European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-03-13
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Statement by President Prodi following the assassination of Serbian
Premier Djindjic (12/03)
[02] Commission clears marine aggregates joint venture between RMC and UMA
in the Isle of Wight, UK
[03] Commission clears joint venture providing IT solutions for the
operation of container terminals
[04] La Commission adopte des mesures visant à juguler l'apparition
possible d'influenza aviaire en Belgique
[05] 81 millions d'€ pour répondre aux grands enjeux européens : la
Commission présente les réseaux de recherche socio-économique
[06] Retraites professionnelles : la Commission se félicite de l'adoption
par le Parlement européen de la directive proposée
[07] WTO - trade in services : Pascal Lamy welcomes European Parliament
[08] Innobaromètre 2002 : les dirigeants d'entreprises européens
innovateurs exploitent au mieux compétences et marchés dynamiques
[09] Humanitarian crisis in Southern Africa : EU's response rises to €412
[10] Ebola virus and conflict in Congo Brazzaville : Commission grants €2
million in humanitarian aid
[11] Pascal Lamy in India to enhance dialogue on trade
[12] Chris Patten's visit to Serbia and Montenegro
[13] Galileo : le 18 mars 2003, une journée pour les investisseurs
[14] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 13/03/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 13/03/2003
[01] Statement by President Prodi following the assassination of Serbian
Premier Djindjic (12/03)
The President of the European Commission, Romano Prodi, stated : "I am
dismayed and appalled to hear of the brutal attack that has cost the life
of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic. Our first thoughts are for the
family and all the people of Serbia, and we send our deepest sympathy to
them. During this transitional phase of the country's history, the
Commission stands by Serbia's side and it will continue to do so in the
future, just as it will keep doing all it can to ease a reform process that
is still under attack from violent antidemocratic and anti-liberal forces.
The death of Zoran Djindjic will not affect our resolve to support Serbia
in its efforts to join the rest of the European family. It is our firm and
resolute intention to step up our endeavours, our efforts and our work
alongside the forces of democracy in Serbia and by the side of the Serbian
people, so it can definitively set behind it the painful legacy of a recent
tragic past."
[02] Commission clears marine aggregates joint venture between RMC and UMA
in the Isle of Wight, UK
The European Commission has cleared a joint venture called Isle of Wight
Aggregates Limited between RMC UK Limited, which belongs to Britain's RMC
Group, and United Marine Aggregates (UMA), a subsidiary of Anglo American
plc Group and Hanson Group, for the dredging and supply of marine based
aggregates. The establishment of the joint venture could only have an
impact on competition on the Isle of Wight, which does not constitute a
substantial part of the European common market. Such effects do not fall
within the ambit of the Commission's review under the Merger Control
[03] Commission clears joint venture providing IT solutions for the
operation of container terminals
The European Commission has authorised the creation by Maersk Data (USA)
Inc. and Eurogate IT Services GmbH (Germany) of a joint venture called
Global Transport Solutions LLC (GTS). GTS will provide IT solutions to port
terminal operators and companies that manage inter-modal and marine
businesses related to port terminal operations.
[04] La Commission adopte des mesures visant à juguler l'apparition
possible d'influenza aviaire en Belgique
Un cas d'influenza aviaire ayant été suspecté en Belgique le 11 mars, la
Commission européenne a adopté le 12 mars une décision renforçant les
mesures de lutte déjà instaurées par les autorités belges. L'influenza
aviaire est en effet une maladie extrêmement contagieuse qui peut gravement
porter atteinte à l'industrie de la volaille.
[05] 81 millions d'€ pour répondre aux grands enjeux européens : la
Commission présente les réseaux de recherche socio-économique
Quels sont les facteurs qui contribuent le plus à notre stress ? Qu'est-ce
qui empêche les parents qui travaillent d'arriver à un équilibre
satisfaisant entre vie professionnelle et vie privée ? Pourquoi les femmes
sont-elles plus nombreuses à travailler pour moins d'argent ? Voilà
quelques-unes des questions touchant les Européens qui sont posées par 89
nouveaux projets de recherche que Philippe Busquin, commissaire européen
chargé de la recherche, présentera demain à Bruxelles. Ces projets, qui
bénéficient d'une aide financière communautaire de 81 millions d'€,
constituent le plus grand réseau de recherche socio-économique jamais mis
en place dans le monde. Les résultats de la recherche, en révélant les
tendances et les changements sociaux actuels en Europe, contribueront à
l'élaboration de mesures destinées à améliorer la qualité de vie des
personnes dans l'Union européenne et au-delà.
[06] Retraites professionnelles : la Commission se félicite de l'adoption
par le Parlement européen de la directive proposée
La Commission européenne s'est félicitée de l'adoption par le Parlement
européen en seconde lecture le 12 mars de la proposition de directive sur
les activités et la surveillance des institutions de retraite
professionnelle (IRP) (fonds de pension et caisses de retraite). Elle ne
doute pas que le Conseil de ministres de l'Union européenne acceptera les
amendements du Parlement et que la directive pourra être définitivement
adoptée dans les prochaines semaines dans le cadre de la procédure de
codécision. Un grand pas sera ainsi franchi dans la voie de la création
d'un marché intérieur des retraites professionnelles, dans un cadre
prudentiel suffisamment solide pour protéger les droits des futurs
retraités. Grâce à la directive, les institutions de retraite
professionnelle pourront opérer avec un maximum de sécurité et d'efficacité
(voir également IP/02/820, IP/00/1141 et MEMO/00/62).
