European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-04-14
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Romano Prodi congratulates Eddie Fenech Adami
[02] Message from the European Commission following the referendum in
[03] Commission establishes emergency recovery measures for Baltic cod
[04] La Commission propose des objectifs communs pour améliorer la
participation et l'information des jeunes
[05] Commission approves acquisition of Jenbacher by General Electric
[06] Commission clears Carlyle buy of US car component and accessories
maker Breed
[07] La campagne anti-tabac de l'UE passe à la vitesse supérieure : le
camion "Osez dire non" est parti en tournée
[08] Parkinson's disease : European researchers join forces to combat major
brain disorders
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 14/04/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 14/04/2003
[01] Romano Prodi congratulates Eddie Fenech Adami
The President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, sent the following
message to Prime Minister of Republic of Malta, Eddie Fenech Adami : "On
behalf of the Commission, I wish to congratulate you most sincerely for the
results of the general elections held in the Republic of Malta on 12 April.
Your success conveys a clear message by the Maltese people. It is a
confirmation of the willingness of the Republic of Malta to join the
enlarging European Union, already expressed in the accession referendum
held on 8 March. It is the last step in a long process started by the
Republic Malta in 1990, which will culminate in the signature of the
Accession Treaty on 16 April in Athens. I look forward to our future
collaboration and to the successful participation of the Republic of Malta
in the European Union institutions and policies."
[02] Message from the European Commission following the referendum in
The Hungarian referendum result, following so closely on the resounding
"yes" votes in Malta and Slovenia, is a momentous occasion for rejoicing.
By coming out overwhelmingly in favour of EU membership, the Hungarian
voters have signalled their clear choice to build their future within a
strong, united Europe. This decision marks the end of Hungary's tragic
separation from the European family of democratic nations. By the same
token it marks the start of the Hungarians' full participation in our
shared future, to which they have so much to contribute with their rich and
enlightened cultural heritage. It also sends a strong signal of Hungary's
faith in European integration as the best way to preserve peace and
prosperity, to show their oneness with the rest of Europe while
safeguarding their own identity, and to strengthen and foster these values
in a globalised world. This result crowns many long years of courage,
sacrifice, patience and sustained effort on the part of the Hungarian
people. They played a key role in tearing down the Iron Curtain in 1989,
and since then they have worked tirelessly to carry through the difficult
but indispensable reforms needed to turn their country into an open, modern
society. As Hungary takes its rightful place in Europe as a full Member
State, the Hungarians can rest assured their rights as a sovereign nation
will be wholly respected within the European Union. Hungary is joining a
Union of minorities, a Union where no people or State can dominate any
other, but all have equal rights and obligations and all work towards
common goals. The European Commission warmly welcomes Hungary and it looks
forward to working closely with this nation in building Europe's future.
[03] Commission establishes emergency recovery measures for Baltic cod
The European Commission has adopted emergency measures to prohibit fishing
for cod and flatfish with trawls, bottom seines and similar nets in the
Baltic sea from 15 April to 31 May 2003. This means an extension of the
already existing summer ban for cod fishing from 1 June to 31 August. The
Commission was recently informed that the above fishing gears were catching
large quantities of undersized cod which are then discarded. The Commission
and national experts will devise a specific surveillance monitoring
programme to ensure the successful implementation of these unavoidable
measures. In view of the latest scientific advice, it is also crucial that
the existing cod recovery plan for the Baltic be reassessed. The Commission
intends to take the initiative to achieve this within the International
Baltic Sea Fisheries Commission (IBSFC) so that the necessary adjustments
can be in place when the cod fishery reopens on 1 September.
[04] La Commission propose des objectifs communs pour améliorer la
participation et l'information des jeunes
Par quelles actions favoriser l'exercice d'une citoyenneté active des
jeunes et renforcer leur participation effective à la vie démocratique ?
