European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 03-03-04
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] La Commission européenne va aider l'Union africaine à déployer une
mission d'observation du cessez-le-feu au Burundi
[02] Les possibilités d'éducation et de formation en Europe à portée de
clic sur une souris d'ordinateur: le portail PLOTEUS sera lancé demain
[03] Company taxation: Commission launches public consultations on EU
company tax reform
[04] Colombia: Commissioner Patten supports UN good offices
[05] Commission adopts control measures to contain avian influenza outbreak
in the Netherlands
[06] Commission grants €420,000 in humanitarian aid to the victims of
Cyclone Ami in the Fiji Islands
[07] December 2002 compared to December 2001 - Volume of retail trade down
by 1.9% in euro-zone; EU15 down by 0.7%
[08] Janvier 2003 - Le chômage dans la zone euro en hausse à 8,6%; l'UE15
en hausse à 7,9%
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 04/03/2003
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 04/03/2003
[01] La Commission européenne va aider l'Union africaine à déployer une
mission d'observation du cessez-le-feu au Burundi
La Commission européenne a décidé aujourd'hui de contribuer à la mise en
place d'une mission d'observation de l'Union africaine (UA) appelée à
surveiller le respect du cessez-le-feu au Burundi, grâce à une subvention
de 1,23 million d'euros destinée à financer la constitution et le
fonctionnement de la mission durant six mois. Cette mission suivra la mise
en œuvre des accords de cessez-le-feu signés à la fin de 2002 entre le
gouvernement provisoire du Burundi et les principaux groupes de rebelles.
Compte tenu de l'actualité récente du Burundi, il est devenu urgent de
déployer les observateurs de l'UA le plus tôt possible. La Commission
européenne en appelle à toutes les parties burundaises concernées pour
qu'elles respectent les accords et renouent un dialogue sans attendre. Sa
contribution illustre le soutien apporté au processus de paix au Burundi et
la priorité que la Commission européenne accorde au rétablissement de la
paix et de la sécurité dans ce pays et dans la région des Grands Lacs en
général. http://europa.eu.int/comm/external_relations/cpcm/cp.htm
[02] Les possibilités d'éducation et de formation en Europe à portée de
clic sur une souris d'ordinateur: le portail PLOTEUS sera lancé demain
J'aimerais m'installer en Italie pour y étudier l'architecture: quel est le
moyen le plus simple de découvrir les solutions envisageables et les
possibilités existantes? Je dois partir habiter en Suède avec ma famille,
où puis-je trouver des informations sur son système éducatif pour mes
enfants? Les réponses à toutes ces questions et bien d'autres peuvent être
trouvées via le nouveau portail Internet PLOTEUS de l'Union européenne
(www.ploteus.net), destiné à permettre aux personnes intéressées d'accéder
à des informations détaillées sur l'éducation et la formation en Europe. Ce
portail sur les possibilités d'éducation et de formation dans l'ensemble de
l'espace européen (PLOTEUS, qui signifie «navigateur» en grec ancien) sera
lancé à Bruxelles par Viviane Reding, le commissaire européen chargé de
l'éducation, le 5 mars.
[03] Company taxation: Commission launches public consultations on EU
company tax reform
The European Commission has launched open consultations on two projects in
the field of EU company taxation. One concerns the possibility of using
International Accounting Standards (IAS) as a starting point to develop an
EU-wide consolidated tax base for companies. The other involves a "Home
State Taxation" pilot project for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs),
which would allow an SME to account for its EU-wide profits in one tax
declaration which it would submit to the Member State where its main seat
is located. This exploratory work follows the Commission Company Tax
Communication and study of 23 October 2001 (see IP/01/1468). The aim is to
find solutions that would address the tax obstacles and inefficiencies
resulting from the operation of fifteen different sets of tax rules in the
EU. More information, including consultation documents setting out options
and the various technical considerations involved in the two proposals, is
available on the Europa website at: http://europa.eu.int/comm/taxation_customs/taxation/consultations_en.htm
[04] Colombia: Commissioner Patten supports UN good offices
Chris PATTEN, Commissioner for External Relations met the UN Secretary
General Special Adviser on Colombia, Mr. James LEMOYNE this morning. They
exchanged views on the situation and on the respective roles of the EU and
the UN in this country. Said Commissioner PATTEN: 'I fully support the UN
good offices in Colombia, and consider as very important that the
international community be united behind the UN to seek a negotiated
solution to the conflict. We will continue to work closely with UN agencies
on the ground, in particular to improve the appalling human rights and
humanitarian situation.' Commissioner PATTEN will visit Colombia in May in
order to express the support of the EU to the Colombian government's
efforts to improve the rule of law and seek a peaceful settlement of the
conflict. He will meet Colombian officials, representatives of the civil
society and EC assistance implementing partners.
