European Commission Spokesman's Briefing for 02-11-13
From: EUROPA, the European Commission Server at <http://europa.eu.int>
[01] Prévisions économiques de la Commission 2002-2004 pour la zone euro et
[02] Commission autumn economic forecasts 2002-2004 for the Candidate
[03] Solidarity Fund : Commission proposes €728 million for German,
Austrian, Czech and French regions hit by flooding
[04] Dans son sixième rapport sur la construction navale, la Commission met
en évidence un grave fléchissement de l'activité et le maintien de
distorsions sur le marché
[05] Commission proposes funding for administrative preparations for
enlargement during 2003
[06] Commission proposes roadmaps to help Bulgaria and Romania on their way
to EU membership
[07] Commission launches investigation into possible aid for a further five
Land banks in Germany
[08] Commission reduces proposed aid for new caprolactam plant in Schwedt,
[09] La Commission autorise une aide au sauvetage exceptionnelle en faveur
de Bull
[10] Maritime transport : Commission clears fiscal measures applicable to
seafarers on board Danish Vessels
[11] Commission approves four aid schemes to Italian fisheries sector
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[12] "Alarming increase in diabetes in the EU", warns David Byrne
[13] Business organisations join the Commission in growing call for urgent
hike in research spending
[14] Deuxième notification des données relatives au déficit et à la dette
en 2001 - déficit public de la Grèce à 1,2% du PIB et dette publique à 107,
0% du PIB
[15] Commission and US conclude negotiations on new cereal import regime
[16] Clôture des négociations entre la Commission et le Canada sur un
nouveau régime d'importation de céréales
[17] Trade in services : EU launches public consultation on requests for
access to the EU market
[18] Autre matériel diffusé
Midday Express 13/11/2002
TXT: FR ENPDF:DOC:Midday Express 13/11/2002[I] Résultats de la Commission
de ce jour - Outcome of today's Commission meeting
[01] Prévisions économiques de la Commission 2002-2004 pour la zone euro et
En recul durant le dernier trimestre de l'année passée, l'activité
économique a redémarré dans la zone euro et dans l'Union européenne au
cours du premier trimestre de cette année, mais n'a pu s'accélérer par la
suite. La poursuite de la contraction de l'investissement et la faiblesse
de la consommation privée, dans un contexte de montée des incertitudes, ont
empêché le redressement prometteur du commerce international de rejaillir
sur la demande intérieure. La reprise a été beaucoup plus lente que prévu,
et le taux de croissance moyen en 2002 dans la zone euro est estimé à 0,8%
; il devrait atteindre seulement 1,8% en 2003. Ce n'est qu'à partir de la
seconde moitié de cette année-là que la croissance devrait s'accélérer, si
la confiance revient, les prix pétroliers se relâchent et les marchés
boursiers restent stables. La hausse du taux de chômage demeure elle
limitée et temporaire, mais le taux d'inflation tarde à baisser. Du fait de
la détérioration de la situation économique et d'un assouplissement de la
politique budgétaire, le déficit des administrations publiques devrait se
creuser pour atteindre 2,3% du PIB en 2002 dans la zone euro (1,9% du PIB
dans l'ensemble de l'UE), et ne pas s'améliorer beaucoup l'année prochaine.
[02] Commission autumn economic forecasts 2002-2004 for the Candidate
Candidate countries have, on average, sustained solid growth despite the
worsened international economic climate. Economic growth has only slightly
slowed down during 2002. Due to strong domestic demand, most candidate
countries showed resilience and the extent of the slowdown remained
limited. In the current year, growth should amount to 2.1% for the ten
acceding economies and 2.9% for all candidate countries. This represents a
slight downward revision from the Spring forecast. An expected return to
normal external and domestic developments should allow to reach average
growth of close to and beyond 4% in 2003 and 2004. Lower international
commodity prices and weaker growth have contributed to a further fall in
inflation in 2002. The expected further slowdown of inflation in 2003 and
2004 will be mainly the result of policy efforts to reduce inflation in the
high-inflation countries Romania and Turkey. Over the forecasting period,
employment losses due to continued enterprise restructuring should be
progressively compensated by higher employment creation and should lead to
a slightly improved overall labour market situation up to 2004. The
acceleration of export demand in 2003 and 2004 should prevent a significant
deterioration of external balances, even with strong domestic demand.
General government deficits remain relatively high as the combined result
of lower growth and counter-cyclical fiscal policies in some countries in
the early years and high transition-related expenditures over the whole
forecasting period.
