le Prix MEDIA 2003 attribué à Peter Mullan pour The Magdalene Sisters
[09] "Humanitarian principles under threat", says Poul Nielson
[10] EU / Mauritania workshop on fisheries partnership
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 15/05/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 15/05/2003
[01] La Commission va recouvrer auprès des Etats membres 169,01 millions
d'€ correspondant à des dépenses au titre de la PAC
En vertu d'une décision prise aujourd'hui par la Commission européenne, un
montant total de 169,01 millions d'€, correspondant à des dépenses
irrégulières de certains Etats membres au titre de la politique agricole
commune (PAC), sera récupéré. Le recouvrement de cette somme est motivé par
des procédures de contrôles inadéquates ou par le non-respect des règles
communautaires sur les dépenses agricoles. Si les Etats membres sont
chargés du versement et de la vérification de la quasi-totalité des
dépenses effectuées au titre de la PAC, la Commission est tenue quant à
elle de s'assurer que les Etats membres ont correctement utilisé les
[02] Commission indicator forecasts euro area quarterly GDP growth of 0% to
0.4% for 2nd and 3rd quarter of 2003
The indicator-based model for quarterly GDP growth for the euro area
developed by the European Commission's Directorate General for Economic and
Financial Affairs, forecasts a range of 0% to 0.4% for GDP growth in the
second quarter of 2003. Most indicators used in the model for this horizon
reflect slack in growth in terms of both domestic and foreign demand. For
the third quarter of 2003, the model suggests growth in the same range. Low
confidence in the US and only tentative signs for domestic confidence among
other factors put a drag on this forecast at this stage. As survey data are
still blurred by the fog of war at this juncture, an upside risk is
associated to this advanced forecast.
[03] Flash estimates for the first quarter of 2003 : Euro-zone and EU15 GDP
stable ; +0.8% and +1.0% compared to the first quarter of 2002
GDP recorded 0.0% growth in the euro-zone and in the EU15 during the first
quarter of 2003, compared to the previous quarter, according to flash
estimates published for the first time today by Eurostat. In the fourth
quarter of 2002, growth rates were +0.1% for both zones. Compared to the
first quarter of 2002, GDP grew by 0.8% in the euro-zone and by 1.0% in the
EU15, after +1.2% and +1.4% respectively in the previous quarter.
[04] La fleur de l'écolabel aide les consommateurs de l'UE à choisir des
vacances respectueuses de l'environnement
Les consommateurs ont désormais la possibilité d'utiliser la fleur pour
trouver un hôtel, un "bed and breakfast", une auberge de jeunesse ou, même,
un refuge de montagne respectueux de l'environnement. A partir du 1er mai
2003, les entreprises qui vendent des séjours touristiques dans toute
l'Europe peuvent demander l'écolabel de l'UE pour montrer dans quelle
mesure elles respectent l'environnement. Les consommateurs européens
utilisent depuis longtemps la fleur pour trouver des produits plus
écologiques, mais c'est la première fois que la Commission européenne
adopte des critères écologiques pour le secteur des services.
[05] Commission welcomes the adoption of new rules for recreational craft
The European Commission welcomes the adoption today by the European
Parliament and the Council of Ministers of a new directive on recreational
craft. This new directive, which amends the recreational craft directive
(94/25/EC), extends its scope to include personal watercraft and
complements its design and construction requirements with environmental
standards in regard to exhaust and noise emission limit values for
recreational craft. The new Directive succeeds in meeting both single
market and environment protection needs, whilst sustaining competitiveness
of the recreational craft manufacturing industry. Following the Parliament
and Council agreement, these harmonised emission limits will take effect
progressively, from 1 January 2005 to 1 January 2007. It is estimated that
the yearly emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides and
various other pollutants from recreational craft within the EU will be
reduced by over 50% once the limits are fully implemented.