Comment améliorer l'accès des jeunes à des informations et des conseils de
qualité ? Sur proposition de Viviane Reding, membre de la Commission
responsable de l'Education, de la Culture et de la Jeunesse, le Collège
propose aux Etats membres une série d'objectifs, à traduire dans des
actions concrètes. Ces deux thèmes de la participation et de l'information
figurent parmi les priorités pour une coopération renforcée au niveau
communautaire dans les politiques de jeunesse, telle que définies par le
Livre blanc de 2001 de la Commission (Cf. IP/01/1619 du 21 novembre 2001).
[05] Commission approves acquisition of Jenbacher by General Electric
The European Commission has granted regulatory clearance to the takeover of
Austrian gas engine and generator maker Jenbacher AG by the General
Electric Company (GE). The Commission has concluded that the acquisition,
which has an impact mainly on the market for reciprocating engines used for
power generation, does not raise any competition concerns in Europe.
[06] Commission clears Carlyle buy of US car component and accessories
maker Breed
The European Commission has granted clearance under the Merger Regulation
to the proposed acquisition of US car components and accessories maker
Breed Technologies Inc by US private investment group Carlyle Management
Group I, L.P. (The operation, notified on 14 March 2003, was examined under
the simplified merger review procedure)
[07] La campagne anti-tabac de l'UE passe à la vitesse supérieure : le
camion "Osez dire non" est parti en tournée
"Osez dire non" ("Feel free to say no"), tel est le slogan de la campagne
anti-tabac destinée à lutter contre le tabagisme chez les jeunes dans toute
l'Union européenne. Cette campagne passe à la vitesse supérieure depuis le
week-end des 12 et 13 avril, avec un spectacle itinérant présentant un
énorme camion et plus de 40 manifestations organisées dans les Etats
membres. Une nouvelle série de publicités pour la campagne est publiée
actuellement dans tous les Etats membres, tant dans la presse pour jeunes
que sur Internet. Le site Web de la campagne (http://www.feel-free.info) a
été remanié pour y inclure tous ses partenaires. Cette campagne, qui a
commencé le 31 mai 2002 par le coup d'envoi de la Coupe du monde sans tabac,
a bénéficié du soutien actif de l'UEFA et de dizaines de joueurs européens
de la Coupe du monde (cf. IP/02/782). Ces joueurs de football ont été
rejoints par des vedettes de la musique pop, telles que Moby et Sophie
Ellis Bextor, en novembre de l'année dernière (cf. IP/02/1636). Alors
qu'elle n'est sortie encore que dans deux pays, la chanson officielle de la
campagne, "Feel free (to say no)", interprétée par le groupe Before Four,
est entrée directement dans le classement des dix meilleures ventes de
disques en Allemagne. La campagne, qui fait partie intégrante de la
stratégie de lutte contre le tabagisme adoptée par la Commission européenne,
vise 36,2 millions de jeunes entre 12 et 18 ans dans toute l'UE. Son budget
global est de 18 millions d'€ pour trois ans (six millions par an).
[08] Parkinson's disease : European researchers join forces to combat major
brain disorders
New techniques to improve the quality of life of Parkinson's Disease
sufferers will have been unveiled on 11 April, World Parkinson's Disease
Day, by European Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin. EU research into
this debilitating disorder includes the PARREHA (PARkinsonians
REHAbilitation) project, designed to help Parkinson's sufferers overcome
their symptoms through visual stimuli and sounds. Commission researchers
have developed a "virtual reality room" and special glasses to provide
patients with audio-visual reference points and improve their mobility and
independence. In addition, the Commission is funding the €1.7 million
"EuroPa" network for clinical research and treatment of Parkinson's
disease. "EuroPa" brings together clinical centres in Austria, the Czech
Republic, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, the
Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. It aims to look into the underlying
causes and possible new therapies to combat brain diseases.
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Commission to provide assistance to disarmament, demobilisation and
reintegration of the "Ninja rebels" in Congo-Brazzaville
Note sur l'accord de l'OMC sur les marchés publics (AMP)
Calendrier du 14 au 17 avril
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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