[03] Solidarity Fund : Commission proposes €728 million for German,
Austrian, Czech and French regions hit by flooding
The European Commission has proposed to grant €728 million to help relieve
damage caused by this summer's heavy floods. The first use of the newly
created European Union Solidarity Fund would free up €444 million for
Germany, €134 million for Austria, €129 million for the Czech Republic and
€21 million for France. The Solidarity Fund was set up in the space of
three months to allow for rapid financial assistance in the event of a
major disaster and is now fully in place. The Fund can be used, among other
things, to restore vital infrastructure and equipment. Today's proposals
require the approval of the European Parliament and the Council in their
role as Budgetary Authority to allow the Commission to start the payments
before the end of this year.
[04] Dans son sixième rapport sur la construction navale, la Commission met
en évidence un grave fléchissement de l'activité et le maintien de
distorsions sur le marché
Les difficultés auxquelles est confrontée la construction navale mondiale
s'aggravent, comme le démontre la forte baisse des commandes de nouveaux
navires dans les grandes régions de construction navale durant les six
premiers mois de l'année 2002, constate la Commission européenne dans son
sixième rapport sur la situation de la construction navale dans le monde.
Dans ce rapport, elle note qu'en raison de l'offre excédentaire dans le
passé, du ralentissement économique généralisé et des effets du 11
septembre, les commandes ont fortement chuté. En conséquence, les chantiers
navals commencent à manquer de travail et un certain nombre de faillites et
de licenciements ont déjà eu lieu, surtout en Europe. Sur ce marché en
contraction, les chantiers européens sont également menacés par les prix
déloyaux pratiqués par certains concurrents.
[05] Commission proposes funding for administrative preparations for
enlargement during 2003
Preparation for enlargement is both a political and administrative priority
for the European Commission in 2003. The 2003 budget must provide the
necessary resources for the administrative preparations for enlargement. To
ensure this, while respecting the budgetary constraints on administrative
expenditure in the Financial Perspective, the Commission today took steps
to implement the European Parliament's proposal to "frontload" some
expenditure this year. Following an agreement reached in July between the
Commission, the Council and the Parliament, the Commission today adopted a
Preliminary Draft Supplementary and Amending Budget, allowing some
administrative expenditure initially planned for 2003 for each of the EU
institutions to be budgeted this year, thus providing the necessary finance
for additional posts in next year's budget.
[06] Commission proposes roadmaps to help Bulgaria and Romania on their way
to EU membership
As it had proposed on 9 October in its Strategy Paper and as requested by
the European Council in Brussels on 24-25 October, the European Commission
today presented roadmaps for Bulgaria and Romania to support the efforts of
these two candidate countries to achieve their objective of joining the
European Union in 2007. The purpose of the roadmaps is to indicate the main
steps that they need to take to be ready for membership. They identify in
detail the tasks ahead, with a particular emphasis on administrative and
judicial capacity necessary to implement the acquis and on economic reform.
To support these efforts, the Commission is also proposing a considerable
progressive increase in the European Union's financial assistance. The
roadmaps will be submitted to the Council of Ministers and to the European
Council in Copenhagen on 12-13 December.
[07] Commission launches investigation into possible aid for a further five
Land banks in Germany
The European Commission has initiated the formal investigation procedure in
another five cases of capital and asset transfers to Land banks in Germany
(Landesbank Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburgische Landesbank, Norddeutsche
Landesbank, Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen and Bayerische Landesbank). In the
course of the 1990s these banks received from their Land authorities
capital deposits in the form of transfers of Land assets such as mortgage
credit bodies. The deposits increased the Land banks' own funds, the level
of which crucially determines their lending capacity. An increase in own
funds thus allowed the Land banks to expand their lending substantially.
Private banks, which have to raise capital on the capital market on normal
market terms, had complained that the Länder concerned made available
capital of their own on more favourable terms. The lower costs of financing
own funds conferred on the Land banks a significant competitive advantage.
According to a preliminary assessment by the Commission, the Land banks had
not paid an appropriate remuneration for the capital transferred.
Accordingly, the Commission does not at the moment rule out the possibility
that the Land banks received aid and that competition was distorted to
their advantage.