[05] Commission adopts control measures to contain avian influenza outbreak
in the Netherlands
Following a suspected outbreak of avian influenza in the Netherlands on 28
February, the Commission adopted a Decision today to reinforce the control
measures already put in place by the Dutch authorities. Avian influenza is
a highly contagious poultry disease that can cause severe economic damage
to the poultry industry.
[06] Commission grants €420,000 in humanitarian aid to the victims of
Cyclone Ami in the Fiji Islands
The European Commission has granted €420,000 in humanitarian aid for the
people of Fiji Islands affected by Cyclone Ami in January. The funds will
be directed through the Commission's Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO), which
comes under the responsibility of Commissioner Poul Nielson. The objective
of this funding decision is to help people whose homes have been destroyed
or damaged by providing them with essential non-food items. It will also
restore and improve access to clean drinking water in rural areas and
repair some damaged schools. Over 130,000 people were affected when
Tropical Cyclone Ami hit Fiji in the early morning of 14 January,
destroying homes and flooding parts of the South Pacific Archipelago with
winds of up to 185km/h. A state of disaster was declared as around 8,000
houses, crops and infrastructure including schools, communications and
electricity supply were damaged or destroyed. Heavy rainfall led to
landslides and intensive flooding, including dangerous flash floods. (for
more information: M. Curtis tel: 296 5932 fax: 296 3067)
[07] December 2002 compared to December 2001 - Volume of retail trade down
by 1.9% in euro-zone; EU15 down by 0.7%
In December 2002, compared to December 2001, the volume of retail trade
decreased by 1.9% in the euro-zone and by 0.7% in the EU15, Eurostat
estimates today. Compared to November 2002, sales fell by 1.1% in the euro-
zone and by 0.9% in the EU15. In December 2002, compared to December 2001,
retail trade of "food, drinks and tobacco" contracted by 0.3% in the euro-
zone but rose by 0.2% in the EU15. The non food sector decreased by 2.8% in
the euro-zone and by 1.0% in the EU15.
[08] Janvier 2003 - Le chômage dans la zone euro en hausse à 8,6%; l'UE15
en hausse à 7,9%
Le taux de chômage de la zone euro, corrigé des variations saisonnières,
s'élevait à 8,6% en janvier 2003, par rapport à 8,5% en décembre, selon les
données publiées aujourd'hui par Eurostat. Il était de 8,1% en janvier
2002. Le taux de chômage de l'UE15 s'élevait à 7,9% en janvier 2003,
comparé à 7,8% en décembre3. Il était de 7,4% en janvier 2002. En janvier
2003, les taux les plus bas ont été enregistrés au Luxembourg (2,7%), aux
Pays-Bas (3,1% en décembre), en Autriche (4,1%), en Irlande (4,5%) et au
Danemark (4,7% en décembre). Le taux de chômage de l'Espagne (12,1%) est
resté le plus élevé de l'UE.
[09] Autre matériel diffusé
Speech by Commissioner Verheugen at the Enlargment Seminar with UK
Parliamentarians on "EU membership, a driving force in the reform process"
Speech by Commissioner Diamantopoulou at the EAC Conference "Gender
Equality and Europe's Future" Speech by Commissioner Bolkestein at the
Centre for European Policy Studies on "The Take-over Directive: a
Commission perspective" Speech by Commissioner Reding at the closing
session of the Conference on Gender Equality and Europe's future -
"Reinforcing gender equality: the challenge for the EU constitution"
(embargo 18h00) Note on the result of the Competitiveness Council (for more
information see: MEMO/03/47 - J. Todd - Tel. 2994107)
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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