[07] WTO - trade in services : Pascal Lamy welcomes European Parliament
ON 12 Marche, the European Parliament adopted a resolution on the on-going
World Trade Organisation negotiations on trade in services (GATS). European
Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy said : "I welcome this resolution by the
European Parliament which recognises the efforts undertaken by the
Commission in terms of transparency and supports the position of the EU in
this negotiations. I also wish to support the desire expressed by the
European Parliament in this resolution to have a grater role in the
definition of European trade policy. Trade agreements have an impact on the
daily life of our citizens, on their jobs, on what they eat, on their
environment. It is therefore important that the European Parliament has a
say on this."
[08] Innobaromètre 2002 : les dirigeants d'entreprises européens
innovateurs exploitent au mieux compétences et marchés dynamiques
Selon l'enquête Innobaromètre 2002, les entreprises européennes continuent
à investir dans les nouveaux produits et services, et ce malgré une
conjoncture économique parfois difficile. 3.000 dirigeants européens ont
été interrogés sur les performances innovantes de leurs entreprises au mois
de septembre 2002. Ils attribuent les progrès réalisés en matière
d'innovation aux qualifications et au professionnalisme de leur personnel
et ils estiment que les débouchés offerts par le marché intérieur de l'UE
constituent un avantage décisif pour l'innovation.
[09] Humanitarian crisis in Southern Africa : EU's response rises to €412
In response to the continuing humanitarian crisis in Southern Africa, the
European Union's combined contribution from the European Commission and
Member States has risen to €412 million for the six most affected
countries. This response covers approximately 40% of the total needs for
the region. €186.6 million of this amount is managed directly by the
Commission and is made up of food and humanitarian aid, including emergency
distribution of seeds and fertilisers and specific programmes in the health,
education and agricultural sectors. More than 6 million people are
benefiting from the Commission's response alone.
[10] Ebola virus and conflict in Congo Brazzaville : Commission grants €2
million in humanitarian aid
The European Commission has approved a €2 million funding decision for the
Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) to help meet humanitarian needs resulting
from conflict and the spread of the Ebola virus. Of this total amount, €500,
000 will be targeted at controlling the current Ebola epidemic, and €1.4
million will be used to improve the conditions of people affected by
conflict in the region of Pool (with €100,000 in reserve). The aid will be
channelled over the next six months through the Humanitarian Aid Office
(ECHO), which comes under the responsibility of Commissioner Poul Nielson.
[11] Pascal Lamy in India to enhance dialogue on trade
The European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy travels to India between 13 and
14 March to discuss bilateral trade issues as well as the World Trade
Organisations negotiations under the Doha Development Agenda, where India
is a key player. Mr Lamy will meet Mr Jaitley, Minister for Commerce and
Industry, Mr Singh, Minister for Agriculture, representatives from the
Indian Parliament, and leaders from both the business community and civil
society. On the eve of his departure to India, Mr Lamy said : "We both
worked hard to launch the Doha Development Agenda. The challenge before us
is now to further strengthen EU-India cooperation to promote together the
development priorities of the world trade agenda. This is essential if we
are to meet the needs of our citizens, our business community and our civil
society. I very much hope my trip can contribute to this goal."
[12] Chris Patten's visit to Serbia and Montenegro
As a result of the tragic assassination yesterday in Belgrade, Chris Patten,
European Commissioner for External Relations, has modified the programme of
his visit (see IP/03/362). He will now arrive in Belgrade early in the
afternoon of March 14th from Zagreb. Starting at 14h00, Chris Patten will
meet Goran Svilanovic, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Serbia and Montenegro,
Natasa Micic, Acting President of Serbia and Speaker of the Serbian
Parliament, Nebosja Covic, Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, and Svetozar
Marovic, President of Serbia and Montenegro. High Representative of the EU,
Javier Solana will also participate in these meetings. At 16h30 there will
be a joint Press Conference held at the Federal Palace after which the
Commissioner will return to Brussels.
[13] Galileo : le 18 mars 2003, une journée pour les investisseurs
Plus de 500 dirigeants d'entreprises venant du monde entier sont attendus à
la journée d'information sur le programme de radionavigation par satellite
Galileo que la Commission européenne a organisée pour le 18 mars 2003. La
réunion, qui sera inaugurée par la Vice-Présidente de la Commission, Loyola
de Palacio, permettra aux investisseurs d'être informés de l'évolution du
programme, des étapes menant au choix du futur concessionnaire et des
multiples services découlant de la radionavigation par satellite.
[14] Autre matériel diffusé
Discours de M. Prodi devant la délégation pour l'Union européenne de
l'Assemblée nationale française (12/03, Paris)
Speech by Frits Bolkestein : "Airline passenger data transfers from the EU
to the United States (Passenger Name Record)" at the plenary session of the
European Parliament (12/03, Strasbourg)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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