[06] Libre circulation des capitaux : la Commission invite le Portugal à
appliquer un arrêt de la Cour de Justice ; classement de procédure contre
la France
La Commission européenne a décidé de rappeler à la république portugaise
son obligation de se conformer à un arrêt du 4 juin 2002 de la Cour de
justice européenne par lequel la procédure d'autorisation concernant les
investissements étrangers dans des compagnies privatisées est déclarée
incompatible avec les dispositions du traité CE qui instaure la libre
circulation des capitaux (article 56). A l'heure actuelle, les autorités
portugaises n'ont pas notifié à la Commission de mesures pour exécuter
l'arrêt de la Cour. Par contre, la Commission a formellement classé la
procédure d'infraction contre la France au sujet de l'action spécifique
détenue par la France dans la Société nationale Elf-Aquitaine, vu les
mesures prises par la république française pour se conformer à un autre
arrêt de la Cour du 4 juin 2002, par lequel cette action spécifique a été
déclarée incompatible avec les mêmes dispositions du Traité sur la libre
circulation des capitaux.
[07] Motor insurance : Commission refers the Netherlands to the European
Court of Justice
The European Commission has decided to refer the Netherlands to the
European Court of Justice for failing to implement the Fourth Motor
Insurance Directive (2000/26/EC) by the agreed date of 20 July 2002. Until
the Directive is properly applied throughout the EU, drivers from one
Member State involved in an accident with a car registered and insured in
another Member State will still face serious difficulties in claiming
compensation quickly. The Commission's decision follows its decision in
April 2003 to bring similar cases against France, Luxembourg, Italy,
Ireland and Portugal (see IP/03/530).
[08] Le Prix MEDIA 2003 attribué à Peter Mullan pour The Magdalene Sisters
Viviane Reding, commissaire européenne à la Culture et à l'Audiovisuel,
remettra aujourd'hui à Cannes, en clôture de la Journée de l'Europe (cf.
IP/03/667 du 13 mai 2003) le Prix MEDIA 2003 de l'Union européenne au film
"The Magdalene Sisters" de Peter Mullan. Ce film, le second long métrage de
Peter Mullan, a été distribué avec le soutien du programme MEDIA dans 12
pays européens, en plus de son pays de production, et vu par plusieurs
millions de spectateurs en Europe.
[09] "Humanitarian principles under threat", says Poul Nielson
Recently back from a mission in Iraq, Mr Poul Nielson, European
Commissioner in charge of Development and Humanitarian Aid, today warned
that the core principles of international humanitarian law, namely humanity,
impartiality and independence of action, are being eroded. "These
principles have been agreed at international level to ensure that life
saving support reaches the most vulnerable during an emergency. When they
are compromised, it is the victims who suffer most. It is imperative to
provide the space for humanitarian agencies to get on with the job which is
already dangerous enough", he said. In some crisis zones, such as Chechnya
or the Palestinian territories, aid workers are being denied access to
people in need. Moreover, in the course of 2002, aid workers have continued
to be targeted, and even killed, while carrying out their duties, prompting
their organisations to halt humanitarian activities in the affected region.
[10] EU / Mauritania workshop on fisheries partnership
A two-day workshop on Partnership in Fisheries, organised jointly by the
European Commission and the Mauritanian authorities, opened its doors
yesterday in Las Palmas. Among the 120 plus participants were
representatives of the European and Mauritanian fishing sectors as well as
representatives from the European Investment Bank and the EU-ACP programmes
for investment promotion. The workshop focused on investment opportunities
for European private investors in Mauritania. The Commission has recently
proposed to move EU fisheries agreements, particularly those with
developing countries, towards partnership agreements for the mutual benefit
of the parties involved. The aim is twofold: to ensure that the interests
of the EU distant water fleets are protected and that the conditions to
achieve sustainable fisheries in the waters of the partner concerned are
strengthened. The EU and Mauritania have had a fisheries agreement since
1987. This agreement is the most important one for the EU in terms of
fishing possibilities for EU vessels and with regard to the financial
contribution. Vessels operating under this Agreement come from Spain, Italy,
Portugal, France, Greece, the Netherlands, Germany and Ireland.
[11] Autre matériel diffusé
Note sur les résultats du Conseil Energie
Discours de Mme Reding : "Les cinémas du monde : l'Europe partenaire" à la
Journée européenne du Festival de Cannes
Presentation by Poul Nielson of the annual review of the Humanitarian Aid
Office 'ECHO 2002'
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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