[08] Commission reduces proposed aid for new caprolactam plant in Schwedt,
The European Commission decided that part of the aid proposed by Germany in
favour of the Capro Schwedt GmbH for the construction of a new caprolactam
complex exceeds the maximum amount allowable under the specific rules for
regional state aid to large investment projects. Germany may subsidise the
project with up to 21.00% of the investment costs, i.e. to the amount of
roughly €69.5 million, instead of the initially notified 28% aid intensity
corresponding to €92.7 million.
[09] La Commission autorise une aide au sauvetage exceptionnelle en faveur
de Bull
La Commission européenne a approuvé une aide au sauvetage d'un montant de
450 millions d'€ en faveur de Bull, un fabricant français de produits
informatiques. Cette décision met un terme à la procédure ouverte le 9
avril 2002. L'aide a été autorisée conformément aux lignes directrices
communautaires pour les aides d'Etat au sauvetage et à la restructuration
des entreprises en difficulté. La Commission a vérifié que toutes les
conditions prévues par ces lignes directrices étaient remplies - le prêt de
sauvetage est accordé aux taux du marché, il devra être remboursé dans un
délai de douze mois, il est justifié par des raisons sociales aiguës et se
borne dans son montant à ce qui est nécessaire pour l'exploitation de
l'entreprise pendant une période de six mois. Etant donné que Bull a déjà
bénéficié d'une aide à la restructuration pendant la période 1993-94,
aucune nouvelle aide de ce type ne peut lui être accordée pendant une durée
de 10 ans à compter de la fin de la période de restructuration 1993-94.
Ceci signifie que Bull ne pourra recevoir d'aide supplémentaire à la
restructuration avant la fin de 2004.
[10] Maritime transport : Commission clears fiscal measures applicable to
seafarers on board Danish Vessels
The European Commission has decided to approve the Danish income tax
reduction measures for seafarers on board Danish vessels registered either
in the ordinary register (DAS) or in the second register (DIS).
[11] Commission approves four aid schemes to Italian fisheries sector
The European Commission has approved four aid schemes aimed at compensating
Italian fishermen who had to temporarily cease their fishing activities in
2000, 2001 and 2002. Two of the schemes were subject to a formal
investigation procedure by the Commission. The first one related to aid for
fishermen and shellfish producers affected by the presence of mucilage in
the Adriatic in 2000. The second one concerned technical stoppages to
protect fish resources in the Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas, also in 2000.
They amounted to €29.1 million in the Adriatic and €1.5 million in the
Tyrrhenian and Ionian Seas. The other two aid schemes, which had been set
up within the framework of a plan for the protection of aquatic resources,
related to aid for temporary cessation of activities in 2001 and 2002 to
allow fish stocks to grow. These two schemes totalled €13.9 million for
2000 and €10 million for 2002. The Commission considers these four aid
schemes compatible with Internal Market rules.
[II] Other news - Autres nouvelles
[12] "Alarming increase in diabetes in the EU", warns David Byrne
To mark World Diabetes Day on 14 November, European Health and Consumer
Protection Commissioner David Byrne warned of an alarming rise in diabetes
in the European Union. "The estimated prevalence of diabetes has increased
by nearly 20% over the past decade. This represents a major public health
challenge for the EU and its Member States. The new EU public health action
programme for 2003-2008 will enhance the ability to track and analyse
disease trends. The Commission will play a positive role in helping Member
States analyse why this alarming rise in diabetes has occurred, and how it
can be addressed". The EU is already funding projects looking at two of the
main risk factors for diabetes : diet and physical exercise. For
information on these projects see : http://europa.eu.int/comm/health/ph/programmes/health/pub/index_en.html.
This year's Diabetes Day focuses on the theme "Your eyes and diabetes:
Don't lose sight of the risks". For information on World Diabetes Day and
events being organised to mark it, including an event in the European
Parliament by the International Diabetes Federation on 19-21 November, see:
[13] Business organisations join the Commission in growing call for urgent
hike in research spending
European business leaders today added their voices to calls for increased
research efforts to strengthen EU competitiveness, economic growth and
employment. The call came during a panel discussion in the framework of the
"Research 2002" conference in Brussels organised by the Union of Industrial
and Employers' Confederations in Europe (UNICE) on "Challenges for lifting
European R&D expenditure from 1.9% to 3% of GDP". The 3% objective was set
by the March 2002 Barcelona European Council. The panel featured European
Research Commissioner Philippe Busquin; UNICE President Georges Jacobs;
Michel Deleau, Director at the European Investment Bank (EIB); Daniel
Janssen, Chairman of the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT)
Competitiveness Working Group; Fred von Dewall Chief Economist of the ING
Group; and Yannis Tzavaras, General Manager of new ventures at Intracom.
[14] Deuxième notification des données relatives au déficit et à la dette
en 2001 - déficit public de la Grèce à 1,2% du PIB et dette publique à 107,
0% du PIB
La Grèce a transmis à la Commission européenne, début novembre 2002, une
notification révisée de ses données relatives au déficit public et à la
dette publique pour les années 2000 et 2001. Ces données révisées,
vérifiées par Eurostat, sont le résultat des discussions bilatérales tenues
récemment à Luxembourg et à Athènes entre Eurostat et les autorités
grecques, suite aux réserves émises par l'Office statistique sur les
données notifiées par la Grèce en septembre 2002 (voir le communiqué de
presse 116/2002 du 30 septembre 2002).
[15] Commission and US conclude negotiations on new cereal import regime
The European Commission and the United States have agreed on a new regime
for imports of medium and low quality wheat, and barley. For medium and low
quality wheat a tariff rate quota (TRQ) of 2,981,600t will be open,
starting on 1 January 2003. The US will benefit from a country allocation
of 572,000t. The duty will be 12€/t in the quota. Outside the quota the
duty will be kept unchanged at 95€/t. For barley one quota of 50,000t will
be open for malting barley, with a duty of 8€/t, and another quota of 300,
000t with a duty of 16€/t will be open for other barley. Outside the quotas
the current duty of 93€/t will be kept unchanged. Both quotas will start on
1 January 2003 as well. For all the other cereals, the current system to
calculate EU import duties, which takes US Commodity Exchange quotations as
representative for world cereal market prices, remains in place. The deal
has still to be approved by the EU Member States.
[16] Clôture des négociations entre la Commission et le Canada sur un
nouveau régime d'importation de céréales
Au terme de négociations couronnées de succès qui ont été menées au titre
de l'article XXVIII du GATT, la Commission européenne et le Canada se sont
mis d'accord sur un nouveau régime d'importation de blé de moyenne et basse
qualité et d'orge. A compter du 1er janvier 2003, un contingent tarifaire
de 2.981.600 tonnes sera ouvert pour le type de blé susmentionné. Le Canada
et les USA bénéficieront respectivement d'une allocation par pays de 38.000
et 572.000 tonnes, le reste du contingent étant ouvert à d'autres
importateurs. Le droit sera de 12 €/tonne dans les limites du contingent.
En dehors de ce dernier, le droit demeurera fixé à 95 €/tonne. L'accord est
soumis à l'approbation des Etats membres de l'UE. En ce qui concerne l'orge,
il est prévu d'ouvrir un contingent de 50.000 tonnes pour l'orge maltée,
avec un droit de 8 €/tonne, ainsi qu'un contingent de 300.000 tonnes pour
les autres variétés, avec un droit de 16 €/tonne. En dehors des contingents,
le droit actuel de 93 €/tonne sera maintenu. Les deux contingents seront
également ouverts le 1er janvier 2003. La Commission entamera à présent des
consultations avec la Russie et l'Ukraine qui exportent des céréales vers
l'UE mais ne sont pas encore membres de l'OMC. Pour toutes les autres
céréales, l'actuel système de calcul des droits communautaires à
l'importation reste applicable.
[17] Trade in services : EU launches public consultation on requests for
access to the EU market
In the context of the on-going negotiations under the Doha Development
Agenda, and with a view to preparing the EU's initial offer to be submitted
next March, the EU is now launching a wide public consultation on the
requests from other WTO members for improved access to the EU services
market. European Trade Commissioner Pascal Lamy indicated : "Since I took
office in 1999 I have been committed to being transparent and to engage in
a continuous dialogue with all interested parties on trade issues. It is
only if we have a broad debate with all stakeholders about the issues, real
or perceived, raised by trade liberalisation that we can garner the support
necessary for carrying these important negotiations to a successful
conclusion. This consultation is part of my commitment to transparency and
dialogue and is aimed at seeking public input into how the EU should
respond in its initial offer to the request it has received from third
countries. I therefore invite all interested parties to study this document
and let us know their views on the issues at stake before 10 January 2003."
[18] Autre matériel diffusé
Declarations by Chris Patten at the European Parliament Development
Committee (12/11)
Questions et réponses sur les sous-produits animaux
Note sur la préparation du Conseil Compétitivité
From EUROPA, the European Commission Server at http://europa.eu.